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Is it possible for humans to breed a new species of monkey that can be used for slave labor or serve in military
Obvious pityfag thread
I used to get into arguments with my friends all the time over this. You could literally make an entire race of house elves if you decreased the muscle mass and teeth of a medium sized ape then train them for menial tasks like picking fruits or berries. Focus on cognitive and you could even get them to use rudimentary tools or pull cultivating equipment. They could easily transport/carry things or dig pits. It would improve the quality of life for so many 3rd world countries but noooooooo! It is "immoral" to have an enslaved race of apes to do menial labour.
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All Americans, basically.
In their favor, I thought they were fat teenage boys at first
Russians already exist.
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It's gonna go the same way it went the last time an inferior hominid was enslaved by a superior one.
based boomer grannies
Too much work, expensive, harder to reproduce and longer gestation times. Why not domesticate and train raccoons and maybe even squirrels? They have dextrous hands, fast reproduction, eat cheap food and are highly adaptable, so they are likely to live just fine in most places. Squirrels already have a hoarding instinct so with the resources used to raise one berry picker ape you can get a squirrel army able to pick berries orders of magnitude faster than the ape. Probably they would be best for nuts.
I hate that I understand this.
>because "arrests" are always so lawful an never wrong
>because the police would never lie to inflate statistics
I think the problem then becomes intelligence, all of what you said is true, but do you really think you'd be able to train a squirrel or raccoon to do any advanced tasks?
That is why I say house elf apes
>he thinks there are dozens of unreported murders every day in nyc
>that's more reasonable than "black people commit more crimes"
Lol, lmao.
>trust the science
>all data I don't agree with is wrong
Arrests are typically lawful. "Arrests do not represent all of crime" is the establishment talking point now. Which is somewhat true, but only for nothingburger crimes like drug shit and music piracy. Cops won't even show up for animal abuse unless there's a potential CP bust involved, they'd rather shoot the dog instead. But when there are human victims involved policing actually happens.
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This is gigacope. Virtually all the stats come to the same conclusion. No the police would not fucking lie to inflate *these* stats and you’re delusional if you believe otherwise
This is literally the shit plot to Conquest of the Planet of the Apes(1972) what are you trying to do here OP?
What kind of advanced task are you planning to train an ape in doing? Do you need something beyond the complexity of things a guide dog can do? Do you think the cost and effort to train an ape to do something like that is worth it when poor people can be instructed much faster, be paid low wages and change instructions as needed?
Running the trains
poor people are usually unsuitable for work because they have mental problems, which is why they're poor
Robots already operate trains and you can get an immigrant a higher IQ than you working for cheap if they happen to be from some shitty country. Their grandkids likely won’t be in the same situation their grandparents were but that is another story.
>an immigrant a higher IQ
lol, lmao even
this is just a stealth /pol/ thread.
It's called niggers and it failed miserably
pretty much this
n-no pity time? :-(
>17% of college-educated STEM workers are Asian despite Asians making only 6% of the population
You are right. I shouldn’t call them immigrants, they are proud Americans.
Mexicans exist already kek
we already did that
we call them goyim
You are not very smart. She isn't either, but you're entirely misunderstanding her chart which makes you less smart than she is. And she's a woman, so she can't help it. What's your excuse?
Though it'll take a long time

It would be a lot faster to breed a race of humans to do the same thing
You could make them love servitude on a genetic level
And they'd be much more capable than a monkey
American niggers are clearly somewhat genetically altered from Africans and we weren't even trying that hard
well I don't get it
They tried that but it caused a lot of problems
citation needed
Where do you think AIDs came from?
beat up macaques, strangle macaques, throw macaques in the garbage can, tease macaques, bully macaques, drown macaques, starve macaques, lock macaques in small spaces, remove macaque surrogate mother every second to make them spaz, lock macaques in a cage, confort macaques in said cage and then removing your comforting hand to make them spaz and panic, lynch macaques, trash up macaques, hang macaques with their paifier, squeeze macaque tummies so that they gasp for air, cause disorder among macaque troops, remove macaques from their natural habitat, make macaques do unnatural things, force macaques to stand on their legs damaging their spine, wrap macaque hands and feet so that they can't self comfort with thumb sucking, make macaques act like humans and do human chores, slave macaques into cocunt harvesting, use macaques as a source of entertainment in morocco, pakistan and thailand, use macaques as literal toys, abuse macaques, pity macaques, torture macaques, make macaques terrified of you, deprive macaques of any comfort and joy, mentally destroy macaques until they are left a broken, disfunctional mess
Total any other primate love, total macaqueshit death (black crested macaques are excluded though)
Real answer is bushmeat, guy chopped up ape flesh, probably had a cut on his hand, badda bing badda boom aids
What would happen if you locked 100 baby longtail macaques in a room with an adult male chimp?
Monkeys are generally willful and like humans have very flexible hierarchy positions creating a very independent mindset.
You can train them to do small tasks, more if they can learn to enjoy it. But to systemically breed them and train them to work hard and on schedule is basically impossible on such a small timeframe.
Took you long enough to show up
context behind this pic? there's no way wild monkeys live at beach. is he adopted?
>there's no way wild monkeys live at beach.
Yeah, because everyone knows crabs live in jungle canopies.
>look up crab-eating macaque
Precisely why your KFC order always gets fucked up
You can just automatically assume that any picture of a Macaque you see is staged
and the majority of a immigrants arent asians, theyre africans, indians, or central and south americans
>he doesn't know about tree crabs
Why don't we breed humans to be monkey like instead?
My thoughts exactly…
As has been said several times, that’s already a thing.

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