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File: MONKE HAIR.webm (3.52 MB, 480x854)
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Who was in the wrong here?
The Genshin Impact fanbase in a nutshell
The bitch and the people not helping, they couldve easily dug their nails into the monkey's legs to try and make it stop at least.
The hebe needed correction. Monke delivered.
If they help her she won't learn anything.
Also why hurt the animal because a dumb bitch made a mistake?
Her parents? She's at an age where she should've learned not to fuck with animals, and if she wasn't, then she'd be at an age where they shouldn't leave her unattended around animals. Good chance it's even one of them filming it.
Every time i see a monkey sticking its arms through bars/fencing, i get an urge to grab it and pull on its arm as hard as possible.
Antagonize the mankey and you get the hair yankey
the third world human-adjacents fucking with the monkey
Why are people so dumb?

First for antagonizing the beast (and apparently for some stupid iFaggot smartphone video), but there are so many videos of some animal doing something and people never do what's necessary to make it stop. They should've started whacking the monkey's arms, just punch his arms.

Or when some dog is being violent and attacking someone or another pet, they try to gently pull the dog away -- no, punch the dog in the head, that will make it stop. I'm sure /an/ has a few of those webms, I don't otherwise I'd post one.

I'm really sick of seeing "people" not exercising dominion over animals properly. I'm clearly not saying to abuse animals either, you animal-worshipping evolutionist retards who hate God and think raising animals and eating their flesh is "torturing animals" and I'm clearly not justifying the dumb cunt's behavior to provoke the animal, but what was done was done and they should've done what was necessary to make it stop rather than trying to just gently pull away.

The one guy almost did it, but backed off immediately like a massive cuck.

>they couldve easily dug their nails into the monkey's legs
Feckless cunt.

People like you are why I have some dumb fat bitch neighbor who lets her dog bark all morning long every morning, and her only response is some worthless feckless non-commanding "no", and of course not a firm commanding "NO" and/or giving her dog a firm tap on the head (not to hurt or bruise, just cause discomfort).
Please try it. It'll be hilarious when you lose an arm. Monkeys have far more strength per pound and better leverage than us at the cost of fine motor control. You are a weak little shit on 4chan. Even a normal healthy male would lose in a tug of war contest with an average monkey.
you're thinking about apes anon
if you cant overpower something that weighs 1/10th as much as you do then thats on you
Christian brainlet fag alert, opinion rejected. Go follow your jew religion elsewhere
You were almost reasonable and then you started spouting mudslime tier idiocy that starts out sounding reasonable and quickly turns into counterproductive evil because your value system is too simple to be complete

Many such cases among the 95-105 IQs
You sound like a Mexican, although a well-disciplined one, so I'll give you a tip. Just cover some caffeine tablets in bacon grease and toss 'em over the fence.
>And nothing of value was lost.
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Children are fucking stupid
She deserved it
she is absolutely going to have a hair pulling fetish later in life because of this moment, and she'll probably tell the guy to go ooh ooh ah ah while he's doing it too
So a mudshark?
christians are more likely to be fat than atheists
athiests are more likely to be christian than jesus
yes, Jesus was Jewish.
so christians are jews, got it.
The cameraman.
Just bap the monke on the hands wtf, are they stupid
I hate hate hate hate hate monkeys but that little bitch got what she deserved. I hope her parents were fined or arrested for negligence, too. Maybe she'll learn not to be such a stupid fucking cunt then.

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