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There are people that don't regularly bathe their dogs and cats.

I once went to someone's house and when I pet their dog, it felt crusty and dusty. Turns out they never bathed it.
My dad and brother are adamant you never have to wash a cat because they clean themselves, meanwhile, the thing jumps on your lap and feels likes a bag of Doritos.
Thinking I'll bite the bullet and wash it this week.
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Nice fake story retard
>Thinking I'll bite the bullet and wash it this week.
enjoy your infected wounds
I have 3 "low maintenance" short haired dogs and they are so high maintenance to keep them and my house from smelling like stanky wet dog nest all the time, its unreal
I see so many people walking around with high maintenance dogs they obviously never even brush let alone wash or trim the poopy hair around their butthole.. litetall shit clining to the fur
I really dont understand how they cope with the fucking stink in their home i hate when they even brush up against my with their stinky wet faces
Same with people who claim cats are low maintenance they always walk around smelling like an actual litter box
Its fucking disgusting
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Too much washing of both cats and dogs can lead to issues. It’s also significantly harder to bathe cats. But yes both can benefit from a wash every now and then.
Cats are self cleaning!!
>Cat licks diarrhea off its asshole and then licks it's fur and then catfag rubs his face all over the cat and then lets it eat off his fork before continuing his meal
Toxo is a myth!!! Actually it makes you more manly!!
>Is the biggest soifaggot on the planet
You don't know how to use green text never do it again retard
>cries into xer self cleaning cat's crusty litterstink fur
imagine keeping pets inside your house
apartment cucks shouldn't have pets
I have a house on a big property and my dogs live inside
Based. Your dogs appreciate it.
my dog bathes in a lake
I have a sizable yard and house and keep my animals inside.
having fun talking to the voices?
>there are people who don't circumcise their dog so they don't have to wash it
kinda amazing seeing how many teddy bear cut dogs there are in my area. i would never do that just because of all the disgusting food that gets stuck.
People that don't bathe their dogs are gross I agree. Cats that aren't sick don't need to be bathed contrary to what the screeching autist in this thread says.
they do. you absolutely do have to bathe your cat.

spit isn't sufficient bathing.
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kek this truth makes cattoids seethe
No, you don't have to bathe your cat. I have never bathed either of mine and they are clean. Their fur isn't matted, they don't smell, and they don't feel grainy. Cats are not humans, I hope you know.
Enjoy the claw marks all over yourself when you unnecessarily try to bathe your cat
You should keep cats inside your house unless you have a fenced in property
Same with dogs
Letting your pets roam around the neighborhood is stupid and irresponsible.
Why come to an animal board if you hate animals? Go back to /cm/ you pedo faggot
Why are you projecting?
I had to go up and see what /cm/ even was
>cats are not perfect
Holy hyperbole woman

Cool your tits (also post them) and then gtfo
Your house stinks and your cats smell like dirt and pee

Use liner
Scoop daily
Dump weekly
Bathe your cat

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