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For me it's the softshell turtle.
It's flat
So just a living pancake? Like the land version of a stingray? How does it live like this?
It's a very fast swimmer and runner.
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RIP to the Yangtze giant softshell turtle, you evolved in the wrong country
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RIP Carolina parakeet, ivory-billed woodpecker, and passenger pigeon. You evolved in the right country then yanks came and ate you all as well as most of the natives because they're fat and retarded.
Zhang Quhao is MAD in this thread kek
The soft shell allows them to sprint at insane speeds.
He's still alive, but only barely.
Forrest Gallante managed to film one.

I hate people so much, I swear to God.
>it’s in China
It never stood a chance. I’m sorry little one.
Buddy, you DO NOT want to play this game
As always lol
is the soft shell turtle the ancestor of hard shell turtles or did it evolve from hard shell?
Depends on if you consider protoshelled turtle ancestors to have "soft"shells.
Phimosis turtle
>He's still alive, but only barely.
That's the problem. The last ones left are JUST males. They might as well be already dead.
>Zhang Quhao is MAD in this thread kek
i count a lot more yts MAD from his post in this thread kek
>hehe actually no YOU dumb gweiro hehehe
proving him right
>proving him right
i'm not that poster so i can't speak for him but i count a lot more posters mad over him. is basic arithmetic too challenging for you? your amazing american education ain't helping you out on this one sport.
>i’m not that poster
He said convincing no one. CCP aren’t sending their best
their face culture prevents them from accepting advice from outsiders. asian cultures are the epitome of form over substance (as in "I do this because it makes me "look good" to my peers even tho it's retarded"). at least westerners accept changes are needed to protect the environment. asians see the destruction around them and just ignore it
i can see how absolutely assblasted you are by needing to project that i'm chink lmao
that was 200 years ago when people had little concept of such things and didn't know any better. we also regretted it later.

you are doing it now when you should know better, with no regret, with the world telling you to stop, and you won't even write it down in case you evolve enough to regret it in the future.
we're mad because he's wrong. he's mad because we're right. get it?
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Since when did westerners get so sensitive? What of the cougars in Florida or the Red Wolves? At least the commies are doing way better at reforesting than the American increase of 0.03% from 2010-2020 lmfao. Hicks and chinks both suck at conservation and if you can't deal then don't dish out yadda yadda whatever. Now stop your bitching and start talking about turtles, I for one like the fly river turtle. It's like if a softshell turtle and a sea turtle had babies and decided to live in freshwater.
Keep it up chang. Your social credit is at stake so give it your best or you’ll be eating your dog raw and on the street soon.
there’s nothing for them to “dish”
westerners aren’t the ones grinding down and poaching their endangered species into magic erection pills and other archaic middle age tier “medicine”
one side is wrong
the other isn’t
there is no equivalence here
I don't care. Talk about turtles yankee boy.
then stop starting shit retard???
I didn't start anything. I just said that you're both shit. Chinese doing it so their dick gets hard doesn't make it any worse than westerners doing it to build another Walmart. Now talk about fuckin turtles already would ya?
It's been a while since I've seen a post this disconnected from reality
you're flat
you literally did, you stupid retard, you literally made the comparative statement that commies are better, esl-kun, if you knew anything about the states, you would know that the south is not urbanite shithole like china or europe, its large swathes of forest, most of america is undeveloped land
>I didn't start anything
You poured fuel on the fire. You have yourself to blame for this

They are noticably better at afforestation than the US, sorry. Anecdotal shit about the South or whatever doesn't really matter and isn't relevant. Also calling me esl also isn't really an insult when my grammar is better than yours, lel.

I'm being neutral. If you yanks would stop shitting your pants and crying every time someone makes fun of you for being hypocritical, we wouldn't have an issue.
>one giant run on sentence

>also also

the race is neck and neck so far
I’m not American. Recognizing the Chinese are a scourge on the planet when it comes to their environmental practices does not make you American. Should I assume you’re Chinese because you’re quite literally doing what >>4823483 says? Nobody is claiming America is perfect but there’s a side that’s clearly preferable to the other when it comes to this issue.
This is how inflation fetishes always end up yet nobody wants you
I said west at first but you gave america as an example so I used america in my rebuttals, holy shit you people are so ridiculously dull. Europe is also plenty fucking bad so don't worry. Their afforestation rates are lower than the US, China, India and other countries, and most fauna in places like the UK and France are gone while most rewilding efforts are ignored or put heavily on the back pedal.


Look here as well, the global north in general has far more emissions per capita than the majority of global south nations (and China). Your environmental baggage isn't just "in the past" it's a very real and very relevant occurance that still outpaces countries like China objectively and demonstratably. Stop being purposefully obtuse or fuck off already, Christ. I acknowledge that China has big problems with environmentalism, nobody's denying that, but you fags are little to no better as far as I and the data are concerned. Your bias sure as hell doesn't let you think objectively and see that though.
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I never mentioned a word about America so don’t respond to *me* acting like I did.
Meanwhile, China is near single handedly drowning the world in plastic waste.
As I said already, America isn’t perfect, but there’s a clear bigger devil to anyone without an agenda and a shred of honesty. Both sides have “baggage” but one acknowledges it while the other chugs on and ignores it like psychopaths.
Did you know “but he did it” is not a defense

Just because most of your people are oppressed illiterate retards (oh sorry, i forgot, grorious CCCP lowered the literacy standard to 400 words so they would have to lie less), does not mean your country pollutes more flagrantly than average. If all your oppressed mud hut poorfags who work for pennies in sweatshops and all the homeless people your shitty bug hive finds ways not to count did not live in the late iron age, china would be even worse at this.

The vast majority of china is dirt poor, illiterate, and so food insecure they ride scooters into cities to steal peoples pets.

Did you know “but he did it” is not a defense
*Does not mean your country does not pollute more flagrantly

Seriously fuck china.
What's next, the ughyur genocide doesn't count because "the west" gave israel a few bullets?
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>if you knew anything about the states, you would know that the south is not urbanite shithole like china or europe, its large swathes of forest, most of america is undeveloped land

Genuinely, who are you trying to fool here? This was the comment I was replying to, so if you didn't say it personally, that doesn't matter.

Yes, as I said, China has plenty of shit going on with it too. Nobody's denying that like I said before. But the west is still outpacing China in carbon emissions and is doing less to reforest or rewild their lands. I literally provided you the unbiased third party sources that support this and you call that dishonest agenda posting? Why would the Chinese government be reforesting if they didn't acknowledge the fucking problem you dumb motherfucker? I can tell you have an axe to grind but seriously dude think critically about these things. Picrel for instance shows the west, again, outpacing the global south in food waste which directly harms the environment by necessitating more food production.
>P-per capita
Yeah yeah chang, bring up per capita when you do not maintain billions of underfed, uneducated peasants as slave labor

What would china's per capita statistic look like if it only counted those the party allows to live up to western standards? You know, the people they allow to take IQ tests. Those ones.
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Nigga the fuck are you blabbering on about? China ranks higher than the US on wealth equality and education lmfao. This is what I mean when I say westerners are so biased that they can't think of other countries as anything but impoverished medieval shitholes.
It's an independent study retard.
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>This was the comment I was replying to, so if you didn't say it personally, that doesn't matter.
Then don’t reply to two people at the same time you fucking idiot??? You’re aware that you can space out posts yes???
>But the west is still outpacing China in carbon emissions
I wouldn’t be so sure of that champ.
As you can see, lots of other sources have a different story to tell.
>you call that dishonest agenda posting?
Yes? I just provided you with sources stating otherwise, so clearly you aren’t being honest and looking at the full picture for a reason.
>I can tell you have an axe to grind
You’re the one going all into this despite previously proclaiming you “don’t care” bud, don’t be surprised when people challenge your bullshit head on.
>higher on wealth equality and education


>food waste
>any way comparable to plastic pollution

Kys Chang. 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>china lovers on the animals & nature board
o i am kekkin’
China's a country of 1.3 billion people yet only has double the carbon footprint of a country like the US which has a population of 300 million. That's why per capita exists you dumbass.

Also shouldn't you know that I'm not Chinese considering the great firewall or whatever? I'm not even a communist lmfao. I just don't suck the west's dick at every corner since I'm from Brazil.
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Ah, so it’s the per capita cop out as usual.
It also outclasses India and the EU, the former with a population of also a billion and the latter with a population of 450 million. *Combined*. Sorry, but per capita isn’t cutting it anymore when the disparity is this retardedly huge, maybe it’s time to stop sucking on Chang pecker when the facts are this stacked against you, China might as well be the devil when it comes the environment.
Again, why I said China still has problems. Their pollution per capita is comparable to the entire EU (despite most of that coming from countries like France and Germany which really shouldn't be included with countries like Greece or Romania) which is bad. Although not as bad as the US, Germany or France still. You're both the devil as far as I'm concerned. World would be a whole lot better off if you two glassed each other's shitholes already.
>Again, why I said China still has problems.
It’s beyond that. “Still has their problems” doesn’t even begin to do it justice. Plastic, CO2, overpopulation, poaching, you name it, they’re fucking us up with it. They’re in their own league entirely. In a way I feel for the Chinese but there’s no easy solution of their predicament.
>glassed each other’s shitholes
Not a burger so that scenario wouldn’t affect me, I live comfortably away from both, maybe focus on trying to clean up the favelas instead of running interference for a nation of global shitters, but from where I’m standing, I think I know the devil I’d take my chances with.
I don't believe there's any solution as you said. An entire country of over a billion going through an industrial revolution in the span of 40 years can't be good for the environment. The hicks up north have fucked with my home far more than our own shitty government could have dreamed of doing, so I don't think Lula or especially I have any input in that. Either way, I think I'm done for now, peace.
thats not a run on sentence, esl-kun
>trading DEF for SPD
Both the carolina parakeet and passenger pigeon went extinct despite people trying to save them. It is suspected disease from poultry farms got loose and killed them
Passenger pigeons went extinct because we no longer needed them. We didn't try to save them. Stop spreading bullshit lies.
seems like God created some SMASHED N´SLAMMED animols after all
Have also been to china

Worst fucking vacation ever
>forget the tour, they said
>see the local culture, they said
China is not even half as developed as they tell the world they are. I'm surprised they even let foreigners walk unattended. Apparently, part of their face saving is they used to disallow people from rural areas from moving to the city just because they wanted to, which allowed them to cheat the statistics easier. But when it's muh pollution, they are glad to count all those undesirables to spin the per-capita statistic

The vast majority of china makes america's south look like paradise.
You know shit gets serious when people start posting the world map statistics
white incels are the most fragile cohort on the internet
>shit it's a fact that i don't like...how can i respond to it...i know, i'll call it a cop out!
Per capita is a cop out when the “better” country has its majority living in pre-industrial conditions. If most americans were just human stock for slave labor pollution would plummet.
>Per capita is a cop out
no it is not. the average american leads a relatively decadent and wasteful lifestyle. corporations are extremely wasteful, especially with food. close to half of the country's food production is ultimately thrown out. all that pollution happening over in china? yeah, it's to make stupid plastic thingamajiggers for fatass sharts that will just throw them out in a week.
actually, its an ellipsoid
>We didn't try to save them. Stop spreading bullshit lies.
What is it that makes people so aggressively confident in their ignorance?

>By the time of these last nestings, laws had already been enacted to protect the passenger pigeon, but these proved ineffective, as they were unclearly framed and hard to enforce. H. B. Roney, who witnessed the Petoskey slaughter, led campaigns to protect the pigeon, but was met with resistance, and accusations that he was exaggerating the severity of the situation. Few offenders were prosecuted, mainly some poor trappers, but the large enterprises were not affected.[57] In 1857, a bill was brought forth to the Ohio State Legislature seeking protection for the passenger pigeon, yet a Select Committee of the Senate filed a report stating that the bird did not need protection, being "wonderfully prolific", and dismissing the suggestion that the species could be destroyed.[142] Public protests against trap-shooting erupted in the 1870s, as the birds were badly treated before and after such contests. Conservationists were ineffective in stopping the slaughter. A bill was passed in the Michigan legislature making it illegal to net pigeons within 3 km (1.9 mi) of a nesting area. In 1897, a bill was introduced in the Michigan legislature asking for a 10-year closed season on passenger pigeons. Similar legal measures were passed and then disregarded in Pennsylvania.
Tell it to all those links. You don’t get to ignore that graph by acting like a weasel and belching out “BUR GABITA”
>i cant actually debunk anything that’s being said… i know! i’ll pretend i have a point by displaying my asshurt!
>when it's muh pollution, they are glad to count all those undesirables to spin the per-capita statistic
Hit the nail on the head. It’s textbook CCP spinning of stats. You’d have to be a drooling shit eating retard to fall for this too (or just a yellowcel I guess).
>Tell it to all those links
there's nothing to tell. per capita, americans are the biggest polluters. that goes against your narrative so you pointlessly dismiss it (and continue to do so because it makes you seethe).
>there's nothing to tell.
You’re damn right there isn’t. China is the biggest global polluter of CO2 overall by several orders of magnitude and that’s a fact. Your word games mean nothing. Go find someone else to entertain your dishonesty. No more (You)s.
Ok zipperhead, how about we refocus on me? Thanks.
Christs tits I've about had it with these twig dicked mammalian yellow niggers
>Thread about X
>China did something bad to X once
>"Nooo, Americans are far worse! Look what they did to Y!"
That's called Whabaoutism and it's done by fanatics who cannot reason because they choose their arguments based on political motivations.
The four mentioned species had their populations greatly reduced by human mistreatment, but since the concept of extinction was defined almost everybody is trying hard to preserve rare species. Both the Yangtze giant softshell turtle and the Ivory-billed woodpecker are critically endangered but are not extinct yet and their countries are clearly doing everything they can to help them.
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>americans are the biggest polluters
damn lmao you're really shook. sounds like you're going to start crying because the facts don't agree with your headcanon
America sends a lot of its trash to these places because it doesn't have the infrastructure to deal with it itself. Countries, like China, that are fully known to not exactly be eco-warriors, either through greed or poverty. America is not innocent.
It doesn't count because 40% of china lives in rural, borderline pre-industrial conditions. Muh per capita. Durrrrr.

Imagine how awful china would be if their real standard of living were equal to ours. They'd institute a 0 child policy within a year and start redefining electricity as a privilege.
>i-it's america
No, it's the city chinese and the industrialists acting like americans, but circa 1800s americans.
>Why me instarr porrution contrors? that bad for profit! me no even pay worker more than $1, u idiot u want my famry go poor!?
The entire world is begging them to stop and act with a modicum of care and they say WHAT ABOUT U? PER CAPITA?
>"America" is forcing us to dump plastic in the rivers. We had no choice.
I prefer musk and mud turtles.
> It doesn't count because 40% of china lives in rural, borderline pre-industrial conditions
The south in particular is also really poor and undeveloped. The country is practically third world.
if it was in Europe it would have gone extinct between 20000 and 2000 years ago
these things really are just freshwater sea turtles huh?
yeah they don't even go on land to bask, fully aquatic except when laying eggs
how so?
Their eggs are even cooler than sea turtle eggs though. They don't hatch until they hit water and immediately after hitting water they'll burst open and the babies start swimming. No reason to go on a mad dash to the shore when the weather can do it for you.
>you're really shook.
esl moment
>So just a living pancake? Like the land version of a stingray? How does it live like this?
How do you?
Through being 3 dimensional
I want it on the record, that both zhang and Cletus are shitting up the cool thread about turtles with their political dick measuring.
I can only hope they’re paid shills, because scenario where they chose to behave like subhumans on their own will is just sad
This but only one side
esl moment
Chang's always the aggressor, but you know, it's his "job". If you say one mean thing about the state they put you in solitary and then on wumao duty.
they should release these in the everglades
theyd just be eaten by gators, snakes, and snapping turtles
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The most fucked thing about this flabby bastard is that it still has a neck in there. It's just buried under tons of fat.
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tell me ten turtle facts.

1. Leonardo was the best turtle on TMNT
2. You can never be too turtley for the turtle club.
i hate this
3. Their shells are made from depleted uranium
>and runner
Oh man, look at him go!

4. In a crafty move to capture more of the turtle market, Red Lobster instituted the bottomless shrimp deal. While it did have the desired effect of grabbing an overwhelming amount of the turtle demographic, it was also hilariously Red Lobsters downfall. Talk about being hoisted on your own petard.
i liked red lobster too…

5. As everyone knows, the world sits atop a giant tortoise. That tortoise is a gopher tortoise from Florida, his name is Marshall, and boy does he know how to handle a chip from the fairway with that 7 iron of his. Also host a wonderful neighborhood summer potluck. Plus his wife is hot.
and Cletus
sir, that is a pancake.
>seethe about china out of literally nowhere
glow more ramirez
no, people dont really eat turtles here, like in china
you live in the city, right?
Dude turtle soup is fucking amazing. Stop by New Orleans sometime.
China definitely eats them most but I can vouch for them actually being pretty tasty when prepared right.

6. Turtles are the reigning champions of non Euclidean geometry.

7. An alligator snapping turtle can easily bite your finger off. They could easily bite your dick off too, but they're not gay.

8. Turtles didn't do 9/11, however they are certainly hiding weapons of mass destruction.
Oh no a predator! Thank god my primary defense mechanism is FORK TENDER.
passenger pigeons were fucking retards and I'm glad they're dead
9. Slow and steady wins the race
Isis did nothing wrong and were the good guys
He’s got a foreskin on his neck.
go back.
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>RIP Carolina parakeet, ivory-billed woodpecker, and passenger pigeon. You evolved in the right country then yanks came and ate you all as well as most of the natives because they're fat and retarded
Don't blame us, turtle soup is delicious

10. Turtles are constantly drinking, which means they are constantly pissing themselves as well. In spite of this revolting behavior, they steadfastly refuse to consider the possibility that they may have problems with alcoholism.
why did you squash him?
Asians are like half the size of us. No shit.

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