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What would be the best dog breed to accompany you while exploring the post-apocalypse American wasteland /an/?
One of Chinese varieties bred for meat. Probably it's most important utility because there's a big chance it's going to get shot or killed. Might as well have something that turns things I can't safely eat into protein and is also an emergency ration. Although I'm not sure how long any dog would last without some kind of parasite control medication.
Mastiff or some other breed. They'll be perfect tools for keeping slaves in line and making examples out of the unruly ones.
any shepard, because:
- loyal to their master but diffident to all strangers.
-strong and brave enough to face danger.
-smart enough to take indepent decisions if the time calls it.
the only downside is that being middle to big dogs food may be a problem. a small dog may offer little to no help, but warning you could be more than enough.
The only breed mutated enough to handle the wastes. The mighty American Toadline
>low center of gravity to avoid enemy fire, and radstorm driven debris
>able to slither under rubble to reach delicious and nutritious toddlers hiding there
>comes with its own built in air filter
>is smashed, and slammed, and would be iradyatid
>f r e s h Or f r o z e n
The answer is clear. The skeem. The skeem never changes.
you just know
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It highly depends on where you are and what you want.
Great in hot climates, don't need much food and can hunt small, fast things for you (basically the only prey in a desert)
Most shepherd's couldn't handle climate extremes, but if you're somewhere in the middle, shepherd's are a great bet
Good idea if you have a base or stronghold, but bad if you're travelling. Need too much food and overheat too quickly, but again, best guard dog if you need that.
As always, it depends.
This. If you are relying on a dog to kill or ward off people you are a dead man walking. Having a dog in the waste land should be a utility to aid in meeting your foundational needs such as food. Terriers could work too if you want to eat rodents and minimise upkeep on a dog
Brown recluse
Toy pomapoo.
Anything as long as it’s not a husky.
There’s something wrong with you? Yes, I do.
Shitbull terrier
They make for strong street dogs. Lots of the homeless around where I live have shitbulls and they seem resilient in ways other dogs arent.
All the backyard breeding has given them the resilience of pariah breeds. Unfortunately, it hasn't helped their temperament much. That being said though, I don't think they'd be a particularly bad choice.
>Good in most climates, except super cold
>Terrier characteristics will make them good at catching food for you
>Bully characteristics will make them maul any stray toddlers who dare approach you
>Resilient and Athletic
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How would they fare?

Can they be trained to catch small animals for you? Wasn’t that their historical role before they become racers? They also have a short coat so I’m guessing good for the desert.
>Bully characteristics will make them maul any stray toddlers who dare approach you
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Every dumb shit in this thread is going to starve.
What you need is any little dog bred for hunting rats, foxes, badgers, rabbits, etc in their lairs. Jack Russells, dachshunds, that sort of thing.
They will flush out all the small game (because there won't be any big game, or you won't have the ammunition to bring it down) and they won't eat much themselves.
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Greyhounds were originally bred for chasing but not killing deer.
Deserts get super fucking cold at night and greyhounds have basically zero fat and fur so they would basically freeze to death unless you dress them in Antarctic exploration gear at night and then undress them again every morning before it gets too hot.
delicious boobies
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Why would greyhounds die but not dog breeds that originated in African deserts, like the Saluki, the Sloughi, or the Azawakh? Just cuddle them at night and they'll be fine.
>Bully characteristics... maul small toddlers
It's really the terrier that particularly gives them a penchant for infants
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A ghoulified mongrel probably.
Some sighthound based mutt, or a dingo
easy to feed a terrier and it'll make a fuckin ruckus if any thread comes near, which is the greatest value in a post-tech situationa against thieves/predators
also they ain't pussies and will be a good distraction
a shepard really won't be a threat to a human, will distract barely better, and predators will be easy enough just being aware
so yeah. honestly. a cute corgi or jack russel. just something alert and companioning
>a shepard really won't be a threat to a human
this is only true with firearms involved.
not really. if anyone has survived apocolypse long enough they're not scared to splay a dogs legs and rip open their jaw
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A pomeranian because they'll always be your lil fluffy buddy <3
>post-apocalyptic world
>extreme resources scarcity
>get a dog that requires 25 pounds of meat
> every day
Didn't really think that through very carefully, did you?
a border collie maybe?
it's not a matter of scary, it's a matter of being able to. one mistep, and if a big shepard dog overpowers you, then you can kiss your ass goodbye.
Probably true
Pompous little shits
There are better small ones
you are a weak bad person if a dog isn't loyal
A pitbull
>randomly attack NPCs, turning everyone hostile
seems like a good way to commit suicide
A little biased, but I think a small companion hound would be perfect because it gets lonely in the apocalypse and a well-tempered dog like a hound can provide a little buddy, their size will also help you ration food, and obviously, they will lead you to food sources, whether it be animals or a dumpster burger.
I heard the Azawakh sighthound was actually used by African tribal persons because it would hunt and retrieve game to them, literally feeding its family. African sighthounds are close second if they were readily available.

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