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Accept no substitute edition
I'm sorry you're poor and/or a nigger
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ok i snif
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>xhe said advocating for the poor person animal
Cotton Rat anon here. I spent my time away from 4Chan to be with my friend's Roof Rat, who initially did not like me. Now he has gotten used to me and has even fallen asleep on my shoulder on one occasion.

That is all.
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Do roof rats behave differently from brown rats?
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fat rat bastard
he looks like a plushie
Why is his bottom half so plump
They are more shy and easier to tame as animals, though I have no experience with brown rats.
Just got my first rrrats, 8 weeks old boys. The mix I'm feeding them doesn't contain any protein. How much should I add to their diet? Add a tablespoon of dried meal worms to each feeding? Give them an egg once a week? Really have no clue.
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I would recommend looking for a complete rat food like Burgess, Oxbow or Versalle Laga to mix with muesli, it's less difficult. As well as fresh fruit and / or veg at least once a week.
Their diet should be about 15-16% protein and 5-6% fat (sauce: https://thepetfaq.com/what-rats-eat/). Which is where the issues come in, nuts, seeds and mealworm are high in fat and best in small amounts. Egg white being protein is OK but egg yellow is pure fat.
Boiled chicken is a good option but the most time consuming and spoils quickly.
Limit peanuts, read in a previous thread that it takes longer for kidney / liver to process them.
my rat just passed away about a minute after i put her back in her cage. i couldn't tell anything was that badly wrong, she was chittering away happily like normal when i was petting her. i went away to get her meds and a warm bath, but when i came back she was lying in the back of the cage fully dead. no breathing or heartbeat.
she just had fairly major tumor removal surgery. i think she was constipated from the medication and i failed to notice.
feeling very bad about myself right now. i don't know if it was my fault for handling her.
it seemed like she was happy and went quickly and peacefully. it can be difficult to tell they're not feeling ok, since they naturally try to hide their pain
don't feel bad about yourself, she was loved and cared for and she knew it
She probably had a really nice ending with you petting her. Don't beat yourself over it, rodents are never meant to live long so there is nothing you could have done to avoid it.
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> she just had fairly major tumor removal surgery
I’m surprised it’s even feasible for rodents to undergo that kind of operation, if anything you did great keeping her alive
It's fairly common, more so in females but as long as they're under 2 the chance of survival is reasonable but all surgery poses risks.
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I don't have rats, but I have a folder of maybe over 1000 rats
keep up the good work
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thanks anon
>have 2 male rats and 2 female rats (in separate cages, it was a rescue situation)
>male rats scent mark everywhere
>female rats don't
>male rats die
>bigger more dominant female rat suddenly starts pissing on everything exactly like the males used to
What the fuck is this tranny shit? How do I get her to stop?
>C'est le ret
You can try getting a cooling stone, they won't pee less but might target it more because it doesn't absorb their smell.
>rat thread outlasted rodents
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Nothing personal
tourist here, i'm starting to look into keeping rats, i looked into some of their basic housing, fairly large floor space, climbing toys, keep at least in pair, etc.
But would they be ok living in an aquarium or do they really need a cage? one article said that it's necessary for a good airflow?
If they're okay with an aquarium that would really save me a bit of trouble since i have a couple of old ones in the shed (fairly large one a 40 and 50 gal)
And another thing, keeping feeder rats should be fine right? because that's practically the only source of them around here
a ventilated bar cage is vital for them, glass tanks are no good for their vulnerable respiratory system
Feeder rats are completely fine. Kept both them and breeder rats and noticed absolutely 0 difference.
Like the other anon said, they need a bar cage, they will get respiratory issues in a tank over time.
Alright, appreciate the explanation guess i'll look into some cages
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>ai can't tell difference between rats and humans
uhhh is this bad?
forehead made for kisses
My rat is probably dying tonight. She's barely moving and breathing so heavily with her sides sucked in. I'm sitting here with her in my lap, petting her while tears stream down my face like a giant 30 year old man baby.

I don't think I have it in me to lose any more rats, I love these little guys too much and my heart absolutely breaks every time I lose one. I might call the breeder I bought two more from recently to give them back. I don't even want a refund, I just don't have the heart for this anymore.
Give it a little time and let yourself go through the stages of grief. You can't make rational decisions until you do.
What is short for us, is a life time for them.
>tears stream down my face like a giant 30 year old man baby
This is normal, you let it out and give her the best cuddles & treats.
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Thanks. I've had a rough week. Here's a photo of her. She's the brown one photobombing. I lost the white rat this week too.
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Is this a rodent general or rats only?

Asking for a piggie fren...
I don't see a reason not to go to back to, /Ret/ general but other rodent friends welcome.
Be warned, we're terrible at pig advice in this general but piggers get an answer eventually.
I want a battlerat that I can train to bravely defend my property from loathsome villians
I am a private investigator and i just completed an investigation into some shady corporate types and I've just passed on my findings to a liquidator.
what would you fine gentlemen recommend?
Maybe, don't do that?
Domestics are fairly small and aren't very hardy.
Have you considered a recreational mustelide for this purpose?
Weasels & ferrets conceal carry very naturally

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