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Unlike humans, alpha-species animals exhibit perfect 10/10 form at all times.
What the hell is a “alpha-species animal”
That's a really cool shot.
They need to otherwise they imperil their survival.
Change society so that even slightly sub-optimal actions carry a significant risk of death then wait a few generations and you'll see a sharp uptick in elegantly hypercompetent humans.
Animals still in testing phase, they aren’t full released yet. This is why there are so many humans all over the world. We already went through alpha and beta and are now full released-species animal.
I did a 400lbs squat about 7 years ago and I've been having severe back problems since. My doctor told me that I'm never allowed to lift weights again. All my muscle is gone.
Lol fucking retard
If you're asking that question, you aren't one.
footage of me diving facefirst in ur mom
>instincts are more consistent than thought
yes, because stupid things can't plan ahead or correct their mistakes to cope with not being hypercompetent so if they dont automatically do everything well enough they die
No they don't.
...and a marked decrease in this site's userrbase
This dude should be in the Olympics
Shut up
Having seen an osprey retardation thread on this very board I am inclined to disagree.

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