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Post bugs. Appreciate bugs.
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How come nobody is mass breeding hoverflies and selling them as a great pollination+aphid control? Some species larva feed on aphids and other sap sucking pests and the adults are great pollinators!
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you are now aware that there are people who dedicate their lives to the study of beetle penises
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Good bugs in this thread
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Did the last one archive? Damn.
that’s disgusting…
i’ll keep this in mind if I ever get my hands on some
I wish I had that kind of passion
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Are ants dirty?
There’s so much about this that’s funny
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Just saw this outside my workplace. Phone camera is abysmal, apologies
Ants clean themselves every five seconds or something. Probably one of the cleanest critters on the planet.
I'm feeding a lot of them to my jumping spiders.
Bugs rule.
OK so I have both mealworms and lesser mealworms (as well as some other insects) in the same terrarium. The mealworms keep disappearing even though I repeatedly add more of them. What is going on? I see a lot of beetles but not mealworms or pupae for that matter. The only ones I find are dead or close to death.
Now you may think that of course the beetles (or the other insects) eat them, but if that is the case why don't they eat the lesser mealworms? Those are surviving just fine. My hypothesis currently is that all the mealworms become beetles but the beetles are unable to reproduce for some reason, possibly because their eggs get eaten, meanwhile the lesser mealworm eggs go undetected. Anyone have any idea?
they could be living underground, larva do not like being above ground
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Anyone have experience keeping any kind of non eusocial bee or wasp species as a pet? I have heard of people keeping small paper wasps colonies but not much regarding non eusocial species, while watching them interact with one another is a lot of fun I can't imagine keeping enough for a small colony is easy.
Blue board dude.
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>saw one of of those "if you see this don't kill it" house centipede ads yesterday or today for the first time in ages
>just had one skitter across the couch next to me
I resisted the urge to crush it but I was not well pleased by the proximity.
I hate them too. At least it wasn’t the regular kind
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>prestige skin unlocked: ate 5000 leaves
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Wanna trade?
I sifted through the entire soil and although I found some buried pupae that looked like they could be alive, there were no mealworms whatsoever. Only lesser mealworms. I think the mealworm beetles cannot hide their eggs for some reason.
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Anyone know how to find the larger species of springtails? Just set up traps and hope for the best? Lift dead wood and hope for the best? Or is there any better way? I'm in Japan btw
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can someone identify these? these were all over one side of the car. like dozens. small bugs. in florida.
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Those are queen ants. They were getting ready for their nuptial flight using your car as a platform.
Not a borzoi thread
Damn what the fuck. There were at least a few hundred. It just rained a shitload here though. They were on another coworker's car too. A few of them were also inside, I think they crawled through the door cracks.
I had like 30~ in my kitchen sink last year for some reason.
They sync the nuptial flight, this way they have better chances of meeting a non-related mate.
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what is this bug that was crawling up my curtain?
i had to swiftly take it out because it was huge and scared me when i saw it

I think I figured out the problem. The beetles don't even try to hide their eggs, and instead lay them anywhere, which causes the other beetles to eat them.
Now the question is, what kind of substrate would help the eggs immediately vanish from sight before they get eaten, so that at least some will survive?
How can I tell if I have bedbugs? I felt the creepy crawlies at night and I have several bug bites all in the same area now.
I've already checked my mattress and box spring for clues, but I haven't found anything. Maybe I'm just being paranoid?
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when was the last time you've seen a lady bug? I think they're disappearing.
… good point. It’s been… literal years. They used to be everywhere when I was a kid.
I saw one this summer. It flew on my shirt. I held it in my hand for a while and it crawled around, then it took off and flew away. It was the only one I saw even though I went looking for them afterwards.
This thing is on its way to flavor town
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Saw 2 in the last year, they always land on my car for some reason. It's about the color of a ladybug so kinda makes sense.
Bought a black light, time to set up a bucket and funnel and make a diy moth trap. Obviously won’t get results as good as picrel but hopefully I get a few visitors. I don’t know how I can keep it out overnight without raccoons knocking it over though.
What do the moths hope to gain from doing this?
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I grew flowers this year because my veggie garden struggled with pollinators last year.

I think it's working!
Also my mantises must have hatched at least a week ago.
i found a house centipede for the first time today!!!! i relocated it to a darker lower foot-traffic area so my coworkers won’t kill it, intentionally or unintentionally. house centipede is such a silly misunderstood friend. i like it.
Hot pepper powder or sauce around the trap.
She cute
I've heard that deters squirrels too but it never worked for me around my bird feeders. Damn things walk on the powder, eat my seeds, and then I don't know, maybe later they lick their paws and get burned, but I doubt by that point they associate it with the bird feed.
Fuck those. They ate half of my cherries.
These chunkers are doing better than expected, I still have 300+. Getting hard to keep them all fed and clean though, very time consuming
They’re attracted to the black light, and if I’m lucky enough to lure in a male and female of the same species they will gain the chance to have sex
I just saw a dubia eat a lesser mealworm. What a pig. Usually they leave each other alone but they were eating in the same spot and one of the worms crawled right where the dubia was eating almost directly into its mouth so it just decided to gobble up the worm. I didn't know they could eat them.
Also beautiful natural selection at action there because there were tons of other lesser mealworms eating as well and the dubia showed no interest in them whatsoever. It only ate the one that went almost into its mouth.
build a better bird feeder
also youre suppose to powder the seeds, birds cant taste capsaicin or something
Add pepper directly to the seeds. Birds are immune to capsaicin, plants produce it specifically so only birds would eat it. Use pepper oil if you don’t wanna risk the wind blowing pepper powder ij your eyes.
I’ve heard of many instances of squirrels giving no fuck about capsaicin but I guess it’s worth a shot
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Anyone know what bug this is? I thought it was maybe a flying termite but it looks like a flying ant too. It has an orange body, six legs, V shaped antenna
you know, if no one else is gonna say it I will, nice cock dude
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Do you think arthropods survive being evicted from a house environment to the garden? I hope they do
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that doesn’t look like a pineapple
Oh my god do I love them. If you slowly extend your hand to one while it's hovering it'll actually land on you every time!
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Click beetle?
Good idea. Looks like the type of insect some basic cunt would scream over and throw her shoe at then demand some normalfag man to squash it (he does it because he wants into her pants and BUGS R ICKY!!! REEEEEEEEE!!!!)
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might be something in the cleridae family, but definitely a beetle of some sort
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I'm also looking to identify a bug - best pic I could get (massive pussy around bugs, sadly) plus an artist's rendition of a better look I got
Spoilers for appetites, assuming they work here
[spoiler]Found one of these with his ass sticking out of a mouse carcass. Another nearby mouse carcass was wriggling around from the inside, so either multiple of them, or larvae/maggots.[/spoiler]
Was about an inch long I think, central Illinois woodlands. The closest result I can find is a highly endangered beetle that's not supposed to be found in Illinois (American Burying Beetle). There was also a look-alike cousin I found results for, but I couldn't find as much information on them. Didn't fly when his meal got disturbed, no wings or anything. Fairly pointy-looking abdomen.
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some kind of carrion beetle
>he does it because he wants into her pants
honestly yeah but i wouldn’t kill it just take it outside discreetly
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>drunkenly flies into your head and then bounces off a wall before falling to the ground, landing on its back and flailing around retardedly
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Fabulous local stinkies
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Their bby
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Found this badass stag beetle at a grocery store today. I'm in Ohio so I don't think it's native, so it probably came in in a produce shipment or something. Any entomology chads have a guess on the species?
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Lucanus capreolus, it's native
what are these? look like jewels
Me and the missus
They are the first things that will find a dead animal. If you find a dead animal and flip it, you are very likely to see that one again.
Oops >>4830362
Meant for >>4828076
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Big ass horse fly, as big as my thumb
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Salt marsh moth
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Some kind of jumping spider, feel free to identify (north central Texas). Did a terrible focus job with manual macro. It was so small and fast. This is the best I got.
Cool beetle I found in my backyard today
I believe it's a Bold jumping spider based on the green incandescent mouth parts (visible in my other bad photos).
those are just pheromone-spreading things, pretty sure. inflated with air by the bug itself.
Very cool beetle anon, thanks for sharing.
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I'm on nightshift and this little guy was doing backflips on the floor for a while until it stopped completely. I think it's a moth? Not sure if it's dying or not. I let it onto a paper tray and fed it some banana and he's been sitting on the banana for an hour now.
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He started to move again and fluttered his wings but he did three backflips landing on his head threw times and now standing still again. I don't think he can fly and just keeps giving himself concussions. Should I put him out of his misery?
Turn the fucking lights off you idjet. See if you can release it outside.
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I work at a hospital so I can't fully turn off the lights. Its heavy downpour outside so i'll wait until near morning before letting him out. He's drinking some water I put on the tray now.
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random spider in my garage that was watching me build my model tank
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I found this super cute guy today. Was told it's a cinnabar moth caterpillar. I hope I can go back and see him again when he grows up, because looking at pics the adult forms look badass.
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Bulldog Ant
I don't get it. What is it though?
Are snails allowed? I took a nice picture of a snail that I wanted to share.
It is a neat snail…
Cute snail. I saw one today too, picked it up and moved it out of the path so it wouldn't get stepped on. They're really animals.
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The Tarantula Hawk Wasp, number two on the Schmidt Pain Index (meaning it’s bad fucking news). From what I recall the pain only lasts five minutes but said five minutes are going to be permanently seared in your memory.
Also they’re parasitic wasps and paralyze tarantulas with their sting so they can lay a single larva on them that will slowly devour it over weeks/months, hence the name
Hi bugbros, tourist here and on the board in general. I haven't lurked here at all, so idk the rules about id but fuck it. Can you please help me identify a beetle?
I found a maybeetle/cockchafer and I can't seem to find the species at all. This was about an hour ago. When I picked it up to have a better background for the picture, he flew away immediately so no picture, sorry.
The elytra were white spotted on black background. The body was dark, it looked mostly black.
I am located currently in Croatia, on the coast near Makarska, so the biome is rocky montainous, with cedars, shrubs and olive trees.
I'm a tourist (in Croatia as well) and I've recognised the beetle as a male cockchafer, because where I live, there are common cockchafers (M. melolontha).
How does this thing compare to the kidney stone pain scale?
Oxythyrea funesta maybe?
Thanks. Not likely, but it was similar.
It had the distinct male cockchafer antennae and the acute abdomen, and only the elytra had spots. It was also larger than any rosebeelte i've ever seen.
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I found this little spider in my porch and she makes this little house thing in the web but also there's these black spots on the abdomen which make her look like a little guy with an adorable hat. sorry for the quality she's tiny
did he find that just north of Goodsprings?
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Noticed a bunch of bugs on my tomato plant. Anyone id them?
pretty sure those're aphids
Left a Female E. imperialis and Female A. polyphemus out to call last night.
This dumbass wild male thought he'd try a different species.
Any bets on if the eggs will be fertile? Can't find this specific example but i've read a few silkmoths can breed outaide of their genus.
I thought that was a slice of pizza from the thumbnail. What a delicious looking moth.
Ive been breeding imperials for like 10 years. Ate one on a dare when I was like 14. Too much dust and scales dry the mouth out..didnt get much of a taste
Get in the jar...
They’re full size and starting their cocoons now. I’ve never sold cocoons before but I’ll try this year
Nah the pairing won’t produce fertile eggs. But please share more imperial pictures! I’ve never seen this species in real life
man wtf
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Sure. Here's a successful wild pairing i got a little over a week ago.
She called in 4 wild males at once, it was really cool to see so many flying around together.
This species is pretty uncommon here, but i found a forest where i've gotten successful pairings every year since 2015.
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And here's a male that eclosed last year from the brood I reared in 2022. Probably the most insane coloration i've ever seen on a male.
>man wtf
It was dead, by the way. I am not cruel.
That’s amazing, very jealous
Wow he’s beautiful! He’s like a Halloween edition
Okay I suppose that’s excusable then
Valgus hemipterus

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