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I don't think people give enough credit to bony fishes for how scary they can be. Nobody's denying that sharks are imposing as hell, but there's a certain visceral fear I get when I think about goliath groupers. The way they use their swim bladders to bark, the way they do mock charges while opening their gill flaps, their lightning fast gulp, it's all just so intimidating. Then there's the Kaluga which is basically the only sturgeon species that actively hunts fish instead of invertebrates and has been known to eat seals. Their giant bodies and peg-like teeth which are unique to them, their armor plated skin they use to ram things too large to bite, and the fact that they live in freshwater which makes them far more likely to run into humans than a shark. Anyone else get what I mean here?
>Anyone else get what I mean here?
That the water is to be avoided at all costs? Yeah, no shit, we already knew that.
>and has been known to eat seals.
Source? I get what you mean but ‘fish attacks’ don’t really seem all that common and rarely have the potential to be fatal unlike a bull shark or something that just needs a proper bite in the right area to pretty much kill you
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I don't approve of catfish
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>"Unlike sturgeon of the genus Acipenser, the adult beluga is a pelagic predator, feeding primarily on the larger species within the genera Alosa,Aspiusand Engraulis. Seasonal changes in diet have been observed throughout the beluga’s range, and additional food itemsmay include aquatic birds and young seals (Pirogovskii et al. 1989)."

Maybe so, but they just seem scarier to me. Everyone expects a shark, but nobody thinks of the caviar fish and oversized bass as maneaters.

Wels catfish especially are fuckin creepy. Damned blind things have been known to beach themselves to get pigeons like a killer whale, and they've been known to kill small dogs too, kids could very well be on the menu as well.


This image is actually very disconcerting.
> and they've been known to kill small dogs too, kids could very well be on the menu as well.
That’s seriously creepy shit. You’re weirding me out right now. I need something to comfort me immediately.
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truly they are the frogs of the sea
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Aren't frogfish the frogs of the sea?
Wels catfishs are mostly dangerous because the large specimens can drown you, their jaws are like a bear trap. If they catch one of your limbs while you are in the water, you are fucked.
do they also invade your dounstairs shitter and spook you?
They could swim up through the pipes and bite you on the benus
So no noodling?
>That’s seriously creepy shit.
It is a decently smart predatory fish that can reach sizes over 2m long and weigh more than 100kg (or significantly more if you listen to old wives tales about 3 to 4 meter long fishes of the pre-industrial era) and has been known to bite people. I really wouldn't be surprised if at least a couple peon kids did end up getting killed by one back in the day.
those are a thing?
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Thanks, I hate it.
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Whats interesting about Wels catfish is that theyre unusually intelligent and adaptable for a fish. The Orca tactics arent something they do in their native area, only in the introduced parts of Italy.

And even though they are more of a cold-water fish originally, they seem to thrive better in the warmer waters of south Europe.
I feel you homie
They have a sort of otherworldliness sharks don't have anymore due to overexposure
>That the water is to be avoided at all costs?
Wrong, wuss. It means you go out there, own the seas like your ancestors did, and you show those waterbreathing needleboned faggots WHO'S THE BOSS.
>own the seas like your ancestors did
The sea swallowed your ancestors by the boatload and they spent every day praying and shunning women and avoiding albatrosses in the vague hope they could exert some form of superstitious control over the nightmarish reality of being on a bunch of logs lashed together in the middle of the ocean guaranteed to capsize if the divine should so much as sneeze
Thats some landlubber shit right there
Money where your mouth is scalleywag. Get packing.
I organised the words in the filename alphabetically:
best big big big biggest enorme fish fish fishes fishes gigante gigante huge igfa images ocean of of of of pesce pesce record sea siluro the the the the wels world world world
Bless your autism.
I'd prefer it if they had tricorn hats, eyepatches and parrots
Yes, and their closet relative is the angler fish, and maybe bat fish, i cant remember
Also monkfish
Really though what the hell is that file name kek
Where i live they are in every single body of water and they are extremely common, even in really shallow rivers.
There’s a story about a wels in Eastern Europe somewhere that pulled someone’s hand off at the wrist, so no
>Nobody's denying that sharks are imposing as hell, but there's a certain visceral fear I get when I think about goliath groupers
Having a fish with nothing but gums try swallow you while you’re alive seems like a far worse way to go than a shark taking your head off in one bite
Just goes to show that you don't need teeth to be utterly horrifying.

Wrong link

groupers are so fucking cool
Is there a place in the Americas were kalugas could be introduced without becoming a problem?
In an attempt at conservation, of course.
What the fuck did he do that for
They could probably get as big as megalodon too. Considering Leedsichthys was a regular old ray-finned fish and about the same size.
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Swordfish are, shockingly, massive haters. There's even dead sharks that washed ashore found with broken nose tips embedded in either their brain or heart. This hater energy ain't restricted to living things either.
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fuck off, we have gars and they should be in more places
>like a gator but smaller weaker and less cool
mmmmmmmm, no because
>needle teeth
>armored scales
sturgeon are literally soífish
theyre gross goofy and nerdy looking but a really big sturgeon could probably eat any gar so they win
This is what tarpons do. Big powerful ravenous predatory fish, but absolutely zero teeth. Why chew when you can swallow anything whole?
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They're southern, kaluga would need to be northern.
There's no overlap.
gars go all the way to the great lakes thats the same latitude
Well, they would need a place with access to salt water.
So they still wouldn't really be in competition with the gar, put them up in east and west coast Canada.
gars live in brackish water too, and full salt water if they wanted to, and the only reason why theyre east of the rockys is because the of rockys
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Was it real, /an/?
What the hell happened in that video
If I had a sword for a nose I’d probably go around stabbing everything with it too
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Seems to be so.
There’s a restaurant where I live that has a pier where they pool around and you can feed them. Very big and powerful
Yes, Jeremy Wade is a real creature.
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Well bluefin tuna are even bigger and more powerful than that.
Is that just a tiny person?
I think it's funny that his last name was wade since that's what he spent so much of his time doing.
Nominative determinism
Speak English
more tiny people?
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Nah, that doesn't seem right.
I want to hurt you
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There's also dogtooth tuna which have nasty chompers
Wow, he doesn’t look like a “Jeremy Wade” at all
Most fish have a second set of phyrangial jaws. We actual retain them and use them as part of our nervous system
Oh yea? Which part do we use them in brainiac?
holy moly I've never seen one of these before
Why do people never talk about tuna? They're basically a modern day xiphactinus without teeth-
Oh shit tuna are fucking scary man. Damnned warm blooded bullet fish with an appetite the size of a truck and their actual size being half of one.
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Most people don't ever see different tuna species and just assume they're all like albacore
Teleosts are so retarded looking
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Cope lube-fin
What the hell is he saying? There’s no subtitles
>i demand bellets
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i am surprised that more fish havent chosen the swordfish defense
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>sturgeon are literally soífish
forced perspective, it is big but not as big as the pic makes it seem
I dunno man, looks pretty fucking huge to me
in you're mom's ass
I would rather be killed by a shark than a giant freshwater fish in murky water.
See yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about.

>Being in open water with a shark, fine whatever.

>Dodging around corals as a giant bass keeps barking at me and trying to bite my arm and break it off, fuck no.

I hate groupers too OP
It was a long time ago in a past thread but one anon said a dive instructor said this appropriate line.
>"You would rather mess with a shark than a grouper. A shark would bite your hand off, but a grouper will RIP your hand off."
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Giant fish creeped me the fuck out when I was a kid, stuff like this made me imagine a nightmare scenario of being trapped in pitch black waters while encountering fish the size of whales. In terms of size, none of them beat the beluga sturgeon.
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Looks like it could gobble down a grown man if it really tried. Frightening stuff.
To think we eat their eggs and they're this big. It's like the same feeling you get when you see how big tuna are after knowing them from a can your whole life.
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Worth nothing that even in the dino days, bony fish were fucking enormous.
now make it a macropredator.
kek he looks chinese
Why did he need to be this big???
The oceans of the Jurassic were..unpleasant to say the least. Not as bad as the Cretaceous but still not something you’d want to swim in, the size is for defence.
Ok now whats the SECOND biggest bony fish that ever existed
I can't find any info on that
What was going on in the Cretaceous oceans?
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>What was going on in the Cretaceous oceans?
Hood shit, but in general there was a lot of mega predators present.
Another example of Cretaceous sea life is >>4829898
Honestly I hate catfish but they taste so fucking good
Cool fake story with cgi
imagine if we had still these around today
They'd go extinct due to competition from orcas
pipe down orcafag
can he digest a meal this large? seems just wrong
I'm sorry?
Hate to be a debbie downer reptard, but orcas have been known to take down 60,000 pound grey whales and 40,000 pound sperm whales, I don't think a 20,000 pound oversized sea snake is gonna give them much strife and will pretty easily be outcompeted seeing as they occupy pretty much the same niche. The mesozoic oceans are objectively less cool than the modern and especially miocene-pliocene ones.
That mosasaur depiction is outdated, they had a tail fluke.
Also they're lizards not snakes retard
Snakes are lizards dipshit. Also my point still stands regardless of if the pic is outdated.
Yeah, good description honestly.
>and has been known to eat seals
No it does not you liar
Yeah it does loser
Orcas do not face anything as agile or as deadly as a goddam mosasaurus you moron. Being intelligent, they would at best chase one off as a group or get the fuck out of there if they spotted one. On the other hand, a mosasaurus would absolutely go for the kill on a calf, sub adult or an average sized adult, which it could dispatch quickly and return to feed on later.
Orcas can only kill something bigger than them as a pod and it takes them hours to do so. With their tiny jaws their best attack is ramming into and attempting to drown their prey. Literally blessed with no competition, the most onions predator in history.
hearty chuckle
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Growing up swimming in lakes I'd sometimes have nightmares of a big fish eating me, this brings back memories.

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