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is it possible to befriend wolves?
Where do you think domestic dogs came from?
Yes but you'll have a lot of drool all over your mouth.
Interesting use of OP image. Purely innocent I’m sure.
When it comes to canines and humans it's always possible.
>tamed wolves so throughly we created untold amounts of variations of dogs from them
>Russians have tamed foxes
>untold numbers of times humans have befriended or tamed wolves, coyotes, dingoes and other wild canines just in modern times
I don't think we have wolves anymore on this planet just wolf dog mutts.
that woman exclusively makes yjk videos
> >Russians have tamed foxes
Is that actually confirmed?
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wolves are bitches who get cuckd by dog chads
No. It was a extensively a failure and the population has largely died out. The research team was able to make the foxes more docile but were unable to properly domesticate them. They showed no drive to socialise or interact with researchers and merely tolerated their pressence if no food was present when compared to wild specimens that outright feared or attacked them.

Funnily enough black pigmentation is assocatied with docile behavior.
Yes, we call them dogs.
>No. It was a extensively a failure
>They showed no drive to socialise or interact with researchers and merely tolerated their pressence if no food was present when compared to wild specimens that outright feared or attacked them.
Sounds like a step towards domestication which could probably be pushed even further along if there were any sort of will for such a thing.
what would foxes get us?
It was a success and it was only making progress, and then the ruskies decided that they would rather suffer and keep trying for muh empire than fund science and engage in fair international trade. Funding was cut and the program totally died.

You know how people suppose cats kill rodents, but they actually don't?

Foxes actually do, and don't do half as much damage to the bird population.
bullshit, normal fox pups bond with people
A step in the right direction is not domestication. The programme just about created a genetic predisposition to apathy rather than caution. Could fox domestication happen? Probably. Should it? No. There is no reason for it to happen.
>b-but I want oneeee
Isn't a reason. You're not as special as you think you are. You don't deserve a super special exotic pet just because you really really want one. To believe that you are is insanely, disgustingly narcissistic, on par with some Instagram influencer.
You want a fox? Get a dog. They're objectively a much better pet in literally every way, not just for what they can do for you but also for their suitability in a home environment, an environment you cannot keep foxes healthy in.
>but this Instagram influencer has foxes in their home-
Those foxes are being severely neglected. No fox can thrive in a home environment. Your home is not the exception. You're narcissistic if you believe it is.
>Foxes actually do, and don't do half as much damage to the bird population.
You know what else does? Fucking terriers. Just get a dog you narcissistic cunts.
giga cope
That’s about what I thought. Something like that would probably be making waves.
>and don't do half as much damage to the bird population.
Seems radically unlikely. Source?
Orange doggies that go AAAHHHHHGGGGHHHH!!! instead of barking.
Terriers are fucking awful inbred little yappy retarded shits

Gimme fox
GREAT post
annihilate all terriers and you fix dogs
>Gimme fox
I have bad news for you...
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>here is your fox bro
No faggot, it won't gain me enough social media points. I need my social media points.
Foxes are a different kind of yappy. It's an emotional expression of joy YIPYIPYIPYIP not an angry, screeching YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP because a leaf moved.

Fuck terriers. One loud noise and the little aggressive shits make 100% undomesticated wild animals look tame.
kys furry
Farmers love genociding everything they don't make money off of
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There are some purebred wolves left thanks to human efforts like finding and shooting the mutts.
The anon is only too right, bitches love dog dick.
beautiful background

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