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Any /an/iggas tried it?
“CS”? Computer school? Civil service? Coronary sinus?
counter strike?
combined with the pic I strongly believe op is brazilian
It stands for Crustacean Studies.
Personally I think you should stick with it. The crabs need our help.
Cuckputer Basedence.
Yes I'm a zuca.
Albert Bourla is a veterinarian and now he runs Pfizer.
On the other hand Sam Altman failed to even get a bachelor degree but despite that he's now in charge of OpenAI.
But on the other other hand Larry Fink got an MBA and he runs the multi trillion dollar BlackRock.
The common denominator is that they're all rich and none of them got a CS degree. Something to think about.
If you like taking care of scared animals then it's a no-brainer.
a decapod CLACKITYCLACK'd this post
thats a big change, think well
consider the CS job market is inflated, and veterinarians are few
Can you deal with watching animals die all the time due to negligent nigger/mojado owners?
it's a depressing fucking field, and while CS may be a competitive field, veterinary jobs are even worse because they're a passion field - meaning that you won't be paid worth a fuck and if you don't like it they'll replace you with one of the many other applicants lining up because they live the little animals

my advice? find a happy medium and conjoin CS with an animal related field, maybe ecology or conservation. marine biology is a good example of an oversaturated, underpaid passion-field, but if you're smart and weave in experience with CS, AI, software engineering, etc. you can actually do pretty well for yourself, instead of staring at a microscope and doing data-entry 8 hours a day for $15/hr
Not saying I've done it, but absolutely do it. You'll be much more fulfilled in life working with animals. With AI and everything, CS is on its way out.
> marine biology is a good example of an oversaturated, underpaid passion-field
That sucks to hear. It was one of the things i was looking into but I need to make a good buck too
>veterinarians are few
There are good reasons for that, and why it has been that way since... forever. For one, it takes a pretty fucking long time, usually about eight years, to get your DVM WITHOUT specialization. Considering the time and cost to get the degree, the salary range is pretty shit. For instance, I got a four year EE degree and hit the top end of what a DVM gets paid where I live, AND THEN I got my Professional Engineer license, so it is nowhere near the top end for me. Second, a lot of people forget that dealing with animals is the easy part. It's dealing with people that make the job suck. I know a vet tech studying to be a DVM and that's all she talks about. Think of it this way: you get into the vet business because you care about animals. What are you going to do when some Karen comes in and wants you to put down her dog/cat/rabbit because she's moving? (This is a really common issue in the UK.) What are you going to do when someone comes in with a really sick pet but refuses to pay for any procedure, or comes back during a follow-up and readily admits that he/she didn't give the dog/cat its antibiotics at all because it didn't like them or they forgot? Or a cut gets grossly infected because they just let it fester for days/weeks before seeing you? Or you do an X-Ray and find all kinds of malformed and previously-broken-and-poorly-healed bones?

People treat animals like shit, even ones that "love" their pets. Once you put even a minuscule amount of money and effort into medical care for it, suddenly they become expendable.

Only be a vet if you find it really fulfilling. At the same time though, CS may get you more money but if you hate your life, it's not going to mean much.
Zoology is fun, no clue about vet school. Probably an overworked and thankless job
Gaúchos drink mate all the time.
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vet school sucks, don't do it unless you want to be in debt for years and surrounded by bitchy women
>best girl with best trend
i agree
seems to be the story for a lot of physical science STEM fields, I have a geology/environmental science background and went into site assessment and hazardous waste remediation while 90% of my classmates wanted to work in ecological restoration. majority of the ones I have kept up with either couldn't find work or the the jobs themselves are low pay and grindy because they knew you wanted to be there. I have an above average income for my area, even if it's not amazing, and the industry in my experience has been generally pretty comfy, flexible, with lots of nice benefits.
Sucks. I’m pretty lost on what to do myself. Honestly feels like everything is between doing something soul crushing but with decent/high pay or doing something you want for peanuts
kind of a depressing thread. It seems like being a park ranger is the only good /an/ adjacent job.
Volunteer at a rescue for as long as you can stand.
If you can handle all the things you'll have to see and do, then sure, go for it. But you definitely need to understand the bleakness you will be putting your time and money into. And no, you might think you get it from watching a few sad videos, but you won't get it until you actually experience it.
i think that the issue is this obligation of getting a degree to do x that has been ingrained in us since elementary school.
i'm thinking about literally opening a flower shop in a town in the middle of nowhere. that does not require a degree like many other similar "jobs" i can think about. shouldn't we stop thinking about "how do i get employed by someone" and do something ourselves? isn't that the most natural (/an/) thing to do?
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I mean, veterinary work is inherently depressing, at least in small animal world

The debt sucks, the schooling is miserable and after the 4 extra years you feel like a beaten dog.

People rarely appreciate the work you do: some owners will call you a liar, others won't accept what you have to say, some get mad about the cost, and that's when you *do* get it right. When you don't get it right, they'll kick and scream and write the shittiest review about you and drag your name through the mud. The only positive reviews you'll ever get is when you do a humane euthanasia for them and they'll go on and on about how loving and caring you were when all you did was keep a straight face and push some drugs.

All the while you're doing all of this while being surrounded by technicians with two year degrees who think this makes them all-knowing and will judge you if they have even the slightest inkling you're wrong.
… Are/were you a vet anon? Sounds like you’re intimately familiar with the experience
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[spoiler]I am one
I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all of that anon
Stay strong, I appreciate what you do and your good taste in anime girls :)
You can do both you know. Veterinary school is a professional school, I don’t think in most countries they require a biology degree. You just need to take a certain amount of prerequisite you’d probably need bio 1 and 2. Chemistry through biochem 1 and physics 1 and 2. All doable as elective lab classes or a biochem minor in computer science.

The biggest hurdle is computer science and engineering expect lower GPAs from students and a 3.0 is competitive with in the community because they know the work load. Vet school and medical school expect 3.7 gaps
Biology is filled with failed premed hopefuls and wealthy women who want to play with baby monkeys and dolphins
>failed premed hopefuls
>wealthy women who want to play with baby monkeys and dolphins
are they attractive at least
As long as you hate money and don't ever want to be able to support a family, you will be fine.
I saw somewhere vet suicides are high for a few reasons.

The big thing was that while it can be rewarding, you also deal with a lot of suffering and death at a more rapid pace than Human medical, owing to their shorter lifespans, and you can't really take a nihilistic cynicism on animals like with people unless you're a psychopath.
Number two was that apparently the pay is garbage relative to the amount of work and material costs and you'll probably feel compelled to cover many treatments out of pocket at least in part to save an animal's life or extend it when caretakers cannot.
Damn. Way to sell it to to him…

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