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I dont know what it is, looking at pictures of bears calm me and give me this serene feeling.

Post pictures of bears here.
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They are pretty cool. Very nice. If there was one species of animal in the world I could remove the urge to sperg out and try to eat people when they see them from it would probably be them.
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I only like certain species because I think others aren't as cute. Polar bears are the cutest fucking cunts but they'll tear motherfuckers apart. I want –no, NEED– polar bears to be cuddly. If not fren, then why fren-shape?
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That's the version that was converted to gif, an added watermark, uploaded to social media, downloaded again, converted to webm, and finally uploaded to 4chan again.
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anyone else go beardwatching?
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Are polar bears frens?
I fucking wish. : (
I like polars, browns and black bears.

All the bears have their charm.
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Papa Bears are apparently very rare.
They look so content with the flowers.
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Yep. It's practically unheard of. Male Bears mate with a female and then fuck off, leaving the female to fend for the cubs herself, which, in all fairness, she generally does pretty well.
Male bears are known for eating the female's cub if they're not related their own cubs.
>Like many people, I love white animals, whether it is Arctic foxes, snowy owls, or polar bears
Not so fast Dennis.
Hardly something unheard of. Lots of animals do the same. Seems to be pretty effective since they keep doing it
Me too. But sunbears and slothbears are not cute.
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I concur wholeheartedly.
Corruption is a bitch
How has he not been mauled yet?
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No, they're sluts.

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