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I've got a hobby farm and one of the lambs from a set of triplets is causing me grief. Here's the situation:

>lamb is about 2 weeks old
>three days ago suddenly seems to stop nursing from mother, becomes very lethargic
>mostly just lies around in patches of shade by small manger
>will walk to mother is "threatened" by touches, but wont try to eat, rarely if ever relocates
>won't accept bottle
>I've observed it doing what looks like drinking water from pails put out for that, and it's urinated at least twice where I can see it over the last 24 hours
>not noticed any pooping
>it will baa on occasion, and both it and the mother seemed distress when I removed them from each other

I've already had to nurse one of her sisters back to health and that one's doing fine, out and running about in the pasture and everything. That one was much more accepting of the bottle, though. Currently, I've moved the current problem one indoors into a pen to try and get it out of the heat (it's been high 80s 90s F here lately).

Currently, its curled up and resting like it was outside, but not sleeping.

Any advice? A clue to what's going on? Thanks in advance.
A point I forgot (if I wasn't implied already): attempt to bottle feed result in it just dribbling the milk out of its mouth, won't even swallow.
>seems to stop nursing from mother, becomes very lethargic
sounds sick to me. that's like the basic signs. you should call a vet or will probably die soon, considered it's so young.
Lamb chops
Im back.

The lamb defecated for sure and the stool is a solid black clump. It's semi hard and a little bit dry, kinda like playdough left out a little too long, but I'm not sure when over the 6 hour period I was out it did.

I still have it inside and have given it milk replace to hydrate it. It urinated twice over the process. Promising?

I intend to call the local vet tomorrow when they open and see about setting up an appointment asap all the same. Though I'm not sure how the local will be with livestock animals.

Thanks for the help.


Were it male. Probably.
Had a goat like this. It was weak, started doing rather well, then one night it died. Some animals just can't make it, it's nothing on your part.
I'm prepared to accept this, hell the vet price will probably be the nail in the coffin, but after nursing that first one back from death sprawl to bubbly liveliness I'm kinda seeing this as a personal challenge. We'll see what happens in the end.
Back from the vet.

Was told "she just needs to eat" and was charged 75 for 5 minutes.

Seems doctors of all kinds are useless.
you can try force feeding him. some animals are a bit dumb, i had my fights with calves in the past. but yeah, most doctors are a bunch of scammers, vets included.
op please post lamb news

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