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Best friends edition

previous: >>4806271

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal
>Enclosure dimensions
>Humidity and temperature
>Type of substrate
>The decor you use
>How often you feed
>The type of food you use
>If your animal is wild caught or captive bred
>How often you handle
>Who you bought the animal from

Other Helpful Resources
What would be the easiest lizard to keep? Very very little effort??
Looks like a decent appetizer for that snake
>jimmy, wheres your sister?
>wheres your fucking sister
more like jomel (filipino)
cresties, imo
breeders often sell them in Kritter Keepers as “baby habitats” and lie obviously it’s not ideal but they do fine. they can live off Repashy too, any extra dietary variety is just for enrichment and more than minimum keeping mostly
opinions on best 4x2x2 PVC enclosures for a ball python? it’s hard to find sources that aren’t either “anything but a rack will stress them lol” or “only the most expensive possible PVC enclosures (Blackbox, Toad Ranch, etc) will suffice”
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Is this enough space for a small tortoise to be happy and enriched?
coke can for scale
Venomman20 is a legit hoarder imo, its like every month he gets three dozen new hots.
Depends on the ball pythons personality and size. For a small male (3ft) a 36x18x12 would be fine but bigger is always better. For females and larger males you could go for a 4x2x1 or larger.
With heights some ball pythons like to climb and explore while others would rather spend their lives on the ground.
As for racks and being stressed out in PVC again it's personality but 99% of the time if you give your ball pythons two hides and large piece of cork in the middle as a bridge tunnel they'll be fine. They just don't like empty enclosures, the more clutter the safer they feel.
If you wanna go the rack route I'd say a V70 is the minimum. Most ball pythons would probably prefer the PVC but there's a few out there that wont eat unless their in a rack. Normally babies or BP which have lived a lot of their life in a rack already.
Dubia enclosures, at least in Murica are the cheapest and best quality you'll be able to get for like $225 and under and a week or two delivery. They'll even go down to like $180 when on sale. But they're also pretty shitty at staying together so you'll need to keep your rubber mallet to smack them into formation every few weeks.
While I don't have personal experience with Animal Plastics they seem to be a good company with fair prices and a lot of sales but their turn around time is ridiculous, a few years ago it was like 8 months.
I wish I could keep crocodilians and venomous snakes.
Okay noted thanks. Any more lizards who are easy to keep?
African fat tailed and leopard geckos.
Thank you again friend. Last Question: What would be the easiest non-gecko lizard to keep?
Oky doky. Thanks.
Geckos are easy because they do fuck all and just sit there. If you want an active lizard that's easy anoles are good like that one anon said but also longtailed lizards, bearded dragons (might be too big), and fence lizards if they're in your area and you can catch them.
Why no love for skinks?
Not at all, in fact that is pretty much the opposite of an appropriate enclosure for a tortoise, because it's completely the wrong shape.
Even if you were planning on resting the thing on its back (in which case it's still pretty small, turtles like to MOVE) I can see light coming through the crack in the backing, so it's not structurally sound, and most definitely not waterproof either, meaning the first time the tortoise pisses it's going to start falling apart.
unsuitable size, unsuitable materials.
move to pennsylvania, but prepare for an electric bill and a half because you're going to be able to house your crocodilian outside for like maybe four months out of the year, tops.
that’s very clearly “crush orange” and not coke
I saw a lavender false water cobra today which was pretty cool. Too bad they're so expensive ($3000.)
If I ever win the lottery I'm going to buy a bunch, breed them and then sell the babies for like $500 each just to crash the market.
Also their Egyptian False Cobra was titled "Egyptian false water cobra" for some reason.
He's probably from the southern US, where they call every soda a "coke".
Likely due to genetic damage from inbreeding and drinking water pollution.
My BP is on it's first hunger strike. Usually takes very well to anything I give her. Weight is still healthy, but not eaten in 2 weeks.
What are the signs of hunger, so I don't keep wasting rats? Long tongue flicks and exploratory behavior?
That snake is sizing him up.
Thank you! I was obviously going to put it horizontal and seal up the bottom but its good to know its too small
That kid either has titanium balls, or that snake just ate, that thing could easily eat him.
Per reptifiles:
>A good rule of thumb for housing box turtles is to use the following formula from the German Society for Herpetology & Terrariums, based on the animal’s expected adult length:
>Length = 8x adult length
>Width = 4x adult length
>Height = 2x adult length
Which means you probably want to go a bit larger, say 10x6x2 (or taller if its an especially climby species) You could PROBABLY go smaller for a baby but if you need to build something out you might as well buy once cry once and just make them a big enclosure and give them multiple areas to choose from in it.
This has to be a typo right?
Looks to me like he's just not that keen on getting rid of his breeding group of a rare species unless some rich idiot really wants them.
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Uk anon here. I found this little guy sat on top of my pond plants, managed to snap a quick picture before it noticed me and darted under the water. Any idea what it might be?
either a smooth newt or a palmate newt, they're extremely similar
Legit can't find my snake hook, goes to show how I never use it.
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Are there any highly venomous snakes that are also constrictors?
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eastern brown snakes apparently
Not in the sense that you mean. Constrictors constrict to kill but most if not all snakes will wrap themselves around their prey, but more so to keep them in place rather than to kill
It would benefit venomous snakes more to be faster, smaller and more agile than to have the raw size and strength needed to constrict, no?
I find it kind of interesting that there seems to be three main methods of prey subdual for snakes
>inject toxins to subdue
>wrap and squeeze to kill
>dont bother actually doing anything to your prey, just shove it into your face
The last one being somewhat common amongst smaller snakes.
>dont bother actually doing anything to your prey, just shove it into your face
My corn snake does this
>dont bother actually doing anything to your prey, just shove it into your face
why word it like the snake is retarded when this is the default kill method for all predators
from what I've seen smooth/rough green snakes, do it, as well and garters/ribbons, though they're arguably mildly venomous. (for a given definition of venomous).
I mean if you interpret it that way it's on you. I was thinking more of like a lizard or frog, where they just grab, maybe give it a few cursory chomps, and then down the hatch.
>Today I learned garters were rear fanged venomous
Well, aint that something
Anyone recommend me a good tank camera?
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Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I purchase 200-300 every 3 weeks because that's how long they survive.

Maybe I need a larger tub to put them in?
fewer crickets, more egg crate. if they dont have sufficient space they crash out pretty quick
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>fewer crickets, more egg crate. if they dont have sufficient space they crash out pretty quick
What size enclosure? I keep them in a big ass plastic bin. Maybe I'll get two.
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You dont seem to be understanding. The bin is fine, you need more SURFACE AREA. You should have WAY MORE egg crate, right now you have a ton of empty space in that bin that they cannot utilize.
See pic related. The entire left side of that bin should be filled with vertical egg crate so they have space to get away from each other.
Also start at like 100 and try to keep that stable.
I wonder what happened to Hoarder anon.
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I hope he took my advice
He's been around since then, not sure if he's still acquiring reptiles or if he stopped at like...12 or whatever.
As to where he is RIGHT NOW, who the fuck knows. Given the fact that he ate a few bans from posting fucking HERE of all places (and the fact that he's a fucking moron), I imagine he may have gotten a few more whereever else he posts.
Shit, now I understand. Thank you for being patient with me.

Are you using any substrate like vermiculite? How large is your tub? Are you successfully breeding them?
He got ignored every time he posted obviously looking for attention so I haven’t seen him in a while
I'm not actually breeding anything, but an insecitvorous critter in in my not-too- distant future and i've been doing a fair bit of research, because while dubias are really popular, crickets are actually score higher for some nutrients.
Just gonna dump some useful info I've found.
>Grey snake with black banding
>Long and skinny build
>Athletic and Semi arboreal
>Loves to bite everything
Blue Beauty's are literally the Black Mamba lite, damn near identical in everything except the mouth and venom.
Looks pretty cool actually
>what pattern should we put on this snake?
>fuck it, all of them
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He posts in every thread, he posted in the last thread.
He occasionally changes his name to HoarderAnon for attention whoring but I haven't seen anyone care in a while.
What are these things? i saw them at a pet store and had no label on them. They look like green iguanas but are dark gray with a red dewlap. Is it a morph or a species i don't know about?
Red iguana. It's just a color morph of a green iguana.
not really red doe
more like orange
Still can't get over the fact that Kingcobrajfs really thought he'd get a venomous permit for a King Cobra by proving he could take care of a bearded dragon.
By his logic I'd be breeding them.
you're going to sell a lot more red iguanas than orange iguanas
Good creatures for bioactivity besides isopods and springtails? I was thinking of harvesting some millipedes from outside and thoughts on them seem negative but largely overprotective
Millipedes are great
Yeah I don't really know what the hell the people I was reading before that were talking about because everything else I read contradicted it
Still want more suggestions though! info on bioactive stuff on youtube is still stuck 10 years ago when it was the new thing and a huge buzzword everyone was obsessed with
In the about 5 years I've been into Herps I've watched Ivory blue tounge skink go from $3000 to 900. So it made me think about what expensive morphs / Species I wanna buy when the price eventually drops. What about you guys?
For me it's
>Chinese Croc lizard
>Earless Monitor
>Super Dward Retic
red wigglers/compost worms? assuming whatever else you're going to put in there wont eat them, there's varying reports as to whether or not they're toxic.

darkling beetles too, maybe? I mean if it's a detritivore you're probably good.
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Great basin whiptail in the shop toilet. Last 4 years I've only seen sceloporus species but this year there are at least 3 of these guys running around the property. Two were chasing each other around my driveway
beetles and worms I'm a little concerned about overpopulating, but Im learning as Im researching there really aren't many options that are obtainable enough to be worth looking into that haven't been noted in this thread, sad!
why do animals love toilets
i poked him with a broom handle and he jumped out and ran off
So it’s a marketing game? Fair enough…
I saw a blood red iguana at a crack head of a reptile shop before.
Depending on their size, it's either a small damp cave in an otherwise bright, open area, or it's a slippery bowl with an overhang and thus an effective trap.
Why are Vision Cages so fucking awfully sized?
They just had to be different and create weird sized enclosures that don't match anything else.
Kamp Kenan has skeeved me out for as long as I can remember and I have no clue why, is he /here/ approved?
each enclosure is a single piece of blow-molded HDPE (same material as milk jugs), so the manufacturing process is completely different. They can't just cut PVC sheets and framing material to whatever dimensions they want to do, each size of enclosure requires its own custom-machined form to mold the plastic into.

his presenting personality feels a little fake at times (guess he's slipping into his TV presenter persona or something) and his method of care seems to be "live somewhere the animals you care for can basically be feral but contained in your yard," but I dont think I've ever seen anything objectionable.
Why is hognose doing this, is he broken?
>live somewhere the animals you care for can basically be feral but contained in your yard
It just sucks because I found a 48x28x28 for sale on craigslist for $200 instead of the retial $800+ but I can only fit a 24" in my room / shelf.
two inches of overhang on each side isn't that bad, and considering how the whole thing is one piece it's not a structural support problem.

if it's an issue of a hole it's too big to fill, well...HDPE is pretty soft and has a relatively low melting point, maybe you can macguyver a way to trim a section out of the middle and patch it closed with melted scrap?
Its the depth that's the issue, I'd be more like a 4" hang over which wouldn't be too bad if my bed wasn't in the way.
I know snails are a death toll in any tank but do slugs pose the same overpopulation problem?
he does some dumbass stuff from time to time and he's definitely got that "professional content creator" vibe that I always find a bit slimy but I think he's generally alright
He cohabs some stuff that shouldn’t be cohabbed, which leads to things like a Sulcata killing another when he was on vacation and not able to supervise.

He also has too much shit and while the turtles seem to do well enough with benign neglect, he could do so much better if he focused on fewer things.
>his method of care seems to be "live somewhere the animals you care for can basically be feral but contained in your yard
That seems to be the norm for Florida keepers.
I mean, isn't it considered the absolute ideal by most people? Huge enclosures, not stressed by handling, natural sunlight, etc etc.
I'm not simping for him I just wonder why this is a point to bring up when as far as I was concerned everyone says the only reason you shouldn't house herps outside is your climate or predators.
I quit watching after WEF shill "eat the bugs episode". Fuck em
>not stressed by handling
Everything else is fine but when you have big monitors, they really do need to be socialized
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>nooooooooooooooooooo don't utilize a food source that multiplies ridiculously fast, actually prefers shitty cramped conditions, is incredibly cheap to house and feed, and is far less capable of suffering!! Trump said its le bad!!!!!!
>brings up suffering
If you’re not an actual religious jain i really dont give a fuck, just like that

Not all lives have the same worth in my religion
>npc posts npc meme
Why don't you eat them?
>>4831948 here - I really only listed that because it means he's not especially useful or informative as a husbandry resource, nor is it really a good indicator of his level of care - most of the heavy lifting in reptile care (ie maintaining proper environmental parameters) is being done by his location rather than him.
Really not the place for this, but no one is going to be eating ze boogs, because if it was remotely practical, sustainable, or provided adaquate calories for the work put in, we would already do it and it would be considered normal, or even exotic and expensive (like lobster was once we figured out refrigeration).
The few places in the world that do eat boogs typically do so either as a novelty or because of a general lack of avilable options, and there are cultures whose cuisine has evolved through near-constant famine, who take advantage of absolutely every part of whatever plant or animal they can make use of, that still dont cultivate bugs for food.
Bugs are great chicken feed though. The feed-meat efficiency of chickens goes way up because you can feed bugs literal dirt. The industrial process needed to turn dirt into something as nutritious as eggs and dinoflesh would be insanely inefficient and inexpensive unless we suddenly jumped to the 24th century and have antimatter reactors and molecular assemblers now
I don't think anyone is arguing that it's not practical for animals to eat bugs
Many are insectivorous etc and it's just natural for them because of their environment
Obviously if they're sitting around looking at the ground they're going to find a tasty worm
But there's no way that we're going to spend 10 minutes digging around in the ground for one worm
A bird can find that shit quick
>digging in the dirt for worms
I'm just jealous. Seeing bland outdoor enclosures and missed opportunities to do so many cool things makes me bitter.
Insects are animals too. I will not live in the pod or eat the bugs. Go away Schwab.
>there are cultures whose cuisine has evolved through near-constant famine, who take advantage of absolutely every part of whatever plant or animal they can make use of, that still dont cultivate bugs for food.
true, at best they just find a bunch of mealworms under a rock and eat those
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I love the design of Elpaids so fucking much.
>Square head
>Angry eyes
>Large Nostrils
>Big Keeled Scales
>Hoods and or loud hissing
There's Rat snakes and Cribos which look close but nothing that's a true 99/100 mimic and it sucks.
Saw a black tiger snake at the zoo the other day. Even if you knew nothing about snakes you’d be able to tell it’s not something to fuck around with just by looking at its face
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Even as babies they look mean lol
After going through every single reptile in Australia on Inaturalist it looks like the only snakes which look similar to Taipan/Brown/Tigers are Woma and Black Heads.
I always knew there was the every snake is venomous in Australia but I didn't think it was this true. I feel like every 7-1 was an Elapid.
It's surprising how across so many Elapids hoods developed yet in their range there's maybe 1 or two mimics.
Now checking Africa we have some more promising species
>Mole Snake Pseudaspis cana
>Western Natal Green Snake Philothamnus occidentalis
Looks sorta like a Green Mamba and in some pictures it looks like it has some sort of hood.
>Eastern Rufous Beaked Snake Rhamphiophis rostratus
Euro Cobra anon brought this guy to my attention and they're really cool. Shame the Easterns are never for sale and both species are almost always wild caught. Also rear fanged venomous, Some people apparently think they should be moved to actual Elapids but others disagree.
>Blonde Hognose Snake Leioheterodon modestus
Sorta remind me of Brown Snakes because of their color and eyes.
>Egyptian False Cobra Malpolon moilensis
Rear Fanged cobra mimic. They're super active and need alot of head + a big enclsoure. They also don't hood up unless super stressed. The whole Malpolon family is neat and worth looking into.
>Karoo Tiger Snake Telescopus beetzi
Awesome striping
>African Hook-nosed Snake Scaphiophis albopunctatus
Interesting pitch black mouth, but they have an ugly bird nose.
>Western Keeled Snake Pythonodipsas carinata
They have a viper head, eye and pattern
>Forest Water Snake Thamnosophis infrasignatus
These look intresting
>Micrelaps vaillanti black-headed micrelaps
These looks cool too
Anyone feed their snakes live mice/rats?
No, fuck off. Posting that shit is a bannable offense.
I dont understand why its so controversial when people let their cats out in their backyards specifically to kill wild animals that never enter homes anyways, and when a dog kills something its "lol good job pupper, fuck possums/rats/squirrels"

If snakes were intelligent mammals, like a legless ferret, would people be suddenly cool with live feeding? The trend says yes.
seethe mooar tranny
No one ITT says anything like that, go back to your face book group faggot.
I want a crocodile skink.
>>4833544 Live feedings are controversial because it poses a risk to the snake, not because some people find it appalling.
A lot of people do, until they get one and realize they are extremely shy and you're staring at a seemingly empty tank 99% of the time.
that's a part of their charm imo
Then just gaslight yourself into believing the empty tank has a crocodile skink in it, much easier all around.
I can tame him.
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Crazier things have happened
crazy little assholes
>mods are asleep post tokays
>fuck off snake, I'm supposed to fight him
30% sand to 70% Cocofiber is doing wonders for my enclosure. Hold's the humidity enough to keep the tank cool but not to the point of molding.
that one gook channel has convinced me socializing them isn't a fluke as long as you're not flinching whenever they move and scaring them
it's also more difficult and expensive. I can get a years worth of food for my snakes for less than 100 bucks online (and that's with the assfuck of shipping), chuck it in my chest freezer, and am good to go.
If I were to have to feed live I'd need to find a place where I can source fuzzies on a week by week bases (and fuzzies only stay that size for a short period so if they dont have any I'm out of luck), buy 5 at a time, then have to worry about dispatching them myself if they're not eaten because of a shed/just not feeling it that week. then do that shit all over again the next week.
whoever says taking care of reptiles is easier than cats or dogs is a moron
cresties JOOMP and drop tails easily

you have to buy bugs but IMHO leopard geckos are always the right answer. I know they're super common but that's cuz they're perfect

my AFT will only eat crickets, I guess that's the last owner's fault
>not because some people find it appalling.
Every single argument I have ever heard from anyone who hates live feeding is based entirely on "it's gross and cruel to mice".
I get free shipping with $100 Rodent Pro orders (not a shill) and it's way cheaper than live. Big mice are like 1/4 the price, rats like 3/7. My ball python is heeming live medium rats cuz it's awesome and I don't have any frozen but she takes em so I just need to make another order
update: he just ate a fat doober, hell yeah
uh, no? you're a fucking moron. The only 'hard' part of most reptile husbandry is getting the enclosure right. You have to do some basic research to successfully keep most reptiles alive meanwhile a dog/cat will just kind of live in your house and probably be OK. Once you've accomplished that your animal
-needs way less food per ounce of body weight than any warm blooded equivalent.
-only needs to be fed every few days-every few weeks
-poops significantly less than any warm blooded equivalent
-does not need social/play interaction
-can literally be left completely alone for a week or more depending on species to no ill effect
-outside of enclosure 'surprises' like coming home to shit/piss/vomit on your carpet largely do not happen

People consistently underrate the amount of work that cats and dogs take, and also their costs. I've had people who own $2,500 dogs act like my $500 lizard setup is some kind of insanely wasteful luxury expense and that I must waste so much time maintaining it when I take like 2 minutes to feed and change water every other day and clean the glass like once a month if that. Meanwhile they're spending hours a day feeding, walking, cleaning up after, and providing emotional support to their furbaby.
That's why reptiles are perfect for me. I like taking care of things, but I hate being a slave to it. I remember growing up with cats and dogs and we had to watch out for everything. Don't leave that on the counter or the cats will eat it, make sure the doors are always shut to this/that room, oh look the cat scratched the walls to hell, oh look the dog shit everywhere, uh oh the cat's been pissing here, the dog decided to eat something bad and needs to go to the vet now or he'll die, not to mention all the death cats cause outside. No birds, no rabbits, no squirrels, just cat shit and piss. But not with a little reptile guy.
bro, you gotta make sure the humidity levels are good, the microfauna are thriving, you even need to take care of their food. you're basically taking care of a microenvironment, not a pet.
anyone try using a dimmable bulb to emulate sunrise/sunset?
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a corn snake is much easier than a dog

an Asian water monitor is probably harder than a dog
My leo just fell about 4 feet onto a carpet floor
I think she's alright, has anyone else had a dumbass leo? Will she be ok or possibly brain damaged?
square-cube law

she's fine
Cute. Left looks like one of mine. Cohabbed females?
Yes but all of those things are essentially "set once and don't fuck with it". If you need a humid environment you should have an automister, which you dial into the right level and then never change. Similarly, once the springtails and isopods are established, they need no upkeep.
My dart frog did the same thing 2 years ago, but on to hard wood. He's still fine to this day.
Like this anon said, >>4833728 square cube law. You could drop an ant off the empire state building and it'd just be confused.
automisters are like $40 lol. get all of your lights and heaters on timers/controllers and an automister and your maintenance is mostly making sure those still work and maybe tweaking them up and down as you notice the tank growing/changing. You get a lot of warning signs before any disaster/tank crash scenario if you know what to look for.
Leopard geckos are boys and crested geckos are girls
They're both female
>I always knew there was the every snake is venomous in Australia but I didn't think it was this true.
It’s a meme for a reason anon. Australia is no joke
Awww he’s cute :3
Many such cases. Sucks
>not to mention all the death cats cause outside.
dogs do this worse ime
but yes i get what you’re saying
she’ll be fine the carpet acts as a serious cushion
bocchipost therefore trve and agreed
>You get a lot of warning signs before any disaster/tank crash scenario if you know what to look for.
such as?
that’s not how it works
Mourning and house geckos are girls tho
yes it is, it's just like cats and dogs
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>look up cool reptile
>look up enclosure ideas
>start researching bioactive terrariums with water features, biofilters, nitrogen cycle, aquatic plants, etc
>start thinking about how I'm gonna have to constantly cycle the water, check pH levels, ammonia levels, make sure my clean up crew is still alive, moisture levels, hope that no undetectable toxins are thriving, etc
>realize I'm in way over my head
>give up
Water is hard
Just get a princess house and let your lizard ls live in it
bioactive is a fucking meme, go for naturalistic and stick some plants in some modular potting
but I don't want to have to clean the poop and substrate all the time
What kind of lizard do you have?
I was looking up crocodile skinks
depends what kind of crash. If you open it and it smells like something other than a forest floor and your animal didn't just take a dump there is probably an issue. appropriate humidity levels depend on the species and plant setup but it's usually really obvious if something is very off.

none of that shit is really that hard. don't let nerds intimidate you. paludariums are harder than aquariums or terrariums but still not that hard, just go in with a plan, make sure you have a filter and a pump.

it's a meme for large specimens but most lizards smaller than a tokay, most frogs, and some smaller snakes like garters do great in bioactive setups. Ideally you want something that has more frequent smaller poops, snakes tend to have infrequent big poops and squish the shit out of plants so they're generally less compatible with bioactive setups.

reptilatus or whatever the fuck his name is on youtube has a bunch of those and is breeding them, check out his setups. none of them are very complex or hard to set up IMO.
Why are redditors so retarded?
>Never cohab any animals

They act like peta or something
Obviously the correct answer is that it depends on the individual animals and you need to observe their behavior closely but saying shit like never cohab a beardie or leopard gecko when I've done both with no problem for the duration of their very long lives without a single fight or show of aggression kind of proves it's case by case
Naturally in more aggressive species you shouldn't house them together, especially males but the way they phrase it is so low iq that it's almost like they are just hive mind
If their animal is chill then it's probably fine, and they just need to introduce them and watch closely for a while
How about explaining why or why not, what to do if you decide to, what to look for when you do
But no it's just

Maybe if they didn't assume everyone is doing something in bad faith and can make critical decisions if guided properly (after all they're looking for it)
Those people that are shitty owners wouldn't be asking or caring in the first place, these are people who want to improve their animals lives and take proper care of them
how come reptiles can drink murky water and be fine but i cant?
you can, stop believing the clean water kikes. you might get sick while your body adjusts but its actually healthy for you. notice how everyone is developing shitty autoimmune diseases like crohns and allergies to fag shit like peanuts? its because our immune systems dont have natural enemies to deal with like parasites and bacteria. its much healthier in the longrun to drink dirty water. i just finished off my lizards water bowl complete with the springtails that suicided into it
you drink your own lizard's water?
>I don't want to have to clean the poop and substrate all the time
That's the meme. You still have to spot clean a bioactive, isopods and springtails are fossorial critters, if your herp has shit anywhere that isn't the dirt, they're not touching it, and in the cases where they do, you better prepare to have the shit there for a bit - clean up crew bugs will eat shit, but they're not piranhas, it's going to take some time. and you ARE going to have to add leaf litter and innoculate the soil, too, because any non-beneficial bacteria shot out of the ass of your animals are going to stick around, so they better be outcompeted by other shit.
Having done both I'd much rather just take thirty seconds with a paper towel playing hunt the poo. it's not that big a deal.
>he's afraid of probiotics
get those kike talons out of you. this is what our ancestors did. do you think lizards werent drinking out of your ancestors water?
How to get moss to spread? Can I just put it on some wood and it'll go on its own? Should I keep it moist at all times?
You do bioactive because you want to clean less
I do bioactive because I want a box of life in my home and to be the caretaker of an entire world like unto god himself
we are not the same
yeah it tends to do better with constant moisture. I have some that i scraped off my driveway growing in what will (soon) be my newt tank, rooted into a piece of floating cork bark.
Turn your whole room into one ecosystem or no balls.
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my female garg hit appropriate weight, anyone got tips on introducing? they've lived near each other for ~7 months now. Female is about a year old male is about 2. Intending to breed for fun mostly.
have you considered holding it in your hand and letting them sniff each other
It's pretty easy. I just put two grocery bags over my hand, grab the snake turd, invert, tie, trash. Like dog poop. If you have a shopvac substrate changes are minutes. If you don't have a shopvac, use light tubs. If you have heavy glass and no shopvac, congratulations, you played yourself.
I'm gonna build my own fucking terrarium this shit is WAY too overpriced. Fucking 300 dollars for a 36x18x24 glass tank with front facing doors? Are you kidding me?
This is what it’s all about. Biodude companies can keep their orange Porcellio and tropical white springtails and I’ll keep my native millipedes and dead leaf roaches
turns out good hinges are expensive as fuck
There's nothing cheap about keeping any pets dude, if money is your main concern you should wait until your more financially stable.
I can got months only spending maybe $20 a month on my Herps and then one month spend suddenly need to spend $300.
i can buy this shit but i figured it would be more cost efficient to just build it myself
It is in bulk. The hard part is doing it for the first time because you're bound to fuck up.
The price of shipping a big glass cube includes the price of having about 10-25% of them getting broken on the way to the destination.
It is just straight up cheaper to build your own, yes. A 4x8 sheet of plywood costs something like 60 bucks, and with three cuts you have the basic parts of a 4x2 enclosure ready to get glued and screwed. The rest (waterproofing, doors, the front of the thing, supports if needed, ventilation) are a little more complex but there's guides all over the place online. Its not hard, you just need a little bit of patience and some basic tool knowledge.
>cover entire floor with leaf litter like they like
>never see them again
I thought they'd at least come out at night...
hank invites you to his slop bath. do you accept y or n?
what is the biggest sort of creature that would thrive in a 36x18x18 wide tank?
(not to stuff them in, so I can go a step smaller)
I saw '50 gallon' and thought there were a lot more possibilities but others seem to mirror this sentiment, the aquarium-ass dimensions being the main limiting factor.
I'm glad tank size standards have gone up though, when I was younger people kept leos in 20 gallons.
For some reason I can smell this image and it gave me a massive whiff of nostalgia as it made me remember the days me and my friends would catch frogs and keep them in tanks
he is quite the musky moss scented green beast

fun fact: they are named "Hank" and "Other Hank" since i can never tell them apart.
There's plenty of other things that might thrive
Blue tongue skink

Leos are just the best because they'd thrive most, those listed though may need an upgrade eventually
So be prepared if they start growing too large

It depends on the individual animal, but those would probably have no problem
>in a glass box
Please don't post again
When did they say anything about glass?
Also, you can keep chameleons in glass tanks.
>50 gallon tank in aquarium dimensions
Safe assumptions it's a glass box. But fair, retracted.

Trying to keep a Cham in a glass box is retardedly hard and should not be attempted.
I've seen it done but never had one, if it's like caring for a seahorse then probably better not to get one in that case

Why is it so difficult in glass as opposed to the mesh?
why are plebbitors so unbearably fucking retarded?

i'm looking up how to properly treat nose rub without covering the tank or putting moldy rags in there.

you guys got any tips that aren't reddit?
I'm really liking the look of fire skinks actually! I'm just concerned if it would spend all of its time buried or not. the 18 inches is REALLY limiting because I want them to be able to stretch out comfortably in either way, even if there'd be terrain blocking them from doing so.
Have you examined any unusual behavior or tried changing anything?
I've heard they can try to escape from crickets because they attack and bite
Do you have any ideas? When did it start?
If they're trying to get out of the tank they probably don't like the tank and you should look into temperature, humidity, smells, chemicals, cover, anything
What about putting something like this on it?

Redditors dont actually know anything, they just repeat what they've seen. this is how you get whole subreddits parroting nonsense like in the chameleon subreddit, or the ball python one, that suggests suspending the thermostat probe a few inches in the air directly beneath the bulb for reasons I have yet to determine.
Looks like the dwarf Water Monitor project is progressing nicely...
Will "threads of trust" work with all reptiles?
oh hey I forgot there was a whole other thing I hate about faggot-ass Kevin McCurley, he acts like he fucking invented this novel and creative way of reptile taming but it's literally just habituation, and he's not even doing that, he just gives his monitors "hides" made of pic related so they literally cant get away from the stressor. Such a great tamer of animals that every single person that buys one from him has to somehow start from square one the second the second the animal actually has a choice as to whether or not be fucked with.
To answer your question, not really, no. the more you interact with ANY animal where its fear of you isnt reinforced, it will grow to fear you less, but some animals are just going to be dicks, or be territorially defensive around their "homes" (pine snakes and hognoses come to mind in that area), but are normally fine once no longer yelling at the monkey to get off their lawn.
fyi, lori torrini kicks the shit out of McCurley when it comes to animal taming. she also works with horses, and the consequences of fucking up with them are far worse than with most reptiles.
forgot the link
My leopard gecko is blind and sometimes I get scared because she sleeps on her back
Is that normal? The first night I got her I thought she had a stroke because I've never seen a gecko sleep like that, she had her foot up and her head against the back of her hide and she was on her side
And then when I tried to wake her up she hissed at me
She seems otherwise healthy
Chams are extremely weird about airflow and humidity, they basically combust if they don't have the airflow of a mesh enclosure.
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Exactly this - they're coming from high in the trees, in rainforests, which means they need medium-level, consistent humidity and constant airflow. With an auto-mister (or even fogger, though those are generally useless or even harmful for most animals) and a couple of computer fans, plus a mesh top and ventilation somewhere along the sides (picrel as absolute minimum), you can make it work in a big ass glass box, but even then the same setup in mesh is superior for everything except ease of maintaining temp.

Chamleons in general are way higher difficulty than their presence in big box stores suggest. Probably because the big ones are generally hardy enough - or have a slow enough metabolism - to make it a few months to a year before the bad husbandry shuts down their organs, but should live 6-10 years in good condition.

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