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Post birds, appreciate birds
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bluebird has 4 eggs in her 2nd clutch. pretty cool beans.
I looked in with a mirror
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This pic is the first evidence I have ever seen that makes me think maybe birds did evolve from dinosaurs :)
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Yes. You're the same guy that's been having his chickens eaten by this hawk. You posted in another thread.
Today I had about 7 gulls on my roof.
And I learned that gulls don't eat corn, cuz thats what I tried to feed them after my cat food ran out.
Where are the feathers
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My cat got outside and first thing the little fucker does is go under a dense shrub and a fledgling cardinal flew out. I hope it stayed away and he didn't kill it.

Are your cats also sneaky little shits?
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I will shoot your cat on sight
I will shoot other cats but not my own because he's mine. He's not supposed to be outside during breeding season.
No you won't lmao
>bro let me take the bait heh look at these totally reliable numbers
You won’t do SHIT, maggot. Post birds.
Looks like a bird
I hope that Chinese cat killer pays you a visit.
I shot 2 last year, one I had to shoot twice because it didn't die the first time and was stupid enough to come back. One was actually kind of a nice cat that had a very limited trust for me after a while, but the other was an absolute bird killing machine and wild animal, no signs of domestic behavior at all.
I lowkey sound like a red-winged blackbird irl
They're called thrushes, you stupid bitch.
Blackbird is their slave name.
>had to
No you didn't
What's the best way to kill cats? Asking for ME. I WANT EVERY SINGLE CAT EXTINCT

Put out cat food with tylenol in it, it's highly toxic to cats
*does nothing*
You don't know me, catfag
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><bird thread about cats
post catbirds
Interesting way of displaying the numbers.
How many cats are in the US?
How many windmills are there?
Something like 175 million cats, I think it's about half the population of humans.

But it's also important to think about the types of birds being killed by cats and wind turbines. Cats kill mostly small, common birds, including plenty of invasive ones like house sparrows. Wind turbines kill large, high flying coastal birds. I don't like comparing the two just by numbers because it distracts from the actual issue of wind turbines like killing golden eagles and large, low flying migrators. Birds that are ostensibly more valuable because of their relative rarity compared to common songbirds. Value is debatable but they are more unique and worthy of protection even if less are killed just by the numbers.
You only answered half the post, dumdum.
Irrelevant. You aren't getting any better an idea doing a per capita analysis because that is not the point of thr data. Some have argued that turbines are like vacuum blenders that suck up all the birds and macerate them, leaving a sea of corpses. Look, it's hundreds of thousands dead! But in perspective you can see how small a number that is. All human activities totally fucks up wildlife.

Comparing against buildings makes more sense for this reason. Lots of tall glass buildings on coasts and they kill fairly indiscriminately.
The sheer volume of cat damage absolutely does stress raptor populations too though. Many young eagles and hawks die just because of the steep prey competition.

But really the best comparison isn't against cats or buildings, it's against other forms of power generation. Wind is better than coal or gas but worse than solar. That's where it fits, but the sun doesn't shine at night so we keep putting wind farms up.
>Irrelevant. You aren't getting any better an idea doing a per capita analysis because that is not the point of thr data.
It is when it's coming from people who want more wind turbines.
If it's one turbine grinding up that quarter million birds I think it's very important to know before we build another hundred thousand of the things.
It's dishonest use of statistics and you are either arguing in bad faith or just too stupid to be arguing at all.
Finally someone with sense!
Pretty much. Pretty clear whoever made the graph has an agenda to push lol
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fuck off cunt
still, why are americans so addicted to cats? they bring no advantages unlike dogs that can be trained to protect properties, chase criminals or rescue people. greatly reducing the number of cats would only be beneficial
Because we have so many childless women and effeminate losers. A natural consequence of estrogen in the water supply. Over here, gigachad DNA only results in an average man.
95 percent of dogs are used for none of those things so your point is moot, At the end of the day both sides want a teddy bear with a heart beat and companionship and that’s it.
I need your best funny and memey birds pics please post'em
No, it's irrelevant. We know there's not just one turbine. You cannot per capita the other figures meaningfully against wind because each has a different intent. How many cats are in a wind turbine? Nonsense question. To per capita something you need a shared unit. For energy generation this is... energy. You would do bird fatalities per MWh and could compare things like onshore vs offshore vs solar, coal, gas, etc. As usual it would turn out that nuclear wins that contest but we still won't build more plants because humans are fucking stupid.

You cannot REALLY compare the things in that chart. It's not the point! It's only putting things in perspective. It's saying yes big number, but look how small it is as well. That is all.

Keep your cat indoors.
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What do these creatures sound like again?
That wasn't funny enough for you?
They make a very loud whistle a lot, some harsh chip sounds, and the song is typically written as "conklaree"
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It's weird how all the birds of prey have really pathetic and unassuming calls. Only ones that sound threatening are some of the owls. I guess it works to their advantage and helps them keep a low profile.
This needs sound to be appreciated.
What? The red tailed hawk sounds like amazing. It’s the cry that the Bald Eagle is usually depicted as having
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muh king parrots
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muh kookaburra
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he is a fat bastard
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muh fairy wren
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lewd image, nsfw
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muh satin bowerbird
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muh forest raven
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muh currawong
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muh sad+wet crimson rosella
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muh gallahs
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ausfag if it isn't obvious. I've got bird photos for days. I have a japanese maple tree in the backyard full of feeders and go through a 20kg bag of seed every two weeks. If I go away for more than a few days, those red and green king parrots start peeling bits off my house
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cooking rice for the homies
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this black fellow is an adult male satin bowerbird. They take 7 years to mature and lose all their green feathers and grow the black ones. They're a bit of a pest out here because they steal things, but I love them. My lawnmower is painted blue and lives under a conifer tree in the back yard. There's usually a "bower" built around it whenever I need to use it, like a stage built out of sticks and covered in blue trash
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borbs yo
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muh juvenile magpies that shouldn't be eating seed
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magpie of judgement
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bees are sort of birds too
In japanese, bees are called "chibitori" (little bird)
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hjonk hjonk
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rats of the sky
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If anyone is interested, all the photos in that last dump were taken with a very old/cheap 16MP Sony NEX5 with a plastic adapter to fit old soviet lenses. Not a /p/ thread though
Spectacularly rare event here. A bald eagle that ended up in Japan during a migration route to eastern Russia, hanging out with a local white-tailed eagle and Steller's sea eagle.
There's a bird's nest in my tree that's about 8 feet off of the ground, are they safe from my neighbor's evil cats?
Yes they’re fine and even if they weren’t what were you planning to do with them? You’re being paranoid
Saw some black vultures sitting on lampposts on my way to work this morning.
They were wonderful
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The boys are back in town
Where was this taken?
which is better toucans or hornbills
I don’t see any hornbills being cereal mascots
Is that the avian measure of success?
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bird erotic
omg daddy hairy woodpecker is feeding his baby some of my homemade suet
I think a veery came to my bird feeders it followed a baby cardinal and made the veer sound. then dad cardinal chased it away. of course before I could look with binoculars.
i accept your standard of mascot of antimasturbatory cereal
Burras are best fren birds.
But it seems to me they must eat a lot.
The sparrows here can eat two small bags of bread per day, plus seeds.
I guess a burra may be able eat a bag of whatever each few hours.
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This might seem silly, but my cockatiels eggs are starting to hatch and there are two already out of their shells.
I just got Covid two days ago, but needed to get in their nest box to clean it out. Are the babies at risk of catching anything if I'm sick and have to handle them?
I know diseases don't typically transfer between species, but Covid supposedly did and because they are newly hatched their immune system isn't at it's best.
dead goldfinch on my driveway

don't know why he died, just dropped dead. didn't hit a window, didn't get attacked, didn't look sick. poor fellow.
my best guess is he choked on a food morsel
thinking I could use some hawks...
tons of mourning doves, that's premium hawk food.
pigeons are cute and beautiful, why are you repeating the smoothbrained skyrat meme anon?
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for me it's pelicans.
I like those ones too. They have that golden head.
21 karats by the looks of it
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>tfw i saw a bird 17 years old and no one believes i saw it
>saw it again and managed to catch a picture of it
>i believe it's the same bird I saw years ago

This bird was almost like a small heron. It had a long beak and when it could, stretch it's neck long as well. Sometimes it would stand fully erect and be almost 18 inches tall. I live in Connecticut, I'm guessing it's an American Bittern?
I believe you
Thank you.

I think what threw people off is I said that it was orange and made a weird quacking sound. I also thought it was flightless because it was running. It's not orange but it would kind of look orange in the setting sun.
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Will this actually work or is chatGPT bulshitting me?
Yes, please place your trust in ChatGPT. That is definitely a good idea.
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Is this OK for one session or should I increase the dosage?
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New lifer for me
Warning. Bird violence and attempted dismemberment.

I can hear baby blue jays but I can't see them. I think they follow the parents to my bird feeders then wait in the trees for food.
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there is absolutely no reason anyone should own a bird as a pet unless it is a chicken, a turkey, or a quail.

bird feeders should also be illegal. birds all co-evolved around their natural feeding patterns. when you disrupt their feeding patterns, you can give certain species an unfair edge and make them injurious to other species populations. see: house sparrows. they are actually naturalized but feeders and bird houses favor them which bullies other species out of the area.
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Baby seagulls at the roof of my school.
grocery stores should be illegal too. humans all co-evolved around their natural feeding patterns. you should have to chase a deer for miles until it's exhausted to have a meal. that would eliminate obesity.
anyone know this guy? puget sound around 6pm
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4 ravens but Mr. Cardinal is not afraid
those are kinda small for ravens, could be crows, also ravens dont really hang out in gangs
they're juveniles born this year, still hanging around with the parents. 4 young this year, last year it was 2. they are definitely common ravens. even the adults don't look that big depending on camera angle and feather posture but the sound they make is unmistakable. The young ones scream sounds like elephants.
usually it's just the 2 adults that hang out together, they've been a mated pair together here for 4 years, don't know where they came from if they were together before that but 4 years ago is when I first heard the female making her "knocking" sound like water droplets, I was very confused what that noise was and where it was coming from for months until I figured out it was a raven.
I've sent you a dm
>when my neighbors let their cats wander around the neighborhood

I used to the think the cats escaped but it turns they regularly let them out. It pissed me off. We're not allowed to let dogs wander around, cats shouldn't be allowed either. Just today I saw two piles of feathers (like something got to a bird a killed it)
shoot it
Piles of feathers is probably hawks, they pluck their prey, cats just play with it and maybe it eat.
This one was fascinated by my camera
>wind turbines like killing golden eagles and large, low flying migrators
Fucking sociopathic windmills.
The shared unit is dead birds.

You could estimate the surface area of glass uh...surfaces, break it down to dead birds/m2 and compare that to dead birds/cat.

Same way you can also get the average dead birds/windmill.

Identifying the 13% of super predator windmills that are responsible for 50% of bird kills is a secondary step you take when comparing windmills to windmills. There you can find a common unit such as MWh or rotor span. Or maybe you find that the windmills that kill the most birds are of a certain height. Whatever it is, it is possible to compare bird killers with each other even if these bird killers are otherwise completely different from each other.
there's a few tern colonies on some supermarket roofs around here

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