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"Don't talk to me or my sons ever again" addition

/dog/ clothing, for work and play:
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise:

/dog/ approved training:
/dog/ disapproved training (AVOID!): zak george, joel beckman

Don't hurt your dog, retard:
A Punished Dog Is an Aggressive Dog - Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Psychology Today August 6, 2015
Stanley Coren PhD., DSc, FRSC, Effectiveness of Rewards and Punishments in Dog Training

/dog/ breath freshening:

Get the facts about the raw feeding myth:
Quality dog food reviews here: https://files.catbox.moe/4qbv21.zip

Last thread >>4829794 (OP)
>collie op is made horribly wrong
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>lifting until I'm a mid buff middle aged man so I can scam women into paying for my homestead and fill it with rescue dogs Asher House style
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Newest addition picked him up yesterday.
Sir, fill out the subject line with “/dog/ - dog general”

Otherwise, nice and informative!
My ancestor
I will call him Grover.
Aussie x pyrenees or maybe anatolian not entirely sure who the father is
Haven't named him yet desu
I would've guessed Anatoli
There are pyrenees and anatolians neighboring the farm I got him from, though he has double dew claws on his back legs, not sure of that's more common on pyrenees or anatolians
Woah, he's actually Aussie? I thought he was GP. That's so cool.
>new dog poster has an aussie cross
Huskbros kek, Aussie dominance continues.
>ur supposed to be mad because BECAUSE
>someone got a different dog than you
you know, /dog/ had a lot of husky posters once. And then the trucker came over from /horse/ right as the insane european was leaving...
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Since he has heterochromia you should call him Cwc
>taking the shitpost seriously
>the insane European
elaborate? is that pokemon guy?
>you didn't think my joke was funny?
In the simplest terms, go back to clown college.
Huge influx of wolfhound crosses in rescues lately which is weird because I feel like you never see wolfhounds here
Yep mother is Aussie
The people I got him from think the father is anatolian, but aren't sure
Very funny
>jannies on a rampage
Rate this treat manufacturer

Also are there any dog foods/treat that don't taste so bad? Is this just a human taste receptor issue? All dog food tastes extremely bland...
In good faith I'm going to point out that dogs sense of taste is about only one sixth of what humans is and that they mostly enjoy food through smell
dogs dont have the same senses we do. theirs is adapted for an all meat diet and is mostly smelling for condition+the ability to taste water and salt content. we have to navigate a landscape of potentially toxic berries to get nutrients our dumb monkey bodies never evolved to synthesize so our sense of taste and color vision have to be better so we don't poison ourselves.

instead of paying for bougie dog treats just make them at home. "natural" dog treats are basically flour and peanut butter cookies without sugar or fat added most of the time. sometimes they pour in some ground bacon or other pulverized meat product and some gay "superfood" berry that doesnt actually do anything but make it blue so they can charge you more.
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>instead of paying for bougie dog treats, make them at home.
I do lol, I actually found these treats for a few bucks so it didn't hurt my pockets at all. Ingredients attached.
formaldehyde ingredients/10
dog treat hack:
just buy a bag of carrots.
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dog food hack: you can save money on kibble just like this
*crickets* ngh grr!
Aversioncels cower in fear at this webm.
A germong shepturd made this post

t. border collie
>falseflagging as collieEMPERORS again
ngh ngh uhhh ugh. creative name at least *takes notes* will recycle for when i run out of gay jokes for leo.
German shepturds do make those noises its pretty funny

Its like they want to bark really badly
What do you use to clean dog hair from your floor? In running the swiffer with a microfiber cloth and a robot vacuum.
I just use robovac twice a day. Once a week run it on mop mode.
>My dog has had a small tumor/mast on the arm for months
>Take to vet for a poke around
>Results are inconclusive
>Be me, today, decide to look at it closer by parting the hair
>See point of dried blood, a scab.
>Pick it off, squeeze the tumor
>Pus comes out
>It was a pimple the whole time
Here I am with a lump some amount of year-old pus and confused/sleepy pup. Guess it's time to make my famous buffalo dip.
retard why would you squeeze it. 48 hours to live go to an emergency vet now.
I got to watch heather kill a mouse tonight

I know she's definitely killed a lot of them, and i've caught her ripping up whole burrows before, but getting to see her hunt a larger one instead of just catching her eating it is rare. She's so fast and precise, she puts the neighborhood cats to shame. The mouse tried to dart between her legs and she basically did a flip and landed a paw right on its head. The most surprising part is she let me take it from her
How'd you cook it?
Sent to the mauschwitz ovens
My pup used to do 3 big shits a day but the last couple days he's been doing smaller more frequent poops that look dryer.
What could I give him to help keep him regular? I checked online and it says not to give prunes
Mars and carrot in an alternate universe
How was the free leptospirosis?
The puppy is yours?! Congrats!
Man it'd be nice to live in a little cabin in some woodland with a nice little homestead and a couple of dogs.
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>basset already ate
>husky with the peanut butter and the cheese
They’re gonna get fat
She's never gotten sick from mousing ackshually

Vaccinated against lepto btw

Wtf I want a puppy now
>/dog/ impulse buying edition
The bark buddies got a private jet.
Dog torturers absolutely seething.
>the virgin "research your dog and understand the breeds reason for being, dont get a collie if you dont have sheep bla bla bla you are disrespecting their ancestors and torturing them"
>the chad "cute pupper, new fren"
>chad enjoys 15 years with his dog buddy
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that has nothing to do with a meme about impulse buying.
>genny ded
>dog posts at an all-time high on the catalog
>spayed my dog
>she starts developing urinary incontinence
>prescribed proin
>doesnt work
>dose up, starting to see side effects
>doesnt work
>she hops in the car
>lays down
>sudden massive pile of urine
i ruined my dogs life
i'm killing my dog
i'm a horrible owner
whats the fuck point
Brooo, don't kill your dog. Wtf?
i just wanted to go on a fun walk in the woods, not be greeted with the early signs of my dog's mortality

i fucking hate life
>spay incontinence
>early signs of mortality
it's not responding to proin. it probably won't respond to incurin. they'll do an ultrasound 2 months later and it'll be fucking cancer guaranteed everything always turns out like this
Does blackie like puppo?
At least you have a few months left with her. Make the most of it.
Yes the gender bender edition
Thanks, I've been considering a second dog, and just ended up saying fuck it when I saw this guy's picture.
I've just got a little ranch on an acre of land, definitely not in the middle of nowhere, so I'm working on blocking out the rest of the world by planting evergreen trees.
The only cure for puppy fever is puppy
She's crazy jealous haha, she's got only dogitis, but I just saw her playing with him for the first time.
Would you say it was an impulse buy? I mean, what's done is done, you know.

Are you worried about him getting too rough? He may easily overpower her when he's older and stresses her joints.
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I am 100% R+ but just super alpha rolled my dog on accident. It was reflex jolt bc his bite hurt me.

I have 3 month old doodle who is a little aggressive. He loves to bite, not mouth, bite. He lunges and snaps and is all full of piss and vinegar over it. I have been working on bite inhibition which he is getting better with but he broke skin for the 1st time today then the 2nd time he bit hard is when it happened.

So he was rowdy, my hand already hurts, and he clamped down on the thumb pad in palm, a yanked his leash to get him away. His paws left the floor he went head over butt and landed on his back.

I was shit scared but then the weirdest thing happened. He immediately ran to me, went into down, then when I let him he went submissive and gave me his belly. He was calm obedient and gentle ever since.

Like dream dog level of obedience. I sat on the floor and he just chilled in my lap for an hour. This is the 1st time we did this, normally his nipping is so bad and he goes for the neck if you get in his space that it is just constant time out, but now he was like the best dog ever.

So I’m scared I 1) just made him submissive which will make him reactive and 2) made it so that he associates behaving with being alpha’s and will challenge people to make him be good, like will he be even more rough with my kids now to test them?

What should I do?
Things usually work out in the long run, bigger dogs tend to tire out faster, and if they don't find an equilibrium on their own, I will step in, but I try to be proactive and avoid future bad habits now. For the time being he's just a big goober. I tried to talk myself out of buying him, but caved and got him anyway, plenty of time to think on the 2 hour drive to get him. Compared to the type of people who contact a breeder before their dog even has a planned litter it's impulsive, but not like I haven't been considering a second dog.
Very nice anon, GL!
>AI generated image
>AI generated post
I think you should take this one back to India and tweak it to be more believable. KWAB.
Accidentally hurting your dog is no big deal and you both basically reacted the same

It's not repeated and purposeful no big deal. Patterns are where disorders come from.

>Even in your larp, you're wrong
What would your steps of actions be if your dog killed a cat?

points of info
>first off no it's not a pitbull, it's a small hairy terrier
>the cat was in my backyard
>dog has never hurt a cat before even if it was in the backyard
>my backyard is fenced and my dog can't get out, but cats can get in and out (easy to climb fence for cats)
>i saw the cat prior and chased it out myself, but the cat came back, which lead me to believe it was retarded
>my dog has no injuries other than a scratch on his paw
>i don't know whose cat it is, infact i've never seen the thing before
>nobody seemed to have witnessed this event but me, I promptly pulled my dog off but he fucked the cat up bad already and it died 2 mins later

What's the way to handle this?
also I should add no tags or anything and there's no stray cats here, it's normal for people to let their cats roam though
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Nothing you can do you can only correct a behaviour while it is fresh. Your dog did nothing wrong and it is not like your dog got out and attacked a cat, it was in your yard.
Nature is just like that sometimes.
I'm going to refer this one to the Indians.
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My little puppy
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Has grown in to a whole ass dog
Bury it and celebrate

Food chain, bitch. If people think its funny for their cat to roam and kill songbirds it deserves the natural consequences of entering a superior animals territory. Dogs are smarter, faster, and more agile. Any cat that enters a dogs territory is suicidal.
Such as shame you found that cat dead in public land unrelated to you or your household. Very kind of you to take it to your nearest vet or whoever takes dead animals where your are.
Hope your dog's unrelated wound recovers well.
Now that is BASED.
This happens all the time and isn't a big deal for you. It's just the natural order of the animal world. Like "my cat just killed a stray budgie". Why do people let their budgies out then? Cats are a natural prey item for dogs like dogs are a natural prey item for leopards. If there were fenced in leopards would you let a fence hopping dog go out? Fuck no.
I've heard dalmations can have aggression problems but I think they're neat
Housecats aren't meant to be outside, and various factors, such as coyotes or cars, kill these cats.

Also, as long as your dog is in your backyard, it isn't a problem.

From now on, It would be best to teach your dog to recall or leave it to prevent this from happening again in public.
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I would like to see more of this trend.
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They're most definitely a guard dog. Proper socialization is an easy fix, but they will always be aloof with strangers.

>I miss Ruca
Me and my family are incapable of walk training a dog. Every single one of them pull & bark at people/dogs. I thought this new puppy I could finally train, she gets a walk a day and still she does these things.
Well, what is your current training schedule? I mean, how are you actually "training" your dogs? What do you do when they pull, or bark?
I ended up disposing it, but I second guessed what I did so I asked. I just wasn't sure if this is a bigger deal or something. Thanks
Some states in the US are absolutely fucking retarded and would want your dog put down for that even though they did nothing wrong and the law wouldn't give 2 shits about any other common city varmint (ie: rabbit). Check, and invest in opaque fencing
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You fags don't leave your collars on your dog all day, do you? Unclip it, massage their neck, NOW!
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Is this really your average basset owner?
No. Cocker Spaniel/Beagle mixes are owned by women aging 40-60.
That's not a basset?
Those don't exist, they are cocker spaniel/beagle mixes. Get with the times.
>jannies: they do it for free btw
>Dog knows he isnt supposed to pee inside
>He only does it when he thinks nobody is looking, I always scold him if I catch him in the act
>Yesterday he pees on the leg of the dining table
>I'm annoyed but I just clean it up and go back to what I was doing
>10 minutes later he comes back inside, sees that its clean again, and decides to leave a hot steamy shit right in the same spot.
>I call him inside and point out the load of shit on the ground so he knows what he's about to be punished for
>he comes inside happy but as soon as he sees it he realizes what's about to happen and tries to run
>I catch him before he's able to and give him a hard slap on his ass
>snarls and runs away to go lick his wounds
Clearly an act of revenge.
What the fuck is this asshole's problem. Does he want me to keep beating his ass or something because I will until he stops. He's way too old for this shit
The issue is you're antagonizing your dog instead of teaching them what to do

Your dog hasn't learned to shit inside. They've learned that you attack them for shitting and now you're in a contest. Contests are for equals. You've lowered yourself to the level of a dog.
>My territory! GRRRRR NO MARK
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>gay woman: "we don't deserve dogs"
>this guy: and i wasn't about to let the lady be wrong
In humans, negative parenting behaviors are associated with maladaptive outcomes.

We know being aggressive, having outbursts, and spanking kids is abusive and doesn't lead to them learning right from wrong.

Why do people treat dogs differently? Why does common sense supersede people like this?
truckspie has entered the thread
>spend money on a whole dog
>spend more money having healthy parts cut out of it
Why would you do that? Rescue dogs are way cheaper and they come altered.
>uhm ackchyually he doesnt know hes not supposed to shit inside.
If this was true he wouldnt be afraid to do it in front of me. If I dont want him to do something that means its wrong and he shouldnt do it. He knows very well there are consequences for what he's doing so I will continue to use physical punishment. He is the one making the choice to do the wrong thing.
>Your dog hasn't learned to shit inside. They've learned that you attack them for shitting
I attack them for shitting INSIDE. He know's I'm fine with him shitting outside because he isnt afraid to do that in front of me and knows there are no consequences for that
>>My territory! GRRRRR NO MARK
Damn right
I dont think there is anything wrong with spanking your child within reason, but there is a much better argument against it because you can actually communicate with a child and make them understand why what they did is wrong
With a dog on the other hand, him knowing that I dont want him to do something isnt going to stop him from doing what he wants because why wouldnt he? He knows nothing bad will happen if he disobeys. He needs to know something bad will happen if he performs a bad behaviour, and violence is a universal and efficient way of communicating that

>boohoo noooo dont hurt le heckin pupper
Stfu with your soft white people parenting shit. This is why your children all turn into school shooters and trannies
>truckspie meltdown
Dogs don't understand cause and effect btw
Truckspieeeee stinky babyyy
>that slide tackle
puppo doesn't fuck around
They definitely do

Cause: shit on floor
Effect: Autist is mad
Consequence: Fuck that autist i'm doing it again until he gets out of my house

>something something white-
it was bugguy/paleoschizo all along!
And they definitely don't understand cause and effect how he does
>If this was true he wouldnt be afraid to do it in front of me.
Dogs are retarded buddy. He doesn't have such complex thoughts. Don't be such a fucking woman trying to interpret hidden malice into a fucking dogs actions lol. All he knows is he shouldn't shit there when you're watching. That doesn't mean he doesn't know he shouldn't shit there period.
If you want a good solution for this, clean it up then put his food there from time to time. Not on the dirty floor, mind you, this isn't a punishment, it's to get him to realize this isn't a shitting/pissing spot, but living space.
>That doesn't mean he doesn't know he shouldn't shit there period.
I fucked up writing that I meant: That doesn't mean he knows he shouldn't shit there period. He only knows he shouldn't do it when you watch. You have to teach him that he shouldn't shit there period, and putting food in those spots after cleanup is a good way to do it.
>bugguy too retarded to take dog outside to use the bathroom
>Don't be such a fucking woman trying to interpret hidden malice into a fucking dogs actions lol
spot on
>UGH I bet he did it on purpose!
>bug guy troll epoch
>heather hospice arc
>truckspie sim card era
Ngmi, nuke the thread
I have a cat I love but it's technically my brother's cat and he lets it free roam. I would be sad if it died while out but not surprised and I wouldn't blame anyone other than my brother.
Underrated post.
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How do you guys pack your kongs/lickmats/snuffle boards?
Any tips for doing it quicker?
I swear I spend more time prepping my pup's kibble into enrichment devices than I do prepping my own dinner.
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Laugh at my neighbor's dog. It kept digging under their fences so it has to wear this stupid triangle of shame now. Ha ha! Can you guess the cross breed?
Now post the owners
Dogfuckers are both delusional and full of hate
I reward her with lots of treats when she walks next to me nice, I stop in place when she pulls but she'll do this thing where she quickly comes back to me but then pulls again. When she barks at someone I immediately turn to walk the other way, and when I spot them before she does I point at them and give her treats and continue walking in the direction when she doesn't bark.
None of that is delusional. It's actually rather correct. Death is indeed the consequence a cat faces when entering the territory of a superior predator. And dogs are indeed the superior predator. Highly intelligent and social apex predator vs. dumb mesopredator.

If it's hate it's surely because they're more of a birdfucker
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Nah, he's an LSG, but has a tendency to escape like most LSG that don't have 20 acres to roam... When he is unsupervised outside he has the collar on, but it gets taken off daily from what I've seen.
>What would your steps of actions be if your dog killed a cat?
>my cat?
get rid of the dog and never get another one because im a bad owner
>someone elses cat, on my land?
id feel bad, but at the end of the day thats what people risk with having outdoor cats. i love cats but i cant control mine and my dogs life in fear of someone else's out of control semi-domesticated animal entering my property. the last thing i wanna do is pick up a dead cat my dog killed but it was neither of our faults, and solely on the owner.
Pure evil
Why tho? I mean I get it, but it's so he doesn't get hit by a car, trampled by cows, or shot by some disgruntled farmer.
Maybe the dog is bored and is digging for that reason.
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>truckspie obsession with dogs he can't fuck or severely abuse
This drawing was made by someone with profound mental disturbances.
It's a joke autismo
Leo is gay btw.
The dog has free roam of an acre+ with his triangle collar. He's a great pyrenees X anatolian shepherd. They all love to escape, roam around, and they are very independent dogs that are hard to train. I think it's in their nature. The GP and Akbash I post pics of have escaped numerous times.

You should have drawn the hand as well.
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How quintuple dog dare you tell such blatant lies about my dogson?

I'm NEVER bringing him in proximity of a bitch in heat EVER AGAIN. The dude was going absolutely crazy for like two weeks straight over it.
I want to get a dog but I keep fearing I'm going to fail and not be a good enough owner
Are you able to caring/feeling human being, somewhat intelligent, have a reasonable amount of patience, and at least an hour or two of free time per day? If so you shouldn't do too bad.

Watch some training vids to see if it looks like fun. Training is a fun and satisfying part of owning a dog imo. :D
Dogs quickly become a burden so if you're one of those people who gets over things quickly you shouldn't do it.
Otherwise just being concious of the idea that you might not be a good dog owner puts you leagues ahead of most dog owners. You have to be confident with dogs though if you want to train them and keep them even.
For me besides the puppy blues stage the hardest part has been the limitations that come with not leaving the pup home alone for >4 hours.
I don't work close enough to swing by on my lunch break so it's a constant battle of having someone available to let the pup out to toilet.
This is part of why I don't get puppies
Even adults aren't really good to be alone more than 4-6 hours regularly
If you let your dogs have access to outside it isn't a problem
Why is my dog a rapist?
That's so fucking true, i'm so lonely
Just leave it outside retard
Unless your outside is a nice enriching ranch type garden your sterile suburban back garden is not a substitute for engagement and company.
It's a normal backyard with a 50/50 area I built. Teaching your dog to be independent and what you do when you're together is what really matters.
>itz da suburban joos
Fuck off, we actually walk our dogs and let them roam the neighborhood while we have cookouts.
>ranchtrannies want us to believe that more space = more engagement
Adaptation occurs after the first 6 months, and your farm dog gets bored again.
>uuuuhhhh shit. electrocute them?
>poison frog stuffed rattlesnake: sup
Be kind to Pedro, he has anacondas and poison dart frogs in his favela backyard.
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POV you are a treat.

Yesterday I was telling him to "grab ball" in front of my door before we went on a walk. He didn't grab ball. I said "grab ball outside" and he immediately went to find his ball and bring it over. I think he understood what I meant after clarifying it with him. Kinda cool.
Respectable schnozzle.
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Thank you.
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They were told to leave it. It's really that simple with the best breed of dog.
>the best breed of dog
But enough about Aussies. >:)
My dogs become very alert around cats, I wonder if I dropped the leash, would they eat them?
>Best of anything

>American Jack of All Trades versus the German Jack of All Trades
Well, well, well, if it isn't the pot calling the kettle black! Simply put, today (Jul 4th), Aussies win!
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>hip dysplasia versus merle death syndrome
interesting battle.
A dog that looks like a dirty rag will NEVER be victorious.
The real best breed of dog (borzoi) would simply eat the cat

The birds are saved. The toxo has been decontaminated.
Saluki is superior to borzoi in most ways, but both are relatively superior.
>the birds are saved
Ew birdflu, gtfoh. I will deploy the tactical basset on your populations
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>GERMAN shepherd
>AUSTRALIAN shepherd

>ALASKAN malamute
>BOSTON terrier
>AMERICAN pit b-
Alright we’re changing its name to african pit bull terrier next black history month
Don't forget Dogo Argentino
It is a funny dog name that is also locationally bound.
I don't think that was the point of the post.
I'm so tired of these larping white trash. NO you do not need a acre to have a dog.
You can avoid Merle deafness by not being a retard when you breed, hip dyplasia is just rng. My border collie has it, any dog bigger than a chihuahua can have it.
Is it possible to train a dog to not be so clingy if the breed is known to be a very clingy one?
Yes mr satan
Of course, breed determinism is rarely true unless you have a pedigree dog. This is because breed standards include temperaments.
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>my obese, disabled parents think they could handle an Australian Shepherd
Can they walk 2-3 miles daily and play a couple of games with the dog?
No. They can’t walk 100 yards and they think putting dogs in the kennel for hours is an acceptable punishment. They don’t play any games with their small terrier mix, that dog spends 16 hours a day in the kennel.
Why don't you just murder them? Can't imagine your upbringing was less than insufferable.
I literally dont give a fuck I'm just going to keep beating him every time he does it until he stops. Eventually the beatings will be so ingrained into his memory that he will have flashbacks any time he even thinks about pissing on my floor.
He knows what the consequences are when he does it and still chooses to do it anyway so its his fault. I want him to be afraid.
Least deranged dogfags
Why do you even own a dog?
Well that is sad
Thats truckspie. He's psychotic
Will getting a dog prevent me from killing myself?
Life pro tip: mix barbituates and alcohol, then buy a chihuahua
Depends. Just find some real meaning in life and your problems should all be solved.
Do NOT get a dog you suicidal retard. You'll just end up abandoning it when you off yourself.
If you dress up your pet you're a faggot simple as
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I never said you do, I said leaving a dog alone for 10 hours isn't ok even if you "just leave it outside bro"
>no more blogposts
>no more collodion updates
Goodbye cruel world
Yes but it's not a sponge your emotions, you have to really take care of a real animal
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Nooooo! Not my #1 fan offing herself! How will I get my attention?
Why are her arms kinda brown near the chest?
Are these npc dogs? I haven’t seen them do tricks or be as expressive as Leo?
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They fight each other/other animals sometimes and get banged up. They're recovering from fleas as well. I'm not really 100% sure, but a couple of them have scabs on their head/ears also

Nah. They're legit working dogs guarding our flock of laying hens, and it has been very hot lately. They're very sweet dogs once they know you're friend. They play really rough with each other, so if you hype them up to play around you'll always get scratched pretty bad when they jump on you.
Their one command is sit, and I think I taught one of them touch.

I'm usually pretty busy when I'm around them, but I always try to get a few pets in...
Same POV;
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Lol. I guess.
I guess their qol isn’t affected by much, I mean they’re enrichment is hanging out with chickens and being around ya and Leo. I think it’s very kind that you pet them once in a while. :’D
All dogs are NPC dogs tbqh
Very little personality beyond their breed standard and any puppyhood traumas
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Do you own a border collie?
Well obviously I would give the dog away before killing myself. Just like writing a will to give away my assets
Spiritual development.
Serious advice; get that dog to help you manage and start looking at the positive in everything. Literally, and if someone hurt you, understand that not everybody is out to get you. What dog were you looking at?
Woah, retard. I could explain, but it's too off topic, and I'm not writing an essay for you.

This is significantly better advice. Despair is your enemy.
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Didn't want to make a new thread on this, but I wanted to ask the American dog owners: How do all of you keep your dogs from freaking the fuck out during July 4 fireworks? Right now I have their ears covered with a fabric loop and it seems to work, they look like they're annoyed but I feel that that's better than screaming their lungs out for several hours.
Dogs do understand cause and effect that's literally how positive reinforcement works.
Both of my dogs are used to gunfire randomly ringing out at times during the night. It’s really not an Issue unless the fireworks are extremely close (5 ft) in which case even I get startled from the noise.
Neither of mine care about fireworks or thunder
Oh its you
>dogfags sure are crazy huh
I’m sending my dog out next time i see a c*t in my yard just for you. Pest control is based!
>he doesn’t use the favela method
Broom + dog
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>his dog reacts to fireworks
Skill issue
Heterochromia gang
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>his dog is dumb enough to freak out over muffled loud noises that can't hurt them
My dog while fireworks go off:

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