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The Mantis is the most overrated predatory arthropod. Yes, I will admit that it looks cool with its scythe like arms and colorful colors but when you actually analyze it, mantis are fucking terrible. Let's take a look at the mantis most distinguishing feature, its arm. But the thing about the mantis's arms is that it does nothing more than grip its prey. Its not sharp or anything. The Mantis also has terrible kill potential because it can't actually kill anything with its forelimbs so it has to rely entirely on its mouth to kill. But a mantis's bite is nothing to write home about. It can't cut prey in half the same way a camel-spider's bite can. That's why a mantis has to eat its prey alive still wriggling in its arms.

A mantis has nothing on a Spider's bite and venom, it has nothing on a hornet's mobility and sting, it has nothing to a soldier ant's bear trap like jaw. A mantis can only beat them if it has significant size advantage. A mantis is a weakling and it knows it that's why it uses the gayest hunting method of all time, ambush.
>Top tier: centipedes, land crabs
>High tier: scorpions, predatory beetles
>Mid tier: spiders, mantises, predatory katydids
>Low tier: assassin bugs, velvet worms
>Deadliest insect
>No human has been killed by a mantis for AT LEAST a hundred years
>>No human has been killed by a mantis for AT LEAST a hundred years
i'd be surprised to learn that a mantis has killed even a single guy throughout all of earth's history
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Don't care, didn't read, mantises are based, you're a faggot for saying otherwise.
I won't stand by as you try to belittle mantises just because you have a complex or something.

They look cool, they're great killers, and they're very respected in the arthropod world for good reasons.
>The Mantis also has terrible kill potent-ACK
how are assassin bugs and velvet worms low-tier?
they could beat any of the mid-tier low-diff, and even high-diff the high tier.

most assassin bugs have strong armor and a one-hit win condition, while velvet worms have a super-long range immobilisation that's like a single target spider web.

>they're very respected in the arthropod world for good reasons.

Your mom's very respected in the arthropod world for good reasons.
Why is /invert/ dead and gone, bros? Now where am I supposed to ask dumbass first timer questions about scorpions?
Prepare to be surprised then, every single human death that has ever occurred has actually been mantis related.
Velvet worms are pretty fragile and die at the slightest inconvenience. Assassin bugs could probably go in mid tier but they’re pretty damn slow and don’t have any particularly beefy species

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