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Roadrunner appreciation thread.
Meepfrens please show your respect.
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Snekbros our response? Go extinct already you dum ground birds!!
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>meep meep
>actually sounds like oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Why did they lie to us...?
That’s some sick hair they have
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I wonder if there's a deal on ACME thread removers right now.
they are apex predators aka velociraptor style hunters. they do not cutesy beep or meep at all. they make a very reptilian dull semi muted clicking sound that resonates thru the desert trees and shrubs etc just as you would imagine a dinosaur would while stalking its prey. would be terrifying if we were their size. i see them catch lizards etc all the time but after seeing a few run down and take out quail, shaking them violently etc they arent so cutesy to me anymore.
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we didn’t know this
are you going to tell me they don’t leave behind puffs of smoke shaped like themselves when they fly too?
Nah, they go meep meep and the do a funny thing with their tongues before running away and causing the pavement to bunch up behind them.
well, their baby chicks do run so fast their little yellow legs look like yellow wheels just like the cartoons! i cant catch up to them on my bike before they are into the bush.
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Did you know they are actually cuckoo species and that among the cuckoos, they are among the kind that actually don't engage in brood parasitism and raise their own children?
Wow. Responsible *and* accomplished! We have a new winner!

Little raptors.
Holy fucking shit it's a dinosaur Jesus Christ what the fuuuuuuck
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i want one for cuddles and snuggles
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little dinosaurs

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