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>runs across your ceiling for no reason
>For no reason
The lad's just trying to get from point A to point B.
Do you expect him to instant transmission?
I just watched one of these take out several flies that were around my carnivorous plants.
Your plant is going to starve now
I went out to bring them inside for the night and I decided to leave them out there for a bit longer because of how much they were catching.
I wish I had more of these than spiders. Spiders are such lazy campers and all they do here half the year is cannibalize each other.
This is so mesmerizing to watch. It’s not just me right? Somehow I wish we had these instead of regular centipedes
I'm not convinced they know where they're going
They're cute and awesome!
Theu have a reason. Sometimes its to hunt. Sometimes its to have sex, something you never had, sometimes it's to lay their eggs to make more of them to annoy you.
That doesn't mean they know where they are going. They just start skittering in a direction randomly
you’re right
both kinds of centipedes have shitty eyesight and have to rely on vibrations to know where they’re going
Insects creep me out. They just roam around without a soul or brain just pure instinct and reactions to stimulus.
Living embodiemnts of the Id. You find them unsettling because they have an element of familarity despite being inhuman
No I find them to be extremely gross and alien
He just another pest control bro, like spiders they hunt and kill the things you really don't want in your home like roaches and even help to keep spider numbers in check. house centipedes get left alone to do their thing.
>eats brown recluses and doesn’t afraid of anything
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not all spiders web camp. many like the wolf spider and jumping spiders are active hunters that seek out and attack prey. jumpers are my favorite
You have four walls. It's not like they have much else to go.
It's just like geckos. They just move and hope your mother doesn't kill them with her chancla.
They are the brown recluses here in Europe. Basically the only venomous critter I haver had an allergic reaction to.
I used to have a tough ass, MMA-fighter Puerto Rican employee who told me that no matter how good he is at fucking motherfuckers up, he'll always be terrified of little brown women holding sandals.
At first, I thought he was joking but he assured me he was dead serious. He said that Hispanics whose mommas didn't take off their chanclas to whoop that ass are the ones that become criminals. The test of them aren't afraid of prison time. They're afraid their moms will find out and beat them with a wooden chancla.
I don't mind them unless they come near my bed when I'm about to sleep. Then I have to smashysmashy
Yeah the metachronal wave is fuckin great to just stare at.
>doesn’t afraid of anything
Except their actually dangerous cousins.
Really? How bad was it?
these cunts are the reason why I let spiders roam free, if you have spiders you don't have silverfish
honestly given the state of my apartment (150+ years old, some damp), I'm surprised I've never seen them
>He said that Hispanics whose mommas didn't take off their chanclas to whoop that ass are the ones that become criminals.
Well. He was right, in a way.
>metachronal wave
Didn’t know it had a name. Fascinating, thanks
I didn't know spiders could teleport
I believed it when he said it. It just made sense. Especially the part about staying away from criminality not because he was afraid of jail but because he was afraid of his mom and her chancla
I just remembered, and this sounded like child abuse at the time, that he told me that if he held his arms up to block the sandal, his mom would say "oh, you gonna put your hands up to me?!" and whoop that ass even worse.
Hard to believe because I met the woman and she was a sweetheart.
That's not a silverfish.
The spiders I see in my house are a lot smaller than the full grown house centipedes so I'm not sure who eats who
retard that's a house centipede, they EAT spiders.
So spiders even eat silverfish that often?
>Really? How bad was it?
An arm spread rash. That's about it for venomous animals in Europe thank God.
Don't listen to this anon >>4831710
Let more spiders in, as many as you can.
I heard they can actually bite people if mishandled and it's pretty painful
Ah. Shitty but could have been worse. You guys are lucky in that regard.
They can definitely bite, but it seems comparable to a bee sting at worst, maybe even less, although I’ve heard it can be worse for some people
Reminds me of the fluorescent flower from bloodborne
I rented a condo once that had these fuckers. I don’t kill insects but these made the grade. I had a small cordless vacuum that had a detachable motor so you could pick up things directly into the collection area. It caught big spiders without harming them. These big bastards wouldn’t fit generally and had to die. The smaller ones that would got to live.

Before any of you assholes @ me, no I don’t care that you’re triggered about it. I don’t understand why people here get upset about here but they do.
>theyre pest control
This is the gayest shit I ever heard. If I find bugs pests, why wouldn’t I find bugs pests? I don’t want any of them. Maybe if you live in a shithole and have roaches or something, I dunno. All I know is they’re creepy as shit and I’m thankful I don’t have to deal with them anymore.
The what?
They're pretty fragile actually. I tried to pick one up with some tissue paper and it turned to dust.
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This is not the way. You must try to dodge the chancla and then run like the wind. But this maneuver also has its risks. I once saw my aunt knock my cousin off her bike with a flying sandal, boomerang style.
There’s something about the Hispanic mind that needs strict discipline or else it acts out, so yeah it’s pretty much necessary,
The what?
Yeah if I had to have some kind of natural “pest control” I’d want it to be a lizard and not one of these things
Sadly I have regular centipedes instead and those are worse in like every way so I just kill them too
I had one of these in my apartment and it would jumpscare me randomly in the night.
One time it came out in broad daylight moving with an odd jittery motion much more slowly than it usually does. I later saw it torn in half on the floor of my hallway. Probs had a horrific parasite inside or something and now there's a huge horsehair worm lurking somewhere in my apartment
>There’s something about the Hispanic mind...
Yeah, probably. I'm from Europe originally so I'm not as familiar with Hispanics and their various cultures as people who are from this side of the pond and grew up around them.
We have various vipers in my country as we as black widows and something we call the "violin spider" because we as a country are known for violins and these spiders are known to hide in violins. They're called the "Mediterranean recluse" in English. There's plenty of venomous animals in Europe.

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