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>cat sits on my lap
>bites me when i pet her
any tips?
She wants company, not pets
Had one like that, she really loved to feel you in the same room but hated being constantly petted
>any tips
Get a better pet
They're autistic
how come she sits on my lap then stares me down?
Actually a pretty clever costume idea. Wish I could find something like this
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She wants you to bite her back
What kind of bite? I know that sounds like a retarded question, but if it's like a nip then that's the cat trying to be friendly (apparently it feels a lot better when you have a nice thick pelt). If it's like a full on 'gonna-take-a-chunk-out-of-you' chomp, that's her being bipolar.
This. When I pet cat sometimes she gets overly stimulated and nips at my hands but it's just a light love bitd
Cats lightly bite as a sign as effection.
All of these.
calico cats are natorious for this behavior
it's stupid
they get over stimulated easily. you have to find the type of pets that are tolerable or they'll just want to attack and run away
snoof it
>>bites me when i pet her
>any tips?
yea, don't. the cat owns you, not the other way around
It's hard enough to draw blood usually. Once she clamped pretty hard and I needed stitches.
pin that bitch to the ground (your lap in this case), but not hard obviously and be careful, but just enough to assert dominance.
Kill it lmao what is wrong with you?

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