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Keep it shrimple edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, bettas, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

Articles and Care Guides:

Aquatic Plant Database:

Previous thread: >>4818844 # # # # # # # #
Post fish for me to add (and what cat. they belong under...)
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Love a betta, simple as.
Nice snail
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me too
I just got a sparkling gourami for my 6g tank. Should I get more? Will they still croak if they're alone?
Males will croak at males, less so at females, never once heard one when he was the only trichopsis.
Just to add - in a 6gal, you will very quickly revert to one male if you add another.
what exactly does that spreadsheet achieve? it says nothing about compatibility, or size, or anything.
sure, you can do a quick CTRL+F for the species you want, but you can just do a google search in the same time.
ah man, should I get a female then? really wanted to hear the croaking
This is a pretty fun idea but I don't think it's very useful as it stands right now. You can just Google "bottom dwelling fish" and you'll achieve a similar result. Maybe you should organise it based on what type of tank one is keeping (planted, cichlid etc) and the compatibility of the fish with one another?
>he struggles to keep fish, but he can make a shitty spreadsheet
Its some sperg being autistic
Is it the flanderfish?
Did the flanderfish trigger you?
I bet you 85 guppies it was the flanderfsh...
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Reposting because I was right at the end of the last thread. I had 3 honey gouramis but one of them is noticeably bigger and more aggressive, and it hassled one of the others so much it got stressed and died.
I figure if I increase the total number of gouramis in the tank then the aggression would be spread around, rather than one in particular getting targeted. Does that seem like a reasonable fix? It's a 30 gal tank so I could probably accommodate 5-6.
reminder to instantly hide posts from brownoid shit-stirrers.
Honey gouramis should be peaceful, if one of them acts like a bully you should just flush him down the toilet.
Also, don't keep more than one - you just need one as a centerpiece, get a school of tetras and be done with it.
And btw, nobody replied the other time around because this whole general has had enough of anabantoids, not because it was the end of the thread.
For me, it was the flandersfish.
>And btw, nobody replied the other time around because this whole general has had enough of anabantoids, not because it was the end of the thread.
Shush. I love all gourami and betta.
>I figure if I increase the total number of gouramis in the tank then the aggression would be spread around, rather than one in particular getting targeted. Does that seem like a reasonable fix?
No. From what I have gathered from other keepers it seems that honey gouramis do best as a single or pair. Lots of reports of more aggression with larger groups.
that’s a lot of guppies
so true
I had keyhole fry hatch from a suprise nest in my community tank today. What do?
I've been dimming the lights at night instead of turning them off to help the parents guard them.
I always thought honey gouramis were peaceful enough to be kept in groups, evidently not. I guess I'll leave my remaining two to fight it out and the winner gets the tank as his own kingdom then
>feeding time
>today's menu will be frozen krill
>have juvenile cherry barbs in the community so I add some crushed flake so they have something edible size for them
>add krill
>one of the cherry barbs grabs the largest krill chunk and slams it down like a pelican
Okay. I guess I don't need to be crushing the flakes anymore is they can do that.
Good ol’ fashioned way
Noticed a weird little critter in my tank turns out I’ve got a shitload of damselfly larvae in the substrate of my oto/corydora tank moved the fish to a one gallon quarantine tank with some of the water from the cycled tank, just going scorched earth cause I also got a shitload of bladder snails to eliminate and the more substrate I stir up the more damselflies I find no clue what to do next i can’t exactly keep them in the one gallon
Like you said, scorched earth if you must.
Keep any larger substrate/rocks/wood/plants and just yeet everything out then enjoy starting again.
Ammonia buildup is real, chuck the livestock in the largest plastic vessel you can lay your hands on immediately for the interim - a little temp shock will be less of an issue with burnt gills and/or death.
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>Have unneeded 15gal chilling with a bubble filter and a few plants after transfer of livestock
>Decide to take it down a month later
>sukk out 90% of the water
>Room smells like a fishmongers market two hours later
Totally emptied the Cory/oto tank, boiled the substrate (various river rock), driftwood and plastic dinosaur skull, my plants got a copper and aquarium salt dips, and cleaned out the tank and did copper and salt to it, rinsing it out with a hose now. As for refilling I also have a ten gallon with a betta and three otos in it, all the livestock in that tank came from the one I’m cleaning now (asshole Betta murked all my panda corydoras so he got his own tank) when I set it up I just drained half the water from the original tank into the new one and filled them in the rest of the way as if I was doing a water change so theoretically if I repeat the process it should save my cycle time
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New tank has cycled, only took a week since I used a few litres from the old tank and used a cycled filter.
The blue veil seems more comfortable and fooly kuhli has made a den under the larger rock in the front.
What second nanofish school should I get?
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They're like a purpetual energy source.
IME, Kytathit are double the size of glowlight danios, so do a little research.
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One eye'd betta imbellis update. Still have no idea on sex, but regardless he/she is eating, shitting and hunting shrimp. Pretty stoked it's still alive, let alone thriving.
Still very skittish, but I bloody love this fish. Seems happy enough with my pygmys and shrimp.
I will add some more tannins to the water, today was maintenance day. Name has been decided as Leela so please tell me it's a lady.
What a cutie patootie.
das hot
Too small for even glowlights, they'll just hang around listlessly in that space. Rly need 30"+ footprint, and bigger the better.

Even zebras would survive fine, but they'd be boring in that space.
Should I keep 1 male and 1 female sparkling gourami together in a relatively small tank? I'm afraid the male will harass the female to death
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I've had bully male honey gouramis. You buy them from the store and they're usually peaceful, they get established, then they go into breeding and territory mode and start harassing females. This was in a 29 gal. There were three things I did until I fixed it:
1. I let the male chill out in breeder box away from the main area of activity for a couple of days.
2. I put in a shit ton more java fern, hornwort, and water lettuce with long roots to block a ton of vision in the tank. It's easier for the female to run when she only has to go a couple of inches to break eye contact.
3. I put the male alone in a 10gal for a couple of days until his activity slowed down.

1 seemed to be INITIALLY the most stressful as he kept trying to "escape" the box by surfing against the edges since he could still smell the females. After two days, he did calm down. This is the cheapest option, but also a gamble. Alternatively, you can put the weak female in a breeder box to protect her and see if you can wait out the male aggression.

2 gave me the best results. It became very easy for any females to find hiding spots and learn to avoid the male. The fern eventually exploded and created even more cover, but I can't find those pictures on my phone, so pic related is what I initially bought from the store. Obviously, this is probably the most costly one.

3 worked in shifts. I would separate him, wait a few days, put him back. He would act calm for a bit because now he was re-discovering his environment. He would be comfortable, start looking for the female, process would start all over. I didn't want to keep switching him between tanks and I didn't want to dedicate my 10gal (which was going to be planned for baby gourami) to a lone male.

If the male is STILL going out of his way to beat up the female even after introducing more cover and plants, you can just let it happen or separate him permanently. I wanted babies, so I had to fix the behavior.
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Have a 40 gallon tank a couple months old with pic related.
How many more fish can i add? I was really thinking about a six lined wrasse but idk if that would work
Other than that i was about to add some xenia and a decorator crab
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Also really considering a flame angel but idk
Harlequin Rasboras, they're native to the same part of the world and can be found in the same waters as Bettas and Khulis.
Depends on what. Comfortably you could definitely do at least a small wrasse. I'd be a bit wary of the flame angel. It's not that big but it tends to want more space otherwise it gets a little neurotic (i.e. more aggressive than usual, swimming erratically), much like tangs on a smaller scale. You could probably pull off two wrasses of different types, like one flasher type and one fairy type, if you are looking for more mid-level showpiece fishes as you do have a lot of bottom dwelling/rock dwelling fish.

If you are going to risk an angel, I would probably try a coral beauty instead. It's smaller and I like its color better. But again, with angelfish, if you push the boundaries of tank size with them, the riskier it is with aggression and even coral nipping.
I separated put my danios in 5gal tank to breed, I see eggs, but how do I know if they're fertilized? Do I just have to wait a couple of days and see if they hatch? Is there no good visual indicator? I know for sure if some of these danios are female, but I can't spot the males. Just kind of guessing based on them being smaller and skinnier. For all I know, I have all female danios, I only have seven so it's possible I got unlucky.
bought some of those generic amazon chinesium carpeting seeds and they wound up coming out exactly like the plant in OP. Anyone know the species of plant?
Wouldn’t the clowns gang up on a aggressive angel?
And how many fish shou i have total for a 40 gallon? Isn’t 10 pushing it?
Btw how likely are they to kill all of my corol?
Not really. In my experience, the female clown will be on defense of its area. The male will be a giant fucking pussy. And I have maroons that are like six years old, i.e. among the biggest and most aggressive of clownfish. My wrasse absolutely bitch slap the clownfish. My Starcki Damselfish bitchslaps everyone, as an angel would as well.

Again, it depends. Like you have a blue neon goby. You could fit like 10 more of those in your tank. Likewise if you chose a mandarin, those would be practically no bioload (although would obliterate your pod population). What is more of a concern is behavior rather than bioload. I could say 10 total fish, but adding just one jewel damselfish would be catastrophic even though it's pretty small. Conversely three pajama cardinalfish would be perfectly fine even though they're the same size as the damsel.

If you were to add super peaceful small fish, you could definitely go beyond 10.

What kind of fish are you looking for and what kind of filtration do you have?
That's part of the behavior thing. If it thinks the tank is too small, the chances of it nipping coral go up a lot, even if you feed it a lot. If you get a flame angel small though you might be able to keep it for years before it becomes too big and starts going nuts though.
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The species of plant in OP is glossostigma elatinoides. If you started with seeds, you don't have glossostigma. Post a photo and let's see what mystery plant you have.
My younger guppies do the same shit. I'll chop the bloodworms and shrimp into a chum, but sometimes a big one will sneak through and these fucks surprise me they don't kill themselves.
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Thanks for the extensive advice anon, although I don't think a second tank is going to be an option to remove the male. This is my current setup and while there are plenty of plants, I've struggled to add "vertical" features into the tank so probably not so many good hiding places. In the middle is a fairly thick mass of Java fern and cryptocoryne wendtii, perhaps too thick for fish to swim through, actually.
I've heard that hornwort can grow too prolifically and take over the tank but maybe I could benefit from some. Won't it block light from the other, deeper plants? Sometimes I wish I could throw it all out and start again, this is my first "proper" tank so I have to live with all the mistakes I made setting it up.
Here is a good write up about seeds too, in case you are interested. It's possible you got lucky and got real glosso seeds, but if I was a betting man, I'd bet against it. Especially if the source of the seeds is bugmen.
>Sorry for link jannie idk the rules lol
Im gonna kms i just typed a paragraph and it didn’t post
I fucking hate fish and aquariums
And gookchan
Im throwing in a porcupine puffer and calling it a day
Faggot animals faggot hobby
KEK FF bros why does your shit stink?
Is he the greatest troll ever?
Chances are very high that he will wear her down and aggressively protect the spawn location.
Sparkling gourami are not a peaceful fish towards their own kind.
Good idea, never thought to keep them together
Aw man, how can else can I get mine to croak then? Add a larger group?
Single male to multiple females.
I had a male/female in a 20gal, guy still occasionally beat the shit out of her. YMMV.
How do you guys think of a a layout of a new tank scape? I'vee been stuck for a couple of weeks on how I want to start my tank and what I want to go for.
I started out trying to copy tanks I liked, but I was never that satisfied with the results. These days I just go to a store and buy pieces (rocks or wood) I like, then letting those central pieces inspire the rest of the 'scape.
Ah man. Heavily considering giving him back to the store now. Only kept them cos I found the croaking neat. Can't do many females because it's a small (10g) tank. Any ideas for replacement centrepiece fish?
Anyone else have a problem with MTS getting stuck? They get the pointy end of their shells stuck in rocks and it looks like they can't get themselves out. It's happening kinda frequently but I never see anyone online talking about it. I even saw one that looked like it was stuck just in the sand. I help them out but it's getting annoying and I'm sticking my hands in the water more than I'd like and probably more than the inhabitants would like.
Not a problem unless they are upside down. Upside down they eventually drown. Otherwise its fine
Give it a decent sized filter and you could put 6 in there pretty easily.
So wtf do i do with my dumbass fish if i don’t want them anymore? Cant flush it broke the toilet last time
Ask your locals if they'll take them off your hands.
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>be flagfish
>hide in string algae

Yes I know it's covered in mulm, I stirred shit up when I dropped this algae in from my live food tank (filled with scuds and snails and isopods and shrimp). I expected the barbs and flags to immediately destroy it, but this lady just wants to lurk inside.
Give them to a pet/fish store, call up your local ASPCA (or equivalent in your country), post a for sale (but free) add on craigslist/facebook/whatever. How retarded are you?
i'm going to the shedd aquarium on saturday :]
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Have fun! The African cichlids and South American cichlids displays were my favorites, although the sea horses and sea dragons were pretty amazing too.
But they still haven't recovered from the pandemic, there are still plenty of closed displays (last time the Caribbean one was closed, and my wife said a bunch of other stuff was missing).
What are your favorite fish for 10g tanks? All the youtubers say the same thing and I'm wondering if there's anything cool they're skipping.
>All the youtubers say the same thing
you vill consume the slop fish
Real talk though you have to get rare stuff because its cool.
Least killifish. Bumblebee gobies are neat too.
>Veil tail Betta
>Plakat Betta
>Crown tail Betta
>Half moon Betta
>Dumbo Betta
There's plenty of options, anon!
neon / red tetras, cloud minnows, neocaridina, dwarf gourami, corydoras, glass catfish, MTS, etc.
>2 nerite snails
>Bladder snails
>Ramshorn snails
>Malaysian trumpet snails
>1 whisker shrimp
This is the perfect stocking, anon. And you can get most of them for free.
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Have some worms in my scud tank, I'm assuming they came with the scud culture, although they had to have been microscopic at that point. Is this bad or just more critters to feed the fish?
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That looks kind of like mosquito larvae. Those are great fish food, but will just turn into mosquitos eventually in a scud/shrimp tank.
Aww yiss, saw my tomini tang taking a few bites off the seaweed clip I've been removing completely uneaten and replacing in the mornings for 2 months
>be me, LFS employee
>enter woman
>tells me her betta has a bulge near its eye
>proceeds to show pictures of her betta before the bulge occurred, pointing where she thinks the bulge is on the healthy looking betta
thats just the start
>ask how big the tank is
>she motions with her hands large enough to be a 10 gallon, so I assume 5 or less and say as much to confirm that sounds right
>more pictures raise doubt to my lowball
>on water changes, she says she empties the tank and refills it by filling "one of those plastic gallons of milk jugs" twice with water and pouring it in
>ask her to clarify cus I feel blindsided by stupid
>she literally didn't know that a jug for a gallon of milk could only transfer 1 gallon of water
Told her my best guess was the fish got spooked and - being in a tiny enclosure - accidentally bumped into one of the fake plastic rocks or plants. But I still could not believe this person was capable of breathing on their own. Scariest of all, she had kids.
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There is no IQ test to pass for breeding, unfortunately.
A colleague, who had practically bragged (so that he could tell the story as an alpha male) that a LFS refused to sell him more livestock since he was going through so many, last mentioned fish to anyone about a year and a half ago. Last I cared, it was a bare 400L with a bubble stone and an in-tank pump. Not a filter, a pump.
Some fuckwit at work brought it up in passing that I bought a large tank and he perked up, later asking me "How to I make it so that the store understands that I know how to keep fish and they will sell to me again?"
>What's the longest you've kept a fish alive
"Almost 5 months bro"
>And have you changed anything about the way you keep your fish at home so that they live longer once the illness or problem has been diagnosed
"No bro, I keep asking but they wont listen or want me to buy equipment I don't need to waste money on, I already have everything"

He's a dumb chinese/flip that will actively put himself in debt to look wealthy.

Some people will literally ask for physics to be changed so that instead of putting more energy into jumping higher, they will just simply jump higher with no understanding or effort.
At this point I think we need an antithesis to what "Finding Nemo" delivered in the cultural zeitgeist, some kind of copernican revolution regarding aquariums. Too many people see them as a commodity - some kind of flashy ornament - as opposed to a fully fledged ecosystem sitting there within your home.
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Ceramic ring question:
I've 'upgraded' my filter using ceramic rings, the main benefit of ceramic rings is the increased surface area for bacterial growth, but can I take it a step further?

Theoretically I can fit ~50 rings in bag, if I were to take a hammer and break up the rings in to smaller parts I could get ~80 in a bag, that's a +50% increase in surface area in the same volume of space. The only downside I can see with this is I'll need to increase mechanical filtration to reduce debris build up which could affect the flow, finer filter floss should solve this issue.

Is my theory sound or am I missing something?
This is why fatherfish is good. Getting preached to by a curch preacher about how to keep fish works better than simply asking them to do research or explaining it to them. Literal cattle people.
this thread has the ugliest posters on /an/ for sure
How do you figure
What the hell is happening here
I guess but I don't see the point. You don't need a ton of bio filtration. A bag of those rings in your filter is more than enough already for that job.
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ur turn
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It's always nice to know someone else has saved the stuff I make.
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Pencilfish. Tons of color morphs, very active across the whole tank, and smaller than guppies at full size. Criminally underrated - I've got a school of 24 from Glassgrown that is thriving, albeit in a much bigger tank.
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>you don't need a lot of biofiltration
This is a retarded generalization to make. You can never have too much, and if you have a lot of fish, you sure as shit need a lot of biofiltration. Moving bed filters do a far better job for the volume, though. Picrel are fantastic, I've got them in all my tanks and ammonia is never measurable, even when I lose a clam. I'm ridiculously overstocked and only change 40% of the water once a month, in large part because these guys are top tier.
is 14 gallons enough water for a clown fish?
>Shilling for some retarded product
>Still has to do regular water changes
Lol. LMAO, even
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I have two in a 14 gal - if you're worried about volume, make sure they have something to host. I wouldn't bother with an anemone, but if you have a xenia they'll mostly hang out in it, going peekaboo all the time.
Picrel is my female, right next to the Xenia she's hosting.
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I've got ~90 fish in a 30 gallon tank. Water changes are the cost of overstocking. I never change the betta tank (single sponge filter, probably could be filterless) or endler tank (which also has >3 fish/gallon, and one of those moving bed filters)

Regardless, at least post tank if you're going to shitpost.
>~90 fish
I counted about 15, kek. What a cope.
>post tank
Or what?
If you're not having a lark, then you might want to get those eyes checked.
Where do you work out?
>at the library
Pea pufffers
This is activating my urge to attention whore
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These decent?
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Was thinking of picking up for $100
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Do it faggot, just leave your face out.
Why, thank you for asking, friend! I was actually lowballing it.
>~20 Odessa barbs
>~25 danios (rerio, choprae)
>24 pencilfish
>~12 platys/swordtails/hybrids (5 adults)
>~30 mixed corys (albino, triline, venezuala, gold line, habrosus)
>1 flagfish (F for the others, not enough algae I guess, or wild caught fish just don't live forever)
>4 garras

Overpriced imo, get a timer and nicrew lights, or a fancy fluval with Bluetooth and a zillion color choices, for roughly the same price.
she doesn't have a tank, just a pic of some fuzzy rocks from over a year ago
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Damn, my alpha male honey gourami died at some point and I don't know when. I can't even find a body. Oh well, he's given more more than enough kids that I'll be able to continue his family line. Wish my LFS would sell honey gouramis again, I don't really like buying from Petco.
would NOT recommend
got one of these and now my entire gaming rig is a gaming BRICK
Hey autismo did you realize the is /an/ and not /v/ or /g/? Or are you really fucking retarded?
>fuzzy rocks
Those are Bob Marley zoas, you dumb tanklet.
Are you a transgender now, too?
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I'm pretty sure he was making a joke anon
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are they called that cause Bob Marley is dead too?
I wouldn't know, I'm the one with the thriving zoas. Ask the guy with those ugly ass halides, his zoas were all shriveled up like >>4829684's dick after starting HRT.
this is too funny
kys faggot
Quite a few of my fish are dying in a few months span. I've owned them varying between 8 to 16 months, depending on the group. Should I be concerned? They're not dying in large groups, but it's like, a guppy will die in March, two tetras will die in April, a gourami will die in May, a danio and a gourami die in June. There is nothing wrong with the parameters, my plants are thriving, my ghost shrimp are breeding like crazy, and there's no consistent pattern to tell me if there's some disease or parasite or something.

When I had 29 gal tank with a stock of 25 tetras, I would have a death once every couple of months. Now I have a 40gal with a stock of 35+ mix of tetras, rasboras, danios, and small gouramis and only recently am I experiencing just a dwindle in population. I don't know if I should be running some kind of tests or if it's to be expected that small tropical adult fish from stores are only gonna make it to be a year or two. Just had a cardinal tetra die in the last hour when he was totally fine this morning with zero weird signs.
>Wish my LFS would sell honey gouramis again
Breed the kids and give them the excess. when they get their own stock ask for one to keep the genes fresh.
If they were the same species and they were all purchased at the same time it could be age, but they normally have a change in behavior as time takes its toll.

>There is nothing wrong with the parameters
Post test results.

We're at the time of the year when temperatures are rising so it could be thermal. Check your thermometer and compare it with a second in another part of the tack. Too many people put it in one corner and assume that temperature covers the whole tank. Which can be particularly bad if it's in a dead spot.
Increased temperatures result in lower pH, changes in pH can allow opportunistic pathogens to take hold.

Could also just be timing/luck. Losing a fish every few weeks out of three dozen, if you've had them for over a year, sounds pretty normal. Cardinal tetras don't live more than 12-18 months in the wild, at best, for example. None of the nanofish you mentioned are particularly long lived, though gourami and danios should live 3-5 years in ideal conditions; rasboras and neon-related tetras are more like 1-2, and lower if they had significant stress somewhere along the way.

Plants and shrimp thriving is often the case when you have losses, that's not really relevant. Just an FYI.
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Pic related for test results.

I also bought everything in different stages. The cardinal tetras were the oldest, about over a year ago now. I only bought four dumbo guppies about eight months ago, but I think they might've been from a bad stock because two went very quickly upon purchase and the other went recently. The couple of gouramis were full adult size when I got them at the same time as the guppies. I bought about eight danios five months ago and only that one died. My harlequin rasboras, one female betta, three bristlenose plecos (all of these bought same time as danios), and ember tetras (bought same time as cardinals) are untouched. The ember tetras might've had a death, but they shoal in small groups around the tank and I still see plenty of them, so I assume they're doing okay. The tank having less cardinal tetras and guppies was much easier to notice and the danio + gourami were near the front of the tank when they died.

They all just seem to die abruptly, too. No gasping at top, no shimmying, no swimming on the side, no change in breathing speed, no sitting at the bottom, nothing. If there were opportunistic pathogens, would I be able to notice with changes in behavior?
>behavior change
Maybe, maybe not. More likely than them dying from the actual heat. Your pH is pretty high though, is that new or have you always run 8.0ish? That's significantly out of "ideal" range for all the fish except danios, though being tank bred most likely won't care very much. If your pH is spiking further at night when it cools off a bit, could be osmotic shock I guess, but again, seems unlikely.

Fancy guppies rarely live past a year in my experience, unless they have some hybridization with endlers or were born in the tank.

I'm skeptical of the Nitrates at zero - did you shake both bottles, and the test tube after each addition, for 60+ seconds each? It sounds excessive but is actually necessary because the test mats don't mix well into water.

Those are also all very, very small schools - small enough to cause ongoing stress, which shortens lifespans and allows opportunistic pathogens (see the pattern?)

If I were to guess, I'd say the high pH and constant "oh fuck my school has been decimated" feel is what is causing the various schooling soft water fish to die off young.
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>Your pH is pretty high though, is that new or have you always run 8.0ish?
For about 7 to 8 months, it's been resting around 8. When I had started keeping fish 1.5 years ago, I had it around the 6.5 to 7.0 range, but my shrimp kept dying off from poor molts and some people suggested the soft water might be causing it and that most aquarium fish are farmed and will get use to higher PH levels if you slowly change it. Adding some coral and cuttlebone over time slowly increased it to the range it's at now.

I did shake the bottles and test tubes, it was the second test I did for a pic. I can do a third one and record it on streamable as well if that helps.

I can try to increase the schools. I can quarantine new ones in my 29 gal which is currently acting as an aquarium garden where I buy plants and see how big I can grow them to propagate them. I had a bad habit early on with buying many plants and many of them died because I didn't understand how to care for them, so now I've been doing it bit by bit. My goal was eventually to toss the water lettuce out (except for the giant mother plants that are over a year old, I'd like to keep those) to my wild frog pond and put in nicer plants. The tanks also look a bit dark in the photos and I tried to get a better picture, but the top lamps mess with the contrast in my phone and I'm not sure how to properly photograph it.
If you shook the nitrate tests, and tested twice, I'm sure it's right - looking at the plant levels, near-zero is plausible, I'm just always skeptical of a zero nitrate test because it's so easy to fuck up the testing.

Based on the pics, I'd say build out the schools a bit (aim for at least 10 of each schooler, if you can), and otherwise it's likely they were just getting old. If it keeps happening, replace the dying schools with more of the successful species, but really it's not too out of the ordinary, given the context. Nano fish are not robust creatures.
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Thank you and thanks to the other anon who replied to me for the help.
>Bob Marley is dead too
>41% for you and your HRT butt-buddies
Imagine getting mogged by a soft coral reef tank and crying about it on discord. Kek
>troon discord
you seem very familiar with them LOL
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Don't you discordant infighting social media faggots have a reality TV show to watch or something or is this pathetic display the best you can do for yourselves?
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>posts a fuzzy rock from a year ago
>posts berried ghost shrimp from local fish store
damn it's like she doesn't even have a acrual tank to post
I woke up today and found a ton of nerite snails in my 100gal Angelfish tank despite never having put any in there.

How tf do I get rid of these guys other than manually removing them everytime they show up. These guys are ugly and they explode in population so I want these guys put ASAP and for them to never return

Is there some species of fish or what have you that hunts these guys down?
reality TV can be fun though
They're not nerite snails, based on your description. Literally impossible for them to be.

Add assassin snails, one at a time and wait a few days to see if it impacts the population. Snails aren't bad though, high numbers are just a result of overfeeding.
I mean, sell them to the local fish store? Nerite snails cost money, not sure how you got all those nerites, but good for you.
Their behavior is definitely worm like and they have been in longer than the larval cycle for mosquito. They have had to come in with my scud culture(botanical possible?eggs on leaves type shit?) from aquatic arts. I'm not really concerned as I'd imagine the scuds will out compete/ possibly prey on them, granted idk as I've never kept scuds.
If you look past his preachy tendencies, he has good ideas and while his hands off approach will probably backfire on most people(don't not change your water early in its life or if you're running high bioload), he gives a good foundation to start a tank.
>have a acrual tank
Good morning sir, this is Steve from your local fish store. We are showing an outstanding balance for your recent purchase of ghost shrimp.
Is there any options to do the needful with Target gift cards?
Please advice
How many saltwater fish can i have in a 40 gallon tank?
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>immediately replies
>shes still seething 7hrs later
if you actually owned a tank, you could look at it to calm down. You can look at one of mine instead, it's got baby fish in it, they're called fry
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and why should fish keeping... be something that is hard... or expensive... or time-consuming...
when keeping fish... or any other animal.. like enjoying the creation... is part of nay-ture...
and nay-ture... knows best... because things simply work...
you are... a part of... nay-ture!... hur hur hur...
so just set up an a-qua-ri-um... a balanced... natural... a-qua-ri-um... with a deep substrate... and plaaaants... and no wuhturr changes... and some little fish...
and you too... can bring nay-ture... into your a-qua-ri-um...
that's all for now... bye, now... love you all...
This is peak fish keeping. I can't see it, but I know it.
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>Ghost shrimp
Palaemon affinis.
I don't know who you think you're replying to, nor do I know or care for that matter, but that should give you a head start on homework to figure out if your discord infatuation is who you just replied to.
>Managed to spawn with livebearers
Amazing, congratulations on your success.
I don't know if it's the spectrum or the camera, but those plants all look washed out and probably not the healthiest when they're that visibly translucent..
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kek, this general hasn't been this funny in ages
NTA but I think those are medaka. Still hardly a hard to breed species, but a little more effort than guppies
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I know /an/ is divided on Father Fish, but he's honestly one of the best people to get newbies started into fishkeeping. He is so low cost and low maintenance which is perfect for most hobbyists who get into it because they see some aquascape on YouTube with 4mil views. Some of the alternatives out there are so fucking predatory. Even something like Aquarium Co-op, which delivers excellent spotlights on specific fish and plants, will often leave beginners walking away thinking they need to spend money on liquid fertilizer and root tabs and aqua soil and shit simply because they're not informed about the alternative. Pic related might be the worst.
This is so obviously bait
Platy was bullying other fish to the point of exhausting it.
He lives in a pasta jar now. Will bring him back to the pet store soon.
I gave him an air line.
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murphy's replacement isnt nearly as cool, sorry not sorry. corey needs to stop being a jew and get another mbu. I know he's still in mourning but that store isn't the same without a mbu observing you from the corner.
in other news they have trout goodieds, bought some to try to deal with my hair algae issues. Hope they breed up in my one tank so I can put some in the three tanks where it's a problem
>trout goodeid
always wanted to keep these but they get really big for a livebearer, what size tank are you keeping them in?
fishtubers are good sources of info but father fish's tank setup is a trap for newfags. I'm convinced that for newfags the best recipe is
-20 long+a tight glass lid
-sponge filter
-inert gravel substrate
-root tabs with simple rooted plants like crypts, plus simple water feeders like an anubias and some java fern, maybe some floaters like frogbit or duckweed
-no heater, only pick non faggot fish that can survive sub 70 temps (all livebearers except mollies, most cyprinids, most loaches, tons of options)
-some dogshit amazon chinese LED light (will last either 4 weeks or 400,000 years)
for now a 20 long with some flagfish and a pair of apisto borelli that have never bred for me but still look cute. If they get bigger I have some 40s and a 100 gallon tub to split them into. They cap out at about 4'' which is pretty similar to mollies. Like mollies that 4'' is kind of aspirational and most individuals, especially males will stay significantly smaller. But sometimes you will get a giant bitch of a female, I even have that issue with guppies. Can't keep shrimp going in my guppy tank because the fat bitches ruthlessly hunt the babies.
want to keep them in a 15g but decided they were too big, can't find another cool livebearer :(
What wrasse can i get that won’t murder everything else?
Melanurus, most fairy, banana...
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>posts another picture from local fish store
>this time from 2 years ago
>samefags to simulate engagement
don't care who you are, but at least you posted something I guess
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Same vibes ngl
>inert gravel substrate
>root tabs
Are you retarded or something? Why would you do that when dirt capped with sand will be more robust in the long term?
yes. but it's also more likely to cause problems when something stupid happens whether its breaching the cap while moving plants or putting in something that likes to dig.
this is the same dumbass who was bragging about keeping guppies and duckweed last week, i'll bet one dollar on it
you can bet a little more
Does hornwort really out-compete most other plants in the aquarium? I wanted to add some to my 10 gallon where I have just crypts, valisneria and anubias nana
Update on my suprise first time keyhole cichlid parents
They have suprisingly gotten a good amount of fry to the free swimming stage and are guarding them excellently. When should I pull them?
If you let it grow out of control, sure.
Personally I stay away from it because if you kill it it sheds pines like a bitch.
Just out of curiosity, wont snails eventually eat all the pines?
It eventually outcompetes most other floaters or stems, but anything rooted will survive (if maybe grow slower). Guppy Grass, Myrio, duckweed, and Anacharis will all compete well with it, if you want it plus other floaters.

bros one of my female swordtails has had a fry stuck for a few days now and now she's just sitingon the ground flapping her fins rapidly...
what do?
Hymlich maneuver.
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New fishe
Remember to rescue a Betta!
1 month apart from an 8lt holding cell to a 70lt community tank
will a 70 gallon tank be enough for an oscar? if not, what medium-big fish could i keep there?
>captcha was WATR
70 would work, just want to break up LoS with hardscape for enrichment purposes, and don't skimp on your water changes (get a trash can and sump pump). Full sized Oscar has shits the size of a small dog's
I've got a 5 gallon bucket filled with spring water, duckweed, snails, and a small fountain. Plan on getting a pump/filter in the future as well, any suggestions?
Crap. My honey gourami pair is down to a single now. One of them developed symptoms that might have been due to some bacterial infection. No spots, no holes, very slight redness around the gills. It stopped eating, hung out on the substrate and surfaced every 15 minutes presumably to breathe. Very lethargic, no interest in food. Water tested fine. It looked half dead so I just went ahead euthanized it.

Bummer. All the other fish in the tank including the other gourami are behaving normally. No signs of a pervasive tank related outbreak of something.
>It looked half dead so I just went ahead euthanized it.
I should note this was three hours after it stopped making trips to the surface.
Remember NOT to rescue a Betta!
Don't be a retard. Every betta you """""rescue""""" from PetSmart/Petco/etc encourages them to buy and kill three more.

If you want a betta, get it directly from a breeder. You'll get better quality. If you see a betta you like at a chain store, it's fine to buy it as long as you understand you are not "doing good," you are just feeding the corporate machine, as is many things we buy.
I remember there being a really big issue with gourami disease (some iridovirus) and the mass breeders. Lots of people in the industry suggested just not buying them until it passed. I'm wondering if it just never passed.
>I'm wondering if it just never passed.
Could be
Sicce micro, but why?
That sounds like a pretty self-sustaining thing.
Buying 10 more because of this comment
Post tank with 10 betta.
I bought a honey gourami a couple months ago, and he's going strong.
But I've also bought all my other fish from that store and have never had casualties from them so I'm biased.
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Great colors
What kind?
So far as I know, it's a bluesided wrasse.
Eats frozen, so far so good. Tomini tang is a little upset he doesn't have the whole 160 to itself anymore but settling down.
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"Feeding the corporate machine"
We saved them Leddit!
>same fagging this hard again
You really never give up. We know it's you. Don't bother denying it. Spacing it out a little just shows how much more of a loser you are.
Why are you going full schizo?
Is it so hard to accept that nobody likes you?
Do you accuse your mom and dad of samefagging? JK you don't know who your father is.
>The NO U tactic
Keep trying, I guess, lmao.
I wanted a small fountain in my garden but didn't have a lot to work with, so I settled on a half-buried bucket and added duckweed to help keep away mosquitos. Snails came along with the duckweed; don't want to add much to it but a few plants would be nice.
lol lmao nice guess though!
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>thinking (you) on mobile means anything
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Seriously dude, we know your tricks. You don't even bother to change up your typing.
Who fucking cares?
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>Seriously dude, we know your tricks. You don't even bother to change up your typing.
living rent free feels good in this economy
>living rent free feels good in this economy
Well, can you blame me? You're so cute!
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non-fish person taking care of 2 goldfish belonging my deadbeat sisters
did big water change, turned the filter back on, vacuumed the gravel a few times + subsequent water changes so the water cleared up
recently i noticed some scales are missing from the big one, cause for concern?
my retarded sister fed them old ass tropical fish flakes because she ran out of goldfsh flakes, i was scared that might have something to do with it although aside from the scales missing it doesnt act different and the smaller one has nothing weird going on
injury from banging against the retarded big ship ornament in the middle of the tank? would appreciate any suggestions, i'll see if i can get some pics later
want to make a forest style aquascape but cant be bothered to empty out my existing tank, give all my platys/guppies away just so i can re-scape and make my tank more aesthetic.
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i miss having my little reef tank before i got depressed and killed everything
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>All that GSP
Jelly. Can't bring myself to sourcing more after I got wrecked by this brown shit.
Said brown shit is clearing up so fingers crossed.
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GSP is pretty easy to grow as long as you keep a stable tank in terms of salinity levels and lighting/flow. It just takes time for it to get established to your water conditions. I didnt even use RODI water in that tank lel. Just used cuprasorb with tap water + top tier expensive salts. The corals, even LPS and SPS were opening up and growing fine.

I basically got depressed and stopped topping the tank's freshwater off. Everything died :(
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Sorry to hear anon. I'd like to say I can understand.
I've been like that with people for the last few years. Just felt like an overwhelming chore and even my only remaining social contacts - work colleagues - are starting to see through the seemingly endless appointments when it comes to work lunches or dinners.
Had a slimy goop boom and lost 90% of my GSP. Probably a phosphate spike since I didn't bother testing for anything at the time except with a bobbing salinity level.

Oddly I can justify pushing through the suck with inanimate objects because it's just more effort later to claw back but I couldn't give two fucks about cutting off people lol. Such is it.
Can caudal fins heal, or just the translucent part can regrow? 3 of my Odessa barbs I bought from Aquahuna came with fucked up looking tails, basically just the bottom part was visible, and I thought it was nipped in transit and would regrow, but I'm starting to think it's just fucked up...

The fish seem fine otherwise, except they're growing noticeably slower than their peers despite not looking skinny, so just wondering.
Aren't those dinos (I can't see well)? Because you should be able to fix that with an increase in nutrients.
Unsure. Seems to be.
Have been running a skimmer full-tit since transferring from the 20 to my 160 and it's been pulling decet slop for about 4-5 months since. Best guess is significant organic leech from dead-coral rock, dead-2nd-hand-coral rock and marcorocks even after a 4 month cook.
Have seen a significant reduction in the last month despite increasing feeding, I was concerned my ironsand was the culprit for a while with some whacky silicate levels that I'm pulling out of my ass.
I like the neon icecream cones.
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Dawwww <3
>significant reduction in the last month despite increasing feeding
Well yeah, that's because an increase in nutrients will get rid of dinos. Another thing you can do is stop running the skimmer and stop the water changes (but make sure to dose with All for Reef and alkalinity, so it doesn't go out of whack).
But keep an eye on nitrates and phosphates, you don't want them to go too high either.
thank you for the sympathies anon i appreciate it.

Regarding your dinos/brown jelly algae, how old is your tank and how did you cycle it? It is most likely due to a swing in salinity, nitrates, phosphates, PH etc thats throwing your tank out of whack. Diatoms usually go away on their own as your tank matures and the microfauna eat them. I usually buy some copepods/glass shrimp on ebay and chuck them straight in out of the bag to kickstart any microfauna once the tank is cycled.

Also as the other anon suggests, i'd try and focus on keeping your tank stable for a while. Do one big water change then only top up water, dont do any water changes for 1-2 months. Check salinity daily, check PH daily. Make sure it is relatively stable. If your tank is only soft corals or LPS then there shouldnt be any dramatic swings in calcium. Diatoms are usually defeated with patience and just leaving your tank alone. If this doesnt work try reducing your photoperiod to like 6-7 hours for a month and reduce feedings.

If its brown jelly algae you'll need to just manually remove and reduce feedings to 2-3 times per week as well as weekly 15% water changes. You can usually tell if it's dinos by pulling at one. It should be kinda stringy underwater but go gooey when you take it out.

>tfw cant keep Siphonophores in aquariums
>copepods/glass shrimp on ebay
fuck i mean copepods and phytoplankton on ebay.
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current tank for comparison

Planted the monte carlo today because i have my co2 going again.
Interesting. I usually see UV sterilizers getting recommended for dinos, but some people say not all sterilizers work.
Which doesn't really make sense, since radiation is radiation - as long as the wavelength is in the UV spectrum, what difference does it make?
buying equipment for a problem that solves itself is kinda overkill. Theres so much retarded equipment in the reef side of the hobby that people buy in to because they're told to. For example, you dont really need a skimmer if your tank isnt hosting SPS. Most LPS and soft corals can handle higher nitrates, hell most soft coral actually prefer higher nitrates. Your fish can almost 100% handle higher nitrates. Yet people buy skimmers no matter what because its just the done thing in reefing. I suppose a skimmer is a nicety to reduce water changes if you already have one, but theyre fucking expensive and people buy them automatically when starting a reef tank like its some kind of necessity. Reefers love to overcomplicate simple issues as an excuse to buy retarded equipment that does nothing.

Diatoms are literally babbies first fishkeeping issue and anyone whos had fish before has most likely had them and knows they go away with time, getting replaced by green algae and by Coraline algae in a reef tank as long as it stays stable and healthy. Diatoms are caused by excess nutrients + light in a new tank. Reduce either or wait and they go away on their own. Its also a good reason to go with live rock instead of dry rock because a lot of the hosting bacteria and microfauna is already in there, reducing your chance of diatoms.
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Since everyone's keeping it saltwater today, let me post my L:
>be me, retard
>first saltwater tank
>buy master reef kit
>don't read instructions properly
>while testing, the water turns blue after one drop
>freak out because my alkalinity is 0 after repeated tests
>start dosing kalk
>start dosing reef fusion
>calcium goes through the roof, have to start dosing baking soda instead
>alk still zero, despite me literally dumping baking soda in, multiple times a day
>go on 7-day vacation, no dosing in that time
>come back, want to test again
>forgot how to test alkalinity
>booklet says to keep dripping UNTIL THE COLOR TURNS FROM BLUE TO YELLOW
>mfw I've only been dripping until the color turned blue
>mfw my alk is 10dkh and I was freaking around for nothing
I think it's more about the UV sterilizer being easy to clean, since you'll be using it for saltwater. Those cheap ones will probably stop working after a while.
Ignore >>4833405, that's probably Dickens, he's an ESL who doesn't know the difference between dinos and diatoms.

LMFAO anon, props to you for sharing, but this is a great example of why Father Fish is right for beginners: leave the tank alone, don't do water changes or unnecessary dosing, it will mature on its own after a while.
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>be me
>watch endless youtube videos on reefing
>get nano reef tank
>videos say corals need lots of FLOW
>FLOW is good
>okay, i will make sure my tank has high FLOW
>buy the most powerful wavemaker i can and put it in the tank
>the thing is fucking massive in comparison to size of the tank
>takes up like a quarter of the tank on it's own
>but its worth it because i have FLOW
>turn it on full blast
>kicks up absolutely all of the sand in my aquarium
>knocks over rocks
>corals that are glued on become unglued and fly around the tank
>everything dies and my tank becomes an absolute mess
>finally i have achieved FLOW
>that's probably Dickens, he's an ESL who doesn't know the difference between dinos and diatoms.
whoops i misread lel im a retard. idk why on earth i thought dinos was an acronyms for diatoms. Ignore me.

Ive had dinos before and they were kind of dark red but i k they can be brown too so fuck knows.
also my rant about reefers overcomplicating things with equipment still stands.
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fuck it, i'll add my own:
> be me, with my first nano reef tank
> go as basic-bitch as possible: clownfish + soft corals
> one friend tells me to put all the flow directly on my GSP
> see video about needing two powerheads facing each other
> get another powerhead
> mess around trying to make them face each other, while also blasting the GSP
> finally find a configuration
> full blast
> GSP closes, zoas all shrivel up
> eventually say fuck it
> remove second powerhead
> put first powerhead back where it was
> GSP open after a few weeks
> zoas start opening up one by one too
> too afraid to make any more changes now
> might need to get another reef tank if i ever want something else
Honey Gouramis are usually able to fight off the virus, but it does sound like it may have caught it. It has made almost all the captive stock dwarf gouramis die early. Wild caught ones resist but captive genetics are just nuked, but it takes them so long to die they spread it first.
>I usually see UV sterilizers getting recommended for dinos, but some people say not all sterilizers work.
UV sterilizers don't work for all kinds of dinos. They work for Ostreopsis and Coolia for instance, but not so much for Amphidiniums and Prorocentrum. Some sterlizers are just kind of shitty in general and may not have an impact great enough to turn the tide. If your UV is undersized, dinos can just outproduce the rate at which the UV is killing it.

And you don't want to fork up the money for a UV if you have the type of dinos that a simple nutrient increase will solve. That's just a waste of time and money.
>but this is a great example of why Father Fish is right for beginners

i think walstad type capped aquariums have three flaws that nobody talks about

First is that they fucking stink and the water stinks
second is that the water quickly yellows as the tannins in the soil underneath leach in to it. You cant really get rid of this without doing a water change every day.
Third is that you cant disturb anything on the sandbed otherwise you get a massive contamination in to the water column of dirt. Whats that, you wanted to plant something in to the substrate? Tough luck nigger you're getting a brown poo tank!

But i think father fish does get the approach right where so many other people dont. An aquarium is an ecosystem and you need to treat it like one. Trying to keep it pristine and sterile is going to give your tank a shitty biological base, which will make it fragile and easy to crash or throw out of balance. But if you allow it mature with good bacterial and ecological stability, it will thrive and do well. He is good at showing how the outside world can be brought in to your tank and it won't infect it, it will improve it.
Easiest for planted tank is probably aquasoil with a sand cap. The sand cap is because aquasoil can't hold anything down and it's a major pain to root anything with an already filled tank. The sand layer adds some friction and weight so the plants stay down.
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Just typed a whole bunch. Son of a biscuit.
Jan 2023 - 70kg of rocks start soaking in 2x 200L drums
May 2023 - 20g seed tank established, just a few shrimp, GSP and zoa. No testing performed at any point except salinity and 10% changes bi-weekly. RODI topped.
August 2023 - Accidentally bought a 2nd hand 180 complete with box aluminium stand, 40g sump and return pump because it was 1/5 the price of a waterbox 180.
March 2024 finally filled it because money, life, other hobbies and didn't want to jerry-rig shit together 'temporarily' and rush for livestock, fuck around with flow, lighting in a rush. Scored a 2nd hand Octo 150int elite for $300 though. Have since grown and removed about 100L of chaeto which slowed down growth so cut back on fuge light intensity, got the tang/wrasse and started feeding properly. Skimmate still pretty dark but only emptied every 4-5 days.
Last week - did a 200L water change, its first since. Slime has given way to picrelated rather rapidly in the last week.
Constant 8.3pH with or without reverse refugium photoperiod, 8alk, ? phos, 2-4 nitrate, 1350/410. Parameters don't yet change at all obv. but have been dosing 5mL of AFR every day/other day mostly for carbon and a trace placebo.
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I've had great success with the soil substrate by getting the chunkier stuff and pre-rinsing mainly to decant all the fine particulates that 'blow up' the tank when disturbed. Ironsand helps immensley too, despite the MTS stirring everything up.
I originally used quartz and boy that shit was fucking useless - bacteria can displace it let alone the currents.
If you squirt it with a turkey baster does it come off in stringy bits or as dust? If its dust its dinos, if it stays stringy its diatoms. Either way, maybe get your nitrates up just a tiny bit. If you arent keeping SPS then no harm will be done DESU your parameters look good though. The fact your PH is basically constant is also good. Also you should know your phosphate levels anon. That could be the mystery thing that is out of whack, fucking your tank balance.
a good idea is to use pond compost / soil.

It is basically normal compost with all of the lighter organics already floated out of it. MD fish tanks uses it on all of his tanks (not the biggest fan but he does grow plants well without CO2).
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I'm gonna go with stringy, same place day or night, persistent throughout the photoperiods.
I'll get a PO4 test next week I suppose.
All the corals, a whole 4 zoas, hammer and toadstool seem pretty happy regardless.
>same place day or night
That sounds like diatoms, so they will go away on their own.
Usually dinos go either into the water column (in which case a UV sterilizer will take care of them) or into the sand during the night.
How dense of a population will neocaridina shrimp develop given optimal feeding? Could a hundred live in five gallons, or do they stop breeding if it's too crowded for their liking even if available calories would allow further population growth?
Really, I've had excellent plant growth with just sand or gravel. I uprooted a water lily from a gravel-only ten gallon aquarium last year and the root network covered like a quarter of the bottom, pulled a bunch of gravel with it that had to be shaken loose, and disturbed a layer of presumably highly nutritious brown ooze that had been developing beneath the gravel surface. If you don't gravel vac the bottom, which is pointless and done only for subjective human aesthetics, you'll develop a soil in situ from biological debris like shed plant matter, animal poop, etc, that plants will readily exploit. The term for that is humus, I suppose.
Try it and find out.
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Is it worth switching to a 32gallon bio cube if i already have a 36 gallon bowfront? Can get one for like the price of the coral lights so
you should be trading up in size for tanks not down lel. With reef tanks the bigger the better. 36 gallons is already a nano tank when it comes to reefing. No point going smaller just for a more aesthetic tank.

Also btw id get rid of the devils hand coral at the back there. They are notorious for producing toxins that fuck up all of your other corals growth. You need them in a tank where they arent really near anything other than soft corals . Your corals arent really looking that healthy. Especially the hammers at the front.
Ah, I thought that's what the slimey boogers were since they'd clear a little on the sand after a few hours of light but fresh canvas by the morning.
Any tips on growing the absolute fuck out of GSP? Originally I just wanted utilitarian fish surrounded by zoas, GSP, maybe some firework polyps, a chalice or two and what I will eventually get for centrepiece - a heteractis.
Hell, maybe even a flame angel so it can eat all the grass. I feel like that would be an amazing contract, colour-wise.
Should i really not get it? Its $200
I just want 7 fish and some corals is that too much?
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Why do fish gotta leave us sometimes bros
>how to grow the fuck out of gsp
blast it with flow + light. GSP loves flow. You should be able to visibly see the polyps swaying in the tank. Random flow ofc.

GSP really is the most basic of corals to grow.
brb abyzz closed loop
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Can I dabble into aquaponics on a nanofish scale? I want to move one of my baby basil plants that's only an inch high into an aquaponics basket in my cardinal tetra tank with some clay pebbles. Would that work, or do aquaponics need LARGE fish producing HUGE amounts of waste to be successful?
If it's only one basil plant I don't see why not.
Check out Floo the Flowerhorn on YouTube, he's had strawberries and sweet potatoes in a Betta tank.
The most i’ve had was around 70 shrimp in my 30g but they can easily go into the hundreds.
A shame they all died under mysterious circumstances.
Basil is a pretty weak plant. I don’t know how viable it is to keep them in aquarium hydroponics.
I'd try mint or rosemary first, but generally it's quite easy. Any plants touching the air will outcompete aquatic ones for nitrates, and generally will get the other micronutrients from the water. Just need to make sure they adjust to roots being constantly in water, but most plants are capable - if often unwilling - to make the adjustment.

I would get 2-3 new basil plants if you're set on it, rather than transitioning a young plant you've cultivated in dirt from a seed
I've been able to propagate new basil plants by sticking cut stems in my aquarium, but usually remove them after 2 weeks and place them into soil. I can always try leaving them in and experimenting by having some just submerged for a long period of time and having some in half-submerged baskets with clay pebbles. I figured transferring a plant with an existing root system would give me results faster to get some firsthand experience with aquaponics, but then again, what am I in a rush for?

Root systems are already specialized to the environment they grew in, so propogated cuttings are more likely to do well (assuming they survive the cutting & rooting process) than established plants.

In my experience, anything you can root in water will survive hanging out of an aquarium, assuming you keep it from moving around much (e.g. Secure it in the filter or a corner of the tank). I've done this in my tanks successfully with purple waffle plant, watermelon and aluminum pileas, spider plant, pothos (hold the applause), lucky bamboo, Joseph's coat, and monstera adonosii. But then I didn't know basil could root from cuttings, so take it with a grain of salt.

Let us know how it goes. I'm tempted to try some basil myself now, though I know my wife would refuse to eat it.
Are brackish-only bumblebee gobies a meme or is it actually true?
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>In my experience, anything you can root in water will survive hanging out of an aquarium
Indeed, some even have different forms when immersed or emersed to adapt accordingly.
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blueboi was out and about today looking for snacks and got a decent snap.
Blue is a little blwon out with the flash but that orange/red/blue so pretty.
So, borrowed a PARWise from a friend.
You know, I don't want to have too much light.

How the fuck was anything growing in here for 5 months.
Rip shrimpies
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We have the technology.
We do not, however, have funding for a 45 day larval stage.
So I bought a heater for my goldie so I can give him some friends. He hasn't been growing much, but when he grows, I plan on keeping him in a separate (bigger) tank. It's a Lil 25l tank.

In the meantime, I'm considering getting shrimp and maybe a couple of mollies (2 or 3 at most). Tetras are too small, so when he moves out into a bigger tank, I'll add them. Thoughts?
Bad idea top to bottom. Golds don't need or thrive with heated water, your tank will be too small for him alone within a couple months, and mollies get large and will breed.

If not a bait post, do none of the things you mentioned, and put the goldfish in with another Goldie (or as many as three more) a 40g Breeder with a big cannister, anubias and duckweed and Java fern, and maybe ghost shrimp if you don't mind them sometimes being eaten.
This general fucking sucks

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