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Pet fans be like
>b-but he keeps me company! and and he's better than people (because he can't reply to me)
>*coughs* I LOOVEE sleeping with my furball in my bed *coughs*
>n-nooo!! my bearded dragon isn't useless and a money sink, he's heckin' cute and a valid pet!
>I LOOVEE cleaning up bird poop from every piece of forniture, cockatoos are so wholesome!
>they get free food, free shelter and don't have to do anything BUT we are the ones blessed with their presence! :^O
>ahah he's been barking for 23 hours straight isn't he cute?

Meanwhile Chad plants enjoyers
>I give it water and move it twice a day, it gives me oxygen and cleans the air from toxic formaldehyde in return
I wish animals were as resilient as plants. They die so easily. I don't have to worry about plants.
>Average H O U S E M U S H R O O M enjoyer
I have the inverse experience
In theory, pet owners can break the system by being immune to propaganda and peer pressure without having to be autistic and therefore immune to loneliness

Can. In theory.
>>ahah he's been barking for 23 hours straight isn't he cute?
kek and true
Reddit coal contrarian opinion and meme
Both are good
Both are nice
trips of truth
They need to do what they did with /vp/ and /pw/ and shove pet shit to another board.
>buy seeds
>watch my cute plants grow into basil and mint
>take off their leaves that aren't looking as great and use them as free herbs
>they thank me for my care by growing more leaves and growing taller
It's a nice relationship
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plants > pets
there should definitely be something about this that’s illegal i feel
It's illegal to cut the tree down because the city of Vancouver is protecting it
Imagine seething because a tree is just standing there
that's a big tree
Not providing your pet with a fan in the summer time is cruel...
americans are brainwashed by their HMAs and think all plants taller than astroturf must be cut down
Why? Is it rare? If that thing falls over that’s definitely multiple people dead
>being this disingenuous
Yeah bro I see 150 foot tall trees everywhere every day in urban areas too (I don’t)
I live in America and I actively grow patches of "weeds" (native plants) in my yard. No HOA in my neighborhood, and if there was one I'd just tell them to suck my ass.
>and if there was one I'd just tell them to suck my ass.
no i don't think you would. they'd fine you and would continue to, eventually resulting in them putting a lien on your property.
Cuz it's cool
>If that thing falls over that’s definitely multiple people dead
Okay, and?
>Cuz it's cool
Sure? Still seems like a massive safety risk
>Okay, and?
What's wrong with his nose?

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