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Hail 14 lil baby Sneesus's
How do you misgender a snake?
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Peter Quinlan, reptile specialist at the college, explained that the birth came about due to the rare phenomenon of parthenogenesis.

This is a natural form of asexual reproduction, where embryos develop without fertilisation.

It is known to take place in plants and some animals, but Mr Quinlan said that Ronaldo's pregnancy was only the third to be documented for a captive snake of its species in the world.
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It's relatively easy. The method where you pokey pokey a stick into their snussy is only reliable if you know what you're looking at. And forcing a snake to expel it's penis to 100% confirm it's a male can be dangerous.
The antichrist(s) have entered the world.
>forcing a snake to expel it's penis to 100% confirm it's a male can be dangerous.
For the snake or f-for you anon??
Nature... finds a way
So what are the implications of this exactly?
sesbian gnecks
I thought normies hate all pythons
you will spread your tight pink primate bum hole (and others) for forked self replicating snake tongue, probably
>the babies are clones of their mother
>tasked with trying to figure out the sex of the baby snakes
They are male (female) (M) (F)
Just because their mother identified as male doesn't mean the clones have the same gender identity. Please be kind and respectful as the clones figure out their (biological) gender.
I implore you, please never post that word again
NTA, as a lamiafag I am a big fan of snussy
d-do you think I could put pee pee in a large boa's snussy? h-how would that feel?
snake hemiuteri are usually very short, and there's very little in terms of action in snake sex - the female just kinda keeps on doing what she's doing, and the male who's locked to her gets quite literally dragged around by the dick until he's done.
this knowlege makes lamias that much hotter
there's different types of parthenogenesis and a lot of other animals don't have sex tied to a Y chromosome like we do. You can get male snakes born from virgin mother snakes.
What about anacondas? Don’t they do that weird breeding ball thing where they wrap around each other?
Parthenogenesis does not produce clones, jesus fuck.
It’s not so simple with reptiles. Female Komodo dragons can asexually reproduce to create genetically identical offspring, but all those offspring will be male
Nothing, it's a rare event. The only reptile that you'll see commonly reproducing in this manner in captivity is the mourning gecko.
>Brazilian ladyboys
That brazilian rainbow boas are now known to be capable of asexual reproduction.

One form of it can. Burmese pythons clone themselves.
>stops evolving in your path
Based monster girl lover bro
This. So very, very much this.
Parthenogenesis is reasonably well known among reptiles and it is cool to see it here as well.
Nothing groundbreaking, but neat.
people already misgender humans, I wouldn't be surprised if they can't correctly gender another species
>So what are the implications of this exactly?
A few years from now someone fucked in the head will try to use this as a case for humans. Probably a woman.
>virgin to such a degree that he trooned out and gave birth
Remember that your pet needs bitches just like you do.
>rare phenomenon called parthenogenesis
>He doesn't know that parthenogenesis is the default form of reproduction of all living species
It was a female from the start obviously. Males don't have eggs and can't reproduce without a female
you reckon mary was human parthenogenesis or just that elites are actually snake people that simply want us to believe they are lizard people (many such cases)

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