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Shes totally aggressive and schizo. Very obsessed with keeping the house, garden and yard perfect because she has no life or hobbies except for watching politicians or shit like family feud. Or starting fights with family members. She wants literally every animal dead and asks the family how to kill them and borrow supplies. The deer, gophers, foxes, birds, hedgehogs, bunnies, cats, squirrels, lizards, iguanas, moles, bears, possums, raccoons, gators, skunks, frogs, snakes, bees, mice etc She chose to move to a heavily wooded area. She puts out and sprays crazy amounts of poison and baited food. Spent hundreds on it one month. She has her own fucking cats and yorkies but they're indoors. Doesn't listen to risk of them dying or her eating garden produce that has been treated with too much poison. Its clearly making her mentalness accelerate. Grandpa doesn't stop her or care. He is a lot more normal but still shoots and sometimes cooks the animals depending on what it is. He would rather eat poisoned animals than spend his welfare on food from shops. I'm thinking of going no contact over this and other problems with grandma.
Depending on where you live you can file an "anonymous tip" as the intentional poisoning/hunting of certain species is verboten

Game wardens are extremely vindictive and once they're pissed off they come back to check
>Shes totally aggressive and schizo. Very obsessed with keeping the house, garden and yard perfect because she has no life or hobbies except for watching politicians or shit like family feud. Or starting fights with family members. She wants literally every animal dead and asks the family how to kill them and borrow supplies. The deer, gophers, foxes, birds, hedgehogs, bunnies, cats, squirrels, lizards, iguanas, moles, bears, possums, raccoons, gators, skunks, frogs, snakes, bees, mice etc
She sounds fucking based if she is omnicidal and not just "I kill ugly pests!". Leave her to her garden anon. It clearly gives her something to focus on and care about
Get her an e-collar

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