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Please adopt your next pet from your local animal shelter.
Give a poor animal a home.
That's not funny
>adopting a cat from a shelter
>adopting a dog from a shelter
you couldn't get me to do this at gunpoint.
Or accurate, rly. Can't get shelter pets for "free" often.
What does that mean? Are you Chinese?
Cus pits right?

Rescued my cat and i dont regret it one bit and honestly cats are less of a mix bag than dogs are. I adopted my labradoodle because i wanted a certified good boy and i got one. Ive yet to see a non pit or husky mix in a shelter around me.
I do for cats but shelters have become almost exclusively shitbull adoption centers for dogs
No, I don't think I will.
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Thought it was the same legendary duo as picrel for a second.
it is them. they shot a bunch of stock photos of them and one made it to the package
I thought the stoned cat looked too old to be the same one but I'm not very good with faces so I'll take your word for it.
Do these shelters not put dogs down? They seem perpetually filled with pits
A lot of shelters nowadays are 'no kill' shelters. Meaning they'd rather a dog waste away in a tiny kennel because no one wants to adopt a pitbull with a bite history than just put the fucking thing down and give another dog a chance.
A lot of "no kill" shelters actually just transfer unwantable animals to a different shelter which does kill them
Who's breeding all those pit bulls? Why did it became such an epidemic?
Few people are suitable for owning this kind of dog
hood blacks and white rednecks that want to be hood blacks
The tramny mods here won't let me tell you the truth because it hurts their feelings
No, they transfer the good dogs they consider highly adoptable and take in shittons of subcanine bulloids. I see it all the time.
Cats can take care of themselves, thats why they always leave their owners house and go outside killing rats and birds
My point is the reason they end up in a shelter is because of that, they dont need saving. It's not like dogs who actually need humans to survive
>Cats can take care of themselves
The average lifespan of an outdoor cat is 1/4-1/3 their lifespan in captivity
When dingos are not hunted, cats fail to establish invasive populations in australia
Cats are not invasive in most of the world actually
>dogs need humans to survive
Self sufficient feral dogs are at epidemic levels in china, india, russia, and africa and are causing megafauna extinctions. They have been observed mobbing big cats.
mainly if you're white doe
Lets do something better make shelters go back to being KILL SHELTERS. Because of hippies like YOU we have a No Kill Shelter movement ignoring all the shitty humans who want pets already got all the ones they can afford to house. But because shelters get full now shelters turn people away when people bring in unwanted pets or strays or ferals. This problem leads to animals being DUMPED which only makes the stray and feral cat and dog problem worse.

I say fuck you and bring back Kill Shelters World Wide. Not everyone wants pets or roaming reproducing vermin which create health hazards for people and lowers property values. Go to hell you hippie faggot shit.
No. Shelters lie about the quality of their animals. They mostly have behavioral problems like being violent towards humans. Such animals shouldn't be put up for adoption they should be killed instead. You are shit. Adoption is for idiots who are willing to pay for a defective product.
Cats don't take care of themselves so much as tits illegal to kill cats for behaving like disease spreading vermin. Cats wouldn't be such heinous animals if the law didn't protect these shitty invasive pests. You can kill a lynx but you can't kill an invasive cat. Humanity is shit.
>go to shelter
>try to adopt a dog
>go through multiple rounds of interviews
>provide 6 character references and submit to a background check
>have shelter employees come to your house to inspect every inch of it and demand changes
>sign waivers and other contracts agreeing that the shelter has the right to enter your home and take back the dog at any time if they judge, for any reason or no reason, that you're not an ideal "pet parent"
>a few months and a few thousand dollars in registration fees and renovations to make your house a dog paradise later, you're allowed to provisionally foster a dog
>shelter employees give you a "lab/terrier mix"
>bring it home
>open crate
>get mauled by your new pibble
>You can kill a lynx
… Where? Aren’t they protected in most places? Pretty sure anywhere you can kill one of those you can kill a cat
uh oh shelterbros… we’ve been scammed again…
I've never seen a dog like this at the shelter.
Statistically it's possible for an animal from a breeder to end up in a shelter, I'm simply skipping the middle man and making sure that dog never has to suffer in a shelter :)
Cats aren't "invasive pests"

They are totally incapable of sustaining a population without some form of human aid unless it's somewhere with no predators whatsoever
How much will you pay me?
About tree fitty
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im gonna get a socialized healthy Herrenrasse
purebred from a breeder
It is mostly people who keep their dogs intact and let them get pregnant driving the popularity of the pit, not breeders.
I think you have shelters and breeders confused. Shelters are dirt cheap and fast, breeders tend to require extensive interviews and be really expensive.
only schizos who want to shoot cats and have weird homicidal impulses say cats are an "invasive species". my neighbor literally wanted to strangle a stray cat for "being on his property" and i said are you fucking nuts
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fuck you OP, I'm paying $3500 for a purebred swissy and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Puppy comes home in three weeks.
Based fact checkers tell ‘em
I already did. Now stop sending me emails asking me to get more.
Breeder just want you to sign a paper saying you'll mutilate the dog. Shelters are definitely as anon described.
We're not in Europe though so things may be different there.
>invasive species
They are. You don't have a bobcat or a lynx.
He's in his rights to kill any pests that enter his property so make sure to keep your pet indoors if you don't want to take that risk.
Cats are LITERALLY not an invasive species. Anywhere.

I agree that cat owners don't have special rights or recourse if their cats are entangled with other animals, of course, and that anything that happens to an escaped pet is the owners fault first and foremost

But cats aren't an invasive species. At all. You don't "have to" kill them like they're reproducing via spores and the only place they belong is in a decontamination furnace. If you just send them to a shelter that's fine. Doing anything more is being a psychopath overstepping his place.

And I mean that. It's not your place. You aren't that important. You don't have the right. Keep your fucking head down, mind your own business, and follow the rules put forth by people smarter than you. If humans are placing cats they go in homes, or shelters, not the ground.
they're dead now btw
>Who's breeding all those pit bulls?
Backyard hood rats and spics, many will call this racist but it's the truth, its eve worse when they cull the pups that are too deformed from inbreeding or runts by putting them in a freezer.
As other anons said, cats do need humans to survive. Eventually people like you die out and cats will be considered leash animals like dogs.
You are insane and possibly schizophrenic.
>create health hazards for people and lowers property values. Go to hell you hippie faggot shit.
sounds like an entitled boomer, but i just think theres a lot of bait ITT

I'm assuming this is satire or exaggerated, but I did have a friend who adopted a dog on a temporary basis, and there was something annoying that the shelter did. It was a long time ago, so I'm not sure, but I think they may have said the dog was socialized and had no history of abuse, but after having it for a day or two it was completely PTSDed by something. Not a good first dog for someone who wasnt experienced.
>many will call this racist
i mean it wouldn't have been racist if you had used literally any word other than "spic"
>many will call this racist
The truth often is.
They don’t have fish there though.
my shelter is full of pitbull mixes, no thanks. go to a breeder that does health testing and get a purebred dog that has a decent temperament.
>Shelter Labradoodle
You dodged a bullet getting a remotely decent one
Why do shelter pets deserve more affection than breeder pets who are already born?
do dogs that go into shelters get neutered automatically before adoption?
I've only ever gotten dogs from animal rescues never shelters.
There was one dog I went to check out at a shelter. Seemed like a sweet dog, walked surprisingly well, but it nipped at my hands despite it being over 2yrs old and supposedly it broke the skin of a shelter worker so I was hesitant.
they are literally invasive, they are not native and have a negative impact on native species.
It varies from shelter to shelter pretty sure.
He just explained why that’s not the case.
>they're not invasive because they just arent ok?!
I love cats but you're just a dumbass.
Whoa there chud
they might be undocumented cats but they aren't invasive
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In my experience rescue pets usually look something like this
I got a mutt puppy that looks like that for $400
Hes sweet but pretty retarded
Hardest dog to house train ive ever encountered
More like because of reasons already stated.
Ah yes, the rare goblin breed…
>More like because of reasons already stated.
may we see them? what are the specific reasons?

a quick googling shows us that an invasive species is: 1. non native and 2. causes harm to its new environment.
cats meet both criteria. they are non native and are detrimental to many native species, therefore cats are an invasive species.
Shelters wont give me a dog because i have unneutered ones at home
>paying money for a pet
Are dogs an invasive species? They do a lot of that stuff too
they are when people let them run around outside unsupervised like cats
I sorta did?
My cat was a kitten I found wandering around, sent her to a shelter figuring it was a lost cat and somebody would claim her, but nobody came to claim her so I did.
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my dog died today, just wanted to post a picture of him somewhere. miss you buddy
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Anyone else autistically browse local dogs for adoption?
>confusing rescues with shelters
That’s what I meant yeah. Ok.
Did they sew his eye up?
She lost it while a stray
they're actually more invasive than cats when that happens

you're not aware of this because the west already took care of the problem. in corrupt/retarded countries, feral dogs are the single worst invasive species.

to get rid of cats simply stop letting them out and stop feeding them. nature picks them off. to get rid of stray dogs you have to actively go out and hunt them down because they survive far better than the "dogs are helpless and ruined" memes imply. the way the dog genome is structured sets them up for rapid evolution so a small population of feral dogs quickly produces dingo-like mutts and in time they are absorbed into the local large canid population, bringing with them a longer socialization window and 0 fear of humans. cats are more unchanging. their wild form was near perfect for their niche. their domestic form is severely nerfed, and their genetic inflexibility prevents rapid unnerfing.

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