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>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

Cats :)
Cats suck

-this post made by #GUNBANG (aka bun gang) (we dont support gun violence)
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Cats suck

My oldest cat is finally on his way out. I knew it was coming, just didn't expect him to deteriorate in the span of just a week, but senior cat liver failure is a bitch. Give me strength, anons. I'm gonna miss him.
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All cats should be kept fat as possible to keep them on the ground and moving as slowly as possible. This is not up for debate.

that's a big nig
Only outdoor cats

- #GOLFWANG (aka wolf gang) (stop calling us furries)
>*dumb statement*
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>trying to sleep
>cat won't stop meowing to get in
>get up and let her in
>attempts to climb the bed so she can chew on everything she sees
>jumps around and scratches furniture like a child on a sugar rush
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so warm
Fuck dogs
Fuck shitbulls 2 times
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uhhhhhhhh BASED
metal af
mental af
>cat looks vaguely like a photoshopped male model when it is suffering and cant comfortably eat, drink, or breathe
oh shit where did the B go
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I have a kitten. Just think the back and forth is childish.
lol anon you didn't use a meme arrow therefore you called yourself a...
My cat ran away and no matter what I put out as bait, I haven't seen her in three weeks. Damn. When's a good time to give up and realize she's not coming back?
have you been going to the animal shelter to see if she's there or checking on pet lost and found websites ?
I'm no city boy, I live way far from town and people, she'd be in the woods somewhere if she's anywhere. She was my old mother's favorite cat, and she's just wrecked over it.
Thank you for feeding the eagles
He loves to sleep in the sink and in the toilet lid.
Anyone feed their cat raw meat? I wanna give my cat raw meat as a weekly thing or something like a treat but idk how I should go about it.
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Yes. She is a bit of a retard and doesn't really understand how to eat large chunks of food. Start with some kibble sized pieces or smaller of good quality grass fed beef.

My previous/parents cat refuses to eat anything but dry kibble, but my new cat likes to try almost everything.
My cat would probably love it desu, she eats everything. Do you feed your cat like all kinds of parts of an animal's body?
I just let her outside and she gets a few rodents and birds a week.
Usually just bits of whatever I'm preparing. My farm cats would eat entire gophers only leaving the stomach, intestines, and teeth/front of the head behind.
While I am glad I don’t have rats and mice in my home, I do feel bad that my cat has no live prey to hunt that I’d be glad to be rid of, unlike the lizards she catches.
Not even spoders?
She never seems to get spiders. Too small I think.
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How do I fix my cat bringing live animals in my house?
stop letting them go outside
My cat broke one of his large 4 teeth maybe a quarter of the way up from the bottom. Vet trip? It doesn't seem to be bothering him and he's eating okay. I'm not even sure when it happened but I just noticed it.
If it's just the enamel part it's probably fine but if it's low enough then the pulp might be reachable and that could be very painful and could also get infected, so worth a visit.
it's really hard to tell, he isn't exactly letting me look but from what I can see there might be a tiny bit of pulp showing.
3-4 month old kitten recently adopted keeps playing and making a big mess in his litter box. Any advice on how to make him stop? He has been with us for 8 days and today he started doing that. We try to play with him through the day, is it that much energy he has? Don't want to do anything that might make him quit the box and start pissing around the house
Is it actually true that 'in the wild' cats only meow when they're really young and it's only around humans they do it into adulthood?
>grow up with cat
>have him for many many years
>starts needing medication in later life
>has seizure a week ago
>vet said I shouldn't worry
>he starts dying very tonight
>overwhelmed with urge to rope & guilt over feeling like a shit owner
Is this normal?
Welcome to vet med! Nothing is safe or effective. The studies were so cheap and crooked they make the approval of fentanyl based products look like it's rife with integrity and ethical behavior. Mostly it's about making money. And nothing will ever be done about it.

Now give your pet a dose of dewormer that is strong their body takes half a year to eliminate it. If they have an adverse reaction, well, 95% of patients didn't, get fucked you did something wrong case closed no settlement bubye
Update on kot from last week who wasn't using the box.

UTI got worse. 20 days or Orbax didn't touch it. Had to take her to the ER vet on Saturday. Got a new medication.

Today, pic related!
>litterbox on carpet by furniture in the living room
are you sure your cat didn't hold it in and give themselves a uti by having too much dignity to do their business in such an ungodly place
>new litterbox kino dropped
toxo threads will never be the same
Nice glad she's getting better
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But then how would he torture small animals ?
Why are you redditors so obsessed?
I'm sorry, anon. I'll probably kill myself when my cats die too.
Call a vet
ok shes cleaning it thank god she was just pacing a lot and wouldnt sit with it and shes pushing another one now
I like my cat, and I like it when she lays on my bed. But my computer desk is right next to it and often she will walk right onto the desk in front of the screen and I do not want her to do it. I just pick her up and move her for the most part but I was wondering if there was anything I could do as a more permanent solution, with the exception that moving the desk isn't really an option
My cat was born in mid December do I have enough time to wait until mid July to spay her or should I do it ASAP?
The reason I haven't yet is I had to leave the country for a month and wont be back until then. But possibly I could get my family to do it. I'm worried she might have her first heat and go crazy before I can make it.
Just wait for the optimal time. It really isn't a big deal.
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You just have to keep doing that until she gets that she's not supposed to be there. Ideally as soon as she tries just look at her and get her off. You can't do jack if you're not there though. Cats are smart enough to know the difference between"I can't do that if the human is around" vs "I can't do that"
kek just staring at the wall. And yeah I'd find a better place for a box, that's gross. When my place was carpeted I had the box in the bathroom.
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whenever I lay down, my male (neutered) cat like to jump over either my left or right arm, gentle bite my wrist/hand, and start doing a subtle humping motion. Is there some sort of toy or blanket specific to this shit that can serve as his humping device? He's a 7 years old cat that is well mannered but clearly horny
thumb, index, and middle finger, grip his sheath like you would a pencil

Aiming to turn into a cheetah
Who ate my cheetos
Cute retards
What is it about cats and flaming hot cheetos man
Does anyone else's cat sometimes while sitting up straight just start turning their head all the way around them and behind them, as if trying to look behind them, and it causes them to lift their paws up as they try to look around themselves?
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My cat only brings kills(or live) when I am home . When I'm gone he just eats theirs heads outside . How do I communicate to him that I don't want any rodents or birds
hes providing for his family stop being a fag and eat the food he brings you
The problem is sometimes he doesn't kill it and I don't have enough heart to do it myself
It's the sound of crunching skulls that really bothers me
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My 6 fingered orange kitten can pick things up with one hand and run away with them.
anything new and small is gone within minutes.
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should the male be bigger than the female, or is she not eating enough?
and when do i give them gender transitions?
they're evolving
Cat was missing for 2 days after following another cat she met, she showed up this morning, lost a bit of weight and sounded tired but she's fine otherwise.
Was pretty worried, she never did long absence (usually just a few hours).
You may be surprised to find this out, but cats can survive excursions outside. Some cats even live their whole lives outside, imagine that.
Not an apartment cat. Especially not an apartment cat who is prone to getting overstimulated when going outside for more than 5 minutes.
family's cat went out a few weeks ago and never came back. my bet's on coyotes that live in the area
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free cat get

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