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How much truth is there in the claim that magic mushrooms unlock your brain? I need to know before I risk my life for it (where I reside, it is life imprisonment). I don't expect it to improve my intelligence or heal my despair, but is it a life-changing experience? Does it provide you a new perspective?
>but is it a life-changing experience? Does it provide you a new perspective?
It all depends on you. You should go in with an open mind to ride along the trip, don't expect drugs to do anything for you other than make you feel funny and distort your sound and sight in different ways. The rest is up to you to prepare where to do it in, who to do it with, and what to do while you're taking them.
This thread belongs in /x/ by the way, but I expect here you might get better answers. Read about the substance and what to expect, and have a strong mind. Don't do it if you don't feel it 100% that day.
>How much truth is there in the claim that magic mushrooms unlock your brain?
"Unlock your brain" doesn't even mean anything, this is so false you can't even talk about being true or false.
>I don't expect it to improve my intelligence
Depends on what you mean by "intelligence", but by most definitions, you're probably right that it can't, although they do promote neuroplasticity.
>heal my despair
It definitely CAN do that, although that doesn't mean it will, and it could also make it worse.
>but is it a life-changing experience?
Life-changing experiences aren't at all uncommon on them.
>Does it provide you a new perspective?
Unless you're a full-on retard, yes, it is essentially guaranteed to do that much.
OP, the brain is an incredible organ capable of amazing conceptualization of our objective reality, but do not think there is anything mystical or metaphysical about fungus filled with chemicals that alter the function of this organ.
from a nutter perspective
There is drug you can take, valproic acid, to reopen a critical period and develop perfect pitch or native fluency in a foreign language

it also destroys your liver

Shrooms can reverse depression and anxiety etching themselves into your brain faster than the natural method which is removing yourself from a shitty life that you hate and waiting to feel better, but they can also cause permanent psychosis.

The stoned ape theory is top bullshit. The only stoned apes were the shroom munching and pot smoking hippies that founded today's modern religions.
Thanks. One more thing I forgot to ask is, is this unique to magic mushrooms? There is this sentiment that magic mushrooms are different from other drugs, and while other drugs act like "drugs", magic mushrooms provide a distinctive experience.
Psychedelics are more likely to cause spiritual insight than, say, amphetamine. They are still a drug and act exactly like a drug does: they cause a temporary alteration in the physical body's configuration.

If spiritual insight is what you're looking for, then the concept of "set & setting" is extremely important and you should look it up.
None. It’s drugs, dude. Whoever told you that was likely some junkie trying to justify his addiction. There’s no third eye opening property in consuming fungus.
Its that shrooms are the mildest recreational hallucinogen. LSD is powerful and has an extremely long duration in most dose formulations (hours), salvia has a short (minutes long) duration but is extremely powerful but makes you an asshole until the trip hits. Meanwhile shrooms are fairly mellow, have noticable visual and audio hallucinations but only last 2-3 hours and have less of an ego-dystonic effect than the prior two examples.
The important thing is that drugs aren't going to magically make you better than you are. You're just high.
I really like LSD and I wish I could smoke it again some day.
>where I reside, it is life imprisonment
move out, why living in a place where mushrooms that grow on cow poop are illegal????
youre extremely boring, also shrooms are not a recreational drug so its not addictive. its an intense experience you dont wanna have often
Exhibit A. Psilocybin can still be addictive. Keep telling yourself you can stop at anytime
Yeah man, you tell them. Do you know how many guys I know that were on their way to be successful doctors and lawyers and investment bankers and then they try marijuana once and next thing you know they live in a tipi next to a cow pasture and spend all day looking for mushrooms and all night injecting them and then sell the leftovers to little school kids? Awful stuff .
Literally everything can be addictive retard. Personally I consider microdosers addicts, but I've never known anyone running full doses every night like I've known with stoners and alcoholics.
Tolerance builds up quick with most psychedelics too so even if you really wanted to trip every single night and keep upping your dose you'll burn out and stop seeing results within a week or so.
I had a very stressful and traumatic upbringing, due to living in the ghetto while my mom smoked crack and fucked every single dude in the county. Psychedelics have always been, for me, like cramming years of therapy into a single night. I don't think there's a such thing as good or bad trips, just fun trips and scary ones, and you can learn a lot from the scary trips.
If I'm a weed user, how bad are interactions with shrooms? I smoke weed pretty regularly, but not in large quantities and usually to help me sleep. Should I leave it a few days before I experiment with shrooms or does it matter?
It's not dangerous or anything like that, but you will get much more out of the mushrooms if you sober up for a week or so before. It messes with the "clarity" and your ability to remember and integrate things later. Also good to keep a few more sober days for integration after.
I'd say I can stop whenever I want, but we all know thats a lie and we're here forever. ..
it's just an intense high, anon. it can temporarily heighten your imagination and ability to visualize, but by and large most folk just stare at their hands, feel cold and hungry, and maybe think about how sad their childhood makes them. sometimes they bad trip and literally piss themselves. can improve mood, but not always.
it won't fix your mental health issues, just makes it easier to introspect on them for a bit, and even then that doesn't mean it'll be in a constructive or productive way. you'd still be the flawed, same-old you, just high as shit, only maybe more amenable to examining your personal issues more objectively.

also why the fuck did you post this on /an/? fuck off to /b/ or some shit if you want to talk drugs
It feels cool but doesn't unlock shit. Your brain isn't locked, your mind is just clouded. Get in touch with nature. So much so that it bores you. That everything wild and natural is completely normal to you. Then the fog will clear.
Thankfully I exhibit none of these so I’m not addicted :)
Ok sure but it’s still drugs and not some miracle substance that will reveal the answers to life’s greatest mysteries. The faux mysticism surrounding this shit is really annoying. Imagine if any other drug user “culture” had this attitude about their substance of choice.
>also why the fuck did you post this on /an/?
Because we talking about mushrooms, and I've seen plently of expert mycologists post here, few of them even did a AMA.
>we're talking about mushrooms
not really. you're talking about drugs. if you were discussing the actual mycology or natural growth factors or some shit that's one thing, but you're mostly just talking about getting high. by that logic we should have a stoner thread. next time just take it to /b/ where you can get your answers and the thread can 404 after, instead of clogging a blueboard with something only marginally on-topic
calm down boring bill. you sound like you got all your opinions on drugs from tucker carlson. it's funny because people like you that have such hardline retarded opinions about scheduled drugs are often massive alcoholics/smokers.
>nooooooo you can't talk about fungus on the Animals & Nature board
Stop whining faggot. This thread is more pertinent than the 30 cat/dog shitflinging and shitbull screeching threads that never get deleted.
It is literally anti addictive.
I use it twice a year.
I wish sugar was as non addictive that's the real drug
>It is literally anti addictive.
i like making shit up too
You’re telling on yourself by the fact you immediately tried to politicize this. You’re definitely a drug addict in denial. Did I upset you because I pointed out your pwecious magic shrooms don’t actually raise your IQ? The fact that you’re an addict who gets defensive over this is not a substitute for a personality btw. Find someone else to entertain your insecurities. No more (You)s now
>You’re definitely a drug addict in denial.
i've made 2 posts here (including this one) so stop projecting. last time i did shrooms was 12 years ago.

however given how upset you've gotten so far over this topic, you are definitely an alcoholic that seethes over hippies and stoners minding their own business while you down a 6 pack in the truck after a 12 hour shift of manual labor and when you get home you beat the shit out of your kids and wife because your salisbury steak wasn't in the microwave warm and waiting for you. worked with plenty of you deadbeat types during college summer break. sad!
I always found it amusing that anti-drug retards are bigger brainwashing victims than people who think it's cool to smoke a joint in the morning

There was, after all, a multi-decade propaganda and brainwashing program dedicated to creating you with alternating fear and a sense of superiority - the perfect recipe for controlling idiots
You can’t just keep upping your dosage with shrooms, you become practically immune in a short time, that immunity wears off quickly though (week or two)
Microdosers aren't addicts, they're delusional. There's a fine line there.

An addict needs it. A delusional person thinks it will make them better, any day now, but really could stop any time and would if they met the truth. Someone who gets angry when they can't have "their" beer is an alcoholic, someone who drinks wine with every dinner isn't, but if they think that it will extend their lifespan they are delusional.
There are actual studies on pubmed on this...
It literally can get people rid of existing addictions...

Fun fact the founder of the alcoholic anonymous was able to get rid of his alcohol addiction right after taking lsd once.
>How much truth is there in the claim that magic mushrooms unlock your brain?
If my unlock you mean overflow your serotonin receptors, sure. Your brain will form new connections that it normally would never allow to happen (audio being processed as imagery for instance and vice versa). But that is all it does, its not some super drug and those who will say it will unlock some inner understanding or mental enlightenment are speaking out of their ass.

>Shrooms can reverse depression and anxiety
It can also cause contribute to individuals developing anxiety.

>Its that shrooms are the mildest recreational hallucinogen. LSD is powerful and has an extremely long duration in most dose formulations (hours), salvia has a short (minutes long) duration but is extremely powerful but makes you an asshole until the trip hits. Meanwhile shrooms are fairly mellow, have noticable visual and audio hallucinations but only last 2-3 hours
Wrong. Overall trip length can be from 6-12 hours and is heavily dependent on dose. LSD and Shrooms are compareble in strength, but LSD has external hallucinations vs Shrooms which are internal.

There is no evidence to indicate that Psilocybin is physicaly or psychologicaly addictative. First hand I can tell you that after a trip the last thing I want to do is another trip and I do them every few months inbetween each trip.

Dont even try.


>Microdosers aren't addicts, they're delusional. There's a fine line there.
Also this.
>if by*
>those who will say it will unlock some inner understanding or mental enlightenment are speaking out of their ass.
b-but… the bearded hobo told me it would unlock my third eye…
As long as it can make me truly introspsect.
100% addict cope. They believe the delusions caused by the drugs are some kind of hidden reality only they can perceive. Actually they're just psychotic because they took drugs

What a beautiful post.
trvth nvke dropped
>As long as it can make me truly introspsect.
You can do that without fungus. Mushrooms just make it easier with the altered neurological state as some of the answers you likely already know but refuse to entertain due to how painful it would be to aknowledge the fact.
Psychedelics induce neuroplasticity which is a good thing. More neural pathways will be created in your brain. In that sense you will be smarter. Don't expect miracles however.
>he fell for the anti drug psyop
Sure is weird how as soon as the war on drugs started the last shreds of social progress exploded and died. Now the world is ruled by jews.
>smoke it
The fuck?
>In that sense you will be smarter
That is not how that works
I wad thinking the same thing.
A well-connected brain is a healthy brain. Is it likely to influence his IQ at all? No. But it will probably alter his thought patterns enough, at least while under the influence, to let him come to conclusions he'd never be able to otherwise. In that sense he really will be "smarter"
It is the hormonal equivalent to shock therapy. A brain forming untold millions of connections beyond it's normal biological functioning is not a good thing, it borders on being dangerous. Not all of these connections are healthy or usefull, most are literally just crossed wires with sensory inputs or neurological responses being sent to incorrect portions of the brain which result in psychedelic states. Hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder arrises because of these factors. You brain's chemistry is changing and morphing into unnatural states and pathways which can be irreversible. There is a reason why long term psychedlic users have weird sterotypes attatched to their personalities and somehow struggle to have proper comprehension over reading and writing skills. They are frying their brains. That is not to say it happens to everyone, most people walk away from a trip very much the same person. But I am trying to illustrate how neuroplasticity is not an inherently good thing and to equate with people becoming smarter in a general sense is not accurate at all.
>Not all of these connections are healthy or useful
Your brain prunes unhealthy connections over time
>somehow struggle to have proper comprehension over reading and writing skills
Never heard of anything like this happening
>Your brain prunes unhealthy connections over time
Which still does not mitigate the risks of flooding serotonin receptors.

>Never heard of anything like this happening
Go onto any psychedelic orientated space or site and you will see it everywhere. It can be downright ESL tier. I dont know what it is up with it but they are usually heavy users from what I have seem.
>flooding serotonin receptors
Please tell me you're not one of those "dopamine detox" rerards
No? That has nothing to with the mode of function psychedelics such as Psilocin operate under.
>mechanism of action
I correct myself, wrong terminology. Currently sleep deprived and about to go to sleep.
if you have life problems originating from 'issues' that you are ignorant of or hiding from, the psychedelic state can operate like accelerated therapy to uncover those issues and help you come to terms with / develop a plan of action for them. If your problem is neurobiological or physiologic in origin it's doubtful that shrooms will just magically fix you though. Eg if you have a genetic predisposition towards depression or bipolar disorder it's not going to cure you of it. But if you've been depressed lately because your uncle fiddled you as a kid and you've been repressing those memories, then psychedelics can help (or sometimes just force) you surface those memories and come to terms with them.

I think psys have developed this aura of fixing what ails you precisely because most people are deeply self absorbed and up their own assholes all the time and don't know how to self-interrogate. so when they take psychedelics they end up introspecting for the first time in their life and have their minds blown. If you are already acquainted with this process though, then not so much. you'll have fun and all but you'll come out of it the same person as when you went in.

This is also precisely why the 'psychedelics community' is so fucking insufferable as a whole. It's full of people who have no natural tendency towards self reflection, or perhaps are entirely incapable of it on their own, such that they have to use psys to do what normal people can just do on their own on a nice nature walk or in a quiet room. It is a community that self selects for retardation and narcissism, because only a retarded narcissist could ezperience the everyday process of looking inward as something transcendently novel and worth evangelizing for.
>This is also precisely why the 'psychedelics community' is so fucking insufferable as a whole. It's full of people who have no natural tendency towards self reflection, or perhaps are entirely incapable of it on their own, such that they have to use psys to do what normal people can just do on their own on a nice nature walk or in a quiet room. It is a community that self selects for retardation and narcissism, because only a retarded narcissist could ezperience the everyday process of looking inward as something transcendently novel and worth evangelizing for.
hit the nail on the head, thanks for this
Fucking based. Brad Warner and Hunter S. Thompson have said the same thing about the psychedelic space in the past.
im going to blow your mind

"normal people" can not introspect and do not have an inner voice.
>"normal people" can not introspect and do not have an inner voice
They can, they just do not prioritise it unless they encounter a road block in their lives.
They "can", like a dog can understand english. It's very limited even if they try as hard as possible. Otherwise antidepressants wouldn't have to exist.
You are not one of those weirdo "there are literal NPCs bro" are you anon? This sounds very close to it.
>Keep telling yourself you can stop at anytime
but I used it just a couple times a few years ago. no intention of using again because it made me hypersensitive and aware of everything bad going on in the world
He is pointing how stupid anon sounds. Kinda like what people do when a weed smoker starts blabbering about stuff (well deserved though). Dont take it too hard we all know it is not really addictive at all.
>That is not how that works
Yes it is. Psychedelics induce neurogenesis which is literally the creation of new neurons in your brain
We have gone over this. Just becuase it causes new connections it does not make me people smart, it can make them neurologicaly fucked. Psychedelics are not some miracle mental super power drug. You are applying a very naive understanding of how neurons work and their role with the human body. It is not a intelligence stat.
>me people
I need to take more melatonin to combat this insomnia
I said neurogenesis, not neuroplasticity. Neurogenesis = new neurons, neurons = the ability to think. More is better.
If the human brain was meant to be able to 'do' what you suggest, it would already have that ability without the need of stimulants.
But if you think the the Luc Besson film Lucy or that by Ken Russell Altered States are documentaries, knock yourself out OP.
Me, I prefer Reality. That, and the way my brain is: 'As Is'. No so-called 'Drugs' required.
Why do we lock things? Why doors, safes, etc have locks? Locks are complex and expensive devices, they were created and installed for a reason. Unlocking your mind means whatever the lock was supposed to deter now have free access to it.
only you were talking about neurogenesis, op was talking about nueroplasticity, junkie
You might as well be talking to a wall dude.
I've done LSD like 5 times total. I stopped when I stopped getting anything out of it. Stop acting like a virgin.
and it fucked you up so bad that you cant even follow a conversation, christ
Looks like it killed what little brain cells you have left too
You really expect me to believe this thing is inside me?
Anti-drug fags are literal NPCs. No point in arguing with someone who simply sees that nixon and reagan are from the 50s and therefore speak straight facts (they also destroyed this country hard enough to count as 15 democratic presidencies lol)

Other NPCs you might be familiar with:
Anti-wolf fags
Dog beaters
Outdoor cat people
ah yes the typical 4chan pseud that thinks he totally isn't one of the normie NPCs he seethes so much over and fashions himself as some sort of elevated savant. MANY such cases
>dude fucking your body up for fun is high IQ shit
Nigger, please. Unless you're taking cocaine or meth to stay alive in some fucked up situation, you are more of an obnoxious faggot than any straight edge tards out there. Glad you won't make it far in life, because God damn do I hate dealing with holier than thou retards that think their impulsivity and lack of forethought makes them better than others.
>Dude fucking up your body
Temporarily altering

That's what separates us actual human beings from you NPCs. We do it for fun. You do it to escape, or you genuinely hate it to feel like your pathetic life as a peasant has more meaning other than "make people who are superior to me wealthier so they can do coke for fun". No in between.
now that you mention i have literally never known a legitimately wealthy person that did not do at least one drug just for fun (not that gay "to sleep" or "for my depression" shit) and i'm the poorest person in my social circle with a net worth of 1.2mil
>Temporarily altering
Yeah, so temporary you need another hit the next day to feel anything.
>We do it for fun
I think you are mistaking the feeling of your body finally getting what it's been conditioned to desire, to mental and physical enjoyment. Exercise is fun, snorting a line to keep your cool and function properly is not.
>You do it to escape
I ain't escaping shit my man. Don't need it to function.
Means a lot coming from the guy whose whole identity revolves about utilizing stimulants manufactured by others (can't into nigger-tier chemistry) for the sole purpose of making a profit out of fools with more money than sense.
>"make people who are superior to me wealthier so they can do coke for fun"
Damn, imagine not working in a family business. Couldn't be me.
All I see here is a midwit repeating their programming. 99% of what you said is an attack on the strawman you have been conditioned to shit on mixed with a bit of larp.

You are a US government drone, not a person. Sorry.
>99% of what you said is an attack on the strawman you have been conditioned to shit on
Says a lot that you think that's an attack.
Drugs ain't counter culture my man, you are not a hippie. They are government endorsed and pushed by guys like you that can't find joy in life outside of external stimulants. Dragging everybody down to the same mind numbing dependency that you so harshly deny.
Americans can't fathom generational growth and progress. More news at 11.
>You are a US government drone
And you have no argument.
Maybe you should take some shrooms, open your mind and realize how much of a dog on a leash you are.
Everyone in this thread is a retard. Its either fedbots who assume every substance with the narcotic label are super addictive like crack/meth or transhumanists who believe that a mushroom will make them the next Eddie out of Limitless. Can we just go down the /x/ route and sperg out at each other over what esoteric/spiritulist world view psychedelics validate? It would be far less gay in comparison
tldr still a strawmanning egolet

i dont do any drugs i just see you as lesser based on your behavior
>Drug addicts claim drug is a miracle cure-all
>you, an idiot, believe them
Look no amount of hallucinogens are gonna make you smarter. It's just gonna make you see shit and imbalance your brain chemistry meaning you literally turn mentally ill if you use it too much.
but, actually, they will
>d-drugs bad thtttttheyre addicted
who told you to believe that, over how many little brainwashing sessions with talking cartoon animals

these drugs have real potential but research was shut down to put protesters and blacks in jail. if the government under control of lobbyists had their way, all the way, all crude medicines would be banned and we could suck shit until a patentable synthetic version was found, especially if they could be associated with the "le bad man" of the day, ie: "muh white nationalists". i wouldn't be surprised if they found a useful or harmless substance to justify putting "muh white nationalists" behind bars, really.
Its worse. Its a psychedelic.
It will in fact make you smarter if used correctly, as an unironic autism cure that reopens critical periods for learning basic social conventions. If used for fun it does nothing, but using adderall for fun also does nothing. Using adderall with a purpose makes getting a 4.0 GPA piss easy, so that would also literally make you smarter by enabling a large volume of well retained study to occur in a short period of time.
except a gpa is just a measurement of how well you can memorize something, thats not really useful, because you can get a computer to do that, if you dont know how to apply it in real world situations
How are you going to apply knowledge you don't have? Please don't go into medicine.
>if you dont know how to apply it
youre putting the cart in front of the horse, any monkey can memorize something, that doesnt make them smart
Sorry to disrupt your common sense folx knowledge, zhister, but learning things actually does make you smarter.

stuff in stuff out, you need to have the knowledge first to apply it or even to learn to apply knowledge of that nature
thats not whats being said, memorization is not learning
Memorization is literally learning, common core victim anon
ironic, since common core is all about memorization and not actually learning, you stupid retard
>common sense folx knowledge, zhister
is he having a stroke here? what's going on?
you really should look up the meaning of a word before you attempt to use it ESL
If you are prone to psychosis of any kind, you can do permanent damage. Not worth the risk imo.
>where I reside, it is life imprisonment
lol don't do it

all shrooms gave me was a psychotic break. embarrassing!
this is what happens when you take lsd just 5 times, motor skills shot to shit, language center cant string a sentence, ocular center cant recognize a mistake
this is one of the stupidest posts ive seen in a while
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>motor skills shot to shit, language center cant string a sentence, ocular center cant recognize a mistake
Not even shitposting when I ask this but is this a real thing clinically? Ever since I have done mushrooms I have noticed my spelling and grammar go through the fucking floor in terms of coherency.
The whole concept of mushrooms unlocking or making you realise things only occurs if you're incredibly stupid or incredibly self-centered. Psychedelics can trigger a big self-reflection moment that allows self-absorbed individuals to realise basic truths that normal people came to terms with in their teens.
Do psychedelics to have fun and go to therapy.
Does this mean >>4833893 was to self-absorbed to not be racist lmao
>to be racist*
your brain is a machine, well is circuit board, its designed in a specific way for better or worse, drugs are basically overclocking it in some fashion, but shrooms will make extra connections, some connections are better, some are worse, but more often than not, its going to be worse, like synesthesia is a common thing that happens when tripping out, because the brain is now connecting different parts that really shouldnt be connected

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