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My mom finds them ugly, i think theire badass just like every other terrestrial bird.
They're called undertaker birds because their feathers look like the clothes undetakers used to wear and because they eat a lot of dead things. They're also called firestorks because they're known to intentionally spread fires by flying already burning material to areas with lots of dry dead plants to flush out and catch the tiny animals that try to run.
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Never heard of a hunting technique like that before. Also a name like that reminds me of the Secretarybird.
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Australian firehawks do it too
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Meant to attach this picture
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theyre beautiful
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They say Bears have the ability to interpret natural beauty. Wonder what other animals can do that aswell. This guy seems to enjoying that Kalahari sunset...
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I think it's kind of creepy that instead of a horrible screech they make the cutest sounds possible
They are ugly. That said I don’t know about them except that they deliver babies so I can’t say further
That’s… a pretty scary amount of intelligence. Wow.
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>My mom
This site is 18+.
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>birds have invented naplam
That's metal. Bonus points to the stork for looking gnarlier.
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