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my budgie loves broccoli
Why does he have a location tracker on his ankle
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idk PetSmart put it on him before I bought it
He is wanted in 20 states
why is he yellow?
Same reason you do
don't they explode from the terminal bbbraaapps?
t. nobudge
>single budgie in tiny petsmart cage
the door is left open so he's free to roam whenever
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That's OK then, but you should get him some friends. Budgies are incredibly social and live in giant flocks. And they're parrots, which means they're smart.
budgies are not smart
Roughly on par with a 5 y/o - yeah, all parrots are smart, for animals.
i hate it when people say "like a Xyo person". Humans lean hard into abstract thought, language, rich episodic memory, and voluntary hallucination. No animals are like this. Even "super smart" cetaceans rely on a beefed up limbic system to make coordination a more unconscious behavior, while humans lay out literal rulebooks for eating dinner. We are totally different and anyone treating a budgie like they were anything like a 5yo child would be set up for failure.
Does he actually eat it, or just enjoys ripping it up?
As someone who owns a budgie, Amazon, African and an Alexandrian, I can say with upmost confidence that budgies are the gold fish of the bird world. They are so unimaginably retarded that it is just plain silly. They will get into fights or try to hump their own reflection for so many hours and if they are free flying and dont want to go back into their cage you just get a stranger to grab them as they can only comprehend one or two people wanting to get them. They get into fights with parrots more than 3 times their size because they do not understant that they are not in a large flock with number advantage so they immediately get mogged and they will try courting any female bird while getting frustated as to why they are not courting back.

There is barely any neurological activity in their tiny little skulls. Next time I rather get a pidgeon or quaker
you can't just ask a bird why they're yellow what the fuck anon
budgies are basically tropical house sparrows. i have no idea who got the idea of keeping these little shits instead of something cooler like crows. instead, crows are illegal but you can totally have an african grey. falcons are illegal too but you can totally have a rare macaw.
All true. Awful pets. Not sure what people see in them.
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good thing my budgie can't hear all the hate in this thread he would be very upset
Fuck your budger (nice quads)
>Not sure what people see in them.
pricetag and a beak that doesnt look capable of removing eyeballs? idk if you like cool birds just get a starling (as a bonus you can just let them go if you dont like them)
>pricetag and a beak that doesnt look capable of removing eyeballs?
Get a pigeon pleb
Just make friends with some wild crow and have an outdoor crow pet. Then teach them to bring you money in exchange for treats.
Why quails are not common pets? Cheap, small, don’t fly so easier to avoid them escaping the house and getting killed and even produce tasty eggs!
>Then teach them to bring you money in exchange for treats.
how do I do this? The last time I fed the local crowd I caused a fight between a nesting pair and three youngsters and now the female of the nest is wary of me...
Short lifespans same deal with finches/sparrows. It's just hard to go through that so often.
so you're saying they're like hamsters but I can eat them afterwards? That'll be an interesting life lesson for my children
You can eat hamsters, cats and dogs as well but guinea pigs, bunnies are more common.
They live longer than hamsters but hamsters are the common pet while quails are not.
zoomer bird
Pigeons and doves literally coo like mad whenever you start ruffling their fluff anywhere on their bodies, truly man's best bird
Maybe I’ll try this
Or even this.
Maybe this too.
>my children
ring help breeders to manage budgie hatchlings. the ring tracks parents/brothers/sisters, and helps breed better budgies. you can make costume ring with your phone number if budgie is lost and found.
it isn't a literal comparison, its because budgie/parrots can solve five year old puzzles and memorize equal number of words. but some people took the comparison out of context.
> try to hump their own reflection for so many hours
that is a behavior complex, similar to feather plucking. your budgie either lacks sleep/nutrition/stimuli. mine was like that until i fixed his behavior.
>they do not understant that they are not in a large flock with number advantage
its you who didnt understand to not mix big and small birds, and didnt understand bird compatibility.
falcons are harder to breed. crows are black and sound ugly to majority of people, they do not attract costumers(retard parents/kids) parrots with many colors. also they dont know crow can mimic speech, they want parrots to talk.
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>that is a behavior complex, similar to feather plucking. your budgie either lacks sleep/nutrition/stimuli. mine was like that until i fixed his behavior.
I feed him to exact specification and let him free fly regulary throughout the day where I try talking and fussing him. He even has toys in his cage for further stimulation. He is just retarded.

>its you who didnt understand to not mix big and small birds, and didnt understand bird compatibility
Does not change the fact he is a retard that does not understand he should not pick fights with birds far greater in size. The rest of the parrots have the innate understanding of "I hate that fucking african, but he will beat the shit out of me so I will stay away". But the budgie does not learn at all.

They are stupid animals.
people want colorful shit, they want a bird with their favorite color .pigeons/quails are not neon green/red/blue and cant talk. they cut feather wings no one give a fuck if it flys.
He is based.
I love broccoli too.
Im pretty sure that exists
>He even has toys in his cage for further stimulation. He is just retarded.
if he is healthy then it further proof its behavior complex. maby he is over simulated? mine had the complex. i took all the toys out, then added one by one. by deduction i found mirrors/ropes/soft/colorful toys gave him trigger the complex. so i changed toys (dull color/hard toys/no rope/no mirror) until he gradually stopped.
> fights with birds far greater in size
some birds behave like that, it don't mean they are stupid. just wired differently overly territorial. big parrots bite humans who are much bigger too. i had a cockatiel who was afraid of my budgie.
I will take a look and see if removing some of the toys will change his behavior. If it is a complex it is the only thing I can think of as his sleep is regular as far as I am aware
trial and error find what makes him tick, mine did it so much his ass bled. any repetitive behaviour may turn to a complex ( feather plucking/excessive preening/regurgitation/nesting/humping)
why his wing clipped
See >>4830394 and >>4830401

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