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An apple a day edition

Previous: >>4804578
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aw yiss fine ass appuls get into my tummy
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What motivates them to do this?
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I will never understand why horses like apples so much. Does anyone have the footage of the barn witch sticking a peppermint to a horse nose and the horse looks for the mint fruitlessly?
Every time I get close to a horse I'm still in awe of how big they are in person
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mine would never eat celery or bananas which is weird because bananas are way better than carrots flop flop
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My horse buddies eat banana SKINS when I'm done with them. It's a brutal life here in the wastes.
Autism, mostly
draw >>4817118 including erection
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Thank you!!
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Artanon made some good mare paintings. I hope the trolls in his homeland didn't get him. Only today I was camping in the basin of loch ness and hoping for a kelpie but I didn't even consider stepping into a fairy ring and being milked for 1000 years and then spat back into milkspace a mad beggar. Cherish the lives you have, horse general.
Jeepers creepers, where'd she get those peepers?
they are huge. I used to wonder why people filmed them so zoomed it, but the reality is that they dwarf the camera POV.

also, minerals
Do you actually NEED more than horses and apples? I honestly doubt it
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Whenever you really think about it stars are basically just really large apples to the mega mare
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if you think about it, having a hand as your mouth is kinda genius
Apple tasty
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A horse
>I'm a genius!
You need to be eating more salt rocks before getting your marejob. Look at that poor thing, she's balding from mineral deprivation!
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balding? she looks fine to me.
I really want to be a horse, imagine having a big dick and being able to eat apples, being a human sucks.
Touch the inside of her nostril
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Me also. I want to graze and gallop. I want to pull and carry stuff instead of pen pushing all day.
I think horses are neat
I think horses are meat
Why is that one so long
It hatched from a long egg.
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Someone forgot to coil the horgans
>giving it like that
do you want to lose your fingers?
There, proper hand movement
you're speaking to the zoosadist anyafag, of course """""his""""" horse looks in a terrible condition
What makes little girls so much interested in horses?
Cultural conditioning and/or big floppy dongs
Probably the horse smell.
I wonder if he stole it
>made joke about fucking animals
>forgot that people here actually fuck animals
there a difference in having sex with animals and blatantly abusing them such as punishing your dog by wrapping it with packing tape sweetie
Evil, cruelty, malice.
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Indeed, the equine heart has no capacity for love or friendship.
>buy your horse friend flowers
>the horse eats the flowers
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he dropped it :(
What did he see??
the stove...
Worked as intended. I really don't see the issue here.
his credit score
me and the best years of my life
homosexuals for the first time
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naked mares
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Jesus christ how horrifying
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Their teeth are disturbingly human-like…
We’re going with a Viking braid today
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Horse anons, I'm desperately looking for this rain sheet. It's a Shires Tempest, purple lightning pattern, discontinued. Looking for either 0g or 100g, 75" or 78". I've been scouring everywhere for it. I want this for a horse at work cause she'll look so cool in it.
>human-like eyes
>human-like teeth
>human-like top HAIR
>human-like dicks (only animal without bepis bone - like humans)
>walking on middlefingers
basically horses ARE humans
I consider myself a fan of this autistic fat little equine
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You forgot mustaches.
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Always a good day when this little angry mare shows up. Get her some hoof jelly
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I'm seeing them?
6'9/81" is too big. =(
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Just back from 14 hours in the horse mines.
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Be sure to wear a mask or you'll end up with a lung full of horse spores
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strange ritual
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imagine hoof care was always this easy
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Zoomies fear the L I P
That isn't hoof care, that's actually a man putting the finishing touches on the horse he just built with that hammer of his.
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>he doesn't know
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I NEED a step-by-step manual on how to build a horse. NOW.
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Horsechads, we cannot stop winning.
The horseless carriages just keep failing more and more!
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Magnetic water and the horse has eaten magnets.
The computerized car fears the horse and buggy
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look at them being horses
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The age age of automobiles is over...the age of horses...has begun!
fatty lumpkins
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Oh my God, is this real? If so I need this immediately to put on my shelf with my mid 90s Corolla and 85-87 MR2 manuals!
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That looks so shit and weird
That horse looks like Gilbert Gottfried
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we and horses are not so different, after all
>das it mane
could you please fuck off
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I didn't pet horse so long
How the fuck are his teeth so clean?!
Me bottom center
they don't eat highly processed and sugary food that causes most of the problems in modern-day life
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*wiggles lip at you*
Kissing mares
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the forbidden smooch
some of those who post horses
are the same that burn crosses
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Your own
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I heard from the Species King. We're not getting renewed for another season. I know you all pulled as hard as you could and I agree that this is a bullshit decision and reality will prove us right but for now I'll be drinking in the horse factory and you're all welcome to join me.

- Horse
Can they get anymore based?
indeed, fuck rage against the machine and (((zacharias de la rocha)))
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That means Horse Eruption is going to end on a cliffhanger...it's over...
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im starting to think barely anyone here owns horses
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I totally have a horse, she just goes to another stable is all
I don't own any myself but I live around a bunch of horse ranches and get to hang out with them daily under owners permission.
ofc they don't. horses are an upper middle class+ hobby and most everyone here is poor
you're not wrong horses are expensive for most people and have low utility in day to day life. so only people who really like horses and can afford the costs of them own horses. horses are cute as fucking hell though.
My uncle owns several. He lives somewhere else but I rode one. I’m a tall guy and was pretty scared I was gonna fall off when I was on her so not sure I want to again
falling off a horse would be the least of your worries
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i have 8, so I can share with 7 horsegen anons
>I have 8
Are you a billionaire?
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Last time I was hiking in the Northern Alps, a young stallion began bothering me during my snack break. When I packed up to leave, he bit me in the ass.
I'm not a horse fan.

Picrel, he belonged to this group, but is not in that picture.
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no because I have 8 horsies
Beautiful place. Really want to visit
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You have to use your mind on horses.
this was actually someone's head but they edited a melon over it
The only way to interpret the post.
Do it, it's a magical place.
This particular image is from the area around Dachstein mountain in Styria.
how the fuck did horses survive without humans in areas where there's 3 feet of snow in winter?
>Dachstein mountain in Styria.
Sounds like something out of a fantasy world. Will do.
They eat fish
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Yea I'm just here because I think they're hot.
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You could at least try to hide it.
No, I love their kind spirits, and their snowpities!
He thought you looked zesty
Zoomies for a horse is quite something. Just loping and loping. I love it and my mare does too. I understand why horses are amazing, that look they give you knowing they love and trust you.
>the burdened
my friend has a gelding. I'll try to grab some pictures time I meet them
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anon, I did a quick dirty 30 min sketch with oil pastels
Imagine being the kids that makes snow angels around this guy
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Would you drink a potion that came from a barrel labelled "Horse Fuel"
I'd rather drink beer that comes labeled "Kirin Beer"
>kirin peer
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only if it makes me look like this
>will not test
They are claiming you can use it on race horses because it doesn't come up on performance enhancing drug tests. Which is a dogwhistle that there is something in it, real or not, that will have an effect that would be seen as cheating.
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I heard some people recommend feeding your horse Gatorade because of electrolytes or some shit. they even have electrolyte fluid especially formulated for horses . i wonder if this is safe to drink for humans.
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I have a squirt of this horse fluid first thing in the morning. Helps for a long day of horsing around and they notice the electrolyte smell.
Damn. It didn’t even occur to me that people gave race horses steroids. Weird thing to think about
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If there is a whey to make a lot of money at something, you better believe humans will try and cheat.
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Sorry. I had a stupid long ban.
She's just old.
I have posted a picture of her original owner here years ago.
She much preferred it over getting smacked.
Can someone explain why horse fluid comes in a two part bottle? Is it explosive when mixed or something?
The smaller compartment is used for precise dispensing
you need to measure out right dosage before you add it to gasoline
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I use horse wormer for dogs and cats. The price per milligram of active ingredient is some times 1/10th the price it is in the pet specific packaging. You just need to know the right active ingredient dose for the target animal if you are going off-label like that.
Same with arthritis fighting joint health supplements.

It can be difficult to get a cat to drink molasses flavored medicine, however.
you make money off them?
Yeah my dog preferred being murdered instead of tortured
/dog/ is glad you’re back home
But we’re still coming for you. You’re going to jail. 4chan users always have to do what the jannies won’t…
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if you mix it wrong the consequences are... severe.
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It took me a while to realize that I control most horses with my mind.
>he finally freed himself from the everlasting horsement
I'm jealous
I cannot think of any occasion where you'd need a chroma-keyed spinning horse and yet someone actually produced just that with professional equipment and a rented location.
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>be me at work
>staring at spreadsheet
>spontaneously think this this thread
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The horse tendrils have taken root. You will have the mare madness.
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You think if you keep neighing you'll keep slaying. Settle down with a regular pit pony because there are no triple crown mares lining up to cook your ass soup.
does a horrifying job and talks to nice horses
Is it just me Or are there a lot of cases of dogs attacking horses and other animals? And i dont mean wolves or jackels. I mean feral and dogs who got out.
I wouldn’t say a lot but it definitely happens. I’ve heard a few stories of them myself. Almost all of them had pitbulls involved.
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>He doesn't know it's the other way around
Someone never watched the movie Twister.
Lots of pits cases in America. Otherwise it's some mix mutt.
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is there room for my horse guys?
I wish, but no. They're just pets
always anon, always.
You ever realize how weird and alien like their lips are? This one is straight up creepy.
I think its cool that they have what basically amounts to a mitten'd hand in front of their mouths.
the lips are only creepy to noobs.
once you turn horse professional it becomes every day comedy gold
what's you guys's's' horse hot take?
personally, i think Arabians are ugly and i'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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I'm an animal for work so I kiss them on the face at least 4 times a week. It's a turgid muscle but if they thought for a second I thought it was creepy they would pull be apart like soft bread with their horrible face hands.
>Arabians are ugly
Their faceplates ARE kinda smushed in a weirdly funny way, but Im not one to judge.
As long as it works for them and does not make their lives harder(it probably does, dosen't it?) its fine.

I think unshorn fetlocs like in gypsies are overrated.
They look nice when clean, but KEEPING them cleen is probably more work than its worth.

Also, way too many people are sleeping on donks, donks are cool.
I hate when horses in period films are incredibly out of place. I understand why this is done, horses trained for films are often large, smart and athletic modern breeds since that is the most appropriate pick. But man, I can't help but notice when a film set in ancient Greece has a thoroughbred in the background, or a film set in a Viking village has a 17hh warmblood pulling a cart.
It's a shame that Arabians are so ugly considering they're generally kino at almost everything. It's why part-bred Arabs dominate.
It’s kind of like an elephants trunk but a lot shorter and not as versatile
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If current trends remain all donkeys will be killed and skinned to make bullshit medicine by the chinks
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by 2034
I love myself a cute horse!
Look at those dexterous lips of his!
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Biggest woman on the planet driving tallest steed
What is their problem?
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he notices your dubs anon
More art ITT. Nice.
what manes humans do art when they see horses? it's really conspicuous
makes even
Could you theoretically live with a herd or horses and nothing else? Or do they only dispense milk when they multiply?
i really doubt you could purely live on horse milk. farmers who do also farm the usual vegetables and also eat meat.
Don't be racist please.
hey, when he’s right he’s right
Be more racist please.
use enzymes to make hay edible to humans, like that guy on /mlp/
the guy who threw up?
skill issue
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Is there anything left of the former me now? - Diana wondered sadly as she fed the little colt in the pasture early in the morning. Indeed, how could she feel even remotely like a human boy now, after giving birth to a new life, moreover not a human life at all? To think - their common child with Al-Khattal. A colt, which she herself conceived through natural mating with a male horse, herself carried in her own womb and herself gave birth to. The birth... It had been already two weeks ago, but a chill still ran down her spine when she remembered it... It was painful... It all started with the already active colt in her belly began to move and kick even more frequently, and then the contractions... and the desperate attempts to push it out of herself by squeezing her equine vagina... All accompanied by the joyful exclamations of the staff standing nearby that they "already see the hooves!" and the encouragement "push, girl, push!"... It’s hard to say when she felt more emasculated and embarrassed - a year ago, being pressed by the immense weight of the stallion, standing under Al-Khattal fucking her, finishing each mating with a powerful splash of thick semen into her womb; or two weeks ago, giving birth to the child they conceived... Does it really matter? She had fulfilled her biological function as a female, mating with a male and giving birth to their offspring... There was nothing in this world to undo this...
Now, as the soft lips of her colt nestled between her strong legs touched the teats of her sensitive, swollen with milk udder, pleasantly relieving the tension with each jet released into his mouth - she could not feel herself anything other than deeply bestial, female and motherly. A beautiful mare experiencing ecstasy feeding her offspring and an involuntary pride for the... wonder she had brought into the world. The colt, by the way, is named Adrian. Beautiful Adrian... Her proud son with Al-Khattal...

Lord... What awaits her next? How will she live with all this experience when she becomes a man again? Huh... Will she even become one..? There’s still not a single piece of news from the company, and the farm staff is already talking about starting new training before new competitions and new... matings? The thought of mating with other stallions brought her fear and disgust. If it cannot be avoided, then only Al-Khattal is worthy of fucking and impregnating her, and no one else! Wait... What..?
Why would a man want to become a mare? I quite often come across equine TGTF.
Chinks are a plague to the Nature.
transformation fags are probably the most annoying people you can meet, especially if they demand turning into someone’s fucking shoes.


Statements dreamt up by the mentally deranged
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There's a horse going around my neighborhood selling vacuum cleaners. I didn't need one but I invited her in for coffee and carrots but she said she couldn't because it's her first day and she needs to sell at least one or she's fired then it's back to the mines. I'm tempted to buy one now to help out but I can't be sure it's not just a sales tactic.
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Ponies were literally designed for the mines, that's the environment they thrive in eating subterranean grass and digging into mines full of human miners that they can help pull their mine carts as exercise since it's hard to get to a full
gallop underground. She's just enamored by fashion magazines and Hollywood movies and thinks she wants to live in the city, but the city is no place for a horse. I've seen Black Beauty, I know.
Somehow I read this wrong and thought you were talking about cops. Now I'm just thinking about the police transforming people into horses as a punishment.
my local lead mine turned museum says that mules/donks would race to the bottom of the mine when the work day began because there were no flies down there and it was cool
>equines CRAVE the void
I see a cave and I rush into it to be fair to them. In fact I was in a cave today genuinely...
Based cavemanon
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Did you know they make horse vacuum cleaners? It's literally just a regular vacuum cleaner, not even a very good one but it's $500 because they put "horse" in front of it lmao
Wrong thread tard
They make horse showers too. Less expensive but handy for flesh humans who want a hot shower outdoors anywhere.
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based horse doing what horses do best - murder birds
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>Rapid Groom
Damn. What’s their problem with birds?
What the hell? Will horses eat anything that can fit in their mouths?
mineral deficiency
they're mostly vegan
Ban women from stables.
if you post on here you do not have sufficient weekly goodboy points for horseownership
where has the third horse gone
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don't record me or my son ever again
why do third worlders plaster flags everywhere as if anyone knows what it is
it is romania, a former soviet, current shithole country.
Disregard them, they are not worth your time
i sometimes see horses during my hikes, sometimes they are extremely friendly specially if they see you eating.

i once had this young horse eating bread from my hand, he was extremely tame. his mom was closeby but didn't really care much about us. i thought that if i had a little more spare bread and i stayed there befriending him for 15 more minutes or so, maybe i could try riding him, or at least getting on top of him and see what happens. is it stupid? do you think it could have worked?
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That woman is the horse, she's actually a low mount centaur.
Rare subspecies, not many left in the wild. This is probably an image taken from a zoo, centaurs are very social creatures and need to be kept with other animals in a herd or they get stressed. You can use horses, donkeys, goats, deer,cos and other herd animals as a foster herd for all species of centaur and they will get along fine.
Satyrs on the other hand aren't as needy and can be kept solitary, as well as housebroken and make much better companions for people who can't afford to keep several animals in pasture.
you probably could've given him a crump
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pay no attention to the drones
>cuddle targets locked on
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>People are sending autonomous kill bots into the wild to destroy innocent horses
I can't believe it, these people are almost as bad as barn witches
Horses are nasty stinky animals and horse people are creepy as fuck
No anon, you horses are cute and you're the creepy one
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why did they blot out the horse's eyes in this?
Horse is probably underagwhdye.
I own one (1) horse you son of a bitch. And no I will not be posting any images of her to this vile degenerate shithole, I respect her too much.
>And no I will not be posting any images of her
Ya, because she doesn't exist you horseless loser
horse tulpas do not count
why don't you ask reddit since that's where you got it from
please do not feed horses, especially ones you do not know, bread.
why not? in any case, how can i get them to let me get on top of them
nta but horses have sensitive stomachs, and some have specific dietary restrictions.
>[*eats a chicken and a fish while reading your post* ]
Imagine if your dog had a wheat intolerance and some dumb fuck gave them a treat containing wheat and it had to go to a vet. Imagine that but with an animal with a much more sensitive stomach and much higher vet bills.
And just take riding lessons anon.
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Crack of thunder, sound of rain across the endless fields
As we speed towards the night upon a steed that never yields
Black as the night, swift as the wind and eyes of emerald green
In restless flight our journey takes us further east
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You don't post pictures of your horse because you think people will jack off to them. I don't post pictures of my horse because my wife doesn't like standing still for photos. We are not the same.
I want to take horse riding lessons
What am I in for?
depends which style and what area of the country you are in.
you should just go be with horses and learn about them and how to talk to them and care for them before riding them.
its about 90% women in these parts.

also if you check places out, look for how well their stables/property/animals are cared for and how they are.
and pick a place that suits you.

i spend all day around them and theres always more to learn. which keeps it interesting.
I want to pretend to be someone from the Middle Ages so no Horse dancing
I think it's sad that an animal that has been so important to human civilisation for so long is no longer relevant at all to 99.99% of humanity
Are people generally friendly? Would I need to pay to approach a horse?
I also think its sad horses turned from a commonfolk animal into a upper class luxury
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Cant believe this is a real animal
It was not commonfolk I think, people on average owned a cow or oxen and some people could just afford a goat
>There are people who wouldn't pop a boner to this webm
Horses are so cool dude
Horses were an upper class luxury centuries ago, employed in mounted warfare and hunts and owned by the nobility. They became common as agriculture evolved and especially as industry took off. Now they are upper class luxuries again, used for fancy dress contests and gambling rackets. First as tragedy, then as farce; Marx proven right yet again
The modern average man horse is called a car or a tractor depending on what its needed for
When I finally get a breeding pair, Ill call the mare Mercedes and the stallion Ursus.
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Morning donkey post
I think I'm starting to like donkeys more than horses
Is this some advanced coping, autism or actually ingenious?
Autism. Also weirdly athletic.
>when you're too poor to actually own a horse
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I thought I found the perfect job until I read the whole ad.
>wise and pious, ridden on by Jesus
>smart enough to know when someone isn't worth obeying, which gave them notoriety for being stubborn
>the devil's animal of choice
>uses their seductive powers to drain humans of their essence
>horse spores kill you in weeks after inhalation
>dies to a stiff wind
>worship mammon, the antichrist, and the mega-mare
what do they actually do with horse corpses?
do they have crematories large enough for them?
You forgot
>constantly forgets to turn off the stove
Glue factory obviously.
And sometimes they get sent to the producers of The Walking Dead.
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sweet, free horse carcasses
>what do they actually do with horse corpses?
>anon hasn't been let inside the tent
I absolutely wouldn't be able to do this.
There's unironically nothing that fucks me up more than seeing a dead horse especially in real life.
Mules too!

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