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An apple a day edition

Previous: >>4804578
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aw yiss fine ass appuls get into my tummy
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What motivates them to do this?
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I will never understand why horses like apples so much. Does anyone have the footage of the barn witch sticking a peppermint to a horse nose and the horse looks for the mint fruitlessly?
Every time I get close to a horse I'm still in awe of how big they are in person
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mine would never eat celery or bananas which is weird because bananas are way better than carrots flop flop
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My horse buddies eat banana SKINS when I'm done with them. It's a brutal life here in the wastes.
Autism, mostly
draw >>4817118 including erection
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Thank you!!
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Artanon made some good mare paintings. I hope the trolls in his homeland didn't get him. Only today I was camping in the basin of loch ness and hoping for a kelpie but I didn't even consider stepping into a fairy ring and being milked for 1000 years and then spat back into milkspace a mad beggar. Cherish the lives you have, horse general.
Jeepers creepers, where'd she get those peepers?
they are huge. I used to wonder why people filmed them so zoomed it, but the reality is that they dwarf the camera POV.

also, minerals
Do you actually NEED more than horses and apples? I honestly doubt it
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Whenever you really think about it stars are basically just really large apples to the mega mare
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if you think about it, having a hand as your mouth is kinda genius
Apple tasty
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A horse
>I'm a genius!
You need to be eating more salt rocks before getting your marejob. Look at that poor thing, she's balding from mineral deprivation!
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balding? she looks fine to me.
I really want to be a horse, imagine having a big dick and being able to eat apples, being a human sucks.
Touch the inside of her nostril
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Me also. I want to graze and gallop. I want to pull and carry stuff instead of pen pushing all day.
I think horses are neat
I think horses are meat
Why is that one so long
It hatched from a long egg.
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Someone forgot to coil the horgans
>giving it like that
do you want to lose your fingers?
There, proper hand movement
you're speaking to the zoosadist anyafag, of course """""his""""" horse looks in a terrible condition
What makes little girls so much interested in horses?
Cultural conditioning and/or big floppy dongs
Probably the horse smell.
I wonder if he stole it
>made joke about fucking animals
>forgot that people here actually fuck animals
there a difference in having sex with animals and blatantly abusing them such as punishing your dog by wrapping it with packing tape sweetie
Evil, cruelty, malice.
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Indeed, the equine heart has no capacity for love or friendship.
>buy your horse friend flowers
>the horse eats the flowers
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he dropped it :(
What did he see??
the stove...
Worked as intended. I really don't see the issue here.
his credit score
me and the best years of my life
homosexuals for the first time
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naked mares
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Jesus christ how horrifying
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Their teeth are disturbingly human-like…
We’re going with a Viking braid today
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Horse anons, I'm desperately looking for this rain sheet. It's a Shires Tempest, purple lightning pattern, discontinued. Looking for either 0g or 100g, 75" or 78". I've been scouring everywhere for it. I want this for a horse at work cause she'll look so cool in it.
>human-like eyes
>human-like teeth
>human-like top HAIR
>human-like dicks (only animal without bepis bone - like humans)
>walking on middlefingers
basically horses ARE humans
I consider myself a fan of this autistic fat little equine
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You forgot mustaches.
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Always a good day when this little angry mare shows up. Get her some hoof jelly
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I'm seeing them?
6'9/81" is too big. =(
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Just back from 14 hours in the horse mines.
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Be sure to wear a mask or you'll end up with a lung full of horse spores
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strange ritual
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imagine hoof care was always this easy
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Zoomies fear the L I P
That isn't hoof care, that's actually a man putting the finishing touches on the horse he just built with that hammer of his.
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>he doesn't know
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I NEED a step-by-step manual on how to build a horse. NOW.
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Horsechads, we cannot stop winning.
The horseless carriages just keep failing more and more!
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Magnetic water and the horse has eaten magnets.
The computerized car fears the horse and buggy
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look at them being horses
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The age age of automobiles is over...the age of horses...has begun!
fatty lumpkins
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Oh my God, is this real? If so I need this immediately to put on my shelf with my mid 90s Corolla and 85-87 MR2 manuals!
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That looks so shit and weird
That horse looks like Gilbert Gottfried
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we and horses are not so different, after all
>das it mane
could you please fuck off
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I didn't pet horse so long
How the fuck are his teeth so clean?!
Me bottom center
they don't eat highly processed and sugary food that causes most of the problems in modern-day life
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*wiggles lip at you*
Kissing mares
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the forbidden smooch
some of those who post horses
are the same that burn crosses
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Your own
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I heard from the Species King. We're not getting renewed for another season. I know you all pulled as hard as you could and I agree that this is a bullshit decision and reality will prove us right but for now I'll be drinking in the horse factory and you're all welcome to join me.

- Horse
Can they get anymore based?
indeed, fuck rage against the machine and (((zacharias de la rocha)))
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That means Horse Eruption is going to end on a cliffhanger...it's over...
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im starting to think barely anyone here owns horses
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I totally have a horse, she just goes to another stable is all
I don't own any myself but I live around a bunch of horse ranches and get to hang out with them daily under owners permission.
ofc they don't. horses are an upper middle class+ hobby and most everyone here is poor
you're not wrong horses are expensive for most people and have low utility in day to day life. so only people who really like horses and can afford the costs of them own horses. horses are cute as fucking hell though.
My uncle owns several. He lives somewhere else but I rode one. I’m a tall guy and was pretty scared I was gonna fall off when I was on her so not sure I want to again
falling off a horse would be the least of your worries
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i have 8, so I can share with 7 horsegen anons
>I have 8
Are you a billionaire?
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Last time I was hiking in the Northern Alps, a young stallion began bothering me during my snack break. When I packed up to leave, he bit me in the ass.
I'm not a horse fan.

Picrel, he belonged to this group, but is not in that picture.
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no because I have 8 horsies
Beautiful place. Really want to visit
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You have to use your mind on horses.
this was actually someone's head but they edited a melon over it
The only way to interpret the post.
Do it, it's a magical place.
This particular image is from the area around Dachstein mountain in Styria.
how the fuck did horses survive without humans in areas where there's 3 feet of snow in winter?
>Dachstein mountain in Styria.
Sounds like something out of a fantasy world. Will do.
They eat fish
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Yea I'm just here because I think they're hot.
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You could at least try to hide it.
No, I love their kind spirits, and their snowpities!
He thought you looked zesty
Zoomies for a horse is quite something. Just loping and loping. I love it and my mare does too. I understand why horses are amazing, that look they give you knowing they love and trust you.
>the burdened
my friend has a gelding. I'll try to grab some pictures time I meet them
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anon, I did a quick dirty 30 min sketch with oil pastels
Imagine being the kids that makes snow angels around this guy
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Would you drink a potion that came from a barrel labelled "Horse Fuel"
I'd rather drink beer that comes labeled "Kirin Beer"
>kirin peer
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only if it makes me look like this
>will not test
They are claiming you can use it on race horses because it doesn't come up on performance enhancing drug tests. Which is a dogwhistle that there is something in it, real or not, that will have an effect that would be seen as cheating.
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I heard some people recommend feeding your horse Gatorade because of electrolytes or some shit. they even have electrolyte fluid especially formulated for horses . i wonder if this is safe to drink for humans.
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I have a squirt of this horse fluid first thing in the morning. Helps for a long day of horsing around and they notice the electrolyte smell.

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