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File: tortoise and hare.webm (2.8 MB, 700x392)
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The tortoise and the hare if they real.
that's not a hare
It's an analogy you dumb faggot.
Incorrectly identifying one thing as another is not an analogy. It's just being wrong, like if I were to say you were a smart person and not blithering idiot. That would just be wrong.
Go play in traffic. It was a figurative.
Not that, either, kiddo.
You should hypothetically suck start a shotgun and theoretically blow your fucking brains out.
Does anyone have the picture of a tortoise eating a dead rabbit? I think it was a desert or salcuta tortoise eating a roadkill rabbit.
Harebros have been awful quiet since this dropped..
I'd ask if you kiss your mother with such a dirty mouth but I already know she charges extra for that.
Sooo any context for why this happened?
My tortoise would attack the hair. He tries to batter ram the dogs every time he sees them.
Slow and steady wins the race anon. There is a whole book about it I read as a kid.
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There's a dog under the chair in the middle. They brought it there to spook the rabbit so that it would freeze and let the turtle win.
The race was rigged from the start.
Lesson of the day: if you don't like dogs, you won't go very far in life.
harexister cope. he stopped before the dog ever moved and didn't even look at the dog
Wouldn't the rabbit's instinct tell it to run away from a potential predator rather than freezing in place?
lol, Anon you classy bastard you are pummeling OP.
I fucked your mom in the ass with this mouth.
Actually no, rabbits do this thing where they first freeze in place and lay low against certain threats, usually only if they think it hasn't seen them, if a predator begins to advance on them, they bolt.
t. Have to chase rabbits out of my garden daily
There are actually 3 instinctual responses to a stressful situation. Fight, flight, or freeze.
Thank you.
Really rather unlikely considering I'm quite certain that you're so deep in the closet, you've been bummed by Mr Tumnus. You've still got two more days to celebrate, then back to obscurity for you.
>didn't even look at the dog
Buns can see like 270° bro.
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>Alex The Great
Says it all, really.
>gets a flat tire
>tortoise calmly continues walking past
Still a rabbit and that's the same thing.
Big Shell bribed the rabbit to throw the race
>we did it, reddit!
nah, hares are just lazy cunts that think they got it made and get smoked by on hardworking tortoises that don't give up
Hares are rabbits the same way wolves are foxes which is to say not at all. That's why there are different words for each.
Are you trying to say that there's samefagging going on? I posted >>4828696, >>4828699, >>4828760 and >>4830112
I didn't even post the reply that started this conversation.
What a strange thread
We got too cocky, harebros. How do we spin this?
Rabbits are fucking stupid but also cute. I was able to sneak up all the way behind them by the time I was 9 or so. I was not an outdoorsy fag or anything so it was just my unrefined careful movements that were enough to put the rabbit in a compromising position.
>no no no!!! I'm the more talented one!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!!!!
>*loses to the tortoise with the social intelligence necessary to generate results behind the scenes*
>t-that doesn't count!!!
Tortoisebros, we won.
Maybe turtles are parareptilia
>goes to animal forum
>annoyed when people know about animals
You're just both halves of a whole idiot, ain'tcha there, kiddo?
>goes to epic haxxer forum
>throw a pseudo-intellectual Rick and Morty Copypasta-tier temper tantrum over a joke about a fucking lagomorph and a turtle
Stick your mouth onto the tail-pipe of your car after starting it, and inhale until you see nothing but the void, and then flames.
It's a tortoise, not a turtle.
Tortoises are literally just land turtles dude.
>-I said, after blasting a load in your mother's ass

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