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* Wolf totem
** Monogamous mammals
Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for another. This happens regularly within monogamous nuclear families, where the strongest emotional bonds form.

> Scientists now estimate that only about three to five percent of the approximately 4,000+ mammal species on Earth practice any form of monogamy.

-- https://new.nsf.gov/news/animal-attraction-many-forms-monogamy-animal

Wolves are famously monogamous. They have to be. Mortal threats include other wolf packs, bears and big cats, humans, and dangerous ungulate prey. Monogamy provides the combat cohesion necessary to prevail. The pack is family.

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf#Reproduction
- https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2019/sep/15/study-suggests-monogamous-wolves-make-better-paren/

> “they get 20% better at what they do every year,” study author David Ausband said.

** Love and war
Humans are similarly (not completely) monogamous. It is a sadly-common frontier legend that a husband, White or Injun, avenges his slaughtered wife and child by going on the warpath: a suicide mission of extermination. The greatest of these legends is Liver Eater Johnson:

- https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=1162
- https://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=1782

Has there ever been an animal who did the same? Just one: the Custer Wolf.

- https://www.quora.com/Do-other-animals-get-revenge-avenge-besides-humans
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Custer_Wolf
> The wolf reportedly killed more than he needed to survive; in one week he killed more than 30 cattle, castrating and mutilating them. One newspaper even called the wolf "The cruelest, most sagacious, and most successful animal outlaw";[3] another author called him "the master criminal of the animal world".[1] It was believed that four years prior to the beginning of his rampage, his mate and their pups were killed, and that the wolf never took another mate or joined another pack: popular belief of the townspeople of Custer held that the wolf was seeking vengeance against the humans that had killed his mate and pups.

Elephants and tigers have also taken revenge against humans, tigers individually and elephants as a herd. But their wrath soon cooled. Only the Custer Wolf waged perpetual guerilla war on the ranchers exterminating his kind, with coyotes serving as his scouts. The grizzled veteran killed 500 livestock before finally being trapped and shot by the USG's top wolf killer, who was wise enough to kill his scouts. It took the hunter 6 months, the hardest hunt of his 40-year career.

The average cow weighs 1400 lbs. Custer Wolf weighed only 100 pounds, but killed $25,000 worth of cattle with nothing but his teeth. Cattle cost about $10 per 100lb in 1920 (calves more, adults less). That's 250,000 lbs of meat. He killed 2500x his bodyweight over nine years, or 280x per year. Think about that the next time you decide something is too big to fight.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkRBgTItdcE
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeDsx9yil94
> The wolf was so aged that his pelt had turned white. Williams noted that the wolf's teeth would have been strong enough to hunt for another 15 years.

Now you understand why wolves care for their elders.

- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/p9vImiFu34o
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6712989/Enchanting-new-book-reveals-wolves-care-elderly-family-first.html
- https://www.quora.com/How-well-do-wolves-take-care-of-their-elderly-in-the-pack

Custer Wolf was a lone wolf by choice, because he had chosen to die.

- https://www.livingwithwolves.org/social-wolf-psa/
- https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CmOe_XqQbCU

** Animal familiar
No animal in North America loves more deeply than a wolf. True love is every child's birthright. A mother's love gives life, but she can't be there always. A dog can.

The best way to give a child the gift of unconditional love is with a personal puppy. The question is, which breed?

The closest relative of the wolf that is sufficiently domesticated for children is the husky. Huskies require heavy exercise but are bred to sleep with Eskimo children to keep them warm. In Russia the Samoyed is similar. Akitas, Chowchows and Malamutes are too antisocial towards strangers for a child to control.

- https://www.dogster.com/dog-breeds/what-dog-is-closest-to-wolf-genetically
- https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/dog-breeds/best-family-dogs/
If you don't have room or energy for a husky, get a beagle I guess. Charlie Brown turned out alright.

Obviously a Labrador Retriever is an ideal shared family dog for a suburban big back yard. I am introducing a different concept: a furbrother littermate, a puppy who literally shares body heat in the crib. It is more like a bonded familiar than a pet. Hence why the virtues of the wolf are important: They will be transmitted to the child. You don't really want your kid to have the personality of a Golden Retriever; they're doormats.

Noble character can only be shown, not taught. The husky will connect your child to the spirit of the Wolf, which Native Americans know is real. There is no better totem animal for a child to have, because wolves are masters of family.

Continued here:
>* Wolf totem
You forget the thread's theme:
I literally did forget that, thanks!
and this one
Homeless youth with pets less likely to use hard drugs, suffer depression: study

Sterilization for anyone on welfare, animal or human.
update: I now think the Samoyed is better than huskies for this role.
Dogs no longer form family units with their own species - or maybe, never have! Because dogs are not descended from the same subspecies of wolf we know today and began splitting off from an extinct one as early as 40,000 years ago.

They form stable bonds with humans but dog packs are fission-fusion. But also, they definitely have enough awareness to go on revenge rampages like this. I've seen it. Most often, after being kicked once they figure out what's associated with their new enemy, and start pissing on cadillacs, chewing up sneakers, and learn how to sniff out if a camaro has less than 8 cyllidners.
>Sterilization for anyone on welfare, animal or human.
mixing natural selection with capitalism selects for psychopathy. objectively.
This particular measure, however, will select primarily against low-IQ and psychopathic homeless males.
The majority of people on welfare are anything but. Not per capita but straight majority.
True, and such a measure is not currently feasible. In a society in which it is feasible, those failing the cutoff in their fertile years would mostly be low-IQ males and low-IQ races, both higher in psychopathy than the mean.

The fertile women would find alternate means of support, traditional ones.
Or, instead of punishing people with sterility for suffering a house fire and an employer fucking off, you could just give IQ tests for voting+gun rights in your naziland fantasy.
played your hand too soon. your feel good commie land is not feasible either.
There are many options for dealing with hardship besides the government dole, which should be the last resort with a cost attached. Otherwise the cost is the corruption of the republic, as we see.
We can narrow the list of candidate to ancient dog breeds or modern ones with some wolf admixture, who have aesthetic or historical resonance with the White race:

Toy American Eskimo Dog - 10 lb, smart
Japanese Spitz - 20 lb, friendly
Danish Spitz - 40 lb, friendly
Siberian husky - 60 lb, runner
Samoyed - 66 lb, smiley
Malamute - 84 lb, aggressive
White Swiss Shepherd Dog - 88 lb, military
Akita - 130 lb, aggressive
Great Pyreness - 165 lb, herder

The Swiss/German Shepherd and Akita are too aggressive and territorial for a littermate, because the kid won't be able to control them. That leaves seven suitable breeds ranging from toy to heavyweight.

The Samoyed is by far the best option, a friendly middleweight sled dog bred to sleep with children. However if you don't have the room or energy for that, smaller spitzes will suffice. Your kid can always get a proper sled wolf later, once the seed is planted.

What about the bigger breeds? A Samoyed is plenty big enough for a little kid. At his size it's basically a pony. Remember, a littermate will only live until the child's early teens. Then he can choose a more challenging second dog.

>the only alternative to bringing back a eugenics program that failed every time is communism
Amerifaggots can not go extinct soon enough. Worthless fucking cancer of a nation and culture. Not even china is as bad
Nobody said any of that. But your aforementioned posts reveal your agenda.
>america out of nowhere
>china not as bad even though they want the thing that has me so asshurt
sounds like he hit the nail on the head
One country keeps dogs, the other cooks them... this is a contest?
A white-coated Nordic pup instills pride in the cold-adapted White race, before "critical race theory" can preach its poison.

Samoyed and boy, bonded littermates

It's easy to convince a kid his dog is the best. Basically the difference in dog breeds is a soft intro to HBD:


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Domestication theory is another reason Whites need a longer-snout spitz breed to bond with initially. We're less domesticated than East Asians, as population densities attest.
Most nordic whites look like the guy on the left, but paler and going bald. Yeah yeah brown people bad but you hold white people to an unrealistic beauty standard as if the entire race is hyper-masculine male models. It calls back to how hitler was theorized to be gay or maybe just a cuck, because he never made the record on having sex with his wife, fathering children, or even sharing a room with a woman, hence his love of propaganda where white people were portrayed as male models and slavs were portrayed as how real germans actually looked like. It was pre-internet, there weren't a lot of excuses for totally lacking the basic human desire to fuck a woman and have children.
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>domestication theory leads to smaller brains
>asians have larger brains
No, they're just adapted to cold mountainous regions. Cold adapted animals all look asian. Europeans are adapted to cold-ish lowlands and coastline, which is why they spontaneously transform into whales.
Europeans are adapted to the cold too, so I don’t see why they don’t look asian as well, other than the theory that it’s proximity to the sun on the mountains that lead them to develop those looks
The graphic author is obviously biased against East Asians. Hitler is irrelevant.

East Asians presumably bond better with short-snout broad-faced spitzes such as the Chow Chow. The face develops from the neural crest, so literally matching your face to your dog's makes sense from a personality perspective.

The Japanese ancient spitzes seem to be more standoffish than Russian and European ones, but have longer snouts than the Chinese. I suspect that Japanese have bigger noses and more prognathic midfaces than Chinese, but can't verify.

East Asians are obviously more domesticated, since they tolerate higher population densities, value harmony, and are less inventive. Other traits such as better cold adaptation make up for it.

Siberian tigers, polar bears and arctic wolves don't look Asian. It's irrelevant; Allen's rule is real.


Mongoloids are better adapted to cold physically (smaller nose resists frostbite), but the Caucasoid nose confers deliberateness that is psychologically adaptive to snow. This allowed Caucasoids to expand into the Arctic once they had better tools of bronze and iron.

Mongoloids and Caucasoids co-evolve, sharing advancements along Eurasian latitudes. Genetically speaking, the real zero-sum competition is between sub-Saharans and everyone else. It is in our common interest to put the cork back on the Sahara.


> more adaptive for an Englishman to risk life or property resisting the immigration of two Bantu immigrants to England than his taking the same risk to rescue one of his own children from drowning

The genetic distance from European Caucasoids to Northeast Asians is 70% of the distance to Africans, and admixture with Africans is even worse since low IQ reduces carrying capacity and ensures future subjugation.
As for teen girls, a husky activates her maternal instinct. Instead of sharing apartments at college or in the big "Sin city", she must find somewhere her husky can run, which means marrying a man who has a big backyard, at minimum. Then she'll probably have kids young, which is healthier. Plenty of time to learn while she's teaching them.

I think the husky's striking blue eyes are an adaptation for greater altruism, since they signal clearly what it's thinking about or looking at, allowing better coordination but inhibiting deception. Their unselfish defense of other dogs supports this. Human eye color follows the same pattern. It's probably more of a complementary than directly causal relationship:

definitely a schizo thread
Psychopathic, not schizophrenic. You tell her that if she leaves the husky at home and runs off, you'll send it to the pound, where no one will adopt it, because huskies are declining in popularity due to being troublesome.

Drawing the line early also convinces her not to try bringing a mulatto bastard home.
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Parasite pill
the left is parasitic, and winter wolves are the cure.
100% schizo
Based schizo

The crazy man speaks truth. Wolves will eat the leftists.
This weirdo is stalking me lmao
Always have, since Rome ate Carthage.
You’re actually making some sense. Interesting stuff. You have some truth in here.
Thanks. The dissertation has gone through multiple defenses and grown to 17k words, with plenty of positive feedback.

It's really just basic mammalian bonding. A personal puppy's constant, loyal presence instills secure attachment in the child, allowing him to grow up socially well-adjusted.
The reverse of MKULTRA slave conditioning, basically.
Hunter gatherers were much tougher, physically and emotionally, because they grew up with these bonds.
>Greater conservativism predicted more negative evaluations of cats and an overall preference for dogs over cats, even after controlling for relevant demographics.
Catsisters, are we the real reddit animals?
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Redditors like cats for the same reason that rats with toxoplasma gondii do. They're rat people, not cat people. Cats are killers.

The lion knows what the lad does not, and the wolf the lass. Teen boys should raise a tom kitten to learn how to handle women.


Mapping UAST onto human animal totems:

- Ruderal: rat, sheep, fly
- Competitor: wolf, mantis, ant
- Stress Tolerator: bird, spider, sloth

Intermediate symbols:
- R+C: crab, bull, elephant
- C+ST: bear, scorpion, rhino
- ST+R: serpent, goat, cat
>wolf thread devolves into pseudoscience and obsessing about cats
Why does this always happen
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Toxoplasma inhibits the flight response in mice, making them easier for a cat to catch. When it infects a social, hierarchical mammal with a fight response, removing the flight response gives it a massive intrasocial advantage (until it gets killed). For example, infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii makes wolves 46 times more likely to become a pack leader:

> seropositive wolves were more likely to make high-risk decisions such as dispersing and becoming a pack leader, both factors critical to individual fitness and wolf vital rates.

– Parasitic infection increases risk-taking in a social, intermediate host carnivore | Communications Biology

Cougars can hunt lone wolves, and cougars benefit when wolf hierarchy is disrupted by premature leadership challenges.
Wolves will follow cougars around until it leads them to one of its cached kills to escape. Cougars get revenge by infecting the wolves with t. gondii. Symbiotic biowarfare.
nigga that's where it started. OP is clearly mentally ill
Hylics would medicate away the soul if they could.

Human consciousness developed from animal. Those with eyes to see can see the UAST in everything. It's called universal for a reason.


- The bull-horned Competitor warrior represents the lowest red chakra, and rises from underground, slaying undead beasts with boundless vitality.
- The green-clad sorceress represents Ruderal fertility, and channels the Well of Souls through her heart chakra, obliterating lesser men with a glance.
- The blue-clad rogue represents Stress Tolerator, and flies from the eagle's eyrie, yet falls to the hubris of mind chakra, and is consumed by darkness.

Humans have three modes of social organization:
- Competitor patriarchal fascist dominance hierarchy
- Ruderal matriarchal communist herd pecking order
- Sparse Stress Tolerator egalitarian entmoot
ok schizo
Thanks for inspiring me to finish the synthesis.

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