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File: IMG_20240627_221125.jpg (2.78 MB, 3623x2774)
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post your drawings or any /an/ related art you like!
also thoughts on my dinosaur /an/?
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I don't usually do color
here's the illustration I spent more time on
planning on coloring him tomorrow with the same color palette I tested on the less detailed drawing
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Cute dino, anon. Sweet thread idea too.
Posting some old warm up sketches from ref
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very cute!
here's some cute birds I doodled a while back
You should draw a therizinosaur in that style, i think it would look very cool
Is that a megaraptor? I've literally just saw an awesome video about these guys.
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I don't spend much time drawing these days but I made this one.
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And this is…?
never mind don’t know what kind of fucking ants you’re looking at bud
I like it.
all tomorrows type shit
That's sick. Reminds me I need to get off my ass and draw all of my spec bio autistic reworks of fantasy creatures for my dnd setting.
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will hopefully get more time to draw soon
need more dinosaurs
definitely gotta try that
the digits will it too
very nice 'saur
looks like a yi qi griffon

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