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24 lvl from Poland who got raised in the circuses with animals.
I have that weird feeling that most people exaggerate when they talk about circuses with animals being exceptionally bad for animals. The same people who say that the zoos are bad for animals right now. Maybe would you like to see the other perspective? Like on this website?
This post needs to get many responses!
Most circus people are gypsies who don't give a shit about the well being of anything and anyone.
I’m positive you made this thread before so why make it again
He has, and it's because he's a retarded zoomer newfag (it's not his fault, he is Polish after all).
See >>4825741
>This post needs to get many responses!
Mobile housing facilities are not equipped with the necessary space and resources needed to house exotic animals and neither are circuses.
circus animals spend most of their lives in moving crates, they're always stressed
It's better to house exotic animals than to witness them go extinct by the subhuman hunters.
So what? This thread got deleted, so I gotta make the same thread again.
I live a lonely incel life in my shoebox appartment
Why should some dumb cat have it better than me?
This. Humans sometimes have it worse than animals. Nobody cares about us.
>he lives in the pod
C’mon man
>why is a shitty operation with a high likelyhood of an animal going nuts and killing people illegal? i am totally not pretending to be retarded or a contrarian or anything, no no, please engage with me guys xD
cool story bro
I am your fellow human being. Yet you care more for a big cat that given the chance, would kill and eat you and everyone you love
Objectively speaking fellow human beings aren't necessarily that important. Maybe you're a total piece of shit. Retarded, impulsive, violent, and never fully attached to reality. Maybe I don't want you, fertile, and living on the same planet as my daughter, because nothing would be worse than my grandson carrying half your DNA, ruining my family line for centuries. Maybe I see you as likely to rape the children, steal from old ladies, torture kidnapped family pets, and light police stations on fire. Maybe you vote for communists because you expect a free mansion. Maybe you deserve to live in a shoebox and die a virgin, for the good of all humanity.

What's a funny cat gonna do if we give it what it wants? Nothing, it's a cat, they live in the middle of the jungle. The only people who go there and can't defend themselves against a funny cat are totally retarded and improving the gene pool by being that suicidal anyways.
>because nothing would be worse than my grandson carrying half your DNA
I can think of one thing, your daughter being mauled by a tiger, thus ending your bloodline forever, just for a quick meal for a dumb cat
I don't value the lives of animals above humans, but I do value the lives of animals above the lives of specific humans who treat animals with abject cruelty.
>"huuhuuhuu nowun cawe about fwuffy!"
You sound gay as hell. Why are you on the animal and nature board if you obviously don't like animals?
>I can think of one thing, your daughter being mauled by a tiger, thus ending your bloodline forever, just for a quick meal for a dumb cat
Not really an issue because one, I dont live near tigers, and two, neither I nor anyone in my family is dumb enough to be in the woods without buddies and guns.

being mauled by tigers is for manlet anti-gun vegans
I like the energy of this place. It is nice to see a community that's passionate about something, even if you yourself don't share that passion
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>It's better to house exotic animals than to witness them go extinct by the subhuman hunters.
>y-you're the one who doesn't like animals, not me!
Whatever makes you believe you aren't gay, champ.
Spot on. Good posts.
So it’s either they go extinct or they go to a circus?
>carnival in my town got shut down due to a massive Mite infection
>animals were also 2nd generation inbred
was depressing looking at their state
What happened to the animals
why isn't endangered animal abuse illegal for low IQ amusement??

Read a few chapters of this essay and then return to me.
Looks like it, since people love killing animals so much, mostly hunters, poachers and slaughterhouse butchers.
How are you all OK with poachers killing endangered animals, slaughterhouse workers torturing etc. but not OK with circuses with animals? Double standard much?
>24 lvl from Poland who got raised in the circus
checks out
>entertainment before
Going to the circus, the zoos with children, then going to the rock concert or movie not ruined by SJW movement, could watch Harry Potter without worrying about anti-twanz bogitry, travelling cheaper and easier, humans and animals were more connected with each other during the circuses and zoos era
>entertainment now
children, teens, young adults, millennials glued up to the phone, computer, going to the boring school, going to the boring college, going to the boring work and overworking for their corporate overlords, having to get vaxxed for non-existent covid in order to travel in 2020-2023 etc. as travelling is the only entertaiment left, which is not possible now, due to green politics banning ships and planes, animal apartheid inflicted upon people.
Tell me now, which life was better?
>if you don't like this one extreme it means you like all these other completely unrelated extreme things!
can't say i'm surprised a brain damaged pollack (redundant i know) engages in such duplicitous reasoning. i hope your shit thread dies again

incoherent seething ESL post
Oh, you’re just trolling lol
At least I hope you are for your sake
I'm not trolling. You are trolling, if you are OK with the rest ofthat animal cruelty
Are you OK with this? That's what is waiting for lionsi n the wild:
One of my earliest memories is the circus and they dressed 12 black horses up in slutty outfits and made them dance. That should definitely be illegal.
why are you talking about poaching? this thread is about the treatment of animals in circuses. why can't you stay on topic? i'll tell you why you can't: because you have an intimate biased relationship with circuses and you don't want to confront what deep down you already know: they are cruel to animals. you'd rather jump around to other instances of animal cruelty and fight with strawmen so you can feel better about circuses.

go drink yourself to death already, it's all your kind know how to do.
Definitely was someone’s fetish lmao
It’s really because there was a large concentrated campaign effort by people who own animal sanctuaries to pass laws outlawing performing animals, so that their owners would be forced to surrender the animals to the sanctuaries, and the sanctuaries would then receive more government grants for housing more animals.
Are circuses even still a thing? How?
I probably only ever been to one once as a single digit old kid and from my vague memories I recall thinking it was gay and boring. Haven't seen one of them in ages tho, can't imagine kids today having any interest in that sort of stuff
28yo for reference
>There was a conspiracy so a bunch of hippies could perpetually lose money
There’s one coming to my town in like a month, I’m really excited. No performing animals, but the trapeze acts, jugglers, clowns, etc are still cool.

It’s still a niche performing art that’s got its fans, and circus people that get into it are very dedicated to what they do. It’s kinda like ballet in that respect.
Those are alright. Don’t see why anyone would have an issue with those
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The only issue with animal free circuses are crotchety old people that are upset there’s no animals. A few of them have sick animal puppets, though.

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