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How tasty are bugs really? Are they crunchy, meaty or grubby? Why do most human cultures have taboos surounding bug diets?
They have no meat, just chitin and goo. How tasty do you think that sounds?
Most human cultures? Isn’t it mostly jews and their branches (christians and muslims) and even those have mentions to consuming locust. Ancient Greek and Romans ate bugs, people from all continents ate bugs and even now on modern western society one of the most common red food dye used on all sort of stuff from candy to makeup is made of bugs.
Im allergic
In an episode of that piss drinking bear grylls he took a bite of a raw crab and it was basically that, just chitin and goo but cooked crabs are delicious.
Feel free to cook the next roach that wanders into your house and come back to tell us how delicious it is
crabs have meat
I have tried some freeze dried crickets and they tasted like crackers, fried them in some fat and seasonings and they tasted pretty good, like some good fried snack you find in the supermarket sold in bags except those are just carbs and fat while the crickets have way more protein.
There is also small shrimp/crab and those barely have any meat being more of a crunchy thing. Big spiders have more meat and I would like to try that. There is an endangered giant stickbug they used to call it land lobster if Im not mistaken. Personally I prefer seafood exactly because they are bigger and the square-cube law requires more muscles for bigger animals while the tiny ones can make do with tiny muscles. Would like to try those big ass scorpions with big pincers too. Maybe those pincers would be meaty as well but even those are dwarfed by medium crabs.
Yeah shellfish are just ocean bugs. Anyone that binges shrimp cocktails but won't try a cricket is a hypocrite.

Though personally I think all shellfish are disgusting precisely because they're ocean bugs and I won't try crickets for the same reason.
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it's actually the poop that they really want you to eat. this is just another step in that direction. forcing you or tricking you into degrading yourself arouses them sexually.
Crustaceans have removable shells and meat. Insects are filled with goo, and you eat them exoskeleton and all.

You are being disingenuous when you say eating crustaceans is exactly like eating "bugs".
I can understand not wanting to eat actual dried crickets or whatever, I had a couple at summer camp when ai was young and they're pretty gross. But people usually don't mean eating whole bugs when they talk about shit like this, they moreso talk about cricket flour which I've had a couple times in brownies and shit and it tastes basically the same as normal wheat flower to me so I dunno, maybe eating ze bugs isn't such a bad ting after all mon.
I've eaten those packs of crickets or grasshoppers that they used to sell in stores and they are FUCKING DISGUSTING. They taste exactly how they smell. How this was EVER considered for human consumption is beyond me. You may as well just use literal cockroaches. Also, a lot of the retarded plans to use insects for human consumption focus on crickets which are the smelliest, nastiest fucking insect you could possibly consider.
It's a humiliation ritual for goyim
Insects have meat and organs too retard, at that scale it just all turns to goo when you step on them.
I think foraging for insects is different to farming them as they are less efficient than chickens for grain to protein conversion.
We all know that at this point. Bugs literally require more resources than vegetables because they're animals, but nobody ever mentions that.
not in existence or any kind of reality .
If efficiency is what you are after there is black soldier fly. You can feed it food scraps and even literal shit and they convert it into protein and fat. It is edible but even if people don’t want to eat them whole they could be processed and made into other products or used in animal feed. Chickens, fish, pigs and even pet food like cat and dog food besides other pets like birds, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, etc
Shitty /pol/ thread full of retards and bots. I've never seen anybody eat roaches, mostly crickets and water beetles fried with seasoning. Having tried them myself I would say they're alright. They're crunchy, and you might compare them to fried shrimp with less meat.

>store bought
The fuck do you expect.
not watching!
Ah not those home-cooked crickets your mother used to make, huh?
Depends on the bug.
Locusts are like dried shrimp and silkworm pupae are mushy.
Cicadas are apparently pretty gucci
>red meat
How? Shouldn't it be green or something because insects use hemocyanin instead?
Insect blood carry no oxygen transporting protein. Instead they deliver oxygen directly through a series of tubes just like the internet. Some insects do have hemoglobin but not in the blood. Bloodworms have their red color due to that. Red color might come from other pigments from carotenoids to the specific red pigment from scale insects used as food dye all over the world.
Wouldn't you like to know, californian man.
This. It doesn’t really matter
All true.
No one is separating insect "meat" from their shells. You either eat the whole thing to blend it into a disgusting slurry. You don't eat the lobster shell, now do you? Stop acting like it's the same.
Ever eaten an egg? Anyway, everything is just goo until you cook it.
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I eat shrimp with the shell. Small crabs too. Past a certain point the shell is too thin to be a problem and removing it is not worth the effort. If there were lobster sized bug it would be worth removing the shell. Same with removing fish bones.
He's right, softshell crab is pretty good and it's also eaten whole.
This is a culinary choice whereas the vast majority of crustacean dishes require de-shelling. You have that choice. There is also significantly more meat for what you are eating even if you eat the shell. Conversely it is impossible to separate the meat from the shell of an insect, and even if you could there would barely be anything. When you eat something like crickets, it's 90+% shell, you fucking retards.

>How tasty are bugs really?
I've tried crickets. They're not tasty at all. Surprisingly close to cardboard and dust.
Honestly eating dog shit isn't that bad. It's actually pretty good. You eat chocolate fudge, right? It's literally the same thing, but cheaper because it comes for free out of your dog's ass. And it's ecological too!
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So you're saying you'd eat the bugs if they were bigger?

Bugs have muscles too. Steak from a giant moth could be good.
so you're saying people would eat more dogshit if it was bigger?
You know what else eats literally anything and 99% of the entire carcass can be used safely and profitably? Pigs.
Pigs dont generate as much usable protein per pound of feed as chickens and their skin can't be used to stuff jackets and pillows

They are also more intelligent, and more dangerous on account of being a natural sociopath with average dog intelligence
They taste however you season them but they have zero nutritional benefit.
Your body can’t process the parts of the bug that actually has nutrition
mealworms aren't too bad. crickets are ass. not enough meat on them to be worth eating.

insects are/were only consumed because they had calories and people could get them relatively easily. even chinks in huts will prefer eating chicken or pork to the cicadas and termites they're used to consuming if given a choice.

there's no reason to farm insects outside of selling them to the few nutcases that actually enjoy them.
If feed efficiency is such a question you'd eat bugs then it's time to reconsider the implications of a pyramid skeem economy reliant on human cattle, depopulate, and find a better economic system (like nationalistic socialism)

A more modest global population of ~4 billion could eat chicken daily without a serious environmental impact, especially if car dependence were eliminated. Sure, "WE NEED MOAR PPL FOR MOAR GENIUSES AND MOAR INNOVASHUNS!" is a statistical fact, but what if, by some means, we increased the ratio of geniuses? :^)
>there's no reason to farm insects outside of selling them to the few nutcases that actually enjoy them.
Farming insects makes for great chicken food and cricket flour is actually a really good protein-full substitute if you live somewhere where the ground is too shit to make good wheat.
>Pigs dont generate as much usable protein per pound of feed as chickens
Are you sure?
Have you seen the video where it cums for like 30 minutes?
Oh, there is a way to separate the shell, we do that all the time to get the shell in specific because chitin is used on many industrial processes. Examples of the potential uses of chemically modified chitin in food processing include the formation of edible films and as an additive to thicken and stabilize foods and food emulsions. Processes to size and strengthen paper employ chitin and chitosan. Chitosan that is made from chitin is also used in laboratories and biomedical industry. You can separate the protein, fat and chitin of insects just like you separate oil, fiber and protein from grains and those can be used for animal feed or human food.

Can you grow pigs on a diet made 100% of used coffee ground? How about a diet of pig shit? You can with black soldier fly and then you can use it to feed animals pigs included.
Ok but i'm not eating soldier fly larvae

The chickens can
there's no reason to farm insects for first world human consumption*
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None of this really matters? Bugs are a non-factor, and you’ll find out soon enough regardless. What you SHOULD be wondering about and looking forward to is what shit water and air pies taste like. Your food pyramid is about to get a major shaking up!
>fried them in some fat and seasonings and they tasted pretty good,
because you fried them in fat and seasonings you mong.
im so glad we’re in such caring hands :)
>Just suck up tons and tons of air to create food
its obviously disingenuous and they all know.
I've eaten those Mexican grasshoppers and they don't taste like anything, but having to spit out all that chitin is unpleasant.

Not a food I'd recommend to anyone, but surprisingly lacking in the 'ick' factor
what do you think plants are made of? it's all air, water and sunlight with traces of dirt.
it sounds to me like next to no one would enjoy having this as a constant “””meal”””…
seems like the last three components are especially important then
No but if you managed to industrially separate the bug meat from the chitin, you'd get a flavorless paste, so I can see why someone got the idea to use it as an industrial food ingredient.
>a measly divot of wing muscle
>a whole abdomen of meaty goodness
Sea bugs still have them beat.
Pigs take up a hell of a lot of space and feed for sub-par fatty meat. No eggs either. Chickens mog once again.
Jews don't have to eat the bugs because we respect their beautiful heritage and its kosher rules. There are only a few of them though so we can be inclusive while still being sustainable
good thing you can boil them then, unlike terrestrial bugs
thank god you have it all figured out, unlike the people making and selling this shit
Damn. Air burgers with a side of shit water to wash it down??? Sign me up!!!
So trve.
>it’s real
things can’t possibly get worse
Normal people don't bite directly into the shell of tiny terrestrial crabs tard, you eat the claw meat from larger sea crab species. Jesus
It's fake mostly. It's protein harvested from microbes. Which is still kinda gross and retarded but meh
>turn poop into drinking water!!
You already drink recycled water. Unless you believe in homeopathy water memory shit, why would you care?
Water is water.

>Eating insects can help tackle food insecurity
Food insecurity means there's not enough food. If you don't live in a country that needs billions in food aid to survive, they're not talking about you.

>Air Protein, creates meat from air
It's a microbe that turns CO2 into protein powder. If you're icky about bugs being mashed into filler powder, wouldn't you rather something like this?

Literally just a plant.

Who gives a fuck about any of this?
Am I retarded, or are you schizophrenic?
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>How tasty are bugs really? Are they crunchy, meaty or grubby?

Bugs generally taste awful: they're pointy, crunchy (or chewy), and full of goop uncooked. Cooked bugs are marginally better: still crunchy, no longer gooby, but it's all crunch with maybe a nutty or mushroomy flavor that ranges depending on whatever the bug has eaten. Lots of insects though are bitter, mostly because there's no real way to de-poop them besides starving them.
EXCEPT: >>4831438 CICADAS. Cicadas do, unironically, taste something like shrimp and are somewhat palatable. They achieve this though by spending 3-17 years doing nothing but fattening themselves on tree sap underground.

>Why do most human cultures have taboos surounding bug diets?

Because bugs are gross and taste yucky - furthermore, we already know the 'meat alternative' people will actually choose and it's rats.
Poverty in South East Asia, China, and parts of Africa, have independently seen people come to the same decision, "I guess I'll farm rats." Rats are fine living in cramped conditions, are surprisingly receptive to domestication and become quite fat, pleasant, and endearing livestock, and their flesh is nourishing and tasty. Pic related is one of the plump little darlings in question.
>Why do most human cultures have taboos surounding bug diets?
its the jewish ones really, shellfish are just bugs, theyre giant sea roachs, they eat everything off the ocean floor, which infinitely more dirty since the ocean is filled with feces, urine, corpses, and semen of hundreds of creatures
They really aren't, swimming requires a shitload of lean muscle vs scurrying around on land, that's why shrimp have a lot of very tasty muscle tissue for actuating their tail. Compare that against picrel, mostly organs and exoskeleton. And all food animals eat incredibly nasty shit, angloids literally unleashed a 100% lethal primordial abomination by feeding rotten brain matter to cattle lmao
and the head, or the torso, of crustaceans has all the organs, and the taste can vary depending on how the guts were flooded or not, but it usually tastes like the ocean or dirt, which some people dont like, but organs is tasty

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