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How come the world never seems to run out of fish if millions are pulled out of the waters every day?
Dude fisheries are literally collapsing everywhere.
Overfishing is a major problem right now anon. A five second Google search would have confirmed this for you.
You've fallen for right-wing propaganda
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The UN don’t want you to know this but the fish in international waters are free, you can take them home, I have 50 billion fish.
Don't worry we're (mostly china) are trying, is just that there are billions of fish so ecological collapse is still taking a while.
The planet is overpopulated. There are not infinite resources. Also animals are not resources. But using that terminology is the only way to get retards to understand.
You’ve fallen for retard propaganda and are now a retard. I’m so sorry.
india and china and soon africa are overpopulated, not the world. There are more people in the eastern half of china than there are in all of the western hemisphere.
how do we not run out of water? everybody drinks water everyday.
china and india are part of the world.
did you fail basic set theory in elementary school?
Soon Africa? There are more people there than in all of the Americas
What? Isn't the right-wing propaganda always "actually, everything in the environment is fine forever and we need fewer regulations"?
Funny, because I don't live in those places and america is clearly and obviously overpopulated. But you just go on droning on with those talking points posted on the corkboard at Eglin, you bitch. America will be gone soon enough.
no it’s usually ‘we shouldn’t be forced to eat bugs’
not him but how does america being overpopulated change the fact those places are too but by several orders of magnitude?
Because I know all your dumbshit talking points.

>Oh it's actually just those OTHER countries that are overpopulated. Continue to overpopulate the (((western))) countries and suppress wages goy!
Wait so if you hate the west and the east and the jews then who are you exactly?
I despise mankind generally. Not only because of your adversarial behavior towards all life but because of your constant lying and attempts to mind control others.
You sound extremely schizophrenic and I’m not sure you have any idea who it is you’re even attacking. Compartmentalize your thoughts and positions, then maybe we can talk.
Oh, you’re just a preteen who thinks everyone is le bad and he is le good because he’s so aware, sorry junior but you need to be 18 and over to post here
that doesn’t answer my question, nor is it a rebuttal to anything
>niggas could throw a bucket in the waters near Newfoundland and fill it with fish
>same waters are completely dead today, two hundred years later
Nigga, we murdered the seas for profit.
>america is clearly and obviously overpopulated
>35 people per sq km
>137 people per sq km
>431 people per sq km
>113 people per sq km
obsessed, but why dont you practice what you preach and drink bleach
There are too many humans and livestock on this planet. There isn't a solution to this problem that isn't horrific.
We've put ourselves in an unfortunate position.
Check the price of tuna or shrimp bro
The oceans used to be something mythical because of how much life there was in them.
You are rucking sheltered.

Right before a gold vein is mined empty, you can still decent sized nuggets in it. This is just the definition of something not having completely dry yet, especially if you always improve your harvesting methods.

Can so someone post the cartoon pic that shows the progression from the 1800 to 1950s and into the future, which shows in 2100 only jellyfish and plastic bags will swim in the ocean?
It's a huge problem, if you go back 70 years ago they were regularly fishing up tuna that were so big they be on freight train carts. We've over fished to the point of absurdity, the chinks are the most egregious but it's likely the sea will never recover. Future generations will be reading about fish or dealing with a few common varietes that managed to survive.
they were carried on freight train carts*
Also, India/SEA are to blame too.
And 'indigenous' who are allowed to do whatever because "it's their land to abuse n' sheeit".
Yeah I'm sure the 300 guys left alive in the indian tribes really did a number on the fishing industry
You're a dumbass that should try to do a little bit of research, your small town hick intelligence is showing. Not everyone in a tribe can catch and sell fish and the companies that do have to follow regulations still and they aren't allowed to catch an unlimited amount.
like tuna bait or canned tuna?
or just in general?
is it really that bad?
>expecting anyone here to either understand or care
Nah, this place seems to be for political mudslinging while no one really does anything because that would be too hard and too racist.
t. has mommy buy all his groceries for him
>it's not those po' po' massive companies with unlimited resources that dindu nuffin, it's that handful of indigenous people doing the overfishing!
what watching fox news 24/7 does to a mf. the scary part is that a massive swath of the country thinks the exact same way.
Always wondered how fisheries always fly under the radar in regards to killing animals that people typically flip their shit over.
After ww2 everyone adopted longlining from the nips and killed and are still killing more sharks than the fin trade.
Some of them also kill a ton of dolphins and turtles annually to the point where fishing season lengths are partially determined by accidental kill quotas in the more environmentally friendly areas.
Well, profit and survival. People still ate them to survive.
Very true, probably.
no they don’t lmao stop crying about your favorite news station please like everything else doesn’t parrot what you want it to
More like it's both, but go ahead and believe that white people cause all the world's problems and voting will change anything.
The point is that those places are the biggest offenders by a landslide and should thus be the biggest focus. Saying “America is overpopulated too!!” is about as tone deaf as me saying “but there’s people dying from rabies in America too!” In response to someone talking about the third worlds rabies death rates
i do this
>no it’s usually ‘we shouldn’t be forced to eat bugs’
...which is how they justify being against conservation efforts. "We NEED to keep fishing, or else they'll make you eat worms! We NEED this jungle to be bulldozed because otherwise they'll make you eat cockroaches!"
this highlights how incredibly easy it is to manipulate conservatives...especially since obama because since him their entire platform has been stop whatever democrats are doing.
obama is one of the worst presidents in us history, what are you going on about
again, this is what watching fox news 24/7 does to a brain. they treat him like satan incarnate when in reality he was a very meh president that largely followed in dubya's footsteps foreign policy-wise and accomplished little domestically
Nobody says this, samefag. You're just making up people to be mad at to continue feeling like you are better than at least one person.
>Nobody says this
lmao what? republicans had a conniption fit when obama came in office. they chimped out so hard they made a new political party (that went nowhere btw). when the ACA was being debated they acted like it was communism being enacted when in reality the fucking bill didn't do jack shit to change anything. god forbid we try and change our corrupt healthcare system that's run by jewish insurance companies that charge you $2000 for 2 tylenol.

also thank you for confirming you're a retard zoomer that was still suckling on a pacifier during the obama years.
The ACA actually gave the insurance companies more control. It banned doctors owning hospitals and giving out treatment at discounts and paved the way for finance to enter healthcare.
/pol/ thread
Every fucking thread on 4chan these days is /pol/. There's always some retard screeching about trannies or lefties or commies but somehow it's only the rightoids that have the answers. Also it's always da joos. Whatever is the problem, da joos did it. Not even on /an/ are we free of the /pol/ brainrot. I wish we could go back to pre-2016 4chan but those days are never coming back.
Because there's ALWAYS a bigger fish, duh.
We know, Rabbi, we know.
China has sun replacement fertility, they'll be fine. India and Africa should be nuked
>force people to pay jewish insurance companies
>or they get fined by the government instead
yes, goyim, give your money to our friends to prop up the ponzi business, what, you dont want that, give it to me instead
are you schizophrenic? attacking jews while attacking conservatives is a pretty glaring contradiction. and yes obongo was shit. also nice inspect element
at the same time, that’s usually how liberals try to justify it, they’ll point out some environmental destruction, and then start demanding that meat be made illegal and that all plebs should eating bugs and living in pods, kind of like when say they support "animal rights", they don't mean opposing animal abuse, they mean forcing everyone to become vegan, it goes both ways
obama polarized the country with his constant nonsense so yeah it’s not a surprise lots of people that voted for him regret doing so now
>da 4chinz was just like my heckin wholesome mainstream sites before the chuddies inavded!!’
Keep crying this place was never the reddit-lite shithole you people desperately want to revise it to have been.
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are you denying Stormfront users have been coordinating to colonize 4chan?
the interesting and funny racists got replaced by low IQ ones like you who vote in elections and think politics are real
>reddit-lite shithole
YOU were the people who got expelled from REDDIT and came here, not US
accepting immigrants like you has been the worst mistake in the site's history

pic related is probably from before you were born so I can understand that you don't get the humor
There's a lot of fish in the ocean.
>The planet is overpopulated
Not true. If the world was overpopulated, then people would be starving en mass. Not happening.
>There are not infinite resources
There are de facto infinite resources.
>Also animals are not resources
Yes they are.
China has always had a very high population relative to the rest of the world because of their large and fertile river deltas and floodplains and relative political unity and stability compared to, say, Europe as a whole.
>are you denying Stormfront users have been coordinating to colonize 4chan?
Yes. The only time that even remotely was true happened was over a decade ago. It’s not 2007. Stormfront is not a valid boogeyman for you to cry and fear monger about. This stuff was so endemic to the site /pol/ had to be created as an offshoot of /news/ because of it and as a concession for them. You definitely weren’t around for that though. The only users actively trying to coordinate to colonize 4chan *right now* are bunkertroons and redditors, with a healthy dash of discorders too, one of which you definitely belong to. Probably all knowing you lot.
>like you who vote in elections and think politics are real
Nice projection.
>posts le niggerwalk meme
You sure showed me. We were truly a place of acceptance before the chuddie invasion.
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Overfishing is leading to an explosion in the octopus population.
>india and china and soon africa are overpopulated, not the world.
Every Western country has been overpopulated since the 70s at least
>We were truly a place of acceptance before the chuddie invasion.
You weren't here
i don’t think you know what overpopulated means. even today the most populated western cities aren’t nearly as bad as the worst third world cities.

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