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Is it possible to teach people to treat animals with respect?
I will respectfully blow out their frontal lobes with a closed-bolt gun
No, people have to come to conclusions regarding their behaviour on their own. People rarely act out of malice towards animals, and it does suck to know that your actions done out of love and reverence are actually harmful, so people get defensive on certain things they do. Such as:
>letting their pet cat outdoors
>feeding wild animals like foxes and deer
>trying to pet wild animals like foxes and deer
>taking animals from the wild that don't need it like fledgling birds and fawns
>feeding livestock they come across some random shit from their bag
>babying their dog
>giving an ungulate animal a prosthetic leg
>letting pet birds and large pets interact
>letting cats and small pets interact
>being an ARA and supporting literally anything ARAs do, it's all pretty bad
But people do these things out of love so how could it be bad??? It's actually a very childish and immature way of being, and most people just need to grow out of it. Some people won't.
non-joke answer: no.
to actually change humans' attitudes towards animal life would require challenging thousands of years of established tradition, emotional conditioning, and people's understanding of morality as a concept, as well as convincing then to ignore their own natural, animalistic risk-assessment instincts. you'd also have to restructure large amounts of established human habitat to make the necessary changes.

worse, you'd have to challenge the networked, international government-industrial complex and essentially cost them billions or even trillions of dollars, because persuading them to do so is legitimately impossible. any directly hostile action would be shut down by increasing degrees of military force, starting with police.

most people who go into biology, ecology, and conservation sciences understand full-well at this point that these fields do not exist to save the planet or preserve life long term, but simply to observe and catalogue the world's death. despite this, almost none of said researchers would be willing to abandon their careers to attempt to generate economic weight by entering the entrepreneurial or political fields necessary to legitimately actuate change - and even if they did, altruistic intent only carries so far, and is prone to corruption when people realize millions or billions of dollars can be far more effectively spent serving personal interests.
if i see any animal on my property that is not mine, i am blowing its brains out with a .22. it's that simple. that includes wandering cats. my garden is more important than their lives.

how about we teach animals to treat things that aren't theirs with respect?
Only the cute or pretty animals deserve respect. Most cattle are neither but that one in the op is a qtp2t <3
Smaller things such as learning to better take care of pets, better education i.e teaching kids about local flora and fauna since worldwide ecology won't make them feel anything since they can't interact with it, could go a long way
>>letting their pet cat outdoors
Yo what's wrong with letting your pet cat outdoors?

>if i see any animal on my property that is not mine, i am blowing its brains out with a .22. it's that simple. that includes wandering cats. my garden is more important than their lives.
>that includes wandering cats
>my garden is more important than their lives.
Jesus fucking christ dude, really? I mean, 1.) how much damage could a cat really do, but mostly 2.) Really? You'd kill a cat over.. some tomatoes?
>how much damage could a cat really do
NTA but cats used to love to shit in our garden. No, it's not fertilizer. Carnivore shit is too acidic to be beneficial. I really had to bite my tongue when I was closer to people and my wife didn't want me doing anything. Thankfully it's been much better now that we moved further out and away from people.
>Carnivore shit is too acidic to be beneficial
I dunno if that's true, but even if it is.. is it fucking harmful? Actually, don't bother cause I already know the answer: it doesn't make a fucking difference. Maybe you shouldn't spend so much time watching your fucking garden?

Ahh whatever, who am I kidding, you just like killing cats
>is it fucking harmful?
Yes. Not that guy, but I had a similar issue with strays and catmommies who let their furry shitfactory out all the fucking time. Unlike that anon, I did not hold my tongue. I said shit. When nobody cared, I started trapping the cats. I drove them far, far away because tnr doesn't actually work since catmommies will just get more cats. What works is physically removing them from your life and taking them somewhere the fuck else. And yes, they had collars. No, I didn't give a fuck. They didn't care enough to prevent my kid from being around cat shit so why should I offer them any courtesy? Fuck'em.
Anyway, strays are rare now since the two catmommies were priced out of the area (renters lol) and the old bitch who launches lunchmeat out her kitchen window for the cats (then wonders why she has possums in her crawl space) went into a home.
And our garden is nice again.
outdoor cats fuck local animal populations and their shit can spread parasites easily. if they aren't neutered/spayed, then they fuck local cats, get STDs, and create a bunch of little feral cats that further ruin the ecosystem, while also usually fucking up the female cat's quality of life.

they kill fuckloads of small animals completely unadapted to handle that kind of predator, usually without actually eating them, so they attract scavengers as well.

the outdoor/feral cat epidemic is a lot worse than most realize, and it's wiping out massive swathes of natural populations. over 50 species have been rendered extinct in large part due to people not keeping their damned pets inside and getting them fixed.

I shoot cats on sight cause most outdoor cat owners are massive shitheads if you try to talk to them about it, and as mentioned TNR does fuckall to mitigate the ecological damage. someone's outdoor maine coone killed my chickens before, too, so as far as I'm concerned it's really no different than shooting coyotes or raccoons.
>when lionfish became an out an out-of-control invasive species in Florida, the government put out a hit order on them
>when feral hogs became an out-of-control problem in Florida, the government put out a hit order on them
>when coyotes became an out-of-control invasive species in Utah, guess what? more bounties
>South Dakota. raccoons. bounty.
at this point, paying people to brain outdoor cats would be the right thing to do, but people so associate them with being cute cuddly pets they'd shit their britches over it so it's deliberately kept as an "at yout discretion" kinda thing
Is it possible to teach animals to treat people with respect?
It's impossible to even get them to admit that fucking a cow just for fun is less harmful than forcing them to be continuously pregnant on an industrial scale. Our moral system is completely broken by profit motive as an absolute good.
It won't, and it hasn't.

Not caring about non-local flora/fauna is half the problem, along with general human apathy.

You could teach thousands, millions, to do better the way you describe, and it would mean absolutely nothing in the face of factory farming, industrial manufacturing, commercial fishing, international commerce, pharmaceuticals, and waste produced even by things as simple as the microplastics you flush out in your laundry water.
"a long way" the way you understand it is literally nothing. the world IS technically salvageable - but only technically. The human standard of behavior and the astronomical effort of overturning it means that the planet, and its lifeforms, have been rendered terminal. Anything not useful to us will die, and anything that is will either be a pet or go to a factory farm to live out their personal hell.

It is functionally impossible to convince humankind to do enough, because you would have to overcome human nature - our biological programming, to do it.
>if i see any animal on my property that is not mine, i am blowing its brains out with a .22. it's that simple.
So let me get this right, you go out in to the garden, see an ants nest, go back in to the house, grab your .22 and just start blasting! That's hardcore!
I don't think this is unreasonable when it comes to wandering cats, foxes, coyotes etc. However you're never going to actually stop animals from coming into your yard. Here are some alternatives:
>put your plants in a plant cage to prevent wild animals from getting to them. this includes wild birds, foxes, cats etc
>keep your small livestock in a secure run to ensure their safety
>use sound repellants
And this is what I would recommend if you see any cats wandering onto your property: If you can grab them, take them to your local vet. If they're microchipped, the vet will contact the owner and hopefully the owner will keep them inside from then on. If not, just repeat until they get the message. If the cat isn't microchipped, then it's not your problem anymore.
If you can't capture the cat, then use repellants or get a dog. Only kill the animal if it's your last resort. Not only does killing the animal doesn't actually solve the issue (when it comes to wild animals, others will just claim that territory for themselves, and when it comes to someone's pet, you run the risk of them retaliating against you).
It's the same thing with feral horses in the North American plains. They're decimating the plains right now and there's very little more that the BLM can do. They're already doing as many round-ups and adoptions as they can. This whole issue would literally be solved if horse slaughter was legal in the US.
>b-b-buh ranchers are cringeeee
90% of the range that these feral horses occupy isn't ranched land, there is very little overlap. This isn't to do with ranchers being entitled, it's to do with feral invasives being shitty.
What a silly and stupid question. What does that even mean? “Respect” how? What is your idea of “teaching” people it?
A lot of people honestly believe that cats possess higher intelligence and depend on roaming to feel fulfilled and free, and that dogs do not. This is a facet of western culture. They earnestly believe that a cat is a superior animal closer to a primate that absolutely needs freedom, and that the dogs they have long since decided to keep under control are not.

To anyone with a brain they're wrong, neither animal has any need for true freedom and dogs are clearly significantly more intelligent (which should make you ask how intelligent an animal needs to be for it to actually need freedom - my personal estimate? IQ 120+), but the culture of "normal people" has never been the product of brains.
It's the other way around. Pedos are very likely to wander into beast CP (horrid, demonic shit), and pedos are actively hunted by law enforcement, which is why they end up in jail. Zoos who keep to themselves simply never get noticed by anyone because their behavior is victimless. LE generally won't investigate zoos unless there's something else to it.
Zoophiles aren't into kids, they're into animals. Shocking to many, but a horse/cow and a human child have some aesthetic and behavioral differences. Pedos who wander onto zoo forums asking for "young with animal" get summarily ridiculed and banned. Hiding sadists are sometimes discovered and get immediately cut out of communities. Zoos have investigated abuse activities and forwarded evidence to LE. Kero the wolf was reported to authorities by zoos. This is the same as any other culture. Some people are rapists or sexual murderers, but that doesn't mean everyone is immediately suspect.

Meanwhile the meat industry mass force inseminates and kills animals for food which is majorly consumed simply for pleasure by an overweight population when vegetarianism is perfectly feasible. Saying it's morally better is just cope.
>vegetarianism is feasible
for undernourished slave labor

i am not above shooting a zoophile in the act knowing full well i'd get a reduced sentence and paroled at 1 year. on the other hand, chickens just aren't worth more than a meal.
t. has chickens.
>It’s another low effort vague nonsense thread that somehow devolves into screeching about cats episode
I hate these reruns.
Larp post
Anti cat fags are seriously mentally unstable
I think I can venture a guess as to how and it starts with a ‘b’ and ends with a ‘y’
It's perfectly possible to eat meat and respect animals. Just give them a good life, a quick, painless death, and use up their entire body if possible so nothing goes to waste. Vegtards are unable to conceive this
kill yourself
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>brown phoneshitter
instantly discarded
>my garden is more important than their lives.
>decides to make it dirty with blood and an animal carcass
this >>4824029
Unfathomably based.
Your "outdoor" cat is vermin whose death would be wholly on your negligence. You wouldn't be shocked if someone killed a rat, spider, or snake that wandered onto their property despite those animals often being kept as pets, oh but your precious baby is just so special and deserves special treatment right?
What is your definition of "respect" relating to animals? Until that is established this is all pissing into the wind
>Your "outdoor" cat is vermin whose death would be wholly on your negligence. You wouldn't be shocked if someone killed a rat, spider, or snake that wandered onto their property despite those animals often being kept as pets, oh but your precious baby is just so special and deserves special treatment right?
Oh, I guess I thought we were talking about what was good/bad for the animals
Nobody destroyed your garden out of spite? That's a shame.
>Nobody destroyed your garden out of spite? That's a shame.
When I was like 10-11 my neighbor (my great aunt and uncle) had a bunch of okra planted all down the alleyway, and the shit was like 5'+ tall. One day, me and my cousin got the great idea to go and chop half that shit down with samurai swords. Great fun, honestly. Apparently my great aunt called my mom crying and shit cause my mom was pisssssed, like "DID YOU CUT DOWN THEIR OKRA?!" Man, I didn't even think anything of it until then, was no different than cutting the grass to me. Woops

(NTA btw, fuck that guy)
He's being aggressive but he has a point. Cats aren't exactly a highly dominant animal that tops the food chain, for one. They're a cringing, sneaky, prey item that picks off injured and sick rodents sometimes and catches basking lizards and scavenging birds the rest of the time. They are not super smart, or big, or strong. They are extremely prone to being attacked, maimed, killed. and eaten by animals that are the same size or larger, hit by cars, and sometimes they die horribly by trying to sleep inside heavy machinery or right underneath truck tires.

When you let your cat roam, their death is your fault.

It's not the dog's fault for performing its natural function. The dog owner wasn't supposed to socialize their dog with cats just because you liked cats (should we apply that logic to cats and rats since rats are such good pets? how about rabbits? where's it end?), even though your cat quite literally started it by trespassing. The car driver didn't have a duty to slam on their breaks or swerve in the middle of 35mph+ traffic to avoid hitting your cat. The car driver did not have a duty to inspect their engine compartment, look under their tires, and on top of the driveshaft to save your cat. They were not obligated to fix their antifreeze leak or pick up the drain pan in case your cat hopped the fence. People are not obligated to never, ever use poison baits for other pest animals because your cat might intrude onto their property.

It's always your fault for letting your cat roam. This is the same value system that says a saw mill doesn't have to be toddler proofed, because toddlers aren't meant to be in lumber processing facilities.
>When you let your cat roam, their death is your fault.
Well unless someone kills them, in which case it's their fault. Usually if your cat is gonna die, it's gonna be from a car, or from an asshole who likes to kill cats

>It's always your fault for letting your cat roam. This is the same value system that says a saw mill doesn't have to be toddler proofed, because toddlers aren't meant to be in lumber processing facilities.
I don't think any of this was his point though? He's talking about killing cats nigga, is that not clear?
>I was just over here neglecting my pet and shortening their lifespan by 75% and this asshole killed my cat. Their fault!
No you were still in the wrong. They could have their own excuse, like your cat killing their birds (being theirs as much as your cat was ever yours)

They would have no cats to kill for any moral or legal reason if you just kept it on a leash. so really, the onus is on you. Just treat your cat with the respect it deserves by treating it like a cat instead of a tiny man. Keep it on your land and get it used to a leash. Wammo. Done. Your cat is now guaranteed to live 15 years or more.
Okie dokie well let's say it was a stray cat and it wasn't killing their birds (who the fuck has birds that a cat can kill?), now what?

Again, this is about a guy who likes to kill cats. I don't care if a cat dies on accident to a car. I don't even care if someone kills a cat because it was trying to suffocate their baby. I do care if someone sees a cat and decides to kill it for the fuck of it, or because they don't like cats or whatever. Why? Because that person is a cocksucking piece of shit, that's why
That kind of person is relatively rare. Most people kill cats by accident (poison/trap meant for another animal, cars, etc), or they just die due to natural acts of predation. When people do kill cats on purpose it's usually because the cat was stalking chicks/pullets or causing property damage.

If that person did kill your cat, it was still your fault.
>I know there are cat killing psychopaths out there
>So i'll let my cat roam and be angry at all the injustice in the world when they die
>-a stupid and irrational person
No, it's definitely not your fault, it's his fault. If that person killed YOU, whose fault was it?
False equivalence. Animals are property, humans are individuals.

If you left your phone in the middle of the road and someone stomped on it, why'd you leave your phone in the middle of the road? Same deal with outdoor cats. Phones and cats are both property. You have no recourse. You essentially threw it in the trash and blamed the compactor for your loss when you regretted it. All you did was set yourself up for misery.
Getting rid of the IP count was a mistake
That supposes
1) that they know what happened to their fluffy disease vectors and
2) that they know who was responsible for doing it
The problem here is that you're thinking these are reasonable, mature, adult human beings who have some sense of personal responsibility.
It's obvious that this is not the case.
If it were, they wouldn't have let their disgusting creatures out to get hit by cars, taken in by another family (not all of these people kept collars on their meowing shitfactories), smashed in wheel wells or eaten by coyotes (or shit in my garden) in the first place. That's what being a responsible pet owner is.
I mean, these people were a goddamn menace. One kicked in the basement windows of an empty home so that the extreme number of stray shitfactories around back then had somewhere to be away from the snow that year (eight years ago, when we had that blizzard). Seeing this bitch nonchalantly damage someone else's property for the sake of cats /that aren't even hers/ made the decision for me that I would get rid of them at every opportunity. I confronted the old cunt about it, too. And she didn't care. "So the fuck what? It's not your house. The house is empty. I'm not hurting anybody."
And how the fuck Is someone still a renter in their 70s? I bought my house when I was 29.
Glad she was priced out.
Fuck that toothless cunt. I hope she lives under a bridge somewhere now with all the strays she could ever want.
My son damaged a neighbour's dryer vent. The missus whooped that ass. I hope your parents did the same.
If cat owners freak out over this you wouldn't be able to handle owning a dog and knowing the world actually is packed full of people who WILL shoot your dog just for being there.

One cat killing nutjob is an aberration. Cats get themselves killed 99% of the time.
Shooting a dog just for standing there is actually normal and often explicitly encouraged by law because the laws were written back when canine rabies still existed in the US.
>False equivalence. Animals are property, humans are individuals.
I don't really think of animals as property, but it's irrelevant

>If you left your phone in the middle of the road and someone stomped on it, why'd you leave your phone in the middle of the road? Same deal with outdoor cats
A cat is alive

>You essentially threw it in the trash and blamed the compactor for your loss when you regretted it. All you did was set yourself up for misery.
I guess you think that I'm upset about losing some of my property but it's not that, I'm upset that some fuck killed a cat. It's a sick thing to do, not as bad as killing a human but similar

Why do you think people get upset about animal abuse? Why do people care about how other people treat their animals? Why is it that people can destroy their own property all they want, but if they destroy their own animals, they end up in prison?

>My son damaged a neighbour's dryer vent. The missus whooped that ass. I hope your parents did the same.
I think they woulda just told me not to do that lol. The ass whipping seems kinda unnecessary
I get upset over animal abuse, such as you letting your cat roam, because I can do something about that

I can't do something about some 85 IQ evolutionary throwback throwing a rock at your cat because that would be like expecting a dog to learn english common law. I can only get you to accept that your cat is your responsibility and anything bad that happens to it is ultimately caused by your own actions.

>but if they destroy their own animals, they end up in prison?
Believe it or not, this isn't the case.
>I get upset over animal abuse, such as you letting your cat roam, because I can do something about that
Oh, is that why that upsets you? lol

Clearly you don't understand me. I don't want you to do anything about it. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that if someone decides to kill a cat, it's no one's fault but theirs. What you're trying to say is the same thing as saying that it's the parents' fault if their kids get killed by a school shooter, or if someone kidnaps and murders them while walking to school, or just.. any other fucking case where it's clearly the bad guy's fault, for fuck's sake

>Believe it or not, this isn't the case.
I really don't know what to tell you here. Animal abuse is a crime. If you abuse/kill your animals and the law finds out about it, you will end up in court and depending on the circumstances, you could end up in prison
>packed full of people who WILL shoot your dog just for being there.
Sounds like you’re talking about cops. A lot of people will get in trouble for shooting anything without absolutely needing to.
>Shooting a dog just for standing there
You’re exaggerating but yes, cops really only need to feel that your dog is a threat to kill them, although a number of them obnoxiously show restraint when it comes to pitbulls I find.
>I don’t really think of animals as property
Under legal definition they’re considered that.
in other words sky is blue
Someone who tells others to kill themselves over debate is socially nonfunctional. Improve your argument or admit defeat and learn.
Only white people.
>AI don't really think of animals as property, but it's irrelevant
Yes it's irrelevant because they legally are.
>A cat is alive
And an animal that doesn't know any better
>I guess you think that I'm upset about losing some of my property but it's not that, I'm upset that some fuck killed a cat. It's a sick thing to do, not as bad as killing a human but similar
Yeah someone killing your free-roaming cat sucks and it makes that person shitty. So keep your cat inside you retard. Eliminates the issue.
>Why do people care about how other people treat their animals?
Because you neglecting your animal by letting it free-roam effects me too you twat.
>Why is it that people can destroy their own property all they want, but if they destroy their own animals, they end up in prison?
A cat is alive.
My grandfather taught me that when we went hunting or feeding, so I guess the answer is yes.
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Some people are beyond redemption
Humans are animals you retard.
everyone but the amish lol
let me guess you think not eating beef equals respect?
That wrist looks like it should be sporting a cool watch.
Scum like you get 5 gal of table salt melted in water in their garden.
No, empathy stems from Agreeableness and possible Openness (Big 5 personality traits), which are mostly genetically determined

The idea of "teaching" empathy is laughable
>but even if it is.. is it fucking harmful?
yes it is, you stupid fucking retard, plants do not like acids and bases in their roots, i suggest that you drink bleach to cleanse yourself of this retardation
Yes of course, but lots are also more ape like in nature and I mean every "race" has them.

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