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why are women like this?
She has a point. The fish don't need those wooden planks. They look ugly and take up much space. If he wants to add hiding spots for them, he should try to use plants or algae.
Because the haphazard pieces of tile planks does look kinda trashy, like someone did dump some garbage in there. Chunks of slate in the same positions would look nicer, but is probably too sharp edged for the turtle. Maybe flagstone shaped tiles would work. Still sounds like a bitch for dissing the tank instead of asking for decor advice though.
Cichlids and turtles murder the shit out of plants and will quickly eat algae unless the tank is a cesspool, in which case the algae will thrive and the stock will die.

For a medium cichlid + turtle tank (which is itself retarded because eventually the turtle is going to take a bite from a fish) it looks fine. The wood isn't my aesthetic, but it's fine.
Thanks for the explanation. I also thought having those 2 species in one tank was troublesome.
She's right. That's a garbage tank. Dude literally threw garbage in there.
You don't need plants, retards.
Don't turtles need like, dry spots to hang out on sometimes?
Depends on the turtle (fly river turtles are completely aquatic, for instance), but yes, the one in the pic does need a perch. Meaning not only is this dude throwing literal garbage into his tank, he's also just shit at animal husbandry, and all the people immediately jumping to suck his cock because they're misogynists (like OP) are further proving how retarded they are.
There’s land at the top left, try looking next time
High empathy is an evolutionary trait for women, so they are likely to try and help animals to the best of their knowledge.
too bad their knowledge is based on outdated beliefs and disney movie anthropomorphization
That tank is garbage.
It looks like he dumped all the off-cuts he got for free from Home Depot in just for filler.
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>it looks fine
ok autist
>it's fine
Nah. The placement of the lighting is dogshit and it doesn’t look like proper lighting for a reptile, the filter is way too small for a turtle and it could easily get itself wedged under the decor and drown
Okay go to website
Notice how OP vanished after he realized no one was patting him on his back for needlessly screeching about women.
I like it but it is a garbage aesthetic, like ninja turtles or something
T. woman
exhibit A: we have OP (faggot) being an incel hating something because a woman said it

exhibit B: we have a woman being an incel pretending to like what is obviously unaesthetic garbage in a tank because a guy complained about another woman's opinion
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nah, OP is a decent troll. He wanted ths response.
Sometimes i post pic related with the comment "Lol, the woman looks scared as fuck hiding behind her bf. What a pussy", even though she's completely correct in being afraid of the hippo.
YWNBAW and you literally admitted to liking garbage.
>outdated beliefs
extremely ironic coming from the probable ChristLARP zoomer.
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Lol, lmao
It looks like shit and the woman is rightfully pissed. An aquarium is as much an ecosystem as it is a piece of furniture, if it doesn't look good there's no point in having it, especially considering that they're expensive and require costant care. Whoever his boyfriend is clearly is a midwit retard with shitty tastes, b9th on decor and animals, because trachemys is the normiest and most harmful thing you could possibly put in your tank.
>constant care
Nah, a well designed planted freshwater tank rarely needs maintenance. I have an overstocked 30G that gets 10g of water changed once a month - takes about 15 minutes - and otherwise just gets fed 5 times a week - takes less than 30 seconds. If I wanted smaller schools of fish, I could changes to once a quarter.
>Nah, a well designed planted freshwater tank rarely needs maintenance
This is true but that is certainly not OP's pic.
I like it. You can all suck it.

>women also the ones to have implemented some of the most draconian punishments in history for inane shit
>either hyperempathetic towards migrants and criminals, or completely disgusted by autists and their own families
Uh huh.
I believe women are good at protecting things they infantilize (currently minorities, while the women stay childless) but get this empathy B.S. outta here.
You can agree with the woman that the tank sucks, but you're thinking about how to improve it for the animals living in it while she just thinks there's not enough sitting spaces or whatever
>while she just thinks there's not enough sitting spaces or whatever
The fuck are you talking about?
It looks like ass but I'm not in any position to say this because all my tanks end up looking like ass.
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Garbage can be an aesthetic, sorry you have no design sense
>I agree but I'm mad about it so I'm going to list things women do that are bad to balance it out
Don't try to make sense of schizos.

You like garbage. I got it the first time. No need to reiterate, retard.
Why are you so desperate for attention?
I like it, it's derelicte
You still like garbage, lmao.
Curious if those planks of tile are actually aquarium material or just some shitty flooring slowly destroying the fish with toxic chemicals.
Its a legitimate question
You are bizarrely angry and desperate
Given they’re keeping a turtle in the same tank as cichlids with that filter and those lights I imagine they have no idea what material it is
Jfc, I didn't notice the filter and assumed they had a sump or canister. He must be doing roughly twice weekly big water changes to keep it livable, that fucking sucks. Can't imagine doing that much maintenance for a single tank.
>tank several sizes too small for any one of its occupants, let alone all of them together
>space made even smaller by a retard haphazardly filling it with actual garbage
>garbage tank doesn't even look good, so tank owner is not only retarded, but tastless too
get off reddit and take a shower, fag.
>He must be doing roughly twice weekly big water changes to keep it livable
Or not, and they’re all just living in filth
Is she your gf op

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