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>you can't evolve out of a clade
Not even after 400 million years? Not even after 600 million years? Not even after 1 billion years?
No because cladistics is for classifying life based on descent. If it descends from it, it is classified under it.

if you want to "call em what dey is" is that's called "vulgar speech" or "slang" and it is unrelated to scientific discourse. Like calling a spider a "bug".
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What if it's a trillion years?
I can evolve out of a clade, I just don't want to.
>if you want to "call em what dey is" is that's called traditional use because OH MY SCIENCE decided that a clearly defined word used for ages will now only be used to describe one specific, ever-changing group
Still gonna call a ladybug a ladybug and there's nothing city slickers can do about it but cope and seethe
you will always be a fish
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living proof humans havent evolved out of being apes
>muh Science
Aren’t most things too then?
>muh cult that cuts off the tip of your dick
you could theoretically choose between two standpoints:
either all vertebrates are fish
or there are no fish
you can not make a monophyletic group that contains "traditional fish", but not tetrapod fish
The monks who painstakingly copied and preserved books of scientific knowledge all day would beat the shit out of you for acting this way
what? pic is christian right and I didn't know they do it too
I know about the muslims and jews (ai thought those were the only two religions that did it)
I thought that coffee stain was a chicken
>you can't evolve from being a nigger
It's over for me.
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sounds like there's a lot you don't know about the "christian right"
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she cute would eat ass
i think you misunderstood…
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Wait, is Eukaryota a clade then? Is RNA a clade?
Can we go further than that? Where did like came from?
>"teehee im so qworky nd edjy fr being a contraryin ^-^"
Stick your mouth onto the tailpipe of your car after starting it, and ke3ep inhaling until you see nothing but the void and then flames.
>Wait, is Eukaryota a clade then?
>Is RNA a clade?

seething kike
>the monks who believed in the great chain of being would beat the shit of you for calling out the fact that the Science copied their homework
Can you actually exlain to me why is Eukaryota a clade, but going further down the line to basic RNA isn't? Are viruses alsno not a clade?
RNA isn't alive

>But the made up book said-
The entire thing is apocryphal hence why god doesn't talk to you and just strikes your temples with lightning, so where's the debate? All that matters is what the people actually do, not what the book says to do, because the people are real, and the book is made up.
RNA isn't alive, it's a molecule. I also personally view viruses as lifeforms so they WOULD have descents and lineages (clades) but most of science disagrees, so they aren't considered to have them.
You can't evolve into or out of a subjective category defined by humans

Your head is full of sand
Thanks. Makes sense to me.
If alien life actually did evolve on Europa, would they be a sister clade to us?
>christcuck finally got banned
thank you banned jannies
Probably not, judging by current views of abiogenesis, unless you're a subscriber to the belief that "lifeness" is a spectrum of states and that molecules forming independently are still related pseudogenetically per their identical forms (think carbon-based life vs silicon-based life as being two clades.)

imagine unironically siding with Godless heathens, lmao
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Christcucks are Jewish golem
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"It looks like an X and acts like an X, therefor it's an X" would be morphological taxonomy, which isn't particularly useful but is how most common names come about.

You'll find Arthropoda is larger, actually.

The empirical method of study "science" typically refers to in modern use post-dates those monks, and a lot of its precursor information ended up coming through the Arab world rather than them. Their exactness in replication was specifically built on the fallacious appeals to authority that "science" found its early successes in finally overcoming.

"Clade" is defined in a VERY objective way, the trouble is that evidence for drawing clear phyla boundaries is obscenely rare since most of it is mineralized impressions with no soft tissue remnants, let alone any DNA evidence.

Don't forget the panspermia hypothesis, for all that's usually to do with precursor chemicals. The meltdown if it were somehow demonstrably partial would be wonderful to behold, proof of multiple origins would do NASTY things to abiogenesis theory.
>and a lot of its precursor information ended up coming through the Arab world rather than them.
More specifically, Greek/Roman texts Arabs scribbled down and preserved (the ones they liked anyway)
Some virus likely evolved from more complex organisms. Some parasitic bacteria evolve to minimalism losing many genes required to survival and using the host to cover those functions for them. A virus would be an extreme case where there is not much left from the original organism except the parts needed to infect and make the host produce more of them. Virus are not ancestors to cell life because they require the existence of cell life to reproduce.
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>not just living forever

Our whole phyla is fucking cucked. Sometimes i just wanna return to polyp till shit gets better.
Most of them have very short lives. Just because they can theoretically live forever means nothing another animal eats you. Most of them are young and die early. Sort of like if a housefly never aged, it still would likely die due to predator or splatted by some person/car.
Can't get more nostalgic than this.
It was quite a nice trip to go backwards in geological time on Wikipedia.
Is there a good documentary that does this and is detailled?
What if we evolved into a species that is smart enough and willing to transfer our consciousnesses into robots?
Wouldn't we have evolved out of our clades then?
Would those robots (maybe us) still be of the homo clade?
would they be mammals? Vertebrates?
I miss him so much
>its third world shitholes in Africa and LatAm that are still religious.
so? they would still be shitholes with or without religion
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kill yourself
That is not evolution nor life. I’m all for it as I think our ape brain is too limited but at that point those would be just machines emulating our minds. No genetic code, no biology, it would be something beyond carbon based life.
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Imagine crying about ESLs when most of your fellow "believers" are favela dwellers
>countries that have improved are religious
>countries in the process of degrading are less religious
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Then go live in Nigeria
The only country on that list that is improving is china and atheism sure isnt behind demographic replacement

Germans are
>(((Experts))) say your religion is stinky and smelly and our religi- I mean our glorious science is way better
im not a “believer” or that guy and that’s a random link to make and not a comeback
it’s like going “heh, ESL? but brown people speak it too! checkmate!”
>The only country on that list that is improving is china
hardly, they’re getting worse in everything from births to pollution
>Germans are
that’s a weird word for them, last i checked they hated them
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It's unfeasible to live forever because of the unpredictable changes in your environments that can ultimately kill you. An asteroid could kill you in 1000 years or radiation could build up, or some cell replication could fuck up and cause cancer. It's much more efficient to spread your bets by reproducing and developing resistances to imminent threats.
cladistic is retarded for reusing names with a specific meaning and trying to give them a different meaning.
there would be no issues and no confusion if they had used different words from reptiles or fish
cladists don't use "reptiles" or "fish" dumbass.
It's because the "bulk" clades were mostly defined very early on, resulting in them being filled up in weird ways because it turned out relationships were counter-intuitive.

Class Reptilia disagrees, and includes Aves.
>thinks "Reptilia" is still valid 50 years after it was removed
>thinks scientists use Classes still 50 years after they were rejected
wikipedia isn't up to date on modern taxonomy because it's edited by the public, and they think cladistics is going away soon.
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not only is what >>4833517 said true, those are distinctly not "reptiles" and "birds". The WHOLE FUCKING POINT of translating things into latin-greek gloop-glop nonsense is to make NEW CATEGORIES TO CATEGORIZE ANIMALS ACCURATELY. They are described as individual species as the furthestmost branches of the tree for a reason: if anything moves, it can be accurately assessed what its scientific name is. Hell, I'll pull this beater out again:
>Eukaryote Amorphea Opisthokont Animalia Bilateria Nephrozoa Deuterostome Chordata Olfactores Vertebrata Gnathostomata Osteichthyes Sarcopterygii Rhipidistia Tetrapod Reptiliomorpha Synapsid Eupelycosauria Sphenacodontia Therapsid Theriodontia Eutheriodontia Cynodont Epicynodontia Eucynodontia Probainognathia Prozostrodontia Mammaliamorpha Mammaliaformes Mammal Theria Placentalia Boreoeutheria Euarchontoglires Euarchonta Primatomorpha Primate Haplorhini Simiiformes Catarrhini Hominoidea Hominidae Homininae Hominini Hominina Australopithecus Homo sapiens
That's the fucking name for us.
>Eukaryote Amorphea Opisthokont Animalia Bilateria Nephrozoa Deuterostome Chordata Olfactores Vertebrata Gnathostomata Osteichthyes Sarcopterygii Rhipidistia Tetrapod Reptiliomorpha Sauropsida Eureptilia Diapsid Sauria Archosauromorpha Archosauriformes Archosaur Avemetatarsalia Dinosauromorpha Dinosaur Ornithischia Genasauria Neornithischia Cerapoda Marginocephalia Ceratopsia Ceratopsidae Chasmosaurinae Triceratopsini Triceratops horridus
And that's the name for triceratops.
Notably, they're fuckhuge and extremely detailed, because it's tracing lineage, regardless of description. You know what fuck you, kill yourself dumbass. picrel is you.
good posts!

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