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I wish there were more giant birds living, bros. Both predatory carnivores and enormous herbivorous birds. Ostriches only max out at 300-400 pounds and there are no giant terror bird like animals. Mammal dominance is so boring. I would have loved to see how giant predatory flightless birds hunt. Birds have great endurance and greater visual acuity compared to mammals so probably ran after their medium sized prey then kicked and pecked it to death. There's no evidence for group hunting for any of the terror birds despite how smart birds are which is weird.
It would be so cool if giant birds just picked up people sometimes to carry them off and eat them. We'd have some kind of human alarm call when one is near and all run for cover. People wouldn't be so uppity about the value of human life. Oops 6 year old got snatched by a bird, shit happens just make another kid.
terror birds and the like are cool, the same way tyrranosaurs are cool, but I feel like things happened for the best. we got a lot of birds with heightened intelligence, cooperative hunting strategies, willingness to work with humans, and the size/weight/flight tradeoffs generally worked to their benefit. the expansion of civilization would probably have been the end of them in a way it wouldn't be for modern smolbirbs regardless

I do agree they would have been rad though. would have made great hunting quarry, and domestication or even use as pack animals or mounts would have been interesting to see.
>People wouldn't be so uppity about the value of human life
Do you think that's a bad thing? Regardless I do think we need natural predators, too many people worrying about stupid unimportant shit, our stupid ape brains need something real to concern ourselves with.
I bet they'd taste fucking delicious
> Do you think that's a bad thing?
Yeah kind of. Maybe not bad it just irritates me, but I understand it's natural. Humans take a while to create compared to birds or even other mammals. But there's 8 billion people in the world and like half of them are more of a drain than a contribution, I don't think every human life is so utterly valuable that it's a shame for anyone to die.

I watch a dove get torn apart alive by a hawk and it's partner just flies away then comes back to the feeders 20 minutes later. Doesn't care, doesn't even understand, it'll get to looking for a new mate soon because that's just life for birds. So in some sense I think people should be more like that, but not quite as oblivious, just more accepting of death. Like if you lost a child to some disease, don't act like it's the end of the world, accept it's something that happens and always has happened and will continue to happen, is not special situation to you, and you must move on, because you're still alive. For now.
Why is mourning a huge issue for you anyhow?
Sounds like you’re poorly hiding a fetish.
My thoughts exactly.
I’m literally only interested in them if you can ride them.
>and like half of them are more of a drain than a contribution
It’s more than that. But yes the third world could use some serious culling. An increase in predators would be an… interesting way of doing that.
We would just kill them all.
Think of all the cool cave art though.
>if you can ride them
manlets already can ride ostriches, an animal that was not bred for such use, so a bigger birds could feasibly serve as a mount for a regular size man, specially if it was bred to be ride on
using a bird as pack animal seems like it would never work out
having to do load balancing on a bipedal creature is just not worth anything a bird could bring over an oxen or a donkey
Well I wouldn't want that. Mammal dominance is great
The world is dominated by reptiles.
Not where it counts ;)
No, it would be like chicken but with a diluted taste. Smaller animals always taste better.
That's what they want you to think.
Even the largest reptiles get eaten by random shit like otters
>It would be so cool if giant birds just picked up people sometimes to carry them off and eat them
They still would be animals. So fairly easy to exterminate.
I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.
This happened in various points of the world when humans were at Stone Age levels of tech or even when haast eagles existed, people killed them off.
If you are to believe the stories the brazillian river-folks tell, harpy eagle still do that with unwatched toddlers in amazonian communities
Why are birdfags the most deranged posters? If it's not absolutely unhinged shit like this it's false flagging to start shit with catfags and dogfags. What is it about these screaming airborne shit dispensers that attracts the most niggorious of posters?
I feel like you'd want one of the ones with a more robust neck for riding.
Like if you could breed the wallari to be around two or three feet taller, with maybe a hundred extra pounds of muscle.

The ratites being skinny neck bastards just don't seem good for riding.
I doubt its something they do regularly just because there’d usually be easier prey around but I could definitely see it happening especially considering how short and small those tribes are
good question, i think our resident autist has a penchant for them as well in a fucked up ‘love to hate them’ kind of way
>resident autist
>I lurk here 25/8 and "autists" reeent free in my head yeahh
also which type of autism? Fuck you and your tardbreathed npc-tier buzzwords, name the specific disorder that brainwashes a person into somehow finding birds appealing
I really wish there were still giant moas. One of the coolest birds.
Calm down you shit-for-brains having ESLtard, you’re probably the autist in question with this embarrassing little sperg out you were shameless enough to shit out all over your razor keyboard, it doesn’t matter what type of autism either, autist, the point is still the same, go choke out a bird to give yourself a stiffie or whatever, faggot.
>responds with more buzzwords
>doesn't answer my question
>"thE PoInT Is StILL The SamE"
Thanks for such kind declaration and display of actual autism you turbo broken chud
>responds with more buzzwords
You’re one to talk you shit eating retard. You’re the one who sperged out on my innocuous post with the rage of a 1000 axe wounds.
>doesn't answer my question
You didn’t (earnestly) ask one.
I rest my case. You lost and exposed yourself.
Stop responding and embarrassing yourself you fucking autist freak.
Too late. You lose faggot. Seethe and cope
Don’t project. That’s what you’re doing. No more (You)s now. Reflect on this embarrassing defeat and use it to try to make yourself a better person, if that’s even possible. Bye loser.
>everyone who doesn't agree with my shitty opinions must be an autist whenever they corner me in an argument

Lel Thank (You) again for your kind displaying of actual turbo autismo and projection

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