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I do it every Friday to celebrate the weekend. Normally it's a cheaper cut like Flank steak though.
Fuck you.
I feed my dog steak at least twice a week
I usually stick to lamb tongues and ox hearts assuming you can get them for offal prices and not gouged yuppie prices. They're very healthy and she likes them a lot.
Dogs are scavangers first packhunters second and then only weak prey.
Their ability to rip and tear is mainly to open the skin so they can get their hands on organs and soft bits. Don't feed your dog steak feed it offal and chicken
Steak is disgusting. If you like it, you have a sub-70 IQ. These are just facts.
horseshoe theory, aka the inverse bell curve
you are in the midwit chasm, steak eaters are shaking hands across the gap

vegetarians and atheists curiously derive their self worth from a poor understanding of statistics. midwits are a cultural scourge.
I give my dog a little lamb chop on her birthday.
She actually looks near identical to the OP pic funny enough.
Maggie!? Why don't you ever post in /dog/?
I am not who you think I am, anon. I am sorry.
I just usually toss him at least a piece of any steak i make.
I give my pittie a raw, frozen "Soup bone"/Marrow bone every night. They a little meat on the outside, a nice chunk of marrow in the middle and the bone itself is round with a very thick wall that is great for her to chew on. She literally has perfect teeth, even at almost 11 years old. Best of all, they're fairly cheap. You can get a pack with 4-6 pieces in it for about $5 where I live.
You mean like how you claim meat fetishists live longer but all seem to die before 50 for some bizarre reason?
It is a fact
>but the fat african americans who eat seed oil fried beef in muh study of le average...
Invalidated already!

What about how all vegans are narcissists without a valid moral or spiritual position and all of them will go to hell according to every religion at once? Yes, that's also a fact
Keep crying. Everyone could already tell the anti-meat lobby was full of shit when they had to cry "paradox" every time they were wrong about dietary pseudoscience
>all of them will go to hell according to every religion at once? Yes, that's also a fact
hindus and buddhists tend to disagree with your "fact."
You're not a hindu, or you would be a hindu, not a vegan. Specifically a jain.

And you are certainly not a buddhist. A vegan is obligated to prefer the product of real human exploitation if theoretically, a chicken were intelligent, it may be opposed to having its eggs taken without financial compensation. Yes. Vegans are a farce, superficially attempting to appear virtuous via ritual self denial. But they're actually deeply evil and narcissistic. It's not about what effect they actually have on the world. It's about making a clear choice that is easily digestible to retards as an act of self denial.
>you are certainly not a buddhist.
I'm not a vegan

I am simply pointing out that you're pulling "facts" out your ass and they smell of shit.
Verified Facts: all vegans are gay

Smell that, dweeb
lick my nutsack


you're retarded
literally a retarded person shitting up the board all day every day
I go away for months and come back and the same fucking retard is here trolling /an/ like they're getting paid or laid for it
sad part is I know you're not getting paid or laid.
>I go away for months and come back and the same fucking retard is here trolling /an/ like they're getting paid or laid for it
The irony. We all know there's only one person who compulsively brings up veganism. Go on, make thread number fifty, bugguy.
shut up paleoschizo
>shut up me
You'll never realize how transparent that is
you're in a thread about feeding dogs steak
and you're bitching about vegans

are you fucking retarded?
Holy short term memory loss

Eat more meat and you might not be so forgetful
based af
this better for the dog. skip the steak, organ meats are definitely better.
also ive seen stuff that says domestic dogs dont do super well with raw meat and it should be partially cooked but i dont know how true this is so look it up if you're worried about it.
I boil mine

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