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Why is reproductive coercion/rape so common in primates? What's their deal, and why haven't the females evolved physical countermeasures like being bigger than the males so they can fight them off?
Pic unrelated they look fine
Because they're animals.
The weaker females birthed children, the stronger ones didnt
>reproductive coercion
>"but he made me willingly choose to have sex with him when i could have walked away but now i think i didn't want to so he's evil :("
God i wish i was a fucking monkey just so i could just have to worry about other males when it comes to fucking and not deal with women BS like this
What’s up with the sudden burst of chimp threads now
You’re hitting all the nails on all of their heads right now
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They are not real
female do evolve countermeasures, but males do too. for example duck vaginas. however reproductive coercion exists because males are parasites and drains on the species, and female instinctively do not want to mate with male, as it is almost always high cost to her. so the male must coerce through withholding food or becoming stronger/faster than female to be able to take her by force and rape her. this is the primary sexual dynamic with humans as well
the species where this isn't the case are where the female is larger and stronger than the male. in this case, the female will straight up just kill and eat the male if he doesn't fight for his life. males have to evolve countermeasures against that and become sneaky in order to get the dick in long enough to fertilize the female by stunning or stabbing the female like in spiders. male hyenas submit to getting fucked in the ass by the females dick to satisfy their sexual appetite and do the bulk of childcare for hyena pups in order to prove their usefulness and barter for their life

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