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>Selectively breed chickens up to the size of emus
It is possible? pic related is a Bhagel Asil
For what purpose?
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You are a retard OP. See how the squinting indian man moments away from shitting himself is stretching out his arms? This is a common trick to make something look far larger than it actually is. The chicken is not big, its jusy closer to camera than the deli belly gremlin (who is likely 5'8 at the very tallest btw). Also see how he is caressing the chicken so tenderly below the breast? That is him lifting the chicken to make it look taller and is not in fact a public display of man-to-animal intimate affection.

In other words, your post is gay and so are you.
>this bear blah blah
Did ever you look yourself at the mirror you supreme faggot bearcuck? hope your rage bait high is worth it chud
It makes them less effective at being chickens.
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Fine, I'll post it
smallest BWC
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>to hear the harsh truth
What truth? I only see a turbo autist raving about bullshit OP didn't asked for
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And all I see is an even bigger turbo autist being offended on behalf of OP while posting wojack edits. And all over what? Some anon shit posting about how low effort this thread is while taking the piss out of OP for it? If you are actualy taking any of this seriously enough to be pissed off holy kek

Heres another bear for you go apeshit over tard.
You're trying too hard chud
no u
I'm not the one who's getting triggered by some rando thread on /an/ either take your shitty pills or seethe harder
Idk about chickens but we should bred out inbred trannies like >>4824977
>If you are actualy taking any of this seriously
Is there anything you take seriously at all aside from dragging people you don't even know down into useless drama for muh shitty attention?
Indians are just small asil aren't even particularly large chickens. I've had barred Plymouth rock roosters as tall as a real man's knee and they're not even size outliers.
This. Never be impressed by size comparisons involving Indians.
>useless drama for muh shitty attention?
OP wants to know if it's possible. He didn't say that the OP chicken is the size on an emu.
This. First P saw the indian guy in my OP pic and went ballistic over nothing. No amount of shitposting of bears and cats will save his faggy racist ass lmao
pissed off citizens of the next gobal super power thread
Schizos are the crazy mf who conceived a turbo cunt like you
You're still gay and cringe
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Please do the needful and post hand with timestamp saar.
Why not start with turkeys?
>boss music starts
Meds. Now. You lost. Not my problem.
Eat shit fag
I don’t care for your daily mantra queer. You lost.
you're still a turbo cringe faggot. Go drink from the cesspool you tranny autist. You sounds like that kind of guy that will gets mobbed and his teeth knocked out as soon you open the door
>posting wojack edits.
t.chud who post rando unhinged post reactions
Based OP lost his verginity with your mom while you're still an incel who spends his time annoying rando people on 4chan. 2010s still rents free in your head i guess
Not reading a single word of your spergout. I’m not in the argument. (You) lost. Deal with it. Stop responding and lowering the collective IQ of the board with your drivel. No more attention now.
>Not reading a single word of your spergout.
>Replies anyway
Amerimutts lolcows like (YOU) are the best. Keep deepthroating to the baits, bearcuck
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>All these retards freaking out over the retarded camera trick
The chicken just isn't that big. Lanky, but not actually that big.

Sorry. India will not be a chicken superpower by 2030. Thems the facts.
>All these retards freaking out over the retarded camera trick
Only one who freaked out over it is unironically (YOU). Now dilate sad loser
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First post in this thread but thanks for the (you) anyways

Asil are not particularly great at anything and there are lots of related south asian chicken breeds (ie: shamo) that at 1: MUCH better 2: something you can get because india is a uniquely diseased shithole which animals neither leave nor enter (tryi killing your pests and picking up your garbage like JESUS would force you to, you hindu fucks)
Gonna cross breed it with Bhagel Asil. Seethe and cope bearcuck
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>ranjeet thinks everyone is "bearcuck" and "asil is strongest chickeen in the web3, saaars"
No, I will not redeem the asilcoin, basterd. Indian chickens are a bigger scam than indian cryptocurrency.

Just get a malay or a shamo
>Still thinks i'm indian.
Rent free no amount of useless sperging will save you
>saaaar redeem asilcoin
Why are you so hellbent on defending this middling pajeet chicken breed? They're not just pedestrian, they're outclassed by other birds from the broader region
>india is a uniquely diseased shithole which animals neither leave nor enter
I don't know why that made me laugh so hard. I imagine an Indian Exclusion Zone that even animals fear to tread on.
you’re going too hard on him he’s going to scam call some boomers as revenge now and shit extra hard on the street
the smallest bwc is still so mighty…
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>bearshitposter spams the thread with his thinly veiled love towards indians and displays samefagging and nigger behavior for the lulz
>In other words, your post is gay and so are you.
Aren't you being a little too harsh on yourself? :)
Bruh indians are shit indeed but you are extra shit for sperging out like an actual faggot
>pajeets are still sperging out over first post
This is truly masterful bait.
>thinks anyone who calls him out for having brain cancer is mowgli
Anon i think you have a severe case of indians renting free in your head. Sadly no amount of baitfaggotry/>IM NOT MAD YOU ARE is gonna save you
Anyone this pissed off over the first post must of the communial toilet inclined. It is crazy how schizo the Asil poster is assuming it is not you anon
Brahmas are pretty large, bigger than asils (by 5lbs on average) if they stretch out, but you can see if an average sized man holds one normally they still aren't very big. This is a hen, probably 9lbs. It's a 20lb bird if large framed, a rooster, and slightly obese. No bigger than a medium sized dog.

Making a chicken as large as an emu would require remodeling the entire animal from the ground up because they're small animals and do not have the metabolism, circulatory, skeletal, etc features needed to support more body size: See: giant dog breeds and draft horses have truncated lifespans and are more prone to going lame than a healthy dog/horse of a smaller size from the added stress on their bodies. And draft horses have been specifically bred for health, unlike giant dog breeds - they still drop dead much earlier. If a horse were bred to the scale of chicken->emu, it would be the size of a tank and i doubt it would live and thrive for very long.
What a faggot kek
Wait so this guy just jerks off over this random chicken and gets mad when people say it’s not that good? What a weird fixation
It's true though. Bait-niggers are geneticaly inferior subhumans
screw all the other faggots in your response, the gif had my sides in orbit paired with the last sentence
Wow, sensitive about your tiny cock much
Yes. Saar behavior is quite strange.
>op is mad that he was called out on trying to make his literal cock look bigger
>thread got deleted
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What else?
There are limits in the DNA genetic code. Also not one good mutation has ever been observed and mutations only scramble information already present and natural selection only selects from information already present. It's really so simple, but people refuse to see.
I think he was banned for postinf off-topic and that's why he isn't replying anymore
Who will defend the honor the the asil roostsaar now?

Mutations can actually add and remove information. Significant amounts of it sometimes, ie: one or more chromosomes.

It's just we totally lack the expertise to do in decades what takes brutal natural selection over 100k years to do with a high extinction rate.
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the virgin bearbaitfag vs the chad OP
3 or 4 fags including you and bearfag himself were slurping all over the bait so i guess it worked :)
here more indian stuff to get triggered over schizo cunt
you are really not helping your case by continuing to obsess over this a week later
You made a thread to bitch about a rage bait post and anons were laughing at you. If that is what you call bait you really are retarded. You are not going to turn smearing shit all over yourself into a win, but by all means keep trying Asil schizo
Cockfighting but with movie dinosaur-like chickens
>another potentially interesting thread derailed by 1 seething pasty incel
many such cases
There was no thread to derail. It's just asil schizo trying to hype up his favorite chicken again (which is just a primitive, undeveloped version of the shamo)

Your question was answered here >>4827624
The asil is not even that big, it just has a different posture. These are basically pitbull chickens anyways. Just lanky and muscular. If you want a true giant bird there are brahmas and jersey giants.
>pitbull chickens
unironically, they're bred for cockfighting and showing. even the hens will kill and maim other birds (and anything else that moves). they're lean, muscular, and medium sized, just more upright so they look larger than the usual bunched up chicken. think of how people breed some dogs to look alert all the time, for show - like that. genetic ear pinning.

a brahma is larger, but a big friendly bunched up puffball, like a malamute chicken instead of a pitbull chicken.
>everyone is asilfag
I'm not the one that went apeshit schizo mode over random pics of banjeets just because OP's related pic has one in it. Seek help. Asils and shamos are the closest thing to a chad terror bird unlike virgin brahmas
>It's not meeeeeee it's asilfag reeeeee
>Keeps pushing the drama even further
>I'm not the one that went apeshit schizo mode over random pics
Here is another bear for you to look at
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>Still thinks everybody is asilfag
Kek get fucked bearfag
Why is he so mad that someone posted a bear and pointed out a gay camera trick again

What is "ragebait" about this? The chicken was implied to be large. It is not. That's it.
Dont bother, he is a schizo
>captcha: DAY8
persecution complex, a form of narcissism
hes not dumb hes being maliciously stalked - in his mind
the prophecy self fulfills as he draws in mockery by being an ass
Plot twist: bearfag and asilfag are both gay and so is this drama shitfest
>Acts like a nigger and calls OP a faggot
>H-How iS tHiss possible? wHat dID i do Wrrrrrooongg?!?
I guess you are that kind of retard who eats his broth with a fork
It is all pretty funny regardless
Kinda boring/repetitive in the long run. Still wanted a comfy thread about breeding chickens that look like terror birds though. Fuck them both
>heh, sure is comfy here on the fence
beargod did nothing wrong

chickens can not get that big. you already have a better bird to start with. just breed ratites to be more muscular and docile, done.
>beargod did nothing wrong
no admit you started this bullshit drama at least and let's call it a day ok? I actually don't give a shit about banjeets either
>chickens can not get that big you already have a better bird to start with. just breed ratites to be more muscular and docile, done
But indios and brahmas chickens exist anon and I prefer them being aggressive so they will defend themselves by animals like magpies (there are a shit tone) small dogs let roam by gay neighbors, italian chavs and their shitbulls
Rajesh, your ESL is showing
Still not a Rajesh though
This is a perfect example of a person who’s backed into a corner with everything against him but still won’t let it go because of some warped sense of internet pride. Wanking the Asil and pretending like there’s something special about them when it’s already been debunked has already given people ammunition against him, whereas the best he has is raving about… bears. Don’t be like Mahesh. Know when to quit.
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>no u the thread
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To actually answer your question. Yes it is possible. It's a bad idea though. Unless there is something missing from our understanding of evolution is should be possible to breed something into basically anything with enough time.
Lmao curb your autismo giga turbo samefaggot
>no u threads are le funny
/b/ exists you fucking nigger
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Why only selectively breed when we have CRISPR?
look at him trying to do damage control lmao the indian psyche is a twisted thing
Cheating vs dutifully raising and seeing your efforts pay off
Ever been to a pig pickin' ..? Now imagine a hog-sized chicken on the roaster. I can think of all sorts of creative BBQ for that. I'm not above trying an emu or an ostrich if the opportunity arises.
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>bearposterfag is still samefagging and projecting hard
extra basado
India lost the chicken wars. Cope.
>delets his own posts
lmao seethe harder faggot
he got banned actually
you know he’s right
He got banned
So you can finally claim to have a massive cock
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lololol hang yourself spammnigger
Not me saar. Keep seething over your small cock Asil schizo
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>asil schizo literally has a small cock
BrahmaGODS, we won
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>asil schizo literally has a small cock
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