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The Emperor of Beasts edition

previous: >>4801361

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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>timmothy hay
So how come my particular bun barely touches the stuff if it's supposed to be so great?
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Give orchard a shot anon! My rabbits will clear house with that and didn’t enjoy Timothy as much
do bunnies even like carrots?
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>do bunnies even like carrots?
My 3 young purebred don't like fruits and vegetables.
My mixed rabbits like carrots, banana, dandelion, pear and apple.
All of them eat rabbit pellets and raw wheat.
I also give them pure alfalfa pellets, mainly because I don't think they eat enough hay.
How old is the bunny? If still young maybe mix a very little bit of alfalfa hay and then slowly wean them off to just timothy
Literally just give them the timothy hay.

Here's your fucking food. Eat it or don't.

They WILL eat it eventually.
>>Here's your fucking food. Eat it or don't.
>doesn't eat it
>eats nothing
>dies from stasis
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Wish I had one. Cuddly little friends.
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pov: u just posted cringe
POV I just posted smores
Even rabbits aren't THAT retarded, right?
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Maybe pet bunnies if they're absolutely convinced the dumb human will give in and feed them the good stuff eventually even if they accidentally starve themselves to death
This. A bunny is only as retarded as the human that cares for them.
Thread theme.

Mine does. Put carrot anywhere near him, he will adorably rip it from your hand and run to one of his hidey holes to devour it.

How do you deal with that many buns?

Stealing this bun and smoochin' its nose daily.

Somehow even without the floofy fuzz, they are still so koot.
This rabbit looks very happy
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Some pig.
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Well, this turns out to be one of the very last pics of my special little guy. It was a wonderful but short time. We were doing great, but he got out of the back yard again and this time didn't make it back alive. I spent my morning giving him a proper burial and contemplating if I should try to get another one anytime soon or not. (Obviously after making damn sure the gaps in the fence cannot be reopened.)

I really want to do my best to figure out why he died, though. I couldn't look at his face directly for long, but it did look like maybe [spoiler]an eye had fallen out of its socket, indicating maybe a predator attack, but then why would said predator not have eaten him?[/spoiler] But I couldn't be sure, and I seeing his lifeless body was hard no matter what, so I didn't need to make it worse by looking too closely. Come to think of it, I also didn't see the side of him that was touching the ground, but I also didn't see any blood on the ground either. Could be something like maybe a fox tried to eat him and broke a bone in the neck area but without much blood somehow. Could be the blood was on the side touching the ground and it had dried before he fell.

Are there any plants that are poisonous to rabbits that they'll eat anyway somehow not knowing it's harmful? I know they aren't supposed to eat onion greens, but I made sure he never ate any of my onion greens. He just ignored them and I never saw any bite marks.

He was also three years old so it could just have been some random middle aged bunny disease.) The two other possibilities that come to mind is maybe malnutrition (he wouldn't eat much hay and maybe he needed to) or dehydration by way of not remembering where the water was. I noticed most water bowls were empty, but one was not, and even if he forgot where the last water bowl was, I don't think enough time really passed to outright die from lack of water. Only at most 12 hours or so passed between me seeing him alive and not alive.

Hypotheses, guys?
3 years isn't old enough to suggest a death of middle or old age, that would be like a 30-33 year old human. why would you let him outside again unsupervised after he already got out once?
>an eye had fallen out of its socket, indicating maybe a predator attack, but then why would said predator not have eaten him?
maybe someone hit him over the head
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fat fuck
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I had a 30 day pregnant rabbit die on me suddenly. I gave her more than enough timothy hay and pellets and constant access to water. I even had two fans creating air circulation to cool off the area.

Is it possible it was just too much for her system and she heat stroked out while going into labor? We had a real cool start to the summer and we didn't see any 90°F plus days until last week. It was her first litter. I'm a little shaken up and upset. I checked on her frequently, checked once and she was ok, came back 2 hours later and she was stiff and half way into her nest box.
I love how this interaction is a rare case of both animals putting on a dominance display and doing so in perfect harmony.
Bro, it's a rabbit. They are pretty much programmed to die from anything, even if it's nothing
He expressed no interest in getting out again after the first week, and they really aren't meant to be indoor pets. He had constant access to indoors too, and seemed to be having fun with it. I wonder if he just suddenly got bored and wanted to expand his turf even more in spite of the danger of it.

If so, I hope they get cut in half by a cyber truck. No person with a soul would ever harm something so sweet and innocent.

Good sweet happy alive loppy floppy boy. Sure wish I still had one of those. Now I just have a tiny grave in the front garden...

Which reminds me, what type of beautiful plant should I grow on top of him?

Oof, I know a fraction of your pain. Has to be even sadder to lose a pregnant doe, though. As much as I loved my floppy boy, he was still just a random inferior male. But he was MY little fluffy loser.

God, it is so true. I literally had a super happy hoppy booboo bun one day and the next day just a stiff inanimate body looking like it froze right in the middle of a jump. (Oh boy, wonder if maybe he miscalculated a dangerous jump even?)

My poor little bunbun, though... this is really going to take some time to get over. Seeing him hop around the makeshift bun run in the backyard was such a joy. Especially those floppy ears going up and down as he hopped about. Sweet fuzzy ears that will likely be part of the Earth again in a week...
>they really aren't meant to be indoor pets
I'm sorry but that is just completely wrong to say. Domesticated rabbits are indoor pets... They're not the same as wild rabbits. It's fine for them to be outside safely when supervised and in proper conditions but you should not have been letting him out on his own with means to escape, especially when he's gotten out before. Domesticated rabbits have no survival skills when they're on their own which is exactly why yours died. There's a huge difference between domestic (pets) and wild animals.

You keep searching for reasons as to why he may have died like >>4817584 but it's plainly a result of your ignorance and irresponsibility.

Thank you for saying it. I've been trying my best to avoid this whole reply chain because I couldn't trust myself to say it respectfully. This person seems like they're operating on last-century knowledge of rabbit care, from back when rabbits were not seen as pets and we humans were simply clueless on what to do with them.
To the anon who lost your bunny today, I'm incredibly sorry for your loss. But please do your research and educate yourself on how to keep animals in your care safe. There is almost never a scenario where a good pet owner is oblivious to how their pet dies.
This has to be a long form troll attempt to derail the thread. There is actually no way somebody is this retarded and self unaware about owning a pet rabbit despite supposedly owning one for years? Literally every preconception you have about rabbit ownership is wrong and you are at fault for your rabbits death in every way. I'm pretty sure you're just inventing a scenario and using the most annoying, insufferable Reddit sounding language to get reactions and negative attention from the regular posters here though. In the case of either scenario, I hope you can look yourself in the mirror one day and realize that you're living a very dishonest and pitiful life
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>your post is insufferable faggoty redditshit!
My man, where do you think you are? This is a general for people who have bunnies for pets, for God's sake. Get some self-awareness please.

>>4817584 probably shouldn't have let it free roam if he expected it to have a long life, but he's also clearly not at fault. This is just nature, and it is literally a rabbit's nature to die at the drop of a hat. There is nothing more natural in His world.
Yeah, I think you're right. Definitely that schizo from the last thread.
NTA and i would agree if it were a wild animal but the “this is how nature works” excuse is meaningless when it comes to pets. they rely on us, it was his fault.
Very cute but whoever the owner of that rabbit is needs to clean up the rabbit droppings
I imagine it gets kind of tiresome to constantly do that when it’s so frequent but yes
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love these lil guys bros I think about them constantly
y a tesla
>Still wrong
lmao u mad bro?
You're probably going to trigger him into another long ass schizo rant.
Because it's what out of touch morons like that poster who've been brainwashed by modern pussy-ass culture drive.

Little brainwashed babby retard doesn't have the attention span to read a paragraph, mm hmm, typical.
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Well whoever said that poster was the schizo from last thread called it. Just report and hide posts instead of giving him attention.
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>Joke's on you I'm into that shit
Would it be a good idea to catch a wild rabbit to breed with one I bought from an animal market? I want to create a new trend of smashed and slammed.
Nigga, that only applys to women. Spending all fay in a apartment or w/e can fuck your brain up.
What was it lmao
100%. OP fed the schizos a few threads ago and now it's ruined for the foreseeable future
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what did they mean by this
>There's ergot in our grains
>Brother Alfred, I've just had the most incredible vision
>Praise God
It was this guy >>4818459 who looks like he's about to get banned and have his posts deleted (again), lmao.

>still mad
lmao please keep going. Your rage is hilarious.
They had a different way of behaving back then…
new stonetoss!
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My liege...
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This character is locked until you reach level 12.
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Absolutely adorable. Not even memeing. I wonder if a rabbit's skin is as soft as their fur, it would make sense, right?
This rabbit is very friendly
I don't understand why all my bunnies want to eat shitty straw instead of good hay.
photograph the hay, i will determine if it is good
photograph the straw, i will determine if it is shitty
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The duality of man...
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Love yourself. You're a worthy wonderful person who just wisely believes that the truth has to be written down by an educated individual who spent a 10 year term in an accredited institution known as a university. Be kind. Humans are the only animals meant to spend most of their time growing in fellowship with one another, and that's because we are beautiful noble little BRETHREN that can't actually deal in the giving up at the first sight of danger. We are supposed to be being eaten by dinosaurs left and right, but because they went extinct, we've become the most intelligent, creative, deservedly advanced beings ever to inhabit this planet. Raising rabbits to feel safe and loved is correct and makes them jump for joy. It's just more of the most caring, exception species, the wondrous and admirable human, lifting other creatures up to his amazingly far above level to have preserve those which would otherwise be lost to history. Have a wonderful day.
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I had a bunny named Darcy when I was a little kid, she would stomp to warn our chickens and geese when hawks were flying over.
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divinely inspired post
the new straw looks good, but the timothy hay looks a little dry; my rabbits like hay that is slightly greener and thicker than that
would you say it smells strong and fresh?
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Yes it the hay has a nice smell.
I feed them these 2 types of pellets.
They also get raw wheat. Not something that should be in a normal rabbit diet but I can see they really crave it when the bowl is refilled.
Take away the straw. They will eat the hay.
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No. Suffering is the way. I am a warrior. That’s why i shotgun down hawks while watching my outdoor buns. Man STRONG!
RIP gajumaru you would've loved this reverse copypasta
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I love it. I love your rabbit.
The home depot boomer fears the rabbit chad
Telling me to have a great day would be less shitty if the rabbit wasn't sitting on the carpet from The Shining.
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Her mother? How old is she? I assume she lives with her if you expect her to do something
>pretend transgender
as opposed to..?
>Take away the straw. They will eat the hay.
I see.
From now on, I will likely stop buying straw.
Straw was only supposed to be used as bedding and toilet, not food.
Instead I will buy more hay and spinach.
Maybe I have to source future hay from another place, I still don't understand why they don't like normal timothy. It is commonly acknowledged that all rabbits eat lots of hay all day, making up about 80%.jt0nvy
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Extremely based
How aggressive are rabbits? I had two males and one killed the other despite being super nice to humans.
Grown ones can (and do) kill baby ones with relative ease. Sometimes eats them too
they didn't bond and you ignored warning signs
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I had 2 rabbits yesterday but I checked today and now I have a rabbit and an oversized rat. Does anyone know how this could have happened???
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We need to breed bunnies to have stronger spines so we can carry them like cats.
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turn and face the strange..
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They are multiplying in my backyard.
My yard is always infested with cottontails
I don't even know what they are. I'm living next to a forest in poland, don't know what native species of assholes we have here. I see them occasionally in the gardens around here hopping from one bush to another.
They're very territorial. Rabbit bonding is one of the most talked about subjects among rabbit owners.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Just had to kill this little chick that my cat almost killed. Fuck.
think you are posting in the wrong thread brother
is he gonna be okay
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You are blessed!
My sister always told me Rabbits are bad pets, they are mean, and very stupid.
How true is this? They can't possibly be that bad.
Eating/harming buns
You have to upend your own lifestyle to keep them. You have to build a special-purpose room / encasement / cage for them. No wires or anything because they WILL chew through them and no there is no way to train them not to, it's too instinctual. They will shit everywhere you allow them to be, so expect to see droppings all over the place. They die from everything from a light breeze, to not getting enough attention. So make sure you get them a companion. But also it's very common for rabbits to not bond well and one to kill another suddenly. Their spines are like brittle candy and the lightest bite from another rabbit can kill or cripple them. They are definitely extremely low on the cognitive scale as well, yes. Whether they are "mean" or not is sort of a lottery.
I have my doubts that this guy has even ever had a rabbit.

Like most animals, they require more responsibility than pretty much anyone is prepared to give. Rabbits aren't cuddly rocks. They require stimulation and care like any other pet.

Rabbits are territorial, which could be the mean part. This goes away if you're not shit at handling them (i.e. petting) and/or you just get them spayed/neutered. They can still be aggressive towards other rabbits and cats/dogs if not properly bonded/introduced. Much like how just yeeting a new cat with an established cat is a bad idea, so too is it with rabbits.

Rabbits are very smart and pretty trainable. More trainable than a cat. Not as smart as the "smart" dog breeds though. I've trained mine to come to me when called, for instance, as well as stand on two feet (my command is "up"). It's actually been easier than some dogs I've trained because not all dogs are super treat based, but ALL rabbits are super treat based.

They don't shit everywhere. They're easier to litter train than literally any other common pet as they naturally want to poop in one spot. Just put the little box in that spot. Once they get used to it, you can move the box and they will move with it. There are occasionally stray poops but if you are regularly cleaning the litter box, the amount of stray poops goes down to almost nothing, unless it's a long hair breed, in which case chance of poop sticking is higher. The dude didn't even mention marking territory with pee prior to neutering/spaying so I'm 100% convinced he's never had a rabbit now. That's a thing, btw. The pee smells a lot. The poop, not so much.

They are more fragile than cats or dogs, so it is not a great idea to mix them with either, even if you see cute videos with them together.
3 is 100% correct
2 is user error
1 depends on what you think a good pet is

They're really meant to be outdoor pets. Anyone keeping them indoors is >>4824705 this fucked. But if you can build them a secure outdoor run so they can live semi-naturally, and still socialize with them within that run, they are much happier, and so are you. Keeping rabbits is similar to keeping chickens. They do great in large runs. Some mean/lazy people keep them in little boxes. Retards keep them inside.
Ah the outdoor-only retard. Yeah don't listen to this guy.
>inb4 absolute sperg out
>nah man, dont listen to that guy, permanently sacrifice a whole room of your house to stinky bunnies
>They're really meant to be outdoor pets.
>they really aren't meant to be indoor pets.

the schizo that sperged about teslas and got his pet killed is back to shit up the thread it's so joever
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Mmmm Yes I love hanging out indoors with my indoors rabbit
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>tfw you drive your tesla home to go indoors and see your indoor rabbit waiting for you, indoors
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Is this you?
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Thanks for the info! I kind of assumed they would guinea pigs with extra steps.
I don't know if I'm still all that particularly interested in rabbits myself, although if I ever got one it would be a flemish giant rabbit.
Something about a beeg rabbit feels right
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>tfw you drive your rabbit home to go indoors to see your indoor tesla waiting for you, indoors
>yhn face
I noticed one of my boys makes an adorable squeaky sound when he drinks water. Anyone else witness this phenomenon? Wonder what it is.
That doesn’t make sense
so true
he ded
I bet it feels like a fuzzy peach
based schizo repellant
i hear it sometimes along with gulps
Yeah, I've always wanted a giant bun. Currently I have a Holland Lop and Lionhead, which are definitely on the smaller end. Buns are not for everyone, and it's not the easiest thing to figure out if it is.

BTW, one thing I forgot to mention is that they can also be destructive. Most people do note that they're notorious for chewing up things like cables and floorboards. This is not universal but it's extremely common. Mine do not chew my stuff, but they do chew my wife's stuff, without fail. I'm not sure why they single out only her stuff. They spend most of their time in my home office where I literally have power cords and USB cables on the ground unprotected everywhere, and they're all fine. However my wife has a shoe collection with chewed up straps larger than my entire (completely intact) shoe collection and I spend I think about $40-60 a year replacing her various Apple (lightning, sometimes power, more recently USB-C) cables.
>like pottery
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jar time
Hanging out outdoors is better for your mental health, and your rabbits mental health, and the smell in your home, and having all of the rooms in your home available for normal usage.

That doesn't mean neglect your rabbit catfag style so it dies at 3. It means build a nice, room-sized rabbit run with secure, dig-proofed, climb proofed, fencing, a roof that keeps aerial predators out, and a door so you can go in there and hang with your outdoor rabbit and take them out on leashed or supervised time.

Indoor rabbits are absolutely disgusting and I lose respect for people when I walk in and find out a quarter of their house has been turned into a shitty exotic animal enclosure. It's not good for the human OR the animal unless they got saddled with an inherited tropical parrot that rescues keep turning down and live in a northern climate.
Learn to clean your hovel regularly you lazy ass poorfag. Not even worth a (You)
>but i cleaned
At the absolute best you have totally sacrificed an entire room of your house to being rabbit proofed and possible to clean - most people don't even do it right, their rabbits are on carpet and their house fucking reeks. At the absolute best it's an inferior, hopefully temporary solution to your rabbit having their own natural safe space to play in. Acceptable for shit, rabbit unfriendly climates only. Rabbits aren't indoor pets just because they're small.
>an entire room of your house
great day to not be poor
Indoor rabbit enclosures are based. You're just cringe.
>Just build a nice, room-sized rabbit run with secure, dig-proofed, climb proofed, fencing, a roof that keeps aerial predators out, and a door bro
Holy fuck that is too much work.
its ok, responsible pet ownership isn't for everyone
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>responsible pet ownership
>adopts a PET to never let it step foot inside your home
anyway. i will continue having indoor rabbits and taking them outside for supervised hangout time every couple of days like a normal person
jar time
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when is the best time to tell a girl I like bunnies
If she doesn't like bunnies she isn't human. You should chop her up and feed her to your bunny.
Somewhere between now and yesterday.
You mean you didn't lead with that?
Right after she tells you she's thinking of cooking up a traditional german stew
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>bought a set of silent keyboard switches to make my office/bunny room quieter for the boys
>the boys start eating the box they came in
I will choose to take this as a sign of approval
You are a horrible and cringe person for having a bunny room. They are meant to live outside.
stfu already no one here agrees with your retardation
I want a toadline bunny
I'd kill anyone who tried to breed bunnies like that
>rabbits on carpet
imagine the smell
I bet this retard has an indoor dog. Your average pet is dirtier than a rabbit. Clean your home and stop sperging.
It's such low quality b8 that I assume it's someone having a go at the retard who doesn't know spit about rabbit care
dogs are clean animals (if you're not a savage)
>inb4 savages with blown minds
Correct but an indoor dog? That lives in a dogproofed room (padded due to cabin fever) and shits in a box? They’d give rabbit stench a run for its money.
Unironically, that might be the biggest difference. It's all about the shit. Rabbit shit being odorless and dry, dog shit being wet and stinky, and also with the capability to carry disease (rabbit shit cannot). That little fact makes rabbits all the more delightful to take care of and more suitable to the great indoors. The fact that they shit 30 times a day doesn't even matter, because the shits are so benign. If human shits were so frequent and so inoffensive, we'd probably leave one or two in our tracks as we go about our day as well.
>literally thinks his shit does not stink
My shits? They stink. My rabbits'? Not even a little bit.
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It's been done. Lop eared buns (even dwarf kinds like Holland Lops) aren't great genetically. They are predisposed to hearing deficiencies, and the more flat-faced ones are prone to dental disease.
Yep. Lops in general are prone to vision problems as well. Just your daily reminder that breeders are subhuman. But all breeds and mixes of rabbits are deserving of loving homes of course, it's not their fault.
They do
ok stinky
>not even trying to hide the samefagging
You've never owned a bun and never will. Take your meds.
>samefagging 20 seconds apart
>thinks he's fooling anyone
Take your meds.
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its called we do a little ignoring the fag that posts 3 times in the same minute and post a little babbit
the skeem has already claimed some…
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True and honest to God
>(rabbit shit cannot).
Wait really? Why?
Heck if I know. Might be something to do with the fact that everything they eat gets pulverized and shipped on an express route out of dodge on a stream of crude fiber. But I'm not a DVM, or even much of a biology guy. I just read the books.
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Damascus bun
He's grown too powerful!
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It munches.
By the gods...the only creature capable of facing Ultra Instinct Shaggy...
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What's /bun/s opinion on keeping Angoras for wool?
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They need to get their hair cut eventually, doesn't hurt to sell it, plus they're very soft to have around
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This rabbit looks very friendly
Soft babies.
>dogs are clean animals
i wish i can just activate comfy mode and be comfy anywhere like this bunny
animals that chomp on the feces of other animals like it's candy are not clean animals.
I love dogs. They are not clean animals. Unless you keep your dog in a purse it's going to get dirty as fuck. Stop coping you retards lmao.
Is alfalfa sweeter or something? My bunny just leaves his timothy stack and only eats when he's hungry but whenever I add some alfalfa as a lunch treat he immediately gets jumpy
Is he younger or more used to eating alfalfa? If you're trying to move him to mainly timothy (which you should if he's getting close to 6+ months old) you could mix them together and decrease the amount of alfalfa over time until it disappears.
Nah he's 2+ years old and has been primarily eating timothy. I just give a handful of alfalfa a day and he loves it
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I would have preferred something original but alright
be the change you want to see
i have searched bunny memes far and wide and for years and this was my first time seeing that meme... sorry i failed you anon
i like it because its a smores and i laugh
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It’s an edit but that’s ok :)
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i want to take a slice and spread butter om it
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She is 8 weeks old now and have just been sold
together with one of her brothers today.
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I'm glad they get to stay together. Hope they went to a loving home where they can be happy and comfy for life!
The new owner is an adult that lives in the capital. He will pay for them to be spayed or neutered, it is expensive where we live. The operation will secure their role as pets with long life expectancy (not livestock). They will be secured and protected, but will likely have space restrictions of a typical urban bunny.
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a friend of a friend of mine saw THIS in their backyard the other day. sure is splooted
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what did he see/taste??
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Rude owner took a bite out of his apple.
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I've been experimenting with rabbit poop to see how well it helps the soil, so far it's pretty good and there's no smell. Downside is that whilst attempting to scoop up the poop my rabbit goes on attack mode for some reason.
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Puff sleps
His own poop.
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Gotta fluff up the bed first.
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a little late, but i still miss you , my friend
>very stupid
my friend literally knew how to blackmail me
>give her hay and lettuce
>some day i found her plate full
>go to the vet
>nothing wrong
>alright, whats happening here
>give her apple and pellets
>start eating like crazy
since that day, she knew that i would change her food anytime she wanted
high speed relaxation
He looks like a chinchilla. :3
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The only good San Franciscan
I played Inkulinati and it was very fun
Wouldn't a rabbit at a sports game be terrified and basically in a state of shock

I just think back to all the dramatic failures with animal mascots where they were either noticeably bothered or shut down from the stress
lower your tone when you're talking about Alex the Great
Alex is an exception to the rule. He's a bona fide therapy bunny, born with the soul of a dog.
Don't ask me how it works, but he's truly remarkable. I think his breed helps. Flemmies tend to be more mellow.
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So true
How long has he been doing this?
>How long has he been doing this?
I'm not sure. A few years? I only became aware of him in the last year or so.
This rabbit looks very happy
*pet both

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