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Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here

prev >>4801311
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this toadlines thing has only been a thing for like what? 8 years max? how is the tree of them this massive? all of these over the span of a normal dog's life
>take a dog
>jerk it off into a cup 90 times
>use that bucket of cum to speedrun creating more toads
>take the new toads and use the aformentioned bucket to create more inbred toads
its like a grey goo situation except with malformed dogs
They can be bred after like a year if you don't care about the dog's health.
Has math fren finished the chart?
don't think so
Pimpy son opp
Are any of the dogs on the chart even still alive? They seem to be shortening their lifecycle to rodent levels, pregnant or ejaculating in months and then dead after 2-4 years.

If Pimpy is somehow still alive and constantly ejaculating the future mutants are going to be horrendous.
Where do you find the pictures?
>closed mouth
Is this one of the rare exceptions that can actually breathe through its nose?
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I wonder if I can make one of these things in the sims 4
in awe, simply epic
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jerked twice daily
semen available, fresh and frozen.
put this in the normie meme comps and you'll get smashed and slammed bullies popular with zoomers
check out "bully kennel rap" on youtube. you can find videos going back to the start of youtube and even earlier, even into the 90s. The skeem has been going on for much, much longer. Some even say back to the days of the pyramids themselves...
if i take that mask off, would it hurt?
For you.
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I love these lil retarded dogs. Shit like this makes me want to become a zero ethics dog breeder and see the most fucked up dogs I can come up with.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2OPeDmrnnA I want to somehow breed this thing with the most smashed and slammed dog I can find
Toad 1 is mr.toad himself, he is the namesake
Only the most thug of toadlines can breath through they bose
absolutely incredible stance
those paws are fucked up, must be painful
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So what's stopping someone from getting some of these and cutting in some other genetic stock of a small dog in order to make them more self-sufficient animals to make a bona fide new breed?
because self-sufficient isnt part of the skeem bro
i need my paperweights to be made of flesh
I'm surprised there aren't more people doing this. Imagine SMASHED and SLAMMED miniature poodles or STANCED N YAKK'D yorkies
I tried. The sims 4 dog creator simply doesn't let you mutate the dog enough to create anything even remotely resembling a toadline.
I want to see the rusult of breeding one of these with a borzoi
The abomination that would produce would probably violate every international law and have the person be put to death
You'd just get a normal dog out of it
I want to see a Borzoi with an incredibly wide stance, kind of like a 4 legged spider.
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Not looking good for german toadbros
Yeah it's like crossing chihuahuas and pugs, two pretty fucked up looking dogs produce a pretty normal bug-eyed terrier-looking thing with a bit of an underbite, but otherwise a functional dog.
that seems really unlikely
Are owners who don’t neuter their dogs secretly homo? There’s no verifiable health benefit, and they spend all day looking at balls.
but if they neuter the dog how will they continue the skeem by jerking them off?
>there's no verifiable health benefit
There is! Just not for these things. It's specific to larger dogs, anyways, because their skeletal system and whole body is under more stress, but a toadline is definitely exempt, because they are small, and because they are a toadline. They won't live long enough for it to matter.

But all that aside, masculinity doesn't factor in here. Toadies need their nuts to continue the pyramid skeem.
skeembros… how could I forget… ive failed you…
The skeem needs to pull its strings in Germany fast before this happens, german eugenics is an important tool of the skeem.
I love how happy they make black people
Anything pit related makes them “happy”
We just need to breed any remains of higher brain functions out of them before the law passes so there won't be any suffering. So einfach ist das.
>the chinese know to pick the toadling's head up so they dont crumple into a mess
they know how to operate the skeem
haven't mastered the tail hold though
these dont look so horrible
They're getting webbed feet. The next step in the toadening.
Now that even less ethical Chinese breeders are getting into the SMASHED N SLAMMED game, I can't wait to see what crazy shit we're going to get
I predict shootouts will happen, there are groups in China that like killing animals, their existence was revealed during the hello streetcat debacles, and these toadies look like they could be prime targets by them, and knowing how usually its ghettotypes who breed toadies I wouldn't be surprised shootouts and drivebys will start happening over this shit.
Chinese Toadline gang wars sounds like a blockbuster hit
"Saving Sgt. Cumsack"
Zao Jang a gangster with a heart of gold fights through a abandoned building to save a toady by the name of Sgt. Cumsack who is the prized exotic bully of his boss Wo Chung, he does it for honor, love, money, and the skeem.
we need to start filming this
The opening is just filled with the most oriental music you could think of, it's in a lavish temple setting, it at first makes you think it will stop at the boss but then moves to Sgt. Cumrag in all of his slammness.
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>The webm of the two buff dudes jacking off a toadline because it is literally too retarded and physically incapable of fucking
hear me out, toadline seals
Leave seals alone they didn’t do anything to deserve that…
Aren't seals already smashed and slammed by the water?
KEK the one on the left trying to breath through the mask
thats their standard practice, none of those dogs can do it naturally
Post more of these ghetto toads
Stacked N Slammed is going global! Chinese stacked and slammed dogs and now South African stacked n SLAMMED dogs!
I found the event here: https://www.bullyevents.com/events

Will someone who lives near one of these insane events go and report back?
What's all the ruckus up there son? Are you playing your dog breeding simulators again?
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Jesus those posters.
>kids 12 and under free
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>tfw you finally get the ultra rare pull after months of jerking off virtual dogs
>a normal ekg is considered a selling point worth advertising
bully content is literally inexhaustible, just google city plus "bully kennel" and you will find shit like this for like every major city in the country
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Isn't that how dog fighters refer to their winners? These things for sure aren't winning any dog fights.
grch jaws is the name of a specific bully iirc, its a proper noun here.
GrCh stylized like that as a name? In bad taste, but I guess it is to be expected from a crowd like this.
>Back 2 School giveaway
These fuckers are advertising like they’re some supply store kek
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I can't believe I have to defend these breeders, but there's nothing inappropriate or weird about it. GrCh means the dog has Grand Champion status. https://abkcdogs.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2-2019-American-Bully-Point-and-Class-Information.pdf

Dogs registered with the AKC often have titles in their pedigrees too, although the abbreviations and requirements are https://www.akc.org/sports/titles-and-abbreviations/titles-by-sport/

Pic related: from the pomeranian national specialty program. You can see some of the dogs there had titles too.
I've never been to an AKC dog show that charged admission.
it essentially means they are highly inbred and are a clone of the sire the breed standard was based off of
I see, thanks anon!
It's to teach the next generation of skeemers, they go with they pops to the show to learn from on the job experience kind of like a trade.
i can hear the wolves shooting themselves in the head
I never realized they named poms like racehorses
>>4823339 (me)
kek I just noticed someone made a post that was nearly identical to mine in the last thread >>4807698
great minds think alike I guess lol
>Stack off
>5 PM
might be cool
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just rescued a puppy but no way am I posting him in this cursed thread
based Russell poster (also yeah there’s a regular dog thread for that lmao)
We don't want him here unless he's stacked, slammed, smashed, squatted, and struggling breathe
Most purebred dogs have similar long registration names: https://www.akc.org/sports/conformation/national-championship/past-events/2019-akc-national-championship-results/group-results/
For me, it's GCHG CH Mi Jean's You Mad Bro?, the famous Irish Setter. In this case, Mi Jean is the name of the breeder.

Unlike racehorses, owners usually just refer to them by one of the words in the name or an entirely different one though. This is referred to as their "call name” If you buy an AKC registered puppy, you're almost certainly going to pick out a call name of your choice for it.
>Unlike racehorses
Racehorses have normal, common names too. Known as 'stable names'. Secretariat's stable name was famously 'Big Red' or just 'Red'. Racehorses are constantly surrounded by people who care for them, I don't think all those grooms and farriers and trainers constantly refer to the horse by their stupid as fuck racing name.
Doughboy apparently has a 98% inbreeding coefficient. So it's possible that one of his kkidss will have 100%
Gotta let you weirdos enjoy them in a socially acceptable way.
Goddamn, these are terrible
>They're not even homeotherms anymore.
Soon they're going to start spawning in pools.
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If they start laying eggs that are fertilized externally they could finally reproduce naturally again.
You mean the names or the creatures?
The F couple look like they’re having a good time. Not sure what the fuck is going on with D though.
Frog splurts on her back and it kinda just dribbles down to her bits.
>even frogs are doing devious backshots
imagine adapting this to the skeem
Seems needlessly complicated but if that’s what they like…
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we must smash and slam corgis
Both! What a disaster.
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Oops. I think I assumed they just went by their racing names all the time because they're called "Lessons of Autism" or whatever by the track announcer and TV broadcasts, whereas at televised dog shows they usually just give the dog's call name. At the dog shows I've been to in person, winners were usually announced by the number they were assigned by the show.
what idiot miscolored A's legs
That’s what I assumed but it’s still some freaky deaky shit.
nevermind that
what the fuck is that anatomy
they’ve already teaching max slamming limit
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can any experts here tell me what level of toad this creature is
looks like a furry turd with 2 legs
What other animals should be SMASHED and SLAMMED?
All of them. Billions must be SMASHED.
These promo pics are getting ridiculous.
Is he promoting a dog or food
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It would be a cruel twist of fate if it turns out toadlines actually taste really good.
toadline breeding is a thing in china
The skeems tendrils are penetrating other imageboards..... [spoiler]good[/spoiler]
Look at that chain, must be a wicked smart dog.
That thing is an abomination and the retard who bread it needs to be publicly flogged.
lmao, is it alive?
skeem idea
steal one of them, replace it with a statue, and leave with the real one

then collect the stolen reward for the dog’s safe return
Why would you need to replace it with a statue?
conflicted kek
Is this dude doing his best Moses impression with that beard
Every breed has that kinda naming scheme. I have a pedigree cat and it's family tree looks similar
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I want a racing pom
no one would notice
I’ve seen a charity race with chihuahuas before, there’s probably many small dog races. I think they even prefer having a small dog on the team for flyball. Go live your dreams anon.
With racehorses it doesn't always have to do with pedigree or reference it's stud though, the horse just needs to have a completely unique name to register it.
It is the same with dogs and cats but with dogs and cats it's way more unusual that the name doesn't reflect the pedigree (if the animal is pedigree ofc). In fact I've never seen a single purebred cat or dog who's 'official' name doesn't reflect pedigree, whereas I've seen plenty of racehorses with absolutely batshit names.
I think it's partly to make it stand out. Which horse would you prefer /an/
>Willowstud's Magic Diamond
>GIGANTAMAX EEVEE (real horse I bet on once)
I have a small list of batshit horse names I've come across in my short time following races if anyone wants to hear them.
Give us the rundown on that guy who regularly includes "Autism" in his horse names.
It is amazing that they are less inbred that toadlines.
>In fact I've never seen a single purebred cat or dog who's 'official' name doesn't reflect pedigree
yeah that's true, all names seem to be [sillyweirdname][breedercompanyname][breed]
Soiteen, you need to spread the skeem, spread its tendrils deep into your home site, all imageboards on the internet with an animal board or something close enough to it need to be enlightened to the beauty of the skeem.
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I know people who breed toadlines are dumb but dont they have a soul? Dont they feel an innate instinct or inner voice telling them that breeding these things will send them to hell?
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they're black
Dangerously based
Beautiful image thank you but no the pursuit of money has enabled them to silence that voice completely (if it was ever even present)
i will make sure to spread SMASHED and SLAMMED gems across imageboards
Thank you for your service.
May the skeem be with you
No longer toads. We’ve reached FROGS!!!!!!?!!
found the million pity enthusiast
I genuinely believe you need an IQ of 90 or higher in order to have a soul
Midwits will sweep under the rug doing shitty things if they are given the choice.
If people start are breeding and becoming huge fans of these lil retard dogs they're less likely to become pitbull enthusiasts. The most these little things can do is run after you for a few feet before collapsing and gasping for air. Unlike normal pitbulls, these things probably are safer than a chihuahua.
pitbulls require SMASH and SLAM correction.
>pitbulls are dangerous, therefore breeding dogs for tortured lives is good because they are safe
How about we cut your hands off so you can't hurt anybody? Just admit you fantasize about the suffering of animals and kill yourself. These threads are satire, nobody actually likes these things except for hood rats and sick fucks like yourself.
>How about we cut your hands off so you can't hurt anybody?
That's been a common solution for thieves for millenia.
Maybe in some places. In others you were forced to give up something or pay compensation if you were caught.
I’m literally an exotic bully breeder and use these threads for inspiration. Bitch just birthed a litter of 6, 2 showing promise as studs and the other 4 will probably sell for 1.7-2k.
So? My dad works at Nintendo and I can have you banned from owning any games lolol
>I hate the suffering of animals
>kill yourself
the duality of man
at least one soiteen is aware of it given that the sharty's wiki page on trolling methods (funny read btw) mentions making toadline threads

but just 2 isn't enough
that needs to become 4, then 8, then 16, then 32, and so on
Is it supposed to be Gollum?
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>Anon I’m already hurting
Based. more ‘jaklines on the way…
May the skeem be with you
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>the brown turd worlders posting from their android phones need a wiki page to tell them how to troll
we live in the direst of timelines
opinion discarded, i don't respect people who fellate a crazy dead vegan scheister
god imagine taking his face and just repeatedly smashing it against concrete
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>pajeet thinks i post from a phone
lmao. so what other wiki articles are there over there? are there ones that tell you to stay within the lines when coloring in your soijaks?
>thinks i post from a phone
no i think you post from a mac
post hand faggot
>no i think you post from a mac
nope. you're not very good at this are you?

>post hand faggot
you getting upset over me dabbing on your precious soijaks means i'm whiter than you by default. these are just facts.
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>you getting upset over me dabbing on your precious soijaks
nah i just like dunking on itoddlers

>i'm whiter than you by default
idiot tears are the most delicious
NTA but you need to loose weight.
Clean and trim your nails, scruffy
>posted from my iPhone
Don’t know about the other anons but yes, I did post with my iPhone. That doesn’t change the fact you need to loose weight.
we should revive dinosaurs for the sole purpose of SMASHING and SLAMMING them
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Nobody else is posting in my animal clothes thread so I'll just leave this here...
start with those featherless parrots and you're good
fucks hard
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>DR. DWAMN centered
Great taste
Looks fucking pimp, I wish I had one
someone should get you a personal lifeguard chick because you'll be drowning in pussy by wearing that
Where can I get this shirt? Did you have to get it custom made?
Chemical synthesis
Yeah it's custom.
Oh and as to where to get it, I got it on Amazon, it was a customizable "dog dad" shirt (lmao) but I just replaced the default "best dog dad ever" with my desired Smashed and Slammed text, and took snips of the dogs from their website profiles to upload as my pictures. The seller did all the editing to put them together.
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havent really posted on /an/ frequently since 2021 or so but I made this gif
the dog itself looks like a ball sack
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you've seen them smashed

you've seen them slammed

and now they're SCRUNCHED

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