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>odonata larvae:
>highly successful aquatic predators
>hunt using the same method as praying mantis but by shooting out your fucking entire lower jaw instead of just your arms
>grow into arguably the most successful predator on the planet
>eat everything ranging from mosquito larvae, to shrimp, to fish

>lepidoptera larvae:
>literally one of the most easy to kill animals out there
>awake to eat leaves and that's about it
>grow into an easy to kill flying bug with huge wings that either eats nothing and dies in a week or sucks on sugary sap
>is dependent on specific types of leaves or it will be unable to reproduce

Is there any reason why butterflies are so cucked by dragonflies at every corner?
Different animals adapted for different things
because dragonflies were designed by the great TENGRI himself to assist humans in killing mosquitoes, so it's an efficient killing machine and looks cool
butterflies were made by gayreek Psyche, the epitome of a crying thot who did nothing and had everything done for her by others
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As always, OP is a fag.
I found these things on my dogwood and sprayed them with imidacloprid

Fucking sawfly larvae not even real caterpillars
>predator therefore good
Tell me, which of the two orders has more described species again?
That’s a moth caterpillar that got freaky because it got stuck in Hawaii. Hawaii actually has a bunch of weird moth caterpillars. There are multiple carnivorous lineages.The grapplers like in your image are the most well known. There are also tree snail eating caterpillars that tie snails down with silk and eat the insides before wearing the shell. There are also scavenging species on the tall mountains with freezing temps that eat whatever frozen carrion blows up there. There are some neat amphibious species too that live in fast flowing streams and eat moss. Over a thousand known moth species despite the isolation, but most of the actual moths aren’t very flashy.
Hawaii also has one of the world’s largest dragonfly species, the giant Hawaiian darner. Hawaiian damselflies are pretty neat too with some of them having terrestrial nymphs that hide in wet forest plants.
On the other hand, there are only two butterfly species native to Hawaii, and they’re kind of basic bitches that hog all the attention because butterflies.
>more in Arbitrary Category
Tell me you know nothing about taxonomy without telling me.
What am I looking at
go back to /int/ tourist
>wow fing eat meat good fing eat pwant bad
This post made everyone lose 10 IQ points.
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Obligage herbivores and especially folivores are especially retarded. End of story.
Its such a shame that we couldn't have seen Hawaii's original ecosystem in all of it's weird glory.
>Jamie, pull up that sad as hell video of the last living hawaiian honeyeater singing for a mate that will never come.
Its “original ecosystem” being? 1, 000 years ago? 20, 000 years ago? 100, 000 years ago? Besides butterflies apparently what else was there that was of interest?
>I am such a predatorpilled odonatacell
>applying human values to insects
Eating plants is its own challenge as they have tons of metabolites purpose made to be as unpleasant or lethal as possible, because how else will a plant defend itself? That caterpillars can best that, and be able to defoliate host plants with ease is pretty neat. Plus they have their own defense mechanisms like being poisonous, having toxic or painful hairs, being able to grow from egg to pupa in a very short amount of time, being able to hide, etc. You don't end up making >10% of animal species by being "cucked".
Before human settlement and all of the other species introduced by man that started causing mass extinctions. So about 1,500 years ago.
Interesting. I guess an island does functionally act as an environmental time capsule if it can go untouched
Old Hawaii had some fascinatingly weird species. The stuff that has been discovered is only the tip of the iceberg. The whole island chain was teeming with all sorts of exotic species due to adaptive radiation from so few founding species. There are way more biomes and climates in Hawaii than you would think, too.

Feels tragic, man.
Can a butterfly nerd tell me if this is Black Death?
Nice coon
Whoa racist
Based racist
Are you sure? It kinda looks like Black Death.
We had 2 die of it already. They got black then started leaking
Carnivore caterpillar
okay the erm chrysalis is empty and a pretty butterfly came out
larvees have new idea

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