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*shits everywhere*
I think i have bird flu
how often do conjures get bird flu?
Idk i think i got it from honk honk faggot shitleaf geese
You will wear the gay little diaper and you will NOT shit everywhere.
of course this stupid chicken would need a diaper
meanwhile the conjure is not only smart and outgoing but will also take pride in shitting half of their weight with extra reverb in front of others and take satisfaction in doing so
Do I have to use a disinefctable robot arm to grab them by the neck and throw them away now
omg, a birb!
Why are the ads for these so fucking weird
poopy birb
he must poop
>Shits on your shoe
>gives you this look
How do you respond without sounding mad?
What bird is that?
Green Conjure I think
that shit's gonna fill up in like 45 minutes tops
Has anyone ever made a time lapse of these motherfuckers shitting all over the place?
it's conure not conjure
I'll conure my dick up your ass
Clean it up janny
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Stuff him with pumpkin seeds and make him a shaking, angsty wreck
bro wtf I thought birds shat out solid and orderly chunks not wet paint
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>want a bird so bad because having a huge fat fuckin bird to wrap my arms around sounds like heaven
>it will literally, LITERALLY shit everywhere and is impossible to housetrain
Birds, fish, lizards, and other inferior forms of life have a combined urogenital orifice called a cloaca. Their urine, feces, and sometimes reproductive fluids are all combined as one single mixture and excreted through one single hole that looks like a fat old dude's lips.
Just get chickens

the answers for "which bird will make me happy" is always chicken (hugs), quail (funny guys), starling (talking porch ornament), or pigeon (smaller chicken)
ive a better question, why the fuck am i wearing shoes indoors.
It's all fun and sweet until it shits in your lap

I feel your pain brother
… I had no idea about this. I knew about the cloaca but I didn’t know all that other shit got mixed in. What the fuck
Because there is bird shit all over.
Many mammals have a cloaca
That doesnt bother me in the slightest.
Most hygenic birdfag
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pidge or chicke it is then, quails and starlings are super cute though and I wish it was legal to import a lil' kiwi feller
>chicken purrs and coos while the owner pets the absolute fuck out of him
>just plops a fat wet turdy on her lap while it's doing it
>both of them stop
bruh moment
Whats a good bird that might go invasive? I want to laugh at the feds for telling me I cant own a native bird. I want to literally shit on their glow in the dark faces.

Like the new starling. Both a cool bird, and horrendously invasive. Preferably one that will reduce the seagull population.
Consider following:
>if you wear shoes, you step in shit and smear it all over the floor without realizing
>if you dont wear shoes and you step in shit, you would do the one legged jump of shame towards bathroom to wash your fucking foot, thus avoiding smearing shit all over the place
Imported seagull.
Because people who keep birds as pets are fucking weird.
>It doesn't matter if you wear shoes or don't, everything in the house is covered in bird shit no matter what, because you own birds and they shit everywhere
Last time I checked, most common pet birds shit down from the perch, not send a spraypaint stream of fecal matter everywhere.
yeah look at all the youtube videos its all girls kissing and cuddling with them in their bedrooms and bathrooms
shits disgusting
Don’t say that please I wanna get one someday…
>and bathrooms
youve not take a shower with parrot on your shoulder?
>that squirt in the end
I will always shill quails. Chickens are great, but quails are quieter, grow quicker, easier to incubate and breed, and much easier to process.
Quails are cool but I like picking up chickens more for some reason

Otherwise I want a starling/myna bird in a heated outdoor enclosure
kill yourself right now
i mean yeah but like how come the conure plops down solid chunks every 15 minutes and this guy hoses down
Now I wanna know how common that is
Could be a difference in diet? Who knows
>that ending
holy fuck
chiken relaxed too much
>implying they dont bathe as well
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Don't forget the 6 gazillion fleas too

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