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Megaquarium, Zoo Tycoon, Jurassic Park Operation Genesis, Jurassic World Evolution, Planet Zoo, and many many more, whatchu playing?

For me, I've been getting back into Megaquarium
waiting on prehistoric kingdom to get better, and hopefully out of ea by next year
also i hope megaquarium's next dlc is terrariums, or more reef creatures. kinda wish this game looked better
>waiting on prehistoric kingdom to get better
In what sense? Looks kind of bad by default
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>all that nugarbage
>no mention of the undisputed best /van/ game ever
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>looks kind of bad by default
i know. i just wish for a decent prehistoric park tycoon without the fugly jw dinos and with more variety than the mesozoic (and cenozoic) to autistically sandbox into. at least the devs seem to have the same vision so for me so its future looks hopeful, especially after they stuck with it for 10 whole years (and maybe half of devving the game proper at that) and have taken so much inspiration from the series nigel himself is in the game (which probably isnt great for the budget)
This shit will break your mouse bro
>/an/ game
>it's actually just a sci-fi shooter game with hunger survival mechanics
I love it though, don't get me wrong
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>break your mouse
and your wrist and forearm
and your sanity and mental wellbeing
but it is all worth it
it has fishies in it, that's more than enough
>whatchu playing?
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I am currently upset at amphibians as a whole. Just got my shit rocked by a strike force of about 20 toads tunneling directly into my colony
Megaquarium is good. I love the tank maintenance.

I just wish it didn't look so boring :(
I would like to play a modern equivalent of Zoo Tycoon 2 but i can't find one, Planet Zoo seems to be mostly focused on mammals and i would like more variety.
Has anyone tried Path of Titans? It looks fun, but I just haven't gotten it myself.
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Odell Lake
JP:OG is one of the only good things to have come out of Jurassic Park 3. Damn shame that nothing since has come close to it
The JP games that came with the new movies are pretty good zoo builders.
NTA, but they're unfortunately a little lobotimized and corporatized. JW's aesthetic is ass. "On purpose".
does anyone play planet zoo? i love playing the sims but i can’t into planet zoo.
I feel like its main pulling point is that it caters to people with a lot of spare time and like building and designing things from scratch. Takes a lot more effort to actually get into for sure.
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Anyone play Ecosystem? It's perpetually on my wishlist but I'm not convinced it's enough of a game to be worth playing. Kinda seems like the sort of thing you run in the background and go "oh that's neat" every couple weeks.
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I have a theory
most animal games are pretty autistic management games because that's what the autists prefer. they don't want gameplay, they just want numbers. and autists have this weird fixation on animals, especially fish for some reason
I just want fun games like dogs life and okami. okami not so much but it's thematically pretty animal-like (the way characters respond and the movement). stray comes to mind but I'm not playing something that's basically a normal mediocre game... but with katze!
not trying to say I'm not autistic but the same shit gets boring after a while, any recommendations?
>dude what if we made a city building game... but with beavers!!
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I genuinely enjoyed this game as a kid
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>online dinosaur sim
It's trash, any game that depends on a community to function will inevitably be trash
>any game that depends on a community to function
That’s quite a lot of games these days anon
That's not disproving his point
I want one with more dynamic interactions and behaviours on the dinos themselves. I pretty much only make open maps on jwe2 and have the animals running loose
Oh shit is this new?
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No but it's been getting updates regularly for a couple years. NTA that posted it, but it's pretty cool, if not that far off from >>4826984

It's the standard underground city builder style - select blocks to dig, fill holes with rooms to do stuff - with an over world and different ants that can eat different things, e.g. leaf cutters can't eat dead animals, they have to store leaves and let them produce fungus(/mold?) to eat.

It's like $20 full price, and goes on sale occasionally, give it a shot.
And they are trash
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can't beat this game for comfy monke
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zoo tycoon 1 is neat, but 2 is objectively one of the best /an/ games ever, the sheer freedom and the simplicity it has is great and the mods are unmatched
>you now remember the zt2 machinimas with the paranoia animals, the zombie staff and the alien gibbons
I've played it, spent a long time watching the cute fishes evolve. It's worth it for the sandbox element of it imo, but aside from that the gameplay seemed pretty shallow, the campaign is hardly discernable from the sandbox mode. Last time I played it was several major updates ago though so it's probably improved a lot. Have been meaning to go back to it
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Worth noting though that it can be tailored to how much effort you want to spend on it. The sandbox mode lets you customize pretty much every mechanic in the game. I personally only play in sandbox mode with financial consequences turned off and animal death/injury turned off so I can just build zoo and watch the cute aminals. It's worth it for that alone since the animal models/animations are very good
All of these look laughably bad.
SimAnt is fun
I really wish they'd make the sequels for this, it was supposed to continue through our evolutionary chain. Sadly I don't think it was popular enough.
i fucking hate modular building, they place everything in this weird menu that's just a mishmash of things and just a few prefabs for every item
like fountains and flowerbeds, do i really have to build them myself? i play zoo games to see the animals, not to be an architect
those fucked up subpixel fonts are triggering me hard
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Wii era ludokino
Looks like ass.
A worse Isle.
>>you now remember the zt2 machinimas with the paranoia animals, the zombie staff and the alien gibbons
Fuck me I was obsessed with this shit. I loved these videos growing up and really wanted to try and recreate them but MODS wouldn't work on my old ass grey tower dog of a computer. It would just cause the game to crash until I deleted and re-installed it.
this lmao this genre is pretty decrepit
looks like wii jank that’s weirdly nostalgic
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>Zoo Tycoon
Get out zoomie
I like the freedom it gives you, but yeah, I wish games like that would at least have a easy grid system as a compromise for if you don't want to go full autism
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This game was very fun to play, one of the few I 100%.
How about another spider game?
>Zoo Tycoon, Jurassic Park Operation Genesis,
Damn, trying to gat that ass shot eh
They want me to get a bit excited eh
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>whatchu playing?

Jurassic World Evolution 2. Bought a bunch of the DLC during this summer steam sale and park building. They finally randomized dig sites, thank fuck.
They're also, supposedly, working on a sequel to the game, but I can't imagine what they'll add in order to justify an entire new sequel when the 2nd game basically went and fixed most of the issues of the first game and expanded the roster from 68 animals to over 114 animals.

Granted, I do have my own personal wish list if they insist on a sequel:
-Dramatically expand the lagoon so it can accommodate amphibious creatures like Crocodiles, Giant Amphibians, Giant Turtles, maybe Spinosaurids.
While they're at it, also make the lagoon more of an actual exhibit with environmental conditions and maybe add some other animals like Lobe-finned Fish and Ammonites.
-Add some kind of breeding, nest building, egg-laying stuff. Maybe include some unique "feral" coats/patterns/appearances for dinosaurs.
-This is superficial, but add different carnivore live-feeders: cattle, boar, deer, seeing a t-rex eat a goat is fun once or twice.
-STOP with the fucking tutorial/story levels, holy shit. Just give us more challenge mode maps - maybe add a 'natural preserve' game mode or something.
-Other extinct animals: Terror Birds, those massive Eagles/Vultures/Toothed Sea Birds, Pleistocene Megafauna. Give me dlc of like over 30+ extinct Elephants, Horses, and Bovines, and I'll buy them all.
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sshhhh I just needed a reason to make an insaniquarium shitpost
There was that one where you played as tiny people. I forget the name
I love world of zoo
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I love the music in this game. It's chill with digital versions of traditional instruments. It's very 2000s.
I remember this. Why do I remember this?
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Hello fellow Insaniquarium brother.
It came out on the epic store when it was unpopular, had a full price for a "finished game" yet crashed or didn't work at all.

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