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File: snakeshed.jpg (441 KB, 1324x1775)
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How common is a full intact snake shed? I've lived innawoods 30+ years and just now seen one
we got the occasional intact shed around the house usually python.
Saw something like this in my toilet bowl
anon you have the gay
I guess it probably depends what kind of materials they have to rub against
I get really good ones in my tank because there's a super abrasive rock with a log right next to it and it can just squeeze through there and unwrap itself like taking off a sock
Snakes having an incomplete shed is the exception, actually. All snakes shed their entire skin and eyecaps all at once, an incomplete shed is usually signs of illness or bad environmental parameters (usually too dry), through even a good shed can get broken at the very tail end if the snake is being impatient and rips it.
Finding them intact in nature means it's just relatively recent and hasnt started to be eaten by anything yet - detritivores love em, apparently.
How is it that you sound calm about this? If I know there is such thing nearby I would freak out.
File: chickensnake3.jpg (369 KB, 1094x959)
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It's a chickensnake, probably this one
In Australia
All the time
I see snake skins quite regularly

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