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>No big cat thread
Uh... pantherabros?
Post wild felines, big or small.
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>Big Cat thread
>big or small
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Snep dump? Snep dump.
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why do they love pumpkins so much
>are u a gazelle
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> Submit to your tiger overlord
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Big cats are so pretty
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>Post wild felines, big or small.
Here you go
I submit
Tiger gf best bg
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I want a tiger to spoon me
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I love these goofy little guys like you wouldn't believe
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false advertising!
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tfw no lion wifes to hug you when you come back home from work every day
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>you will never cuddle a snow leopard
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Kill yourself, furfag tourist.
Watch out!
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>furfag tourist
He doesn't know
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They literally can't believe their luck

I don't know

so true, bestie
whats so bad about wanting to love and cuddle a lion wife?
>w-we're le true oldfags, we've been here since 2016! yiff yiff!
Go back.
um, cope, thoughbeit?
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Someone has to take care of these poor lionesses when males are busy fucking each other constantly...
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>was that a cake? i dont stand a chance against these monkeys
Big cat more like giant pussy
Pride month just ended anon...
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Right, it may not be such a problem now
Is this a private enclosure or something?
That takes a lot of skill
Lionsissies… our response…?
why are arabs like this
curious… not a moment too soon…
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I got a big cat for ya
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Is being so asthetically pleasing to humans a natural selection adaptation or just a coincidence?
I can't think of a mammal that's not aesthetically pleasant to humans, it's all bugs, spiders and fish
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I think human reign as a dominant species is too short to put this kind of evolutionary pressure. It's more our defective monkey brain, I think.
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How do we save cheetahs?
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With genetic engineering. We have to make them receptive to human sperm and start producing offspring.
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starting lack of lynxes in this thread, let me rectify that
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have another
did you know they can do the floppa ear flick too
sam if this is you fuck you, your snow leopard fursona is cringe and fucking shit
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The beans
She meow
Went to Central Park zoo a week ago. Look at this lovely one
Cougars are my favorite animal. Without getting too in detail, there was a famous panther near where I grew up. P-22. He’s a cultural icon in LA, but he was especially important to me. He never mated, but was beloved by all. Even inspired more wildlife protections. I was a young adult, cripplingly lonely, even suicidal. But seeing people loving P-22 despite him being lonely too gave me hope. I cried when he passed. I love you P-22.

Fuck me im getting teary. Support your local wildlife, they’re neighbors too.
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Serious question. How are cats able to move so smoothly?
Their built different
I love tigers they really are the best
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Desert lions
Do you think a human has ever fucked a big cat
Yes humans have done the deed with everything.
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I can't say for sure, but I don't think it's possible to put it in even in the biggest female. According to some 'scientific sources', a tiger dick is about 2/3 in size of an average human (and lion is smaller than that).

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